Culley’s Nachos In a Box

Culley’s Nachos In a Box


Culley’s Nacho’s in a box; foodies and socialites rejoice, this fiesta in a box is all you need to kick start the ultimate feast.

This is everything you know and love about authentic Mexican nachos, Culley’s natural corn chips paired with Culley’s fine, fresh salsa and topped with Culley’s heavenly nacho cheese.

Simply plate up, heat and enjoy!! Or turn it into a full meal by adding seasoned beef or shredded chicken.

$10.00 per review

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Michael Paul

- 2022-04-21 18:31:37

After paying $10.00 at Foodtown on 21/4/22 and seeing what was inside then seeing here its $7.99 Was very disappointed

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Culley’s Nachos In a Box
Culley’s Nachos In a Box

$10.00 per review

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