Noshu Sugar Free Cookie Mix White Chocolate Vanilla

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- 2022-10-29 04:03:31

Please make a separate one with pre cooked flour(to kill off bacteria to make it safe for raw eating yum) otherwise. It's delicious, I live it. Though one thing is that it could have been a little sweeter, so I added in some caramel stevia drops Now it's perfect

+ PROS: Delicious. Add stevia for extra sweetness
- CONS: Maybe just that it could have been a little sweeter imo, but also not everyone likes sweet things to be too sweet. This is just my preference. A good middle ground is maybe add liquid stevia sperate that can be added on if they wish It seems pretty good to me. Though maybe the bag it's in inside the box, that could and should be moved to a different less environmentally destructive bag, something heavy duty but home compostable maybe. The card on the box can also be replaced. Pine. A finite and destructive tree that doesn't even sink even a fraction of our carbon output to make any difference. So maybe find a different material that does less damage to the. Planet.
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