Will&Able ecoHand Soap

Will&Able ecoHand Soap


A soap that’s gentle and moisturises is what we have for you. No other eco hand soap will wash your hands better or make them cleaner. Use as much as you feel is right, and enjoy the cardamom and patchouli fragrance.

$10.00 per review

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Caryn Mawkes

- 2020-10-21 19:17:59

Fantastic packaging and from a company that employs no mater what disability.

Angie Godfrey

- 2020-08-20 19:22:00

Love this soap, smells amazing!

Rebekah Taylor

- 2020-08-15 17:27:47

Smells great and leaves your hands feeling clean but soft. Doesn't strip your hands. I loved this so much I ordered a subscription

Mel Williams

- 2020-08-15 15:54:19

Lovely smell and leaves hands soft.

bec Hancock

- 2020-08-14 19:34:04

Our whanau loves this. it smells amazing, environmentally friendly and love that it is locally made by our community.


- 2020-08-14 19:26:10

When I received this in my black box, I didn’t think I would bother ordering online when it’s easier to buy handsoap at the supermarket but oh was I wrong! This smells great and leaves my hands feeling so nice! Recommend you order!


- 2020-08-14 14:27:09

This soap is so nice, smells great and feels great too Love the packaging too


- 2020-08-14 10:11:03

I love this soap, it smells great, my kids like it, and I love that the bottles are fully recycled plastic and I love that its helping people into work too.


- 2020-08-12 22:09:07

Love everything about this soap. The smell, the bottle and the back story.


- 2020-08-12 21:25:45

Great soap as well as using recycled plastics and puts disabled people to good work. What an amazing product for the community and the earth.

Erin Sulzberger

- 2020-08-12 15:08:48

Love it. It smells awesome, I purchase on a 2 monthly subscription


- 2020-08-12 13:23:45

Excellent product! Lasted longer than my other brand liquid soap.


- 2020-08-12 09:41:08

after seeing this on 7 Sharp we decided to purchase for our kids and ourselves, glade we did.


- 2020-08-11 13:52:24

Great soap

Craig Wilson

- 2020-08-10 19:52:30

Love the smell of this soap and the story that goes with it. Keep up the good work.

Nicola Gordon

- 2020-08-09 15:23:17

Lovely texture and smell!

Arndrea Brunsell

- 2020-08-04 13:30:41

I used this soap and it was wonderful on my hands which are prone to being dry and sore. Did not dry them out, very gentle on skin and I love that the bottles are made from recyclable materials :)


- 2020-08-03 08:27:58

A great hand soap, my skin felt soft and clean afterwards

Paul Tottie

- 2020-07-31 11:05:10

A great product, Will definitely use again

Sinead McCurdy

- 2020-07-30 21:07:56

I have very sensitive hands so I was sceptical.. But I love this soap! I want to share it with everyone!

Corrina Foster

- 2020-07-30 17:10:16

I absolutely love this. It was so gentle on my hands which can often be dry and sensitve to other soaps. Highly recommend this product.

Tiahna Gianni

- 2020-07-30 11:36:59

This product certainly delivers! my husband and I suffer from eczema on our hands so most soaps cause a lot of pain and dry skin. This one however does not! It feels great on our skin!


- 2020-07-30 10:52:30

The one handsoap you need! Really gentle on my hands and not drying at all! I love how it is eco friendly and NZ made. Highly recommended!


- 2020-07-29 17:29:25

Lovely to use, friendly on our planet and that alone makes me happy using it along with the fact it’s nz made

Elaine Katene

- 2020-07-29 17:22:47

Nice gentle soap, smells nice, lasts a while. I love the recycled bottle. But more expensive than other brands however

Niamh Hutchinson

- 2020-07-29 12:18:58

This is amazing for the planet being environmentally friendly !

Tineke Jennings

- 2020-07-28 14:04:19

Love this product, smells delicious cleans beautifully and easy on the skin. I also love supporting Will and Able products as I love that they employ people with disabilities.

Penny Barker

- 2020-06-05 19:48:36

✔️Very good, especially, as washing hands more through COVID-19. Does not dry hands out.

Cathy van Wyngaard

- 2020-06-05 16:33:26

Since receiving this in my Black Box, it is the only one i will use now, love the product and gentle on the hands

Jasmine R

- 2020-05-18 07:29:36

I have decided to buy Will&Able products because I received a sample in a Black Box. I received the dishwash to try. I found I needed about half the amount in comparison to my usual product. It smelt far better too, and was much gentler on my hands that my usual product. I was pleasantly surprised to discover that, after all those bonuses, the product was NZ Made, by a group of people with mental and physical disabilities, and the packaging is recycled materials. I'm stoked to be able to support them.

Leiana Young

- 2020-05-17 19:21:39

I loved how unique and environmentally friendly this brand is and what they stand for. If you care about the planet and our country check out this brand!


- 2020-05-16 22:34:28

I love this product. Gentle on hands. Frothy and creamy soap. We use it a lot during the pandemic.


- 2020-05-12 00:24:35

I love the product and the business idea behind it all. Great work Great product

Tania Smith

- 2020-05-08 19:47:57

I purchase Will&Able products because I received a sample in a Black Box and I liked it. It wasn't until I went to place an order via their website that I realised how unique the company is. Their cleaning and hygiene products are environmentally friendly, the bottles are made from 100 per cent recycled New Zealand milk bottles which are filled and packed by people with disabilities. Will & Able is an incredible initiative run by Altus Enterprises, an organisation that provides jobs for people with mental and physical disabilities. Prior to the COVID-19 shutdown Altus used to refurbish headsets used on Air New Zealand's international flights. With the slashing of flights there is nowhere near enough work for everyone resulting in the recent redundancy of 137 workers. Currently 70 people are still on the payroll however there is only enough work for 20 staff. I urge you to watch the Seven Sharp piece (it’s only 3.5 minutes long) and get on board with Will & Able – use their products and tell everyone about them!!

Kerrie Prentice

- 2020-05-08 14:04:57

Another of the Will & Able products that I love, great fragrance.

Vanessa Tate

- 2020-05-08 13:28:48

Love this product and concept, also being an eco friendly product


- 2020-05-08 13:27:22

Love all Will and bale products, the hand wash is one that doesn't dry my hands out, I purchased a box of their products and use nothing else now, eco friendly smell Devine and saving jobs 💖


- 2020-05-08 12:49:54

I absolutely love this company. We are using their dish washing liquid and it is great quality as well as being socially minded.

Liz Peehikuru

- 2020-05-08 12:37:10

Have purchased 2 starter packs (one for office & one for home), which included: Spray n wipe - lovely product that works well, and very nice fresh scent Handwash - lovely product that works well, and very nice fresh scent (the patchouli essential oil is great for skin, including treatment of skin conditions and aromatheraphy relieving anxiety stress & depression). Dishwash Liquid - lovely product that works well, and very nice fresh scent Toilet Cleaner - product works well, scent is good. However very disappointed in the container, both bottles the neck broke, and the first time I used it, when I squeezed the nozzle shot right off and there went 1/4 of the contents - and this happened a subsequent time as well. One box on arrival had some product leakage. I really like this company's ethos that encompasses many good things for community and environment. I don't mind the price being a little more for this, however just need to work on the packaging.

Merryn Osborne

- 2020-05-08 12:25:45

Love this product, love the ethos of the company, just brilliant

Fiona Morton

- 2020-05-08 12:11:35

This hand soap is amazing. I struggle to get my five year old to wash her hands and she loves the smell and look of the bottle. It will now be an essential product in our house. I also love the company and the fantastic work that they do.

Angela alison

- 2020-05-08 12:08:10

Love this, support NZ made, recycling and awesome kiwi people behind the product. Smells great.

Kylie Thomson

- 2020-05-08 10:49:13

Love this hand soap, have been purchasing since I received this in a black box. Have also now started purchasing the dishwash liquid and spray. Great that the packaging is made from recycled milk bottles and the social enterprise ❤️

Christine Morrison

- 2020-05-08 10:33:54

Love the gentle cleansing, love the fragrance, love the clever comments on the label, love that this product is contributing to less plastic waste, what’s not to love?? Try this amazing product (and others in the Will and Able range). You will not be disappointed

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Will&Able ecoHand Soap
Will&Able ecoHand Soap

$10.00 per review

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