Roses Marmalade English Breakfast

Roses Marmalade English Breakfast


Roses english breakfast marmalade in a 500g glass jar. A refreshing alternative to traditional marmalades, rose’s zesty taste livens up any breakfast.

$10.00 per review

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Evan Bartholomeusz

- 2024-05-06 12:16:22

If they, the manufacturer, think they can make better profit margins by reducing a jar of their jams whilst charging a similar price as the 'previous' 500g sizes, they need to seriously think again! Do they honestly think that consumers are dumb? I for one will certainly be looking for alternatives.

+ PROS: Taste
- CONS: Expense; Consumers taken for idiots!

Greer Wilcox

- 2024-02-06 07:23:08

Another way of deceiving the public, reduce the jar size and charge almost the same price. 375g is not a convenient size jar. Please reinstate the 500g jar and price it accordingly!

+ PROS: Great product
- CONS: Hopeless jar size

David Milne

- 2024-01-03 17:26:06

Feel totally deceived. Have been buying Rose's for 30 years. Size has just been decreased to 375ml. In this era of trying to reduce packaging, this is a counter-intuitive decision. It is now off my shopping list.


- 2023-11-18 22:56:05

marmalade and jams fine, however they have reduced the size from 500g to 375g. Very crafty. I have been buying them for many many years. Will not buy again.

+ PROS: none
- CONS: jar size reduced

Jim Lowry

- 2023-09-30 22:32:12

Another rip-off perpetred on the consumer. Some manufacturers have no shame. Well, I for one will never purchase this brand again.

+ PROS: You're having a laugh.
- CONS: Smaller container, less value.


- 2023-09-14 16:26:11

Have been buying Roses marmalade for years because I liked the product and up until recently the 500gm jar was around $4.50 on special. Now it is a 375gm jar (25% less) for $4.75!! This is unacceptable shrinkflation Heinz Watties.

+ PROS: Nice product
- CONS: Very significant downsizing for similar price


- 2023-09-14 08:22:46

Just opened jar of Roses Lime Marmalade. Jar said made in NZ from imported and local ingredients. This was a shock to find that it was very runny and tasteless and not much fruit. Used this product for 60 years. Using original jar but poor quality.


- 2023-08-07 08:18:26

No longer 500 g. Tastes sweeter and 375 g. Why change a good thing?

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Roses Marmalade English Breakfast
Roses Marmalade English Breakfast

$10.00 per review

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