Watties Upside Down Tomato Sauce

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Amie Fletcher

- 2020-05-08 14:56:44

Nice strong tomato flavour, but a bit too sweet for my liking. Upside down containers used to be awesome but the new caps do not click back and stay open so can get a bit messy.


- 2020-05-07 22:11:23

Upside down bottle is great, saves lots of whacking the bottle when its almost gone. Although, this is a Very sweet, sugary brand. I do prefer other brands that are a little more vinegary than sweet, but it is at a good price point and very much a Kiwi Classic.

Liv Howard

- 2020-04-22 09:28:04

Good watties flavour and very handy having the upside down design. Means less waste

Russell James Smith

- 2020-04-22 09:26:29

Too sweet, waaaayyy too sweet, may as well just put jam on your hot chips.


- 2020-04-22 08:08:14

By far THE BEST tomato sauce on the market. We switched to the 50% less sugar version when it came out and it tastes almost exactly like the original which is a huge bonus because I cant stand things that say they are less sugar but just taste foul. Anyway, Watties Tomato Sauce is a Kiwi staple and you can always find 3 spare bottles in our cupboard as we go through at least a bottle every 2 weeks, if not more

Tracey Dufton

- 2020-04-08 01:35:42

Watties all the way

Adrienne West

- 2020-04-07 23:32:23

Love the sauce, watties is the only one we buy, but the upside down bottle is a challenge for my daughter and husband so we have two bottles on the go we refill, one upside down for me, and on upright for them. Makes sharing the sauce easier too.


- 2020-04-07 19:13:07

Always a favorite in our house from sausage on bbq, too fish finger or chip butti

Laura Watty

- 2020-04-07 03:56:17

Watties tomato sauce is a staple product in our home.


- 2020-04-06 07:47:26

I love the Watties Lite; less salt, less sugar and delicious!

Pauline Mitchell

- 2020-04-05 11:48:06

I never use to be fussy with sauce till I met my hubby. Now I will never use anything other than good old watties. Best sauce ever!!


- 2020-04-05 02:20:09

Watties is the only sauce aloud in our whare

Nikki Hurst

- 2020-04-04 21:42:29

We couldn’t function without kiwi gravy


- 2020-04-04 19:54:05

The best tasting tomatoe sauce, always in our fridge at home.

Lesley Matchett

- 2020-04-04 09:42:51

This is the only Sauce that I purchase I love New Zealand made it's a total Iconic Product


- 2020-04-04 05:29:50

There can be no other!!!


- 2020-04-04 01:55:02

Watties is a favourite in our house ! Have tried others and even our 4 year old notices it’s not the same and won’t eat it !

Joanne Bryant

- 2020-04-04 01:22:33

Love the tase nothing compares to Watties

Andrea Lind

- 2020-04-03 20:06:06

Watties Tomato Sauce is the true favourite in our house. No other brands measure up


- 2020-04-03 20:03:38

Nothing else compares to Watties! Best sauce ever!!

Pauline Tanner

- 2020-04-03 19:46:36

If you want the best tomato taste it only come from Watties Tomato Sauce

Kirsten Prime

- 2020-04-03 19:20:17

Kiwis love watties and no other is the same whanau would complain immensely if anything else was in the cupboard


- 2020-04-03 18:46:28

Best tasting

Michelle Ngaia

- 2020-04-03 18:16:19

Always has been Watties in our household. Its always on the shopping list as needed. The Upside Down bottle is really handy to have.


- 2020-04-03 10:23:13

Watties sauce is the fav in our house!! We have tried others but Watties is the best hands down

Mandy Smith

- 2020-04-03 09:43:34

Watties fan. Don't like the taste of any other sauce other than Watties.

Jo Brind

- 2020-04-03 08:27:38

Thumbs up


- 2020-04-03 08:03:52

Watties is THE BEST hands down!!@

Lois Maindonald

- 2020-04-03 07:42:43

Watties is the best sauce..always.

Fallan Zander

- 2020-04-03 07:15:23

Heinz? What even is Heinz?! Watties is the only tomato sauce to ever enter this house


- 2020-04-03 07:15:22

There is no comparison or anything near. Only Watties in our home. True Kiwi icon!


- 2020-04-03 07:15:10

yummy whanau favourite

Natania McCann

- 2020-04-03 06:49:47

Watties Sauce is the best! The only brand of tomato sauce we eat in our home!


- 2020-04-03 06:40:29

Cant beat Watties, great flavour and pours easily. Always the top pick in my house.

Lyn Turia

- 2020-04-03 06:29:10

Love Watties the best


- 2020-04-03 06:17:38

The only sauce we all love.

Katherine Nichelsen

- 2020-04-03 05:54:12

Love it, the only brand of tomato sauce that we buy.


- 2020-04-03 05:43:29

You’ll never be a kiwi till you love your watties sauce


- 2020-04-03 05:22:57

Can’t beat Watties Lite Tomato Sauce...same great taste without so much sugar in it!


- 2020-04-03 04:22:07

Much better tomato flavour


- 2020-03-30 01:46:33

Delicious, always been my chosen brand since I was little. Goes with everything!!

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