VitaPet Natural Cat Treats are made with REAL meat and are packed with added vitamins and minerals. Available in 4 different varieties they also have less calories than other cat treats to keep your felines waistline in check!
$10.00 per review
1 cat liked the other did not
1 cat loved these but the other did not (however dogs were quick to eat hers haha)
1 cat turned its nose up at it completely the other only took a few not a great outcome
2 cats were not that keen on them
2 female cats ... 15 &12 ... neither cat liked them and walked away
2 out of three cats refused to eat them and the 3rd only ate one and spat it out
2/4 cats liked these, other 2 didn’t want them
3 cats & none of them would eat them? Seemed quite hard. On the up side the dog liked them
3 out of 4 cats liked these, though I had to break them in half as they are a bit hard. I like the natural ingredients and will repurchase a different flavour
4 cats loved them and no adverse reaction from the one who throws up anything different
A great treat to use to train the cat to sit.
a purrfect hit with the pussy cats...
All 3 cats loved these and we ended up with one chewing through the pack we we were at work
all 3 cats loved these, and its great they are a healthier option
All 3 of my cat would not eat these. Gave to neighbor and neither of her 2 cat would eat them aswellmy neighbor
All 3 of our cats did not like them at all. Offered a few times. Gave to a friend and her cats loved them.
all three cats (and our dog sneaked a couple) loved these
both cats did not like it at all
Both cats did not like them at all...the dog did though!
Both cats didn't like them but the dog did.
Both cat's didn't like these - sad face
Both cats loved them
both cats took a while to like this as they were used to other brand but once they knew they had to try they loved it .cats get so fussy with food one week they will love something the nxt wk they wont touch it .to spoilt i say
Both cats tried but found them to difficult to eat and just left them!.
Both cats would not eat these treats
Both my cats hated these
Both my cats love these they will beg for them
Both my cats turned their noses up at these treats and didn't seem to like them.
both of my cats loved them
Both of my cats loved these and the dog too
Both of my cats refused to eat these... so I tried to give one to my dog and she literally spat it out! My animals dont usually turn any food down!
Both of my piggy, food loving cats wouldn't go near these.
Both our cats did not like it at all sorry
Both our cats hated this flavour and wouldn't eat them. I would buy VitaPet again but not this flavour. The treats were a nice size though and looked better than temptations etc.
both our cats rejected the treats, even straight in the bowl they wouldn't touch them, so a no from us
Both the cats seemed to enjoy these treats
Car went crazy for them!
Cast didn't like them
cat (oops and dog) loved them
Cat absolutely loved them
Cat ate one or two but not a big fan. Friend's cat enjoyed them thougg
Cat ate them but she wasn’t sure of them so probably wouldn’t buy again. I think she prefers the texture of temptations
cat ate them with gusto
cat devoured it
Cat did not enjoy
Cat did not enjoy these
cat did not like
Cat did not like them
Cat did not like these treats
Cat did NOT like this variety but liked the catnip ones - fussy little sod
Cat didn’t like the salmon but loves the chicken still will by the same brand but in chicken
Cat didn’t like the taste. That would be no. 1 purchase reason
Cat didn’t like them...
CAt didnt like it
Cat didn't like it so I gave it away
Cat didn't like the flavour
Cat didnt like them
cat didn't like them
Cat didn't like them
Cat didn't like them, only little dogs did. Very hard, worried it will cause stomach issues for them
Cat didn't like these. Although he fussy. But do like concept of them. Dog loved them though
Cat didnt like this flavor but only likes this brand
Cat doesn’t like them
cat enjoyed
Cat hated them dog ate them
Cat hated them, made her throw up.
Cat is fussy and didnt like these
cat liked it
Cat liked them
Cat liked these better tham Temptations so will go with these, until she gets fussy again!! :)
Cat loved it
Cat loved it - all i can say!!! Packet size could be a bit bigger
Cat loved loved loved these
cat loved the product!
Cat loved the smell and taste
cat loved the treats it was like cat nip
Cat loved them
Cat loved them - if price was comparable, I would buy again
cat loved them and wanted more it was like sugar to him kept waiting at the cupboard.
Cat loved them!
Cat loved them! Nice and natural
Cat loved them!! And they didn’t smell to bad to me either! Will definitely buy again
cat loved these will buy again
Cat loved these! Will definitely buy in the future
Cat loved these.
cat loves it
Cat loves it
Cat loves it (and she is fussy!)
Cat loves them
CAT loves them
Cat loves them!
Cat loves these treats. So do our dogs!
Cat only enjoyed a handful then turned her nose up.
Cat really liked them but struggled to.chew them as hes an older cat...
Cat really liked them, we have issues with our cat and he is on a special diet but these have been ok, I just give him a couple
Cat seemed to enjoy them
Cat threw up when he had these
Cat was not as pleased with them
Cat was not having a go at these - dogs loved them!
Cat was spoiled with her treat, she loved it
Cat wasnt interested
Cat went nuts trying to get into them
Cat would not eat it.
Cat wouldn’t eat them
Cat wouldn’t eat them baby thought they were tasty any chance she had she was into them
Cat wouldn't eat them, even the fat cat wouldn't. Miss 11 thought they were yuck too 🤣
Cat wouldn't even try them! Dog was very pleased with them lol!
Cats appreciated the treat.
Cats are undecided on taste some liked it others did not
Cats did not enjoy the flavour of these at all.
Cats didn’t like it
Cats didn't like it
Cats didnt like them
Cats didn't like these
Cats downed them
Cats enjoyed these
Cats enjoyed these immensely
Cats enjoyed this! :) Kids used them to train cats to do tricks!
Cats go absolutely nuts over them
Cats gobbled them up
Cats like them and even my dog wanted some.
Cats liked it.
Cats liked them
cats love it
Cats love them
Cat's love them :)
Cats love these
Cats love these!
Cats loved it
Cats loved the flavour
Cats loved them
cats loved them - I don't normally think to buy cat treats but will now and then as they loved so much - cute
Cats loved them so will add to grocery list as a treat.
Cats loved them!
Cats loved these - will definitely be re-purchasing
Cats loved these but we have too many cats to buy treats. Would become very expensive
Cats loved this
Cats loves them
Cats loves these!!
Cats not really keen on the treats
Cats prefer Temptations
Cats says thanks :D Delicious
Cats seems to really enjoy the treats and wanted more
cats turned noses up at it
Cats went crazy when I opened packet
Cats went nuts over the treats loved them, lots in the packet too which is great
Cats would not eat them at all
Cats wouldn't eat them
Cats wouldnt eat them, just turned up their noses and walked off leaving it on the floor, so wasnt a hit in our house with the 2 cats.
Change your packaging to be more environmentally friendly. Fully made from recyclable material
Couldn't get our cat to eat them no matter how hard we tried. either by themself or in with his food, he did not like them
Dog loved them, Cat's a fussy bugger.
Don’t buy cat treats but both our cats liked them.
dont usually buy but cats did like so i guess now I will occassionally
Eva loved getting a wee treat in the black box, the dog was a bit jealous
Even the dog stole a few.
First off big mistake starting our cats on the Whiskas Temptations as they are now addicts and it costs us a lot of money to keep up their habit! Neither cat liked the Vitapet treats on their own or then sneakily mixed in with their Temptations, just ate around them! The dog ending up coming along and eating the Vitapet treats. What a shame as was excited to see another cat treat in the box but to no avail.
First time giving this treat to my ragdoll and tabbie cats, sorry to say that they initially ate some of the treats but mostly left them in their bowls in future treats. For that reason, I would not purchase this product.
flavour (duck/fish) wasn't as liked by the cat after having it offered a third and fourth time
for some reason my cats didnt like the texture
Found them very very hard and neither of our cats ate them. Sorry
Fussy cat and wont eat them, even the dog wont eat them
Fussy cat did not like them
Good meaty product
Good value for money as temptations are expensive but all our cats love them most
Great for teaching your cat tricks and for xtra cuddles
Great product!
Greylee the cat does not like them :(
Had to stop buying cat treats after our cat got sick and had to go on a special diet. We tried these with him and he loved them, so will keep giving to him as a special treat
Happy cat
Have a fussy cat - couldnt even get him to eat them disguised in his biscuits
Have three cats, only one of them liked it
Having two cats, one cat loved them (the fussy one) and the other turned his nose up
I buy cat food or cat toys but not cat treats as cats prefer real meat as a treat rather then something resembling biscuits
I do buy cat treats but just haven't in the past three months
I do love that it was all natural, thank you
I don’t buy cat treats although they did seem to love them and if I did see them on a very cheap special I probably would. Our cats get small amounts of left over chicken and so on as treats.
I don’t know if it was the flavour but my 3 cats weren’t overly keen on these
I don't give our cats treats. I tried this with our cats and they both ended up with an upset stomach.
I don't normally buy them, but my cat loves them, so maybe I'll buy more at Xmas haha
I don't purchase Cat Treats. Just Dog treats.
I dont really buy our cat treats as shes quite fussy, but she seemed to like these.
I get my Cats treats from the vet
I got the salmon one and was excited to try it, but none of my cats will eat it. Not even the stray we rescued that will usually literally eat anything. Also, packaging is really hard to open. I may try a different flavor with the coupon, but a bit apprehensive since all the cats won't even eat one piec e of the salmon.
I got the salmon treats and my cats really didn't like them :( I will try another flavour and see if they will like those better.
I had to hide these from our cats, they got on the bench to get them
I had to share these with a friend who has just gotten a new cat and he loves these
I have 2 cats and they both wouldn’t eat them, tried several times but they didn’t like dog did though
i have 3 cats and all 3 loved these, which is surprising as 1 cat hates people, 1 cat does not like cuddle (her name is cuddles) and the last one is my baby he enjoyed them the most.
I have 3 cats and none of them wanted these, they looked at me like I was trying to poison them and walked away without eating them. Usually they go mad for treats, possibly could have been the fish flavour
I have 3 cats and they loved them
I have 4 cats and only 1 likes them the other 3 fussy pots put there noses up at them haha
I have 5 cats. 3 loved them, 2 turned their noses up.
I have a couple of cats so the cost i s too much as my kids just feed the cats all the treats at once so it gets too expensive
I have a fussy cat and a very overweight cat that is why i dont buy them treats
I have a fussy old cat who turns his nose up to most things. He did in fact enjoy these.
I have four cats that look forward to their treats and none of them would eat this product
I have ten cats and only one of them would eat these.
I have three cats and none of them liked the treats.
I have three cats and two of the cats didn’t like these
I like the idea of these treats, but the cat was not interested and would not eat. The dog loves them though.
I liked this product and its ingredients, but my cats wouldn't eat the treats.
I love that I can give my girls natural treats :)
I prefer to give my pets real food treats
I thought these were great little treats, one of my cats wouldn't touch them & the other ate a couple & walked away, I would definitely buy the product if my pets liked them
I tried these with 3 different cats and not one would eat them sorry
I tried these with a few different cats and none would have a bar of them
I used to buy treats for my cats but they're watching their weight now so no more treats
I usually let my teenagers choose treats to buy a couple of times each year. I may encourage this brand more now.
I was surprised to see that my fussy cat ate the treats, but she did seem to like them
I will buy treats if they are on special these treats were good as they were not messy and the cats actually liked them ...I embaressingly have six cats....! so cat treats went down well
I would have put influence factors in of taste and flavour options. My cat only eats certain products. She wouldn't eat these. Nothing against the product, but not her thing.
I would stick with a brand I know my cat loves
I’m afraid my cats wouldn’t touch these! Fussy Burmese.
I’m so sorry but my two cats just wouldn’t eat them! They live temptations but wouldn’t have a bar of these
I'm afraid our cat wasn't such a fan of these - she's a fussy 17 year old though haha
I'm allergic to fish so have been getting allergic reactions from cats since eating this. they don't eat fish because of me but enjoyed this
ImSure they’re good but my cats would not eat them just sniff them and I even left them there for days and they still didn’t want to try them could be just that they knew I don’t know but will be trying on a few friends cats to see if other cats will eat them
Its nice to get a treat for the animals in the blackbox
I've bought these previously and my cat wouldn't touch them. I tried them again and she still won't
Just seemed our cat wasnt fussed with them. Maybe the taste??
Kids loved feeding these to our cats. And have asked to spend their pocket money on more of these!
Kitty loved
Kitty loves this!!
Kitty wouldn’t eat
Living with me is his treat
Mojo loved them
Mr wiggles was most impressed!
Must be mean, don't give my cat treats - I do though for our dog :)
my 13 year old loved these as a treat
My 2 cats loved/fought over these
My 2 cats turned their noses up at this so I passed them on to my daughter, her cat loved them. He is a bit of a 'chonk'
My 2 cats were not interested in eating the cat treats. I have not brought before any kind of treat for my cats. If the cats loved them I may be interested however the sniffed it and walked away.
My 2 cats wouldn't eat it at all but my dog loved it.
my 2 cats wouldn't even try it.. turned their noses up
My 2 fur babies cats did not like this product at all, tried it plain, mixed in there kibble, they are the kibble and left the treats, however my dog thought they were delicious. And when we shook the packet she would come running.
My 2 ratbags loved them
My 20 year old cat loved these she normally not fuss on treats but she loved these so will buy more for her last few years she has
My 3 cats didnt like these treats for some reason. They all love temptations so possibly a texture issue.
My 3 Cats didv
My 4 cats didn't like this but my 2 dogs loved it
My cat ( peri) loved them he stole them off the bench and ran around trying to open them, I can’t comment on the taste but he thought they were fantastic
My cat absolutely loved these! She doesnt get treats very over as she never liked them but with these she was a happy cat
My cat actually didn't like them, but i do have a very fussy cat, i have tried on numerous occasions but still not interested, i will pass these on to a friend that has a cat.
My cat and dog loved these
My cat can be fussy with the fishy flavors he enjoyed these at first but hes not eaten many since. I think he would be better with a chicken based flavour in future
My cat cannot gwt enough of these
My cat catches rats they are his treats
My cat did like these but she’s so chubby I don’t buy her treats
My cat did not eat these but I think due to being really fussy in his older age. I will keep trying as he may be just off otherwise my sisters cats would love them
My cat did not enjoy the treats.
My cat did not even attempt to eat these even though he is a treat fiend.
My cat did not know what this was! He tried to play with it then walked away! He only eats a Vet purchased dry food and fresh meat.
My cat did not like them at all
My cat did not like them, but the dog ate them.
My cat did not like them.
My cat did not like these and neither did any other cats i tried to pass them on too
My cat did not like these and wouldn't eat them. (She is very fussy though)
My cat did not like these ones , fussy cat !
My cat did not like these sadly.
My cat did not like these treats at all
My cat did not like these treats so I gave them to a friend with cats.
My cat did not like these, also gave them to a friend and her cat wouldn't eat them either.
My cat did not want to eat them at all but my mum's cat loved them.
My cat didn’t actually like them and wouldn’t eat them
My cat didn’t like it. She’s very fussy!
My cat didn’t like the treats she wouldn’t go near them
My cat didn’t like the treats. Wouldn’t eat them.
My cat didn’t like them
My cat didn’t like them and spat them out
My cat didn’t like them at all but the dog did
My cat didn’t like them but he’s quite old so they may have been hard for his teeth to eat. But I always recommend vitapet products because it’s a good brand
My cat didn’t like them sadly, she sniffed it and walked away. Perhaps a different flavour would suit her. I tried the remainder of the packet on a friends cat and she loved it.
My cat didn’t like these
My cat didn’t like this product would not buy again
My cat didn't appear to like them. I will try again may be just because it's different. She usually eats everything
My cat didn't like it
My cat didn't like them
My cat didn't like them but my dogs did!
My cat didnt like them but my friends cat did
My cat didn't like them very much
my cat didn't like them!
My cat didnt like them, gave the treats to our dog.
My cat didnt like them, my son did though (not a bad parent, I told him there was beef jerky in the cupboard and he got a little confused..hes fine)
my cat didn't like them, sorry
My cat didn't like them. We don't buy treats that often - we have a packet we bought about a year ago and we are still using it. Cat only gets treats perhaps once a week and only a couple at time.
My Cat didn't like these
My cat didn't like these
My cat didn't like these cat treats, she gave them a sniff & walked away.
My cat didn't like these treats
my cat didn't like these, but my dog did - LOL
My cat didn't really take to these too much. She ate them, but didn't get the same reaction as we would with temptations.
My cat doesn’t like them but my dog did
My cat doesn’t like these but I have a new puppy who will do anything for them! They are the perfect size for him so will continue to buy them
My cat doesnt like any pet treats, hes old now
My cat doesn't like them.
My cat doesn't like them. She eats around them, even when I try to mix them in her food.
My cat dont really like this one
My cat enjoyed them so that's the proof.
My cat enjoyed these.
my cat found them too chewy
My cat freaking loved these!
my cat gets ADDICTED to these lol so dont purchase sorry!
My cat goes crazy for these
my cat goes NUTS when i get the packet out
My cat has become fussy however she loved these treats and will defunatky get more
My cat has issues with kidneys so have to be careful what he is given to eat
My cat hated them
My cat hated these and would not even try them
My cat is a bitch and didnt like this flavor but the neighbors ate the whole bag
My cat is a senior cat and not interested in treats
My cat is already too fat - she is on a diet, so if I were to buy treats they would need to be healthy
My cat is fussy and didn't like these at all
My cat is fussy as hell and only eats temptations. But the neighbours cat enjoyed the treats
My cat is just fussy. Love the natural ingredients. As my cat has health issues. Make a tuna treat and he might be keen.
My cat is not usually that fussy but she wouldn’t eat these, just left alone. Need to buy stuff the animals will eat 😩
My cat is overweight, so unfortunately cat treats aren't an option.
My cat is pretty fussy which is annoying. She did however eat some of these treats, so they may last a while.
my cat is super fussy and did not like these, but my dog did lol
My cat is super fussy and wont eat anything other than her bisuits
My cat is super fussy and would not touch these so I ended up giving them away
My cat is super fussy and wouldn't eat them!
My cat is too fussy
My cat is too fussy, she only sniffed them and walked away.
My cat is too fussy. If i knew i wasnt wasting money on a bag of treats then it be ok. She will try once and maybe enjoy but then thats it. The lab dog gets the rest.
My cat just wasn’t a fan of these treats
My cat liked the first few we gave him but now walks away from them he is very fussy
My cat liked them but she took a while to realise they were a treat, perhaps not a strong flavour, she purred a lot though once she was eating them, when comparing to her current treats she preferred them over these.
My cat liked these treats
My cat loved it
My cat loved it and we love the natural ingredients in the treats. We will buy this treat from now on.
My cat loved it to the point of trying to run away with the entire packet
My cat loved it!
My cat loved loved loved these she went crazy for them
My cat loved them so that and knowing they are good for him is all I needed to know
My cat loved them!!
My cat loved them.
My cat loved these
My cat loved these he tired very hard to get into the bag
My cat loved these treats
My cat loved these treats - the real test was her actually eating them.
My cat loved these treats however it would depend on price as to whether we would purchase again.
My cat loved these treats, so I used coupon and bought him another pack
My cat loved these!!
My cat loved these, but I generally don't buy cat treats
My cat loved these. She is very good orientated and loved these treats
My cat loved this treat
My cat loves it
My cat loves them but as she’s old I don’t give her treats that often
My cat loves them, and shes fussy, so this was great to try
My cat loves them, attacked my son for touching the packet
My cat loves these! Looks like I will be buying cat treat from now on!
My cat LOVES these.
My cat nearly choked
my cat really liked them
My cat refused to eat them
My cat refused to eat them, we had previously been given some from a friend (different flavour) and she refused those too. We tested her by mixing these with temptations and she picked out all the temptations leaving these behind
my cat refused to eat these treats
My cat refused to eat these, even when there was no dry food all day and he was hungry.
My cat Riley ate these tasty treats. Are there any other flavours coming out in this range? I hope so.
My cat scan both love these
My cat threw them up after eating them
My cat turn his nose up to these treats and wouldn't touch them at all. CATS you can't win
My cat turned his nose up at these treats
My cat unfortunately didn't like them. I know he is fussy so I'll be passing on to someone else for them to try.
My cat usually eats anything however did not like these treats.
My cat wants treats all the time!!!
My cat was not interested in them, but my dog loved them
my cat wasn't interested in them...the dogs were but not allowed cat treats.
My cat went crazy for these. I would open the pouch and she would come running... the pouch kept them fresh and I will definitely be buying more
My cat went nuts for these! She can only have natural foods. Otherwise she gets crook. These didnt' make her crook. So that was a bonus. Will buy again.
My cat went nuts on these and could not get enough, got a lot of loving from 'Hissy' the cat trying to score more.
My cat went nuts over these treats
my cat would not eat
My cat would not eat them, gave them to my father, his cat would not eat them, gave them to the neighbor and his cat would not eat them
My cat would not eat these
My cat would not eat these treats. I gave the product to a friend with a cat, and her cat would not touch them either.
My cat would not eat these, gave to my mum who's cats wouldnt eat either
My cat would not eat theses
My cat would not have a bar of these treats. The dog got to eat them.
My cat wouldn't eat them
my cat wouldnt eat these but the dog loved them
My cat wouldn't even look at these so I gave them to a friend who fed them to her cat. My cat is a bit old and fussy though.
My cat wouldnt touch them
My cat wouldn't touch these but the neighbours cat loved them.
My cat wouldnt try them
My cat, the stray cat that adopted us in the past few weeks, and the neighbourhood Tom cat who forages for food, would not eat them.
My cats (2 of) did not like these treats. The dog did though.
My cats and parrots enjoyed these.
My cats are extremely fussy. We have tried many treats from store and vet. Cats will not touch them even catnip
My cats are so fussy. These treats are now given to my yellow Lab.
My cats are spoilt enough . Don't buy treats for them
My cats ate one or two of these and seemed to like them, but then would not eat any more, they didn’t seem to like them, so unfortunately I wouldn’t purchase them again. This is a shame because I really liked the sound of them for my cats, they sounded like they were nice and healthy.
My cats certainly loved them, but they'd be treats only.
My cats definitely didnt like them, normally love treats, but ignored these ones
My cats did not like them
my cat's did not like them, salmon flavoured, initially they were keen to get them out of the packet but wouldnt eat them after they were given them
my cats did not like them. our dog did though
My cats did not like these at all
My cats did not like these treats.
My cats did not like this unfortunately....
My cats didn’t like them
My cats didn’t like these
My cats didn’t like these at all
My cats didn’t like this at all and i have 4 cats....
My cats didn’t really like these treats
My cats didn't like it
my cats didn't like them at all so passed on to a friend whose cat also turned up it's nose, so will not or purchasing these
My cats didn't like them... Fussy cats haha
My cats didn't like these
My cats didnt seem to like these much..
My cats disliked the taste
My Cats do enjoy these treats, especially the chicken flavour.
My cats don't like them or I would buy them
my cats don't like treats, so this was nice to get to see if they liked it but sadly no.
My cats don't like treats, so we ended up gifting these to the neighbour
My cats enjoyed it so i may get more in the future but they get heaps of treats usually from the kids anyway
My cats enjoyed these. Will definitely get some more
My cats found them really hard to chew. One of my cats just couldn't bit through it.
My cats just wouldn’t eat these
My cats love the duck flavour, we’ve bought 2 more bags since the first arrived in the black box
My cats love the duck it all i buy now fir the cats trets
My cats love them
My cats love this and go around looking for more
My cats loved it will buy in the future
My cats loved them
My cats loved them and my daughter was using them to train the cat to sit
My cats loved these and it's great to know that they use natural ingredients like fish that have health benefits for my feline friends
My cats Loved these treats (so did my small dog)
My cats loved these!!! Went bonkers for them
My cats loved this. We also had the dogs sitting there waiting for a treat.
my cats really enjoyed these treats
My cats really enjoyed these treats
My cats refused to eat these
My cats simply didn’t like them
My cats went crasy over these treats. Will definately get them again
my cats went crazy for these treats
My cats went CRAZY for these. Couldn't get enough ... And the kids found it highly entertaining feeding these to them
my cats went crazy over these they even jumped up to grab the pkt from me
My cats went nuts for these treats! Definite repurchase especially because of the generous pack size.
My cats went so crazy for these treats. We will be buying more in the future
My cats were not interested in these are all
My cats were not keen on these, they prefer temptations.
My cats were overly keen on these
My cats weren’t fussed on these but my dog loved them!
My cats weren't too fussed on these
My cats would not have a bar of these treats, they have tried them all and will not touch them.
My cats would not eat these treats, so I would not purchase them again
My cats wouldn’t eat it. Even the cat who will eat anything and I mean anything
My cats wouldnt eat them, even my kittens thought it was something to play with, and so when I meter read I took them with me for treats for cats I come across, cats wont touch them
My cats wouldn't eat this
My cats wouldn't even sniff at the treats and I tried them a couple of times. They were totally uninterested in them
My cats wouldnt touch this product sorry
My daughter makes me buy cat treats sometime and I will only buy if they are cheep. I don't have money to waist on the cats
My dog also LOVED these treats and sniffed them out before I'd opened the box.
My dog enjoyed these, my cat doesn't eat them.
My elderly cat found the treats too chewy and gave up. The younger cat liked them.
My elderly cat loves it
My fussy cat did not enjoy it but our pug sure did the little thief
My husband still tells everyone we don’t have a cat. That’s lies but a massive story
My inside cat would not eat these, but out farm cat loved them
My kids sneak cat treats into the shopping and hope I won’t notice!! I’m cynical and won’t buy them -sorry!!
My kitty loved the product
My kitty seems to enjoy them
My little cat absolutely loved these treats will definitely be buying more in the future for her
My little cat loved this however she is a rather overweight so we only get her treats for special occasions.
My old cat loved these
My old girl didnt like them, but my teddy. He loved them. . . He looks for them now after dinner.
My partner deals with the cat and she said the cat is enoying the treats and she will probably continue to use this product as long as the cat is happy.
My ragdoll wasn’t a fan
My senior cat wouldn't eat them.
My tabby did not like these at all. My long haired might suprisingly liked them and she doesn't normally like that brand
my two cats adored these
My two cats did not like them
My two cats loved their treats. Thanks for thinking of our fur babies and including treats for them to try
My two cats were in heaven eating this
Neither cat ate these treats, we passed them onto a friend who’s cat loves them however
Neither cat liked these
Neither of my cars really liked these
Neither of my cats were interested in this product and one of them will eat anything!
Neither of my cats were particularly fussed over this product, my dog however loved them!!
Neither of my cats will touch them- sorry! 😢
Neither of my cats would eat these. Sorry fussy cats
Neither of my cats would eat these. They both just sniffed them and then walked away. I tried several times.
Neither of our cats were interested in these treats.
Neither of our cats would even try these 😕
Neither our cat or my mothers cat would touch these, so no point in buying them in the future.
None of my three cats like them, however my dog loves them.
None of our cats would eat these
Not really liked by cat
Oh my kittens loved these and became quite obsessed with them
Omg if you want you cats stalking you for a treat get these, it’s like crack for cats my cats love these
One cat loved them the other just ignored them
One cat loved them the other turned his nose up
One cat loved them. The other cat didn’t.
One cat loves them the other not to shore on them
One cat turned nose up at it.. other eats anything
One of my cats absolutely loved these one wouldn’t touch them and the other 2 just liked them
One of my cats love these, the other one didn't want a bar of it haha!
One of our cats didn't like them and the other cat wasn't over fussed about them
Only 1 of my 4 cats like this treat.
Only 1 out of 5 my 5 cats are these....the dogs thought they were great though
Only four out of four five cats would eat them
Only one cat liked these the other two didn’t touch them so wouldn’t buy again
Only one of our cats liked them.
Only one of our two cats liked them but even then was not keen or excited about them as she is with the others we purchased. They looked nice and was a shame they are not an option for us.
our cat liked these but i had trouble opening the pack it was hard to open and i found that it did not seal again like it should have but the cat loved them
Our 17 year old cat did not like them.
Our 2 cats and dog (we saw the ingredients and loved it was safe for him) went crazy for these. The cats can be picky! Will buy more next time i shop!
Our 3 cats loved these vitapet treats. Best treats ever according to our cats! They have given them the paw of approval. Will definitely be buying again 🙂
our boy doesn't seem to like freeze dried meats we have tried him with pure freeze dried salmon he also dose not like them he like the crunchy biscute type if you brought some of those out we would defiantly try them on him we use the vitapet flea and worming treatment for him and they work well
Our cat absolutely loves temptations so was very happy to receive a sample of another brand and even better our cat loved them
Our cat ate it but didn’t go head over heels. Our dog was more crazy about them
Our cat couldn't get enough of the Vitapet Treats
Our cat did not like them at all
Our cat did not like them but our 40kg doberman hunt away x did 😁
Our cat did not like them but the dog devoured them in double quick time.
Our cat did not like these
Our cat did not want to eat these treats - so we gave to the neighbours for their cat and he loved them
Our cat didn’t like them but the Labrador did !
our cat didn't like them
Our cat didn't like them
our cat didn't like these but the dog did
Our cat didn't like these treats, think he only ate a couple.
Our cat didn't seem to like the treat
Our cat didn't want to try them so we gave them to a friend whose cat did enjoy them
Our cat diid not like these at all!! He's a big treat fan, and I tried a number of times to get him to eat them but he wouldn't... so weird!
Our cat does not like vitapet treats
Our cat doesnt seem to like treats so we stopped buying them
Our cat gets less treats than our dog. These were good and well received. Would buy them again, if they are priced competetively
Our cat has kidney disease so can't tolerate all food options, this was one :(
our cat hated these and refused to eat more than the first 2-3
Our cat is fussy and won't eat cat treats- our dog loves them however!!
Our cat is not a fan of treats, wierdly enough!
Our cat is quite fussy yet liked these!
Our cat just wasn't a fan (the dog loved them though!!)
our cat loved the treat
Our cat loved them
Our cat loved these
Our cat loved these and since having the sample have brought a pack since using the coupon and will continue to buy as a treat for our cat
Our cat loved these and they were great for training him with as he really wanted them!
Our cat loved these and tried to get in packet herself
Our cat loved these and we would consider buying but not regularly as we want to watch her weight
Our cat loved these but we don’t buy cat treats for him normally so probably unlikely to purchase them
Our cat loved these treats so might start buying more often.
Our cat LOVED these!! Will buy again
Our cat loves all food, and would eat 'everything' put in front of her. But she did seem to enjoy this 'treat'.,
Our cat loves it
Our cat loves them and hasn’t previously liked similar products
Our cat LOVES these, and keep reaching up to the cupboard as he knows they are there. He LOVES them!
Our cat milo did not like these we could not get him to eat them.
Our cat really seemed to enjoy these treats
our cat refused to eat these, im not sure why.
Our Cat showed no interest in eating these treats...and she is not a Fussy Cat.
Our cat spat them out but friends cat loved them
Our cat took one sniff & walked away. Tried leaving them in her bowl & she didn't touch them. Not a winner for this kitty which is surprising as she loves treats
Our cat tribe all loved these, I usually buy Temptations for them but as I got a chance to try these and they liked them I have purchased a different variety and will continue to purchase as well. Cats loved them .
Our cat turned her nose up at these treats and >>>>refused to eat >>>them. I suggested that my teenage daughter should try them so that we could give them a decent review but she turned her nose up to them as well. They are sitting here waiting to give away to somebody who’s cat is less fussy
Our cat turned her nose up at these! They looked good tho
Our cat turned up his nose and refused to eat them
Our cat was very pleased with her treats and our dog seemed to enjoy them as well! Lol. It makes me feel good knowing I am giving my pet a quality treat!
Our cat wasn't a fan of them
Our cat wasn't interested in these at all and left them uneaten
Our Cat went CRAZY over these, she loves them!!
Our cat went nuts over these treats. Will be buying more in future.
Our cat would not eat them he gave it a kick and walked away
Our cat would not eat these at all. Turned her nose up at them and no matter what way we tried giving them to her Lily was not having a bar of it
Our cat would not touch this product even though on the rare occasions he gets treats he usually wolfs them down. Even the neighbours cat that comes in to eat the food wouldn’t touch it
Our cat, didn't like these what so ever.
Our cats absolutely love them
our cats actually choked on these ad they got stuck in their mouths, they quite obviously did not like them at all sorry
Our cats are partial to treats but after trying the Vitapet ones turned their noses up. Much preferred Tempations and Puree Kisses.
Our cats are the fussyist cats
Our cats are very fussy but seem to be enjoying the salmon flavour. Historically any treats I have bought they have refused to eat. Impressed they have eaten these so will purchase in future
Our cats aren't huge fans of cat treats
Our cats did not like these treats at all
Our cats did not like these treats at all. Refused to eat them appeared to struggle with the texture
Our cats didnt like the taste
Our cats didn't like this
Our cats didnt much like them. The dog did!
Our cats enjoyed these for a change.
Our cats got up onto the drier and knocked the packet off the shelf and ate them all at once! So they get a paws up from them!
Our cats love vita pet products
Our cats loved it. That's all that matters
Our cats loved these
Our cats loved these treats!
Our cats loved these treats! Will buy if a good price
Our cats loved this product
Our cats were not fussed on the salmon ones
Our cats weren't fussed on these treats at all
Our cats weren't interested in these. Had they been I would consider buying again. But they were just left in the bowl.
Our cats weren't that keen on these unfortunately.
Our fur baby is only 9 mths old, so hadn't bought him treats yet. Needless to say, he was a fan!
Our fussy cat did not like these lol he only likes his regular food. Our dog consumed them.quickly though
Our fussy cat enjoyed these
Our fussy cat refuses to eat these.
Our fussy cats wouldn't touch it! But my parents cat loved it so he got the lot!
Our fussy little bugger of a cat really enjoyed these
Our kitten / teenager cat wasnt overly impressed and played with these where as our adult cat couldnt eat them fast enough. I am thinking probably too tough for the kitten at this stage
Our kitties were very happy with these, had to hide them.
Our kittys didnt like them maybe a bit hard for them but have passed onto a friend who's cat enjoyed them :)
Our Mini could’ve eaten the lot in one sitting if we let her. She really enjoyed these
our old cat is fussy but she loved these treats
Our old cat loved them
Our older cats didn't really like them. I don't think it was th flavour, but more that the treats were difficult for them to chew so they kept spitting them out.
Our three cats wouldnt eat them.
Our younger cat loved these but our older cat wasn't fussed about them
Our youngest cat goes crazy for these, and they are shaped a bit like a cats paw
Our. Cats didnt like it.
out of 4 cats none of them ate them
Packaging looked good, i liked being able to see inside the packaging.
Pearl had them for the first time with this pack of flavour and she went mad over them, keeped looking for more
Price would be a big factor.
Rarely purchase, but cats enjoyed a treat
sadly 4 cats and 2 pet hedgogs did not like them :(
Sadly my cat did not like these at all
Sadly my cat did not like these so I would not purchase again
Sadly my cats didn;t like them fussy buggers but the next dorr cats loves them :)
Sadly my grump old cat didnt like them, he tried though haha
Sadly our cat wasnt interested at all.
She went crazy for them and was looking for more half an hour later
Some very happy kitties at my place!
Sorry cats hated these they wouldnt touch them
sorry my cat didnt like them
Sorry my cat is not as keen on these as the usual ones i buy.
Sorry my cats didn't like them
sorry my cats didnt like them. but my dog did.
sorry our cat didnt like them! I have passed them to the neighbour and her cat likes them. thanks
Sorry our cat turned her nose up at them, we have other vitapet treats she loves but she just didnt take to these ones
Sorry tried with 3 different cats and they all refused to eat it.
Sorry! We were excited to try these as they looked the biz, but our old cat is fussy, and would not even look at these. For him, it's temptations all the way, and he just wont eat any other brand. On the bright side, the dog enjoyed them! But due to his limited palate, we will not purchase again, we do buy dog treats in this brand though!
Sure they are great but my cat doesn’t like them:
the cat and dogs rule - they are fussy and have a soft spot for VitaPet so i dont try anything else
The cat didn’t eat them or the dog - must have been the flavour.
the cat liked them and hunted for them when hidden
The cat liked these but I prefer other brands
The cat loved them and my dog gets her dog ones daily
The cat loved them but we don't buy her treats really. She has meat cuts for treats.
The cat loved them thank you...
The cat loved these! She was very well behaved while the bag lasted, well worth the price to get more!
The cat loved these!!! our cat is on a special vet diet and has struggled with being limited in her food. we gave her a few of these every day and she loved them!! she would sit and wait staring at the packet!! will definately buy more of these as she deserves a treat and they are low calorie so should not effect her diet
The cat loved these, she gives them two paws up!
The cat really enjoyed these treats, I will get these ones in future.
The cat seemed to like the cat treats, but then she will eat almost anything. Not a fussy eater, just fast to beat the dogs. :)
The cat was a bit dubious at first, but he's a bit fussy, finally decided they were safe to eat and enjoys them.
The cat wasn't a huge fan of the treats, but after protesting(for his normal treats) he went back and finished them off.
The cats are going CRAZY for this product
The cats did not like these at all. The dogs did however
The cats love it, they were trying to get into the draw we had them hidden in!
the cats loved it!
The cats loved them, price dependent I would buy again
The cats loved these
The cats loved these even my fussy eater
The cats loved these treats so will definitely be buying some
The cats prefer Temptations
The cats weren't a huge fan unfortunately.
The most important factor in buying these products is that your cats like them. Ours did not, would not even try them, ate around them in fact. Gave them to a friend who has little dogs and the dogs enjoyed them.
The older cat really enjoyed these
The only reason I wouldn't buy them again is because our cat is fussy and didn't like them very much
These are the only cat treats my cat will actually eat
These cat treats look delicious but my cat is extremely fussy and will only eat Wiskas temptations and, Friskies party mix any very creamy jellymeat, she will eat nothing else. I tried thes mixed in with her Temptations but she left them behind I'm sorry. She is quite old and maybe couldn't chew them
These sound great and my cat (and dog lol) love them so must taste great
These treats must have quite a different taste from the usual Whiska Temptations treats we usually buy. After an initial pause and tentative crunch, I received the look "you'd better give me more slave before I tear up your curtains".
These went down well with my two cats. One of my cats got a little too smart about what was in the packet and had a go at helping himself to them while we were at work. Needless to say I will be buying these for them from now on.
These were great little treats and will buy again. Even the dogs liked these (oops!). Pack size and treat size were good. Prefer natural ingredients too!
they are way to hard, bith of my cats couldnt chew them, so they lost interest even trying. Which is amazing because our youngest one eats everything...but not these
They loved them
They loved these will definitely add to shopping list
They seemed good. The cats ate them but didn't seem as excited about them as the Temptations
They were to hard for the cat. Dog ate them though.
This made out cat a nightmare - she love it so much she was totally obsessed and meowing the whole time. Not something we want :)
This was a great little treat
Three cats - did not seem too fast at first attempt will keep trying
Three of my five cats enjoyed these, so will add them to the mix :-D
took some of these to work to spoil the stray cat that hangs around, definatley would buy these again got the tick of approval from both
Tried to gice to my cat, but he has very weird tastes. DIdn't want them so wouldnt buy sorry
Tried to offer to cat several times she wouldn't touch them, couldn't seem to smell them & wasn't interested at all. Very odd as she loves treats - purina dental and the nutreats salmon.
Two cats enjoyed without hesitation
Two cats loved these treats.
Two of my cats weren't interested in this at all, my other cat went nuts over these.
Unfortunately all three of our cats refused to eat these and they are not fussy so not sure what it was they didn't like.
Unfortunately my 2 cats didnt like them.These cats are just over a year old....i did buy rthese treats for my other 2 cats that died over a year ago,they were very elderly...those 2 did not like them either...they sniff then walk off, where as the go crazy at even me shaking the other branded treats...sorry about that
Unfortunately my cat didn't like these treats
Unfortunately my cat didn't like these treats but the office cat loves them and has enjoyed a couple every day since.
Unfortunately my cat is not a fan of these treats in any of the flavour varieties
Unfortunately my cat turned his nose up at this - So Fussy!!
Unfortunately my cat turned his nose up to these. But great to know they are available.
Unfortunately my cat wasn't a huge fan of these - the dog definitely swiped a few though.
Unfortunately my cat would not eat these all
Unfortunately my cats did not like these treats
Unfortunately my fussy cat wouldn't eat them .
Unfortunately neither of our cats liked these so wouldn't purchase again in the future (well not while we have our current cats)
Unfortunately our 2 cats didn't like these! The dog did! We took them to my parents and their cat loved them so guess mine are just fussy!
Unfortunately our cat refused to eat them. She loves Temptations, but wouldn't go near these.
Unfortunately our cat refused to eat these
Unfortunately our cat wouldn’t eat them. We give her treats every day too
Unfortunately our cats didn’t like the treats
Unfortunately our cats didn't like this product. Our dog enjoyed them :)
unfortunately she didn't like them
Unfortunately the cat did not like these
unfortunately, my 3 cats were not interested
Usually we purchase whats on special and that you appear to get value for money. Really liked this product - and so did the cat
Very worried about chemicals in cat treats - honest safe treats would be good
Vita pet treats made my cat vomit
We do occasionally but treats but the cat did not like these.
We don’t really give the cats treats, they seemed to like them but I’m not sure that they would prefer them or consider them treats? I’m not sure there’s a benefit to cat treats?
We don't buy it often at all, we forget to give it to our cat more than anything that's why it lasts so long
We fed these to both our cat and our dogs - all the fur family loved them!!
We get natural ones from the vet - our cats didn't like these ones
We had a 50% hit rate with these. One cat absolutely loved them the other didn’t. I love that they look like little pieces of salami and how natural they were. The package was quite hard to close though (Quite tough to zip seal) so would appreciate it being relooked at. Other than that a great product and one we would buy again.
We had one cat that loved these and one cat that wouldn't touch it
We have 2 cats, and only 1 of our cats ate the treats.... Didn't like the texture as it felt quite rubbery.
We have 3cats and not obe of them would eat these.
We have a cat but don't buy treat products. She didn't seem to like these as she wasn't interested in eating them at all
We have a cat but I’m not overly fussed about buying it treats. My partner would tho
We have a fussy cat so hadn’t tried anything else recently. But he liked these so they are now in the cat food repertoire
We have a fussy cat, as much as these smelt the part he didn’t like them
We have a miserable cat who hates any kind of treat, lol. Can't say we didn't try. . . . . . . . the dog loved 'em, oops.
We have a new kitten and see liked these.
We have a Ragdoll & after giving him these treats (which he loved!) he appeared to get a 'runny bum'so very unlikely we will buy these sorry!
We have a very fussy 18 year old cat who hardly eats but just enjoys her biscuits and she normally won't eat anything except whiskas but to pur surprised she really enjoyed these
We have brought in past cats not so keen on fish ones
We have spoilt cat, she didn't like them
We have two 8-year old cats and neither was particularly interested in this product. They are used to being fed treats from a package and usually come running, unfortunately not with this products. Fussy cats!!
We have two cats. Our male cat makes no time in devouring the snack. However our little female cat has a more fussy pallet. She's not too keen. But then again she is a little princess
We have two Salmon flavoured cat treat brands here. Our cat doesn’t like either of them - strange cat! Our neighbours cat was very excited about your cat treats and enjoyed them.
We just don't purchase these type of treats. Fresh meat once a week is their usual treat. They did love it tho haha
We loved that these are more natural than our usual Temptations treats, however our cats unfortunately did not agree!
We stick with good quality , good brand Cat food and the occasional treat food
When I offer these to my cats they ignored them. When I got up in the morning they had torn open the packet and eaten most of them
Who would have thought cats get treats?!
Will have to see how it goes with sensitive cat stomach
WOW! Our cat went nuts, she totally loved these treats!! I was quite surprised. The kids would shake the bag and she'd come running. Looks like these will be a monthly treat for the cat