Steeves Original Maple Syrup Flavoured

Steeves Original Maple Syrup Flavoured


Steeeves maples the original canadian syrup since 1869.
It is a medium to light brown liquid with the
characteristic odour and flavour of maple syrup

$10.00 per review

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- 2022-08-15 20:06:43

Affordable option, with great flavour. Love it on pancakes, but also use it in muffins for sweetening.


- 2021-04-06 21:52:06

Best tasting maple syrup on the market and I have tried them all. Only just realise it has added sugar, but somehow it appears less sweet and with a much superior flavour than the others.


- 2021-01-10 09:05:19

Not pure maple syrup, so on that basis is over priced. Labelling misleads buyer into thinking it's the real McCoy. I can taste a small difference.

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Steeves Original Maple Syrup Flavoured
Steeves Original Maple Syrup Flavoured

$10.00 per review

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