Nestle KitKat Mint Choc Chip Chocolate Block 170g

Nestle KitKat Mint Choc Chip Chocolate Block 170g


KitKat Ice Cream Inspired Mint Choc Chip Chocolate Block is the perfect treat for a break with your friends and family, scoop up your break! This block comprises 11 crisp wafer fingers covered in creamy mint flavoured white choc, topped with swiss cocoa crisps, all on a deliciously smooth milk chocolate base. Just unwrap, break off a finger, snap it in two to savour the delicious mint choc, cocoa crisps, wafer and chocolate combination. Have a break, have a KitKat®

$10.00 per review

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Cathy Forbes

- 2021-05-28 19:35:20

Mint Choc Chip Chocolate Block is a fantastic mint experience. Best ever. Fantastic flavour. Ticks all boxes. Have just tried Tasmanian Mint, not even close to Mint Choc Chip, disappointed Countdown NZ have deleted this maybe its Nestle whose replaced it with the Tasmanian ( sad if that is the case, wont be buying the new flavour again.)

Terri Power

- 2021-02-26 11:37:44

Oh best ever, would be great to come out as a chunky bar... Such a choc mint fan... Yumm, have to hide if from the kids


- 2021-02-26 09:49:09

Ahhhh this is absolutely DEVINE!!!!!! The perfect mix of mint, chocolate and wafers.My secret oh how NOT to eat the whole lot all at once......I take little bites and savour it slowly in my mouth. Pure heaven. Every mouth is enjoyed. Thank you Nestle for this wonderful kit kit mint choc chip chocolate block. It’s “mintalicious “ !!

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Nestle KitKat Mint Choc Chip Chocolate Block 170g
Nestle KitKat Mint Choc Chip Chocolate Block 170g

$10.00 per review

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