An excellent source of b vitamins and completely vegetarian it’s the original yeast spread the whole family will enjoy
$10.00 per review
Can’t beat it
So rich and tasty. Our whole family has this as the first choice for spread.
How can you not love Marmite, so nice on vogels
Thank heavens we no longer have a shortage in this wonderful stuff! Vegemite will never compete in my opinion. Marmite will always be my families fav choice for toast, crackers and sandwiches. Yum
My favourite thing on toast with butter. Nice flavour, I love it!!!
Delicious! Add warm bread and butter and you are in for a treat!
We have converted!! We grew up on Vegemite but are all Marmite lovers now!!
The reality is the competition is better. Vegemite or Our Mate are tastier choices.
Would not be home without Marmite. Simple marmite and lettuce sandwiches bring back very fond memories😍. Home made gravy with marmite - can’t beat it. Marmite and potato chip sammies yum.
Love love love Marmite, have since a small child. Was very sad when the factory was unable to produce Marmite after the earthquake but am super happy to have Marmite back and I always have it in my cupboard. Marmite is great with cheese or avocado
Been a personal fav since birth.
A savoury spread that has many uses, simply use your imagination and cheese and Marmite scrolls, a savoury pizza, or mousetrap are all within a quick meals reach. You can even add small amounts into scone mix by doing a savoury version of twirly scones (usually done with brown sugar and cinnamon) buy doing cheese, fine onion cheese and herbs. We are never without a large jar in our household
Marmite is literally the best spread. When Marmageddon happened I went without, nothing else could replace it, and when it returned I went back to my marmite indulging ways; on toast, crackers, off the knife!! Yum yum!
Marmite spaghetti! Like hot buttered marmite toast without the toast - perfect comfort food
It’s just the bomb 💣😍😌
Family fav especially on toasted cheese sandwiches and toast with Avocado
Marmite goes perfectly on heavily toasted crumpets (so they are crunchy!) and on mouse-traps with a thin layer of tomato sauce on top. Marmite, cheese, tomato & lettuce sandwiches are a dream. On morning toast spread while the toast is still hot. Just yum! Always a staple in my household
You can’t beat marmite and butter on Vogel’s toasted 3x
Love marmite coz it’s kiwi!!! It has a mild smooth taste.. I have it in a Sandwich with potato chips and cheese - gives the sammy the kick it needs :-)
Great yummy the base on grilled cheese toast
Hmmm hot vogals toast, with butter melting in to it and marmite spread ontop. That's a dreamy breakfast....lunch....snack....any meal type of food.
My favourite since childhood. Reminds me of trips to my Nans and toast made. She always made these for me
I've always preferred Marmite. I think cause it's a little sweeter than other options. But it goes so well with scrabbled eggs. Or just with bitter on toast.
Absolutely love Marmite and butter on toast, tastes so much better than vegemite 😛 although when i was younger i liked vegemite...
Simply the best by far & goes well in stews as well as tastes delicious with smashed avocado 🥑
The flavour is the right intensity and you can’t mistake it for anything else! It’s the best!
I just love marmite especially on toast with lots of butter. Another favorite is on a sandwich with cheese. Yum! Love the fact it's loaded with vitamin B.
Yum marmite and avocado on toast best thing ever!!
The best have Great in stews, soup. with cheese, with almost everything
Marmageddon looms large in my memory. Love the black gold
Best Ever!!!
The best spread ever
A kiwi classic.. best on fresh bread or toast with butter. Also delicious on fruit toast or hot X buns!!
Marmite is the best and I wouldnt consider abything else.
Oh yum. One cannot simply digest no no...marmite is the way to go👏👌
Marmite is just the best
Marmite 100% even after the earthquake we just waited for its return. As for that V word, that's just gross
I remember the great marmite shortage.. it was a horrendous time but still wouldn't eat vegemite! 😂🤢 Marmite for life 🙋
It has to be marmite
Hands down better than vegemite
Only Marmite for me. Love it on toast or fresh bread
Delicious on toast with a good amount of butter 😍
Great taste of Marmite can be used for many purposes, on toast, celery, mouse traps, crackers with butter or in a gravy. Delicious
Vegemiymte is just a wanna be marmite 🤣😁
Only ever be Marmite
Have loved marmite since I was little! Great flavour, always a go to on toast, and when you’re feeling under the weather. Do you know it can also be added to savoury dishes to create a more hearty meaty flavour (instead of stock powder).. 👌
Always find when I am sick I always have a marmite sandwich, always makes me feel better some how
Have used this for 70 years , have it on fresh bread, toast, and add to my casseroles and mince
Way way way better than vegemite. It has a more rounded less bitter flavour
I've always preferred Marmite over Vegemite. I find Vegemite to salty.
Way better than any other 'type', marmite is my fab since alittle girl. Just dotted with plenty of butter on crackers, warm toast or with lettuce and cheese rolled up. Yummo
My absolute favourite, beats Vegemite hands down
Such a versatile product, on toast, with baking (cheese and Marmite scrolls), a great flavouring for vegetable soup! So yum!
Best product ever!
A firm favourite in our house love love love it
Marmite is waaaaay better!! Always loved the taste. Favourite spread of them all
My fav so good in a sandwich with chips or on hot toast with heaps of butter!!
Marmite is my fav. Has all the good stuff...vit B Iron Love it on toast Marmite and chip sandwiches Marmite and lettuces sandwiches (crisp lettuce not fancy) Try Vogel bread toasted add marmite cottage cheese and sliced tomato in that yum.
Marmite all the way for us
Marmite is the best. Love it on my toast or crumpets!
Marmite is great with both cheese and crackers and fresh bread and potato chips
So delicious with cheese inside fresh scrolls... yum yum yum
Love love love it with cheese or potato chip sandwich
High in iron and vitamins. Great with cheese.
It great with cheese
I love marmite, I have it on toast every single day and out it in stews too. I tried vegemite when the marmite factory was destroyed but it wasnt my thing
Too sweet and thick. Much prefer Vegemite.
Can tolerate vegemite, but would always choose marmite if I had a choice.
Marmite is the best savoury spread you can get! It tastes brilliant in toasties with the vegan garlic and herb cheese I buy. Marmite is versatile and can be used in a number of dishes.
I loved this for years Made In NZ good sources of Vitamins Iron and Folate 100% Vegetarian
I love the taste and texture on toast with cheese and as kids who could pass up marmite and chip rolls - Devine
I love the taste and texture of marmite. I have it on my toast every morning.
Mmmmm marmite hands done
Love marmite. Have tried my husband's choice but its gross.. has to be marmite everytime. Best brekkie on toast ever
Marmite is far superior to vegemite!!
Love Marmite, with it's savoury vegemite hands down
Marmite I love and it's a must on my morning toast!! I also like it on weetbix with lots of butter