Vitapet Wormaway Cat Worm Treatment Paste For Cats & Kittens

Vitapet Wormaway Cat Worm Treatment Paste For Cats & Kittens


Roundworms are the most prevalent worm and tapeworms are contracted from fleas.if your cat has been bitten by fleas it is advisable that you treat for tapeworms as well.hydatids,hookworms and whipworms are no longer common in new zealand.

$10.00 per review

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- 2021-04-11 20:30:09

Followed directions exactly for how many mils to give 2 month and 6 month old kittens based on body weight, mixed with food as suggested. All kittens vomited it up within an hour and looked ill and lethargic. Are the instructions right? Also plunger was awkward to use. Would not recommend squirting directly into cats mouth as advertised on packet!! Poor cats will be sick for sure!!

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Vitapet Wormaway Cat Worm Treatment Paste For Cats & Kittens
Vitapet Wormaway Cat Worm Treatment Paste For Cats & Kittens

$10.00 per review

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