Your big night in just got even better with these tasty mouthfuls of crispy popcorn style chicken. Tegel crispy coated chicken poppers are made from 100% nz chicken breast – super easy to cook and ready in minutes.
$10.00 per review
Just awful! pack says only 41% chicken. Most probably feet necks etc. DO NOT GET THESE MIXED UP WITH TEGAL TASTY BITES. they are not the same! My 7yr old son screwed his face up and said. Dad these are different and gross. Not believing I tried one.. oooh yuck a powdery floury coating that tasted horrible with a bad. aftertaste. The internal part..the chicken if you could call it that..the most processed chicken ever.. all that lab science and chemistry and they still taste gross.. TEGAL super tasty bites are far better than these and I haven't seen them on the shelves anymore I hope these TEGAL chicken poppers aren't the replacement.cos they're fowl.