Sanitarium Weetbix Wheat Biscuits Lower Cholesterol

Sanitarium Weetbix Wheat Biscuits Lower Cholesterol


Weet-bix™ cholesterol lowering takes new zealand’s no. 1 breakfast cereal and adds the functional benefit of cholesterol-lowering plant sterols. Weet-bix™ cholesterol lowering contains 2g of plant sterols in 1 serve, making it the ideal choice for those wanting to reduce their cholesterol.

$10.00 per review

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Erica Lasham

- 2020-05-08 16:16:53

I was recommended this product when I found that my Cholesterol was high, I didn't really think it would lower it but it was amazing. It lowered it from 8.5 down to 6.5 within 10 days, I still have it every morning and now my Cholesterol is sitting at 5.5. It tastes nice too.

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Sanitarium Weetbix Wheat Biscuits Lower Cholesterol
Sanitarium Weetbix Wheat Biscuits Lower Cholesterol

$10.00 per review

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