Redeem Soda Kefir Mandarin Yuzu

Redeem Soda Kefir Mandarin Yuzu


Redeem is a soda you can feel good about drinking. Made with 100 million probiotic kefir cultures per bottle and fermented with natural organic ingredients. Redeem has less than 1.5% sugar. This is a refreshment without compromise.

Madarin yuzu: refreshingly sweet and juicy with a sour citrus zing.

$10.00 per review

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Robyn Higham

- 2021-05-10 20:24:47

An unusual flavour. Not quite to my taste, but OK.

Rose Green

- 2020-11-05 11:18:10

This drink can be a CB little sour but the I C enjoy sour drinks. It’s great if you are thirsty on a hot day.

Cheryl Karsten

- 2020-10-14 19:15:34

With a sour zing its modt refreshing for those hot summer days. I look forward to it this sumner. Delish

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Redeem Soda Kefir Mandarin Yuzu
Redeem Soda Kefir Mandarin Yuzu

$10.00 per review

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