This product was delivered to 2500 members to test and review as part of the Black Box Chilled Entertainer NZ 2019 product trial
$10.00 per review
A bit dry for me, prefer the sweeter Asti
A bit dry prefer a sweeter sparkling
a bit sweet and fruity. great on a sunny afternoon with plenty of dips and cheese and crackers. would not be my first choice i tend to a drier style of sparkling/champagne
A bit sweet but I know people who would love it. I like the packaging
A bit sweet for me, but my daughter loves it.
A bit too sweet for my liking
A great cheaper option. Not too sweet.
a little sweet for my taste buy very drinkable
A little to sweet for me
A little too dry for my tastes
A lovely affordable summer wine option. Perfect balance of sweetness.
A nice prosecco - good for a summer afternoon.
A slightly different (and pleasant ) taste to my usual
A very nice drop ! Great with Summer approaching.
A very very nice Prosecco. Great flavour balance. Another product from this box that has made the Christmas Day list and quite a few other days!
A welcome change to our usual sparkling, I'll look out for this for Summer
After my hens night last year, Riccadonna Prosecco and I stopped seeing eachother lol.
Although wouldn’t be my first choice of sparkling champagne, I didn’t mind it at all!
Always good bubbles for the price
Always like these but forget to buy. Also difficult as only sparkling wine drinker in the house and can’t finish while one myself so tend to not buy for that reason. Love riccadonna
ALways my fav
Always nice to have a sparkling wine & this did not let the taste buds down , well done keep up good work.
Always purchase Riccadonna, usually Asti (after receiving via Blackbox) but will purchase this one as well
Amazing. Loved it
An old fav of our younger days. Great to taste it again. Loved it like we always did. But had forgotten about it
Another great sparkling wine.. i like to buy wine on special and this is a little more expensive than my usual wines so will look out for sales
Another great summer drink prefect for a summer BBQ
Another nice drink :)
Another one is never try but actually really liked it! Easy summer drinking
as before, do buy sparkling wine but have not in the past three months
Average taste, would always choose Ruffino brand over this one
Awesome for Momosa's
Awesome taste. Will buy this again if the price is right.
Bad childhood memories ha ha
been a fan of riccadona for over 10 years and still love it
better than I imagined as the previous Riccadonna variety was too sweet for me
Bit dry.
Brand has an old fashioned taint to it, but repackaging is good and wine is quite nice (esp for price)
Brown Brothers is still my favourite but would be open to buying Riccadonna in further
Can't bring myself to buy it after it being the 'cheap' wine we bought when first starting to drink as late teens
Cheap tasting, too sweet and cider like. Not a fan of this Prosecco
Constantly buying prosecco. Would not typically have bought this one based on experiences in my youth. Would buy it if my usual preferences weren't available.
Delicious , quite sweet, didn’t drink too much in one go
Delicious and fresh! Really enjoyed it
Delicious in an Aperol Spritz - I'm a convert!
Delicious love the ruby one
Delicious. Perfect drink for summer picnics and bbq lunches
Despite the packaging change, the Riccadonna brand name reminds me of boozy nights at university parties. I think the packagaing is lovely but the name is still associated with being a budget product.
Did not enjoy as I prefer Asti but will be perfect for my punch recipe for special occasions
Did not like the taste more than the other sparkling wines I would normally buy. Found this too sweet
Did not like this, not a prosecco fan
Didn’t enjoy this wine very much. I am a fan of the original riccadonna but wouldn’t buy the Prosecco
Didn’t like the taste, prefer the original
Didn’t love the flavour - a bit sweet. Would drink again but wouldn’t be my first choice.
Didn't know about Prosecco and my daughter and I enjoyed it very much.
Didn't like the taste as much as what I normally buy, however I don't often buy Prosecco, more likely to buy moscato
Didnt really enjoy it.
Didn't really like it
Didn't turn into a "muist have" for me... however it is a nice option for champagne breakfast or a pre dinner drink. I used some of it to make aperol spritz too! It worked well in that.
Do not buy sparkling wine often but was a lovely treat will be buying some for summer
Don’t really buy Proseccobut good to see Riccadonna making a comeback
Don't buy Prosecco often. Would buy occasionally. Taste was good although just a little too sweet for my liking. Great to use as a mix in a cocktail or punch!
Dont enjoy riccadonna, too sweet
Don't enjoy the flavour of Prosecco but do drink other sparkling wines
Dont generally drink wine, but would for special ocassions
Easy on palette..crowd pleaser .. suit most sparkling wine drinkers..good price
Easy to drink, lovely on a hot summer's afternoon
Enjoyeable and appealed to most that shred it with me.
Enjoyed it very much.
Enjoyed the drink
Enjoyed the taste, my previous experience with Riccadonna is that it is sweet, but enjoyd this one
Enjoyed this because it wasnt too sweet. Have bought more since and wouldnt have considered it prior to this sample
Enjoyed this bottle of fizz with girlfriends and reminisced about drinking Riccadonna when we were young! Good to see an old friend rejuvenated
ENjoyed this in the sun with a BBQ, went down a treat and will be buying again!
Enjoyed this more than I expected - again thought it would be too sweet but was not and was really nice.
Enjoyed this very much. Was nice and dry and will purchase again if the occasion arises.
Enjoyed this with friends and everyone enjoyed it. I don't purchase sparkling wine often, usually for celebrations so will purchase this in the future
Enjoyed this, thought about mixing it with aperol - next time! Was nice as it wasn’t sweet like you would expect riccadonna to be. Will buy again. Liked that it was Prosecco from Italy!
Even my husband who doesn’t like wine liked it
Far better than I remember
Far to dry for my taste. Prefer with more depth of flavour.
Feel bad writing this but the Riccadonna brand isn't one I would take to a bbq. Would be embarrassed to take it (sorry!)
Finally some bubbles that aren't sweet, very dry so very enjoyable
For me this brand used to seem a little cheap and intense in taste, but I really enjoyed the sharpness and crispness to the taste of this wine, re thought my past thoughts on this drink
Fresh, nice taste, great price point :)
Friends tried it straight after drinking a bottle of the Lindauer Fraise. Preferred the Fraise. Said Prosecco was too bitter
Gave wife a head ache ob first glass.
Goes perfect with a champagne breakfast or mixed as a mimosa
Good affordable option
Good for a cheap Friday night. I wouldn’t take out to a party - it’s a bit too cheap to take out!!
Good for mixing with cocktails or creating bubbly cocktails. Nice to see different packaging. Still sweet
Good in cocktails
Good stuff. Mimosa is not complete without it.
Good summer drink and perfect mimosas.
Good Summer drink, would buy occasionally
Good taste for a good priced sparkling will buy again
Good value and very popular in our family
Good value for money
Good wine, good taste. Perfect for thoseb warm summer evenings.
good wine. however, the Riccadonna brand is what my mother used to drink. It is not something i could turn up to a party with
Great easy drink to drink. Always one of my favourites!
Great flavour and stayed fizzy after a few days. Very nice.
Great for a cheap celebration
Great for this time of year - gets you in the summer/christmas mood
Great mixer for our Aeperol Spritz!
Great product
Great product, glad I got a sample before xmas. Perfect summer drink!
Great taste - a great treat and will buy for next drinks with the girls
Great taste for small price
Great taste good for coming into summer I enjoy sparking drinks when it’s warm
Great taste that both myself and my wife enjoyed. Would consider buying in the future for special occasions.
great taste, albeit a little too fizzy with a busy mouthfeel
Great taste. Nice bottle
Great tasting at an affordable price..
Had a nice taste was enjoyable with our meal
Had quite a nice freshing taste. Would be good to purchase in 200ml bottles in pack of 4 like Lindauer brand
Had stopped buying this brand but will buy again
Hated the taste of this, so did two friends who tried it too.
Have already recommended it to friends.
Have purchased this before and often buy for entertaining at home - easy drinking and majority of people love this chillled.
Have received it in a previous black box and repurchased, great tasting prosecco
Haven't bought in recent months but hubby loved it
Havent tried Riccadonna fo r such a long time but I have now been reminded how much I like it
Helpfully, we had a get together with friends the day after this arrived in the blackbox, and I was stoked to be able to get this out of the fridge and bring it along! It was yum, perfect leading into Christmas, everyone enjoyed it, it was nice and light. Like the rebranding!
I always buy this Prosecco and always recommend it!
I always thought Riccadonna was sweet but loved this extra dry Prosecco and will use my coupon to buy again
I am fussy with bubbles- was ok but not my first choice
I am not a sweet wine drinker. So the dry was better than my childhood memories
I am not the biggest fan of sparkling wine but I still occasionally buy it if something bubbly is required. Riccadonna will now be one of those choices.
I buy champagne and methode through a wine dealer but I enjoyed this with a friend one night. Too sweet for my tastes but not as unpleasant as I expected. Two hours after drinking we both had a wicked headache (despite drinking water with it.) Apparently it's a myth that sulphites give you headaches so I suspect it is the added sugar as I don't have this problem with other brands of bubbly.
I buy my sparkling wine usually from local vineyards or from vineyards when I am on holiday in NZ
I could see occassions when I'd prefer this over cider which I drink a lot of so I like that it gives me an alternate option
I did not like this however my husband and adult daughter loved it so would purchase for them. They would not have had an opportunity to try it else where as I usually make household wine purchases
I didn't enjoy it but that is just me I felt like once I has swallowed I got quite a bitter/acidic taste, not the sweet fruity taste it talks about if you google the product
I didn't enjoy the taste I'm afraid. I only like sweeter sparkling wines - it was a little sour for me.
I didn't enjoy this much.
I didnt like it but my mum really enjoyed the taste
I didn't like this, it had no flavor, it didn't taste like it had alcohol in it, it was like drinking soda water. I know prosessco is a lighter style of bubbly but this was too light
I do not buy sparkling wine and therefore would not purchase this product
I don’t drink Prosecco usually but would purchase occasionally especially for Mimosas
I don’t like the new packaging. It doesn’t really stand out. I think the old style of the brand was more noticeable
I don’t really like this a little burn taste
I don’t usually buy sparkling wine as it doesn’t sit well in my stomach
I don't buy sparkling wine very often, but this was nice to have as a treat
I don't buy wine to drink at home as I'm the only person who drinks it and so opened bottles go to waste.
I dont care how its branded - Riccadonna tasted like puke in the 90s and it still does today! Sorry but we couldn't drink more than a few sips just for the sake of the survey!!
i don't drink a lot of sparking wine. love oyster bay though
I don't drink prosecco as it is too sweet for me but would now try a dryer version of riccadonna. My husband did enjoy the taste and would drink the prosecco again. I'd recommend it so someone who likes a prosecco as it was less sweet than others i have tried.
i dont have the occasion for sparkling wine too often but do enjoy it when i can!
I don't know if I can quite shake off Riccadonna as a cheap brand we used to drink at school. It would need a huge image overhaul. The wine itself was ok though, a bit too sweet but ok
I don't like Riccadonna
I don't like the taste of Prosecco but love the brand
I dont like the taste of prosecco unfortunately!
I don't normally like Riccadona, however the Prosecco was quite nice and would have again.
I don't regularly buy sparkling wine, only drink it on special occasions so would buy it around christmas time. I've bought Riccadonna in the past as it has a good price point and tastes nice, I always thought it looked "cheap" so would not have brought it to a friends house for example. The new packaging is a definite improvement, and looks more classy now.
I don't typically drink sparkling wine unless I have a glass at an event where the bottle can be shared, as obviously it does not last. I was pleasantly surprised to see that Riccadonna has DOC rating.
I enjoyed it but probably prefer other wine or beer
I enjoyed this product but tend to be pretty brand loyal to Lindauer. Mainly as I know my friends like it so it's a "safe buy".
I enjoyed this, not too bubbly.
I find Riccadona far too sweet .
I find this wine a bit too sweet...
I found it too sweet however my parents enjoyed it with me and I'm sure that they will purchase it as Riccadonna is the only bubbles that they like and buy!!
I found it very sweet, obviously getting older, used to drink bottles of Ricadonna when i was younger
I found Riccadonna to not be too sweet and with a nice after taste. For the price I would consider this product over others.
I found this too sweet for my taste,the new packaging is very nice though
I found this wine to be too sweet for me
I generally enjoy Spumante and other sweet white wines. I tried this Prosecco, but did not like it as much as the Brown Brothers that I had tried in the past. Ricadonna's Prosecco was too dry for me. I will continue to buy the Asti instead.
I greatly enjoyed this prosecco, it was sweet but not overly so. I will purchase again over summer and probably in winter too.
i had guests over for dinner and we all enjoyed the Riccadonna
I had not had Riccadonna before, really enjoyed it and surprised at the price of it too
I had received this in a previous Black Box and purchased a bottle then was lucky enough to get another one in this box. Probably wouldn't have tried it if I hadn't got it in black box. Very nice.
I have a cousin who likes Prosecco so like having it here for when she's over for lunch etc otherwise not something I'd ordinarily drink myself.
I have always hated Riccadona as it was way to sweet but loved this prosecco and would purchase again
I have always loved Riccadonna, however being the only one who drinks it in the house I don't tend to buy it anymore. It would be great to bring out smaller bottle sizes that do say two glasses.
I have always loved the riccadonna brand and loved to see it out in Prosecco as we fell in love with Prosecco while in the UK and Europe at the beginning of the year but it is quite expensive in NZ.
I have been a fan of a Riccadonna for about 20 years!!
I have enjoyed regular riccadonna in the past but this dry sparkling was aweful and both my husband and I did not enjoy. I prefer sweet wines and we both drink red, sometimes white but not dry sparkling.
I have historic perceptions of the riccadonna brand which prevents me from buying it
I have loved Riccadonna since forever, this prosecco is amazing
I have purchased Riccadonna in the past but not in the last three months. Sampling this has reminded me its a product I enjoy and will look for again
I have purchased Riccadonna in the past. Haven't been drinking much lately but keen to have again
I have tended to avoid this brand since a bad experience with overconsumption as a teenager. It is actually quite refreshing and the price does not hurt either. Will definitely get in the future.
I haven’t tried a Riccadonna wine I like, the brand as a whole seems so unsophisticated and all of the wines are overly sweet.
I haven't purchased this product in the last 3mths, but have previously.
I haven't seen any smaller sized bottles from Riccadonna, these are great for people like me who don't finish the whole bottle in one sitting
I havent tried this since the old packaging and wouldnt of picked it up had ai note had the sample. Really enjoyed it and will buy again
I laughed at the "same great taste" slogan if I am completely honest. Most people dont buy riccadonna in my opinion, because of the "great taste" I would have been less apprehensive to try if it was "new prosecco, riccadonna" rather than focusing on the taste. It's probably just in my head, but I know I am not the only one to feel this way xx
I like a dryer sparkling - a Brut only
I like it! Usually a Jacobs creek fan but this was yum
I like it, its an addition to the few brands I like
I like Prosecco but didn’t enjoy this one unfortunately
I like the design and label of the bottle. It is very interesting. The Prosecco has the right amount of sweetness
I like the new packaging but still can't get past that i used to drink this as a 20 year old!
I like the taste, an addition to my fav brand
I like this as a light summer drink, or base to a light summer cocktail. We even had it at our wedding a few years ago. Good product for the price.
I like this product
I liked it. Was worried it would be too sweet as I don't like prosecco because of sweetness but this was nice.
I love a good bubbles! Will be changing up my purchases to include this from time to time!
I love presecco and this was pretty nice. I think I'd purchase again if the price was ok
I love prosecco but found this one to be a little dry for my taste
I love Prosecco but this one was too sweet for me.
I love prosecco especially in summer and nice to know that Riccadonna makes Prosecco now as well.
I love Riccadonna since being introduced to this brand by a friend years ago. I have been buying it ever since and love mixing it up to suit my mood.
I love the new packaging. Looks more up-market. This was lovely and not too sweet. Will be re-purchasing
I love the other Riccadonna sparkling wines, the prosecco was a bit too dry for me
I love the taste of the prosecco.
I loved this so much more than the Lindauer which is something I always used to buy. The taste is far more refreshing and crisp! Really enjoyed it! Thank you x
I loved this wine, as I have just come back from Italy, were I had lots of this , it was nice to see it here and it taste just the same
I loved this wine, not too sweet and very easy to drink, perfect for summer
I might buy it again during summer but only for drinking at home. I wouldn't take it to anyone's house
I only buy sparkling wine once a year for christmas
i only buy this type of product at xmas time and normally lindauer but i don't like it, so will try this again if on special
I personally dont like the flavour of this and would not re-buy. I find it too sweet
I prefer a much sweeter sparkling wine. I did make mimosas with this product while celebrating my friends engagement, it was really nice.
I prefer dryer sparkling wines, this was a little too sweet for me
I prefer not so sweet wines if Im buying :)
I prefer NZ methode to Prosecco and mainly buy Le Brun NV. Prosecco just seems a bit cheap & nasty to me. As an aside, I think the packaging changes are an improvement.
I prefer Riesling wine
i prefer sweet sparkling wine. Riccardonna Prosecco is a bit sour for me
I prefer the original Riccadonna to this one
I prefer the taste of Asti
I prefer the taste of the Prosecco I normally buy over this one although I like that the alcohol content is only 11%
I reall like this brand
I really enjoyed this
I really enjoyed this the bottle didn't last long!
I really enjoyed this sparkling. It was light and not too sweet. Easy to drink!!
I really like Prosecco but they can be hit and miss so cautious about trying other brands. Store sampling would be a good way to entice me to try something new. This was delicious and will be purchased and enjoyed over Christmas time too.
I really wanted to like this but it was too sweet for me - tasted like Asti
I regularly consume prosecco so it was really nice to try a different brand and see that it was really nice. Given it's a pretty good price point means I would definitely purchase in the future
I remember this taste from my teenage years, but don’t drink it now. Nice trip down memory lane though.
I save this to have on my birthday very nice Thankyou
I shared it with my mum who loved it so she will define be purchasing it
I shared this with a friend for our girls gathering. It was sooo good we both enjoyed it very much and finished it all promptly. It was not too sweet and easy to drink. Easily could've drank more if we had more bottles!
I shared this with mum- Riccadonna is her favourite
I tasted this on its own, and then in an aperol spritiz - was devine!
I thought the packaging looked really good, but the flavour isn't to my taste (too sweet)
I took this to a friends house for lunch to share with the ladies. Everyone enjoyed it. It was a little sweet for me but everyone else said it was good.
I tried this with Aperol Spritz, was really good!
I typically associate Riccadonna with very cheap wine. Rebranding could be improved.
i used to drink this as a teenager so had terrible memories of it, great that you have changed the branding and added prosecco as most 45+ women woudl remember it as fizzy pop we got hammered on as teenagers :)
I usually buy Lindauer, and prefer that taste, but if Riccadonna is on special I'd consider buying it
I was expecting it to be sweet like other Riccadonna but this was actually really nice and not too sweet
I was expecting this to be quite sweet, but it wasn't! It was light, fruity and very easy to drink!
I was pleasantly surprised by the taste. I was expecting sweet and it was a good balance.
I was so surprised at how much my friend I loved this. I will definitely buy it again. I liked the new look and I think the old look had put me off buying it.
I was surprised at how much I liked this, as I was expecting it to be sweet and a bit cheap tasting. It was actually very nice and I would purchase again
I was surprised by the taste of this product. I always had an impression of it being a very sweet cheap drink but I really enjoyed it
I was very pleasantly surprised by this wine, I had always thought of Riccadonna as super sweet, but this was a perfect blend, i will definitely be buying this when it is on special at the supermarket.
I was VERY surprised. Normally I associate Riccadonna with sweet and sickly flavour but was plesantly surprised it was dry and very nice for a great price
I would buy my wine based on what was on special at the time I purchased. And I would choose based on the wine I have had before.
I would like the new packaging of it still fitted in the fridge door. It no longer does and this will affect my decision to purchase in the future
I would prefer to drink a NZ Sparkling wine over imported from Italy, although this was nicer than expected
I wouldn't have purchased this product without trying it as I associate Riccadonna with being very sweet however i liked this prosecco and would purchase again. Sampling in store would have encouraged me to buy this if i hadn't tried it through black box
I, personally found it less sweet for sparkling.
I’d buy this
I’d buy this as a gift for a certain person and have a bottle in the fridge at all times for when they came over. Not really to my taste but suits this one friend
I’d consider this again. I hadn’t had it for years but good to know it’s still an option
I’m a fan of the riccadonna label. This definitely lived up to the name. Lovely sparkling wine.
I’m not a big wine drinker but when I do I prefer Pinot Gris or Riccadonna Ruby
I’m not a huge wine fan but would consider this for special occasions
I’ve always been put off by the previous packaging. This looks premium and the great taste really impressed!
I’ve never really enjoyed Ricadonna unfortunately and prefer Lindauer at a similar price point. It really just comes down to taste.
I'd definitely buy this again since it wasn't sweet
I'm a regular sparkling wine drinker and this was nice an even better when around $13
I'm just not sure I really enjoyed it. I don't have sparkling wine often
I'm not a big Prosecco drinker, but my friend who shared it does and she enjoyed it, so I would recommend it but isn't personally my taste for a sparkling wine. Would like to be buy it in smallwer size bottles or cans?
I'm not a big sparkling wine drinker. This was actually pretty tasty, but not something I'd buy a lot of.
I'm not a massive fan of the new look and think it looks slightly boring
It actually wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. To sweet for my liking. Still not in the list of bubbly wine I'll be drinking.
It had a nice flavour, I was expecting it to be sweeter than it was so was pleasantly surprised
It is a go to fun drink for us over summer with Aperol Spritz
It is a good occasional wine. Not quite as subtle as I like
It is far too sweet for my taste.
It is so refreshing. I really enjoy it and have been getting this. Will continue with this brand.
It isn't my preference, however if I see it on sale, I may buy it
it reminds me the trip of Europe
It was a drier taste than expected, but a warm colour with plenty of bubbles. This was shared with friends and all of us agreed it was good sparkling wine and one we will look out for at the supermarket
It was a great bubble. Didnt know the price but it is definitely worth buying. The size is great for family
It was a little light for me but can imagine it would be nice on a sunny day
It was a little too sweet for my liking sadly.
It was a nice dry sparkling wine. Personally I would prefer it to be less dry. I liked the packaging it looked elegant
It was a nice flavour and seems like a good price for what it is.
It was a pleasant surprise - was expecting super sweet - but was dry enough to want more! Pity the bottle wasn't bigger 😉
It was delicious, that's it.
It was fantastic mixed with fruit
It was fine for a cheap sparkling wine. Would usually get Lindauer. Not buying alcohol at present due to breastfeeding.
It was less sweet than I like
It was light, easy to drink with a pleasant taste and was nice and bubbly
It was lovely and goes brilliantly with a drop of triple sec in the glass. frim favourite, will be getting a case for Xmas
It was nice
It was nice but my preference is for a drier bubbly.
it was nice but other brands are preferred
It was nice to share with friends.
It was nice, dry - so a bit sweeter would be nice, but either way i would buy this
It was ok but not my favourite flavour. Would have liked it to be drier. Does have the distinct ricadonna flavour to it I remember from my younger year.
It was ok but there are other brands similar priced which taste better
It was okay as a cheap sparkling, sitting in the sun on a hot summers day sort of drink
It was our first time trying prosecco, but it is not something we would drink again
it was rather sweet. My husband enjoyed it more than me
It was really nice and made for a lovely weekend drink in the sun.
It was tasty enough though I found the flavor a little sharp, prefer some other prosecco
It was too sweet for me
It was too sweet for me.
It was very nice. Not too dry.
It was yum and it reasonably priced
It wasn’t the right sweetness or flavour for me
It’s a bit too dry for my preference
It’s good when sharing with lots of people, quite sweet but was refreshing. Will probably buy this over new years for guests
It’s little sweet for my taste but others like i
It’s nice but generally wouldn’t be my choice of drink.
It’s will be nice to have in the fridge for when I would like a drink at home
Its a bit sweet for me.
It's a bit sweet for my tastes.
Its a good Riccadonna - I buy this product for guests who like medium bubbles
It's a nice light flavour on its own or with cheese and crackers.
It's delicious!
It's just way to sweet for my liking.
its my favourite, had it for my wedding
It's not a preferred taste for me in the bubbles selection!!
It's slightly sweeter than I'm used to but I mostly drink prosecco so it's good to have another choice. I like the re-branding.
Its too sweet for me but I like the lower alcohol content
i've always associated riccadonna as a more budget brand but was pleasantly surprised at how nice this prosecco was and would definitely buy this in the future!
I've always enjoyed Lindauer, great price, great taste. Now I have another one I can choose!
Just a little bit too bitter for my tastes
Just a little too sweet for me
Just a really easy drinks wine. My mum loves this as it’s quite sweet. My dad found it a bit hard to palette. I enjoyed though. All in all a great drop
Just buy sparkling wine at Christmas. This will be on the list.
Just not a huge fan of sparkling wines.
Light and perfect for summer
Light and pleasant drink
Like I said before, roll on summer and socialising. Great for Christmas breakfast
Like the label change to class things up. Riccadonna I associate as a very cheap and nasty bottle of alcohol from when I was a teenager. I was pleasantly surprised by tasting it now as it is quite nice!
Like the new branding.
liked that this wasnt too sweet was too easy to drink
Liked this drink
Lindaur has always been a ‘go to’. This is a very nice alternative. Nice label.
Looks a little tacky still
Looks fancy. Tastes nice. Pleased to see price is reasonable too.
Love ! I am a wee sucker for a cheeky prosecco and this went down a treat !
Love a bubbles, great served chilled on a hot day
Love bubbles in our house. Will add this to the list of acceptable brands!
Love it
Love it!!!
Love it, had at a friends, enjoyed but couldnt remember the brand (possibly due to packaging change) so glad I got this, will have regularly
Love Riccadonna, its super easy to drink and tastes delicious!
Love that it's made in Italy so proper prosecco
Love the classy new packaging! Would be more likely to buy now. Hey
Love the new packaging!
Love the new packaging, I would now buy it
Love the Spumante, and this was a nice change.
Love the taste and price point great
Love this
Love this prosecco and have puchased it a couple of time since recieving in a black box previously....was super stoked to get it again.
Love, love, love Riccadonna!
loved it
Loved it
Loved it! Took it with to a friends house one evening and we both agreed it is a bargain! Taste is up there with the more expensive brands
Loved it!!
Loved it, glad to know new packaging, that brand hasn't disappeared
Loved it, went down well with no yucky after taste
Loved the taste, changed my mind of buying it again and again
Loved this bubbles and was very popular amongst my mummy friend. Very yum!
Loved this product
Lovely - very pleased to try this as I wouldn’t have bought before - now will purchase again. Instore tastings would be great too
Lovely bubbly
Lovely flavour and very reasonable in price
Lovely light bubbles, great price too!
Lovely summer taste
Lovely summer's tipple
Lovely taste to this product - light and delicious. Look forward to drinking again
lovely with aperol
Lovely with aperol
Lovely, a bit different to other sparkling brands, I've had before and buy on occassion
Me and my husband love having a glass together.
Much better taste than expected with good flavors and nice effervescence
Much to sweet for me
Much too sweet but a well respected and longstanding brand, great for Christmas gift
much too sweet for me
Must too sweet!
My adult nephew really enjoyed it and he is usually a beer, cider drinker. It was a little dry for me.
My fave Prosecco
My favorite!!! Love the new labeling also
My favourite - i like the new packaging too :)
My favourite Prosecco. Ideal for a lazy, summer’s afternoon.
My friends and I enjoyed this
My husband loved this Prosecco. While I love Prosecco more than he does, I didn't like this Prosecco at all. Different tates. Beautiful and sophisicated packaging.
My husband tried to buy it but couldn't find it so bought a different brand recently.
My mother in law's favourite sparkling plus processors. Marriage made in heaven.
My mum loves that it’s made I. Italy as she doesn’t react to European wines like she does with New Zealand wines
My partner and I shared the bottle and we were both drunk afterwards. We are not big sparking wine drinkers, but this was very much and enjoyed and will be on the shopping list every now and then
My preferred choice when purchasing sparkling wine
My response to the cider also applies here. Even though I really liked the taste of Riccadonna I probably wouldn't buy again because it has a cheap reputation. Although Lindauer has a similar reputation, I know that it is award winning oversea competing with the likes of champagne.
my sister in law and I tried this product as she is a sparkling wine fan and we both really enjoyed it and commented we would buy this again. It was quite dry and not too sweet. Well done
My son likes this type of wine but didn’t enjoy as much as he thought he would.
Never would have bought this for myself as I always associate Riccadonna with your sweet wines. But it was DELICIOUS! I will definitely buy again
New packaging is miles better. Well done!
New packaging looks good but have always associated brand (probably unfairly) with cheap alternative.
Nice and fresh. Easy to drink. Will purchase again, particularly if the price is cheap
Nice drink
nice drop
Nice flavour, not too sweet
Nice not too sweet like I remember from decades ago that this label tasted like. Enjoyable
Nice packaging made it feel like a celebratory product. Good colour and flavour.
Nice packaging update. Taste not for me
Nice packaging would definitely look at something like this to add to a gift
Nice surprise and taste - have since bought more.
Nice touch dont buy often but welcome addition to xmas lunch
Nice wine
Nice. I think sadly Riccadonna has the stigma of the cheap wine you bought as a teenager. But the rebranding is pulling it back.
Not a big drinker but have always liked this as a wine
Not a big wine drinker, but it was quite refreshing to have on a hot afternoon with family
Not a fan of prosecco - as you can see, I like my stuff sweeter than that.
Not a fan of the taste sorry
Not a fav for me
Not a huge fan of Prosecco - however o would recommend it to Prosecco drinkers.
Not being a huge prosecco fan due to the sweetness... I was keen to try this in an aperol spritz.. which it was delicious in! So will be buying again for that purpose! Yum!
Not Big sparkling wine drinkers. This was a wee bit to sweet for my taste
Not bubbly enough! Tasted flat! Not a fan sorry!
Not exactly a wine connoisseur but this tasted a little bland to me. It got a little better the more I drank but wouldn't purchase in future
Not for me sorry
Not for me. Prosecco isn't sweet enough.
Not keen on Prosecco
Not my taste.
Not nice, left a nasty, artificial after taste
not our first choice, but good to add into punches with juice etc
Not to my taste
Not too dry, light/fine bubbles - nice.
Not too sparkling, just right
Not too sweet - I liked it
Not too sweet - a really nice light Prosecco - will definitely be buying this again.
Not too sweet, well done!
Nothing too special about it
one of my favourites
Only buy this prosecco Its the best I've had Always recommend to friends and family
Only drink champange BUT this was ok. had it with OJ and worked well
Only drink sparkling wine on special occasions
Only occasionally buy sparkling wine when it’s special occasions and then more likely to buy a more expensive bottle. Taste was ok but more for more frequent drinking than special occasion.
Perfect and much nicer than what I tried years ago. Will definitely go back to Riccadonna going toward for Christmas
Perfect with my Aperol! And was also a good taste not too sweet on its own!
Pleasantly surprised on flavor
Pleasantly surprised to find this dry - ideal for kir royal and cocktails
Pleasantly surprised- would buy again for making summer spritz cocktails
Prefect party drink
Prefer french style bubbles.
prefer my usual bubbles.
Pretty bottle. Lots of bubbles. A bit too sweet for me but friends enjoyed it. Good celebration bottle perhaps.
Product was too sweet
Prosecco and Aprol - summer in a glass. Will be buying a lot more in the coming summer months!!!!!!
Prosecco is a favourite to drink especially in spring/summer and the Riccadonna Prosecco was very much enjoyed!
Prosecco is lovely, new branding looks nice.. But you may need to drop the name Riccadonna to gain new customers.. It still reminds me of my underage drinking days..
Prosecco is my favourite wine, but the brand always excapes me! Yours was VERY easy to drink!
Prosecco is too sweet for me
Quite sweet
Really enjoyed but something I only have on special occasions not a weekend drink like beer cider or rtds
Really enjoyed the flavour.
Really enjoyed this bottle with my friend. Normally a sav girl this was a refreshing change great for summer
Really enjoyed this!!!
Really enjoyed this, was easy to drink and not overly sweet like some of the other Riccadonna products
Really like this Prosecco but have never been able to get it at Paknsave
Really nejoyed the taste and great value for money
Really nice and refreshing on a hot sunny day
Really nice, hadn't tried this one before but will buy going forward
Really nice, will be buying regularly now
Really nice.
Really really nice, and great value
Really surprised that it wasn't too sweet. Really enjoyed it.
Really tasty and delicious
Really yum! A great drink to take to events
refreshing and goes well with a BBQ
Rica Donna has such an old school rep, so it was good to actually try it agin for the first time in forever. Good that it’s had a bit of a revamp as it’s nice to drink and a great price point.
Riccadona is my go to.. after not drinking since I was a teenager. I'm enjoying drinking it again
Riccadonna as a brand name still has comical connotations for me as a cheap fizzy wine we drank as underage teens, up there with “Aquila” and “Bernardino”. The packaging is a step up though!
Riccadonna as a brand reminds me of cheap nasty wine from when I was younger but this was surprisingly good!
Riccadonna doesn’t have a good reputation for being good quality.
Riccadonna has had a bit of a hard time over the years - lol. But it was very drinkable and we were pleasantly surprised by it. Maybe it was ahead of its time ;)
Riccadonna has teenage memories of a cheap way to get drunk.
Riccadonna is a brand I associate with my parents! I guess, I don't think to buy it because of this. Perhaps, it would be good to rebrand? This prosecco tasted ok, but I am more likely to purchase crowd fave Verve du Vernay which is a similar price point.
Riccadonna is known to be a cheap and uncool brand - I couldn’t serve this to my friends as they would think I am cheap and tacky
riccadonna is my favourite but i prefer the sweeter asti over the prosecco
Riccadonna is my favourite sparkling wine since recieving in a black box this year, I will not drink anything else in the sparkling range.
Riccadonna Prosecco has a sweet, refreshing taste.
Riccadonna wasn't as sweet for me compared to the other brands. My husband and my friends enjoyed it though so will recommend but not for me personally.
Same great taste I remember. Like the updated bottle. It’s a little more refined.
Seems like a celebration wine - without the high cost!
Shared it with a friend and we both enjoyed it, I just don't buy sparkling wine that often though will definitely consider Riccadonna when I do
Shared this with family members and all thought it lacked flavour howevr i guess yougt what you pay for
Shared with friends and we all enjoyed
Simply delicious...great new packaging
Simply loved the taste
Simply not quite to our taste. But this is the nicest Riccadonna we have ever tried and the closest to something we would buy again.
So fresh and lovely. Perfect for summer parties
So good! Great taste!!
So stoked to get This!
So surprised by how good this was - will definitely repurchase
Soo goood...! Will definitely purchase again.
Sorry but I really wasn't a fan of this. I found it really sweet and almost flat tasting for a "sparkling" wine.
Sorry but this is far too sweet
Sorry I didnt like this it was way too dry for me
Sorry I really didn’t like this, far too sweet
Sorry more of a French champagne girl
Sorry was not impressed with this wine. I was not able to finish the glass i poured.
sounds snobby but riccadonna doesn't have good connotations
Sparkling wine is definitely more for occasions rather than a glass of wine in the evening - really looking forward to summer to enjoy it more often
still tastes horrible
Sweeet, delish and very drinkable!!!! another perfect summer drink to share with my girl friends :-)
sweeter then i prefer
Takes me back to student days...
taste was great ..other friends has said it's a good brand
Taste was OK but realistically not enough to change my current purchasing habits
Tasted great. both husband and i enjoyed this. will definitely get again
Tasted nice but not a drink that I would normally buy
Tastes great and great for summer
Tend to buy at higher level for bubbles as usually for nice event
Tend to buy NZ sparkling wines rather than something imported
Tend to shop around with the sparkling wines but enjoy the taste and price of Riccadonna.
Terrible taste.
thank you
Thanks for letting me try!
That was an amazing treat !
The bottle was too big!! Didn’t fit in my cupboard. I like to be able to fit wine bottles in the cupboard.
The brand name has historic connotations of being cheap
The brand perception is still of a cheap wine so I would drink st home but perhaps would choose a 'better quality' perceived brand to take to a friends house
The flavor wasn’t for me but I like the new branding.
the name needs to be 'matured' a little - i associate it with cheap awful plonk, it was actually ok...rebranding def a good thing!
The new packaging is super - looks so elegant and 'mysterious' - big improvement. Good price, will definitely repurchase.
The new packaging looks more streamlined and inviting. A refreshing drink to sip
The new style of packaging gave the product a more premium feel
The packaging definitely helps, it looks a lot better than in the past. I think Riccadonna has a bit of a reputation in NZ as being cheap sweet wine, so it is good to see the change and the drier options. I would use as a mix in aperol spritz
The perfect drop for all occasions fantastic sparkling drop of decadence a real summer winner.
the price is great compare to the other brand and the taste isn't as bad.. although i still prefer supporting NZ product...
The wine was equisite
Think the new packaging is great
This is a great price point however I found it a bit sweeter than I prefer. If there's a drier option I'd definitely purchase
This is in the cupboard ready to try when im not pregnant. Im not usually a fan of prosecco.
This is one of my favourite Prosecco. I love the riccadonna line of sparkling drinks including the moscato. I am not sure if I noticed a huge change in the packaging. I always look out for the name. Will buy in future
This is way too sweet
This Prosecco was nice, I wouldn’t think to buy Riccadonna but will consider it in the future as was nice.
This tasted fine but I prefer to drink NZ sparkling wine.
This was a big step up from the old Riccadonna! It was enjoyable, and people at the bbq didn't think it was too bad either. I would prefer to pay more money and have a better bubbles though. I would recommend to the younger generation as a much better option to Lindauer.
This was a great wine. Very much enjoyed it and will def buy
This was a little sweet for me but was still tasty
This was a nice drop! We enjoyed it
This was a really nice prosecco- I thought I didn't like prosecco but clearly I was wrong!
This was a tad harsh to drink and had to be shared to finish the bottle. I’d likely not buy again
This was a very nice sparkling wine and certainly refreshing on a warm evening. Would not hesitate to purchase again.
This was also lovely on the bbq eve we hosted! Lots of ladies enjoyed and it would make for a nice gift. Felt like a special occasion and looks quite an upmarket/ classy bottle. Better still that it is Italian- think this is a strength, against the price too.
This was amazing. I loved the flavour. It was not too sweet. It was not too dry. It was just right.
This was an awesome wine, our friends and us enjoyed it on a special occasion, all the friends asked for the name of the brand and are going to purchase in the future.
this was delicious - perhaps a little sweet... but then prosecco is sweet
This was delicious. Will definitely be buying it over summer!
This was far too sweet and it dry enough
This was great mixed with the orange juice, not quite as sweet as other brands. Not something I would usually buy/drink so hard to say
This was great to share with friends. Was lovely and refreshing.
This was lovely for a special summer occasion. Light and refreshing in the heat.
This was lovely to drink. Was especially good in mimosas!
This was lovely! I usually so not like riccadonna as too sweet but this was really nice and will buy in future
This was much nicer than I expected
This was nice an of dry and perfect for summer entertaining. Loved the cheeses’mm
This was nice and reasonably priced but I've recently found out I'm pregnant so I won't be buying any
This was OK, but I am not really a sparkling wine drinker
This was perfect for celebrating the new house - I am a bit gutted I did not take a photo of us sharing it in the spa - its the perfect friday 'pick me up' - will be great during Xmas so have added it to our shopping list - thanks
This was perfect! I actually can't stand riccadonna but the prosecco hit the spot perfectly!
This was really enjoyable. Perfect for a summer celebration!
This was really surprising to me - quite like a nice cider and very drinkable. We loved it!
This was so good. Will definitely purchase again
This was soooo good, a great option to share with friends
This was surprisingly good, a good way for Riccadonna to re-invent itself as a more classy brand.
This was very good. Now I have tried it I will definitely purchase in future. It has a good price point and was delicious
This was very nice and enjoyed by 3 of us
This was very tasty and enjoyed by all
This was yum. Was tossing up between this one and brown brother Prosecco for our wedding and ended up going with brown brothers
This wine was fragrant and easy to consume.
This wine was quite sweet for my taste.
Thought it was going to be way to sweet but it was lovely. Will definitely be buying again.
Thought this would be too sweet, but was quite surprised it was not. Was quite enjoyable and would try again
Too dry and fizzy, not a nice taste. I poured it down the sink!
too dry for me
Too dry for me prefer Riccadonna sweet wines
Too sour for me.
Too sweet
too sweet
Too sweet don’t like it
Too sweet for me
too sweet for me
too sweet for me but did enjoy
Too sweet for me but my partner enjoyed it.
Too sweet for me however have family who this is exactly what they like and I would buy when having them over
Too sweet for me unfortunately
Too sweet for me.
too sweet for my liking
Too sweet for my liking
Too sweet for my palate personally
Too sweet for our tastes
Too sweet, not keen on the taste
Too sweet. I feel a bit old for this drink (42 years old!)
Unfortunately I did not enjoy this sparkling wine as it left a bitter aftertaste.
Usually don’t like sparkling wines but this is yum!
Very drinkable!
Very easy to drink and enjoy with friends
Very enjoyable for a special occasion
Very enjoyable for a treat or to share at a BBQ
Very enjoyable, great taste and love new labelling.
Very enjoyable. Found it refreshing.
Very good
Very good, nothing to complain.
Very nice
Very nice and refreshing, it was enjoyed by all.
Very nice chilled!
Very nice for a prosecco!
very nice product. I do like prosecco so i will keep an eye out for this one in the stores
very nice, not my normal choice, but for a treat I think it will be lovely
Very nice. I don't drink on a regular basis, so when I do have a drink i always prefer quality over quantity - loved this!
very refreshing flavour
Very refreshing.
Very tasty, particularly after seeing the price point. Would buy in future.
Very tasty. Look forward to purchasing again
Very tasty. The packaging makes it look premium than the price tag would suggest.
Very very nice for a special occasion
Waaaaay too sweet - definitely not dry
Was a bit too sweet
Was a good taste
Was a lovely divine drink will buy again
Was a lovely drink to share
Was great, not too sweet or bitter
Was light and crispy - perfect prosecco!
was nice - would use it in a punch or cocktail
Was nice and not too sweet for a prosecco
Was nice but too sweet for my liking
Was nice, made some peach cocktails with it that both wife and I loved
Was pleasantly surprised at how nice it was, I was prepared to not like it
Was pleasantly surprised, and I think the new look is far more sophisticated.
Was pretty sweet and not my ideal sparkling, I wouldn't purchase again but did finish the bottle.
Was quite nice. Be good for a special celebration
Was really nice
Was really nice, I hadn't realised they'd rebranded/packaged. Looked really good and classier than the old packaging. I enjoyed the flavour.
Was really nice, I normally get given sparkling wine as a gift.
Was so good thank you, I'll be purchasing!
Was surprisingly tasty. We do drink Moet and Daniel Le brun. However this was tasty and no one knew it was ricadonna when we gave it to guests
Was the perfect bubbly for an afternoon BBQ with some friends
Was to sweet for my liking
Was too dry for me.
Was very nice but not something I normally drink
Was way too sweet without any nice flavours. No one who tasted this enjoyed it
Wasn’t a fan of this, can’t place my finger on exactly what in the taste I didn’t like but I definitely prefer Browns Brothers
Wasn’t overly sweet, went well with orange juice for breakfast
Wasn't a big fan
Wasn't a fan
Wasn't bad, will be good for stocking up for partys
Way to sweet for me. Hate to know the sugar content
Way to sweet. Couldn't drink more than half a glass
Way too sweet
way too sweet
We adore sparkling wines so this is us set for summer!
We all enjoyed it - from 20 to 50 odd year olds
We both (adults) enjoyed this! Was opened for a celebration and really liked the taste, flavour, will be purchasing again!
We both like this and so did the neighbors! :)
We did like it but it wouldn't fit in our fridge standing up, which is an issue and would put me off buying it.
We didn't really like the taste. Liked the new packaging though. It looks more upmarket
we don't buy sparkling wine much but would consider Riccadonna if we were buying
We don't often buy sparkling wines, but I love prosecco and this one was delicious! Will definitely purchase in future.
We found it too sweet
We like it and buying quite often, definitely will buy in the future
We like the product, and will purchase it in the future.
We love the Asti Riccadonna and this is our wine of choice on Christmas Day, but this is just as good and I really enjoyed it. My sister was highly skeptical but she also loved it.
We love this brand of sparkling wine ever since we received a prior sample and we have been loving it so much.
We only buy sparkling wine for special occasions. This one we do buy.
We only buy wine as gifts or for special occasions
We only drink sparkling wine rarely but if we do prefer to spend a bit more $$ for something nicer
We opened it intending to get a photo later but then just enjoyed it too much to stop... have since bought another 3 bottles.
We prefer Asti which we buy to serve with Panettone and it is always Riccadonna.a
We prefer other sparkling wine over Prosecco.
We prefer still wine to sparkling wine. Normally because we never have a whole bottle in one sitting. However for special occasions we may get sparkling wine and would tend to buy a more expensive bottle. For a regular sparkling wine drinker this would be a nice drink to have.
We prefer the Asti or actual champagne
We thought it was too gassy and bubbly. Taste after bubbles went down was just ok.
We used this to make Aperol Spritz cocktails - tasted great
We usually drink champagne only on special occasions so would go for a high end brand. This is a nice 'afternoon by the pool' drink though.
We will drink bobbles more in summer so will buy more from now on
Well done
well done!
What an amazing light flavour. We used this to celebrate my sons 25th. Will definitely buy again.
Will be a good option for xmas breakfast gathering this year
Will be buying this again for Christmas
Wonderful - also like the Asti
Would buy again for a low key event.
Would buy it for my In-laws.
Yes. This prosecco literally had me dancing in my livingroom on my own having a full-on solo party after 4 glasses-that pretty impressive. Loved the flavor plus it gets extra points for not giving me a killer hangover. This stuff is magic.
Yuck. Just tastes like cheap and nasty wine
Yum yum yum-will def be on the christmas menu
Yummy - nice bottle to share with friends