Nestle Milo XTRA Drinking Chocolate

Nestle Milo XTRA Drinking Chocolate


Nestle Milo XTRA is drinking chocolate offering 25% more protein than regular MILO with milk. A single glass provides 12g of protein and an added helping of cocoa. It is low in GI1 and contains eight essential vitamins and minerals for a nutritional boost.

$10.00 per review

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Edweena Ladmore

- 2021-10-16 22:47:41

Accidentally bought the new xtra milo. Not great, not bad but not great. Gritty and weird chocolate flavour. Regular milo us also great for the sneaky spoonful straight from the can when in need fir a chocolate hit. This new milo feels like coffee grounds and just doesn't taste good.

+ PROS: Still comes in a can!!!!
- CONS: Taste, texture and not enjoyable to drink

Karishma Seth

- 2020-06-28 10:50:15

Nestle Milo has been the No 1 favourite drinking chocolate for years in our household. Not only my children but also loved by us adults. Nothing can beat a cup of hot nestle chocolate on a cold night or early morning breakfast. Tastes absolutely chocolatey. The best product no other brand is as good as compared to nestle. It’s delicious especially when u add a few marshmallows. Highly recommended product.

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Nestle Milo XTRA Drinking Chocolate
Nestle Milo XTRA Drinking Chocolate

$10.00 per review

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