Perfect for camping – just add hot water for a quick beverage.
$10.00 per review
Started to look again for this product hoping all the bad feedback would convince Nestle to return to the old recipe, it appears it's still the same taste,to me it tastes like muddy dirt.
Can anyone help me, has anyone found a good replacement for this horrible change of ingredients? I still can’t find a good coffee that I actually enjoy after drinking the original one for over 25 years… (and sometimes 5 or 6 coffees a day… 😳 … I know). 😁
I'm in nz & i agree the taste is disgusting.
We miss old coffee milk nestle, does not taste the same it was horrible taste, made from Spain.
The tins have gone from saying made in Australia to made in Spain. The taste is disgusting so I compared the ingredients on the tins and basically the new recipe has swapped out 'milk' products for water. Yes that's right they should have a new name for the new recipe, I suggest 'Coffee and Water'... just add more water.
Like everybody else, the new taste is terrible. I contacted Nestle regarding the tin Coffee & Milk, thinking the same as everyone else - it's maybe a bad batch or something. I was advised that they no longer make it in Australia. It's now made in New Zealand, who's cows produce a different falvoured milk..... hmmm..... a bit odd..... but OK. They sent me a $10 voucher for the two tins I threw away to spend on any other Nestle product.... Sadly though, I just wanted the original Tin Coffee & Milk. So for everybody out there - what I did was go to each smaller supermarket - such as IGA, Spar and so on, bought up all the tin's (well nearly all) that they had on their shelves, so I could slowly wean myself off until I could find a substitute. The cans are very different - so easy to tell the original from the new. The new tin rim is silver & silver top with no patterns at all. Australian version was gold rim & top with symbols. Hope this helps the people, who like me, loved the original.
Why.?? I drank this coffee with the same flavor for almost 30 years, now it tastes like it’s out of date. I threw away 3 tins before I realized that the ingredients were different. After years and years and thousands of dollars I don’t buy it anymore… still looking for a bee coffee brand. (Unless they change it back).
My wife couldn’t get enough of it but now she hates it. Surely they monitor the manufacture to ensure the product is not compromised. No more sales to this family.
What a shame , not the same , youse need to step up your game .Nescafé
This product is now made in Spain rather than Australia as previously. Sadly, the taste is now highly unpleasant and I have given up buying it.