This product was delivered to 5000 members to test and review as part of the Black Box Warmth & Comfort NZ 2019 product trial
$10.00 per review
A bit too fine for me, prefer chunky
a favourite
A friend gave me a tin of Mutti tomatoes a few years ago and I loved them so much I buy them all the time, they're very high quality
A good product with a good price!
A high quality tinned tomato product - definitely recommended.
A nice product. A little watery but is fine in a pasta sauce or casserole. Good size tomatoes
A staple of any decent pantry.
A tasty versatile product.
Actually quite nice and not overly acidic
added a great taste to our breakfast toast
added flavour to teh dish i made
After I got my sample I saw them in the bargain box at countdown for $1
After receiving the black box I noticed it on the shelf at the supermarket. I used it in my Lambs Fry and Bacon casserole and it was very nice
After receiving this product in the blackbox I noticed it on the shelf at the supermarket, after comparing price I wouldnt swap out my current brand choice for this one..the taste in product was really no different to what I already buy
All depends on the price if the can cost lots then they wouldn’t be coming home with me
Allergic to tomatoes
Although it's dearer per tin, you don't need as much because of the high tomato content so it works out good value
Always buy Watties as the price and quality is great. Unsure about trying a product you never hear anything about
Always go for cheapest
Always have it in the cupboard.
Amazed at the flavour of the tomatoes - loved it and will definately look out for them at the supermarket.
Amazing canned tomatoes full of flavour
Amazing 👌👌
An italian chef came over to NZ and said this was the only can of tomatoes you should buy, I have mostly purchased this because of him.
As above, if priced right I will buy again, this product was on an equal footing as all other brands I have tried.
At first i thought i had opened up the wrong can as it wasn't watery like the other brands i buy. I thought i had opened up a pasta paste/sauce. I love these and yet to find them on the shelves
awesome flavour
Awesome quality
Balanced taste either on their own or in a recipe
Beautiful flavour
Beautiful flavour will definitely be keeping a lookout for this brand from now on
Beautiful product with true tomato taste
beautiful product. so tasty & smooth
Beautiful taste - just can't get here
Beautiful, definitely converted
Because i use it as a base, i cannot really the difference between brands of canned tomato
Been a fan of Mutti for years so will continue to buy this one and other products of theirs, tom paste, passata sauce etc
been using mutti for a while - less sugar and great taste
Benedict’s are good for cheap stuff, mutti is nicer for where the tomato is the main focus of the dish.
Best canned tomatoes ever
Brand, had never heard of before
brilliant product and for sure will buy in future
Can appeared to have more tomatoes than other brands
Can tab broke and then was difficult to open with can opener
Can was smaller though
Can’t find it in my local supermarket
canned tomato products are toxic
Canned tomatoes are a throw in for cooking, not loyal to brands just getting what a recipe needs. Generally go for the cheapest.
Canned tomatoes are useful but I don't buy or use them often. These tomatoes are fine and versatile.
Canned tomatos are canned tomatos. Price will always dictate weather or not I purchase.
Canned toms are always purchased via price as we eat so many of them
Cant beat it. Already only get mutti cans and paste.
Certainly a product I'll but but dont but tin tomatoes very often
Change the label
Chop was a good size, tasted slightly more acidic than other brands but that's easily fixed in cooking, good consistency.
Chopped into small pieces, and high tomato content. Now it's my preferred canned chopped tomato
Chopped tomatoes are a pretty generic product, particularly when added with other ingredients however I would still consider buying them if they are in the same price range as other tinned tomatoes
Chopped tomatoes are chopped tomatoes, we just buy the cheapest. I haven't found any difference across brands, so now stick with the budget varieties.
consistency and flavour were great
Consistency and taste is nice. Very convenient packaging. Though i don't feel it dramatically stands out from all other brands. Since I very rarely buy cans of chopped tomatoes, by the time I need to buy again, I doubt I will remember the brand name.
Cost is a factor so if it comes up cheaper on the day...we will buy it
Cost will be dependent on weather I purchase it
could have a bit more taste, but this may have been due to the type flavour we had
Could not open the can as the pull tab broke
Definitely has a lovely rich taste, great for enhancing pasta sauces.
Delicious but not too much spices which suited the children
Delicious chopped tomatoes, unsure of the price but will buy in future
Delicious in our mince for nachos
delicious so good adddd to the mince in my tacos, and would be handy to have in the pantry, v tasty
Delicious, authentic!!
Delicious, didn't think tinned tomatoes would taste different
Delicous and great quality tomatoes
depend on price
Depending on price
Depending on the price
Depending on the price I would stick with my usual if it were cheaper however the mutti brand was very nice.. my husband said mutti is supposed to be a pretty good brand as he knows a few chefs who use this brand for pizzas.. I paired it with other sauces so may have taken away from the actual tomato taste but will definitely purchase again to retry
Depending what meal I’m making would depend if I got this brand or just the cheapest one
Depends if it comes in large packs.
Depends on price as to what I would choose now
Depends on price when shopping
Depends on the price also
Depends on the price, I just buy cheap tomatoes
Didn’t like this product
Didn’t love the flavour
didn't like the flavor
Didn't like the flavour and looks like not popular at our supermarket as they were on clearance
didnt like the texture of these chopped tomatoes, The pull tab broke off as it wasnt connected correctly. they were very bland and very watery.
Didnt really feel they were anything special just canned tomatoes
Didnt really have a strong flavour.
Didnt really offer anything more that other brands we buy. Stick with what we know.
Difficult to open can. Ring broke off very easily
Do they do an organic version?
Don’t buy canned tomatoes
Don't buy very often but would look to buy this brand again
Don't normallu buy canned tomatoes
Dont often buy but when do like the flavoured range and stick with watties
Don't often buy tin tomatoes due to the acidity wearing down the inside of the can so would prefer to buy passata.
Dry nice flavour and consistency
Due to having had a liver complaint I do appreciate havig the option of a low salt product.
Enjoyed the flavour. Don't use a lot but would consider for different occasions
Enjoyed the thick saucy consistancy
Enjoyed these pretty close to watties I thought
Enjoyed this and the recipe it came with, I have made this several times now
Enjoyed this product!
Fabulous in our spaghetti bolognese, so much flavour.
Fantastic taste and color.
fantastic texture
Flavor and texture are perfect
Flavor was good. Added a nice touch to my pasta.
Flavour and texture is most important when choosing canned tomatoes. These were delicious and not too watery. I will look for them next time I shop - maybe they’re in a different section to other tomatoes
For some recipes I prefer sifted so there are no seeds. I like that this product is low in salt.
For tomatoes I tend to buy on price
found it have the meal a bitter taste. I assume due the reduced sugar content.
Found it to watery
found the product quite thin and watery
Frequently make my own sauces, or use canned tomatoes in other dishes. Good product, will keep an eye out for it
Fresh tasting, great with cooked eggs
Fresh tomato is better
From memory, I think the Mutti tomatoes are more expensive than standard Pams/whatever the cheapest brand is at the supermarket. I don't think that the Mutti ones were that much better to warrant paying more
Full of tomatoes! Great product
generally try to use fresh only keep canned as back up so just buy the cheapest chopped canned tomatoes
Generally we purchase based on the intended dish. We tried the recipe supplied with the Blackbox and found it to be delicious with the tomatoes being very tasty. This would lend to us possibly purchasing these tomatoes for other recipes.
Good base, nice taste. good quality. Will look for it.
Good flavour and colour
good flavour and texture
Good flavour for crockpot vegetarian dishes
Good flavour when we made a pasta sauce - we still have not noticed them in the supermarket though
Good flavour, smelt wonderful/very aromatic. Was a good base in our casserole
Good product
Good product and was fresh tasting and great flavour to add to our pasta dishes.
Good product just never seen it anywhere
Good product, would like to know how much it costs to see if it’s better value than the cheap tomatoes I normally buy
Good quality
Good quality canned tomatoes
Good quality tomatoes
Good quality with well in chilli
good rich flavour
Good roduct I have bought since recieving sample
Good size can and great flavours.
Good stuff!
Good taste
Good taste and consistency
Good taste, not very different to what we have tried before though.
Good texture and tasty
Good texture, will buy for recipes that need a smoother tomato product
Good texture, will likely mostly still buy NZ brands but may buy this occasioanlly too.
good thick tomatoes. will use again
Good to have in the cupboard for a intence tomato addition
Good to know that i can use these kind of brand.
good tomato taste and usually a good price
good tomatoe taste
Good tomatoes, most canned tomatoes are very similar, so usually buy cheapest. I like Mutti passata sauce
Great brand, loads of other mutti products I have used previously... great to see it in the supermarket having used it wholesale for years
Great canned tomato...especially love it with spaghetti bolognaise
Great consistency
Great easy to open top
Great flavor
Great flavor and loved the recipe card
Great flavor, love their pasta sauce too.
great flavor, easy to open can, depending on the price if i would purchase
Great flavour
Great flavour! Will purcahse again!
Great flavour, loved it
Great flavour, texture and consistency (not too watery)
Great flavours
Great for casseroles , will buy again
Great for pasta sauce!
Great full taste. Very useful.
Great in pasta dishes. How’s really well with mince
Great in stew
Great in the casserole
Great intense flavour
Great product
Great product - we get My Food bag so have been supplied with this product in that before
Great product always have some in the cupboard. It is a product that we will continue to buy and use.
Great product sound Bunty afsin if stocked in my supermarket
Great product with plenty of flavour
Great product!
Great product, especially for making pizza sauce. Prefer whole tomatoes for pasta sauce though.
Great product, not too thin and not too thick. Very impressed
Great product, perfect for use in a curry and italian sauce
Great product. Love the packaging
Great product. Taste and texture were perfect. Wasn’t as watery as some canned products.
great quality
Great quality
Great quality and flavour
Great recipe that came with this. Will be on the look out for more from this company.
Great simple product
Great taste
great taste - some cheaper brands have a metallic taste
Great taste & texture
Great taste and nice and fine texture, no lumps.
Great taste and smooth texture.
Great taste but similar to what I already buy - would be good if this product came with different flavours.
Great taste good to know foreign brands that don't use too many added preservatives.
Great taste! nice and thick too
Great taste, I would buy again
Great taste, nice base for a sauce
Great taste, the tin didn't open properly-the pull ring snapped off,
Great texture and consistency, made a great curry. Would buy again at right price.
Great texture and flavour was really good
Great texture!
great texture, good consistency and volume of tomatoes
great tomato taste
Great tomatoes! good strong flavour! great for cooking with in a variety of dishes, we had not seen this brand before but will definately be buying these in future! love italian products, these are very yummy!!!
Great tomatoes. I added this can to Mexican mince for our nachos & it was perfect. I would use it for lasagna next time
Had a nice strong flavour
Had great taste
Had it in lasagna was delicious
Handy to have in the pantry, top quality product.
Happy with home brand
Hard to find, not in New World
has a very deep favour which for me was to much but it wasnt bad i felt it overpowed the dish
Has less salt and sugar than brands I have been using
Have been buying using the Mutti brand for awhile now. Good price, good flavour.
Have been overseas for three months so not seen any advertising etc
Have not seen this at my local supermarket yet
Have purchased this brand in the past but i dont often see it on my local supermarket shelf
Have seen it also on MKR
Haven’t been able to find Mutti Polpa in my local store. Will keep looking as loved the taste and texture.
havent brought until i tried it in the box - now its one of my go to's
Heaps of flavour! Felt like real tomatoes
Here are already my favourite.
I already buy and love this product. Definitely my fav brand of tin tomatoes 😊
I already regularly buy and use this product - it's great! I definitely prefer the richer, fuller flavour that Mutti has that locally sourced products do not. Will absolutely continue to buy this product!
I also just buy the cheapest canned tomatoes because theyre all much the same, the Mutti brand was nice though because it was chopped more finely so was more of a puree than diced but it worked really well in the pasta sauce I made.
I always buy the cheapest tinned tomatoes
I always get watties crushed and sieved tomatoes but I was pleasantly surprised with this can of tomatoes, I think I'll branch out and buy this brand too!
I am so happy I got to try a different brand. Who wouldve throught there could be such a difference in flavour with canned tomatoes
I buy by price so tend to go for best value.
I buy canned tomato by content and price. I often buy many cans when an item is on special.
I buy this at Bulk food savings
I buy timatoes in not sure where Mutti fits in there. Maybe you could incluse rrp in your campaign booklet?
I buy tomatoes every week, not brand loyal, just buy whatever is on special.
I buy whatever canned tomoatoes are cheapest which is usually pams or budget
I buy whatever is cheapest if it's for sauce. If this was appropriately priced when I'm shopping I'd buy but wouldn't go out of my way
I buy whatever is cheapest of the canned tomato brands as we use a lot of canned tomotoes weekly
I can't find it at my local supermarket! I really liked the texture and flavour. Also loved the fact that it didn't leave a stong/oily red coating on everything.
I cant say I noticed a lot of difference in this. But another great brand to know of and try and I do like to keep some in the pantry so I will buy this again, The recipe card that came in the pack was great and the family would like to have this again.
I couldn't tell the difference in flavour from other brands, the cost is always a deciding factor when I purchase canned tomatos as we tend to go through so many of them in our pasta/casserole dishes etc
I did not like these tomatoes, used them for a recipe that I do often with various brands, these dried out very quickly, not juicy enough.
I did not like this product, it was too watery and not very tasty.
I did not mind it at all, but will always buy whats cheapest at the time and will often go for Pams due to the different flavors they come in
I didn’t notice much difference from my other brand.
I didn't find anything "special" abut this brand that would make my buy this over Watties, taste was basically the same but I don't think I've ever seen this on shelves and wouldn't bother looking for it
I didnt really taste any difference and I normally buy whatever is on special or the cheapest.
I discovered this can a couple of years ago at my local produce store. I loved it and always try to keep a minimum of 2 cans in my cupboard at home. It is my "GO-TO" can of tomatoes for all appropriate cooking occasions!
I do like it buy is it very expensive?
I don’t know the brand, and it does look a little dodgy
I don’t see the difference between the budget brand and this brand for such a simple ingredient, for tinned tomato’s I always choose what’s on special
I don’t use these myself but I gave them to my mum and she said they were really lovely in the bolognaise that she made
I don't like skins in the tomato products so would rather buy pasata if they make it.
I dont like tomatoes so wont buy
I dont really purchase chopped tomato so if i did need some I normally just buy whats on sale or what comes in my hello fresh box!
I don't see a lot of difference among different brands.
I dont tend to used a lot of chopped tomatoes in my cooking.
I don't think I have seen this product before on the shelves. It was in a nice looking can and 99.9% tomatoes!
I dont think this brand is stocked at my local New World
I dont use can tomatoes often and when i do i just buy the cheapest
I dont usually have a need for tinned tomatoes
I enjoyed the size and texture of the tomatoes. Mutti was better quality than I normally purchase
I enjoyed the taste and the fact this was low in sodium. I haven’t seen a product like this on the market
I feel like this is more a high-end choice, rather than one to throw in everyday meals.
I feel that chopped tomatoes are generally the same no matter which brand you buy, and because it’s just the base ingredient in a dish, it’s okay to get less quality
I find it difficult to taste any difference in canned tomatoes unless flavoured so usually go on price
I first brought 3 Tins for 5 dollars at my local fruit shop last year and have never brought another brand since, I always tell people about Mutti because they are sweet and tasty and rich I love them
I found it had a lovely rich tomato taste in my pasta sauce I made
I found the tin quite hard. I couldn’t open it and top broke off. Had to use can opener
I found these to be slightly metallic in taste
I found these to be sweet and delicious
I found these tomatoes quite oily-they were the only thing different I used to make spag bol and they was a lot o fly oil in the sauce.
I found this brand was full of flavour and if the right price I will definitely purchase again.
I got introduced to this brand through my food bag and have been using it ever since
I hadnt tried this before - but tested the recipe in the box and they tasted more fresh than other canned brands
I have no idea where to buy it from.
I have not checked the price of these so that could determine how often I buy as we get a lot of tinned tomatoes. Really could tell the difference - superior tomatoes.
I have not purchased Mutti canned tomoatoes in the past 3 months, but I have purchased them before.
I havent seen it at new world but will keep looking for it
I haven't seen this product before but I'll definitely keep an eye out for it. It was a nice texture for cooking and had great flavor.
I immediately went out and purchaed this after trying it. I found it to be a very good consistency and flavor
I just buy what’s on special
I just haven't bought canned tomatoes for a while but would definitely in the future.
I just Pick any
I knew they did the glass jar, but not the tin, have not seen in the supermarket.
I like chopped tomatoes, with more lumpy bits
I like Mutti tomatoes but find the higher price point ($2 vs $1 on special for Watties) difficult to justify when both contain 99% tomatoes.
I like reduced salt in canned tomatoes
I like that it is finely chopped tomatoes so you don't have big tomato lumps! I've only bought Mutti tomatoes for the last year.
I like that there is a high percentage of tomatoes in this, some others are low
I like the fact it is from Italy.
I like the packaging. Tasty tomatoes too
I like there small tin. Hubby doesn’t like tomatoes like this so I can get away with using a small tin in casseroles
I like to buy nz grown tomatoes.
I liked it, as i liked other brands too, again, it goes down to price. we are also trying to go organic as much as we can $
I liked that it was low in salt.
I liked the consistency and taste and will buy again
I liked the Mutti Polpa, Made a Spaghetti bolognais and simmered the sauce. Taste was not to overpowering and fresh.
I liked the recipie card that came with it. Opening the tin smelt really good!
I liked the texture and flavour, didn't seem as watery as other brands I have used
I liked the tomato texture
I liked them, but I feel there's not much difference between one tin of tomatoes to another, so I would choose based on price
I liked them, strange brand name and foreign packaging but noice product.
I liked this product but not sure it is stocked at our local supermarket
I love all Mutti products
I love everything about this product!!! The canning, additives etc
I love that it is mostly natural and didn't appear to be overly processed.
I love the authentic look and feel of this product. Plus I studied a very interesting casestudy on them during my Masters.
I love the authentic taste of Mutti products. They're the right consistency, the right level of salt and always taste great.
I love this brand! I recently discovered it and prefer it over watties now. Also like that the can is printed and doesn't have paper labels.
I loved that this tin came with a dish suggestion. We tried the dish for a weekend breakfast and loved it.
I loved the cherry tomato one that I bought after trying the one from the Black Box - will definitely continue to use this value for money brand
I loved the Mutti brand, i will buy it when the budget allows as we buy based on price not taste but when i can im using this brand
I loved the Shakshuka recipe card that came in the Black Box
i loved the texture
I loved the texture and taste of this product
I loved the texture of these tomatoes
I loved the thickness of these tomatoes and would definitely buy them again if I can find them
I loved these. I loved that there was no skin in there
I loved this can of tomatoes! I loved just how it was more sauce than chunky tomato bits. It also tasted great as a pasta sauce base. I'll definitely buy this
I loved this product
i loved this product as our kids hate tomato lumps. i also loved their cherry tomato product.
I loved this product, just cant find it at my local store
I made a pasta sauce because I had this to use and turns out I make a way nicer pasta sauce than the premade stuff - plus got to use stuff from the garden as well. YUM.
I made some chicken with this and it was yummy
I made spaghetti and meatballs with this as my tomato sauce. Added a few fresh herbs and it was rich and velvety!!
I made the recipe included Shakshka, it was a real hit.
I made the recipe with it and loved it. I am a chef and totally loved these tomatoes. Rich and tasty and was a great find
I much prefer my usual brands
I Mutti brand because they are Italian I wont buy food from China.
I normally buy the cheapest tinned tomatoes
I only buy tomato products in glass, not aluminium
I only buy whole tomatos in a can, you get more tomatoes for you dollar depending on the weight of the tin. Also buy the cheap tins as ther is very little difference once it's cooked in a stew, currie or sauce once it's finally seassioned
I personally didn’t find it to taste much different that other canned tomatoes, but that is possibly because of the way I personally use them. But I will definitely buy again if the price is right.
I personally dont normally purchase canned tomatoes. they seem to be an item that everyone ends up with too much of on their pantry so I often end up being given them.
I prefer to use fresh tomatoes in general over canned tomatoes, mainly due to taste, but have found the Mutti Polpa to be acceptable and a suitable substitute at times when fresh tomatoes are not available or do not taste good.
I quite often buy flavoured canned tomatoes rather then plain especially in winter when I have fewer fresh herbs available these may make a good addition to the range
I really liked how they were not too chunky
I really liked it definitely going to use it again the next them I need to make pasta sauce
I really liked the flavour and texture and will definitely use in the future
I really liked the texture of these
I really liked this for pasta sauce, the texture and flavour was great.
I really liked this product - tomatoes were sweet and the perfect consistency.
I really loved the way the tomatoes tasted and it gave extra flavour for food . Wish this is available in pak and save
I really loved this product. It had a rich tomato taste and wasn't watery at all
I tasted homemade and healthy and the flavour was great. I will look for this in the supermarket and if the price is reasonable I would purchase this product
I tend just to buy whatever is cheapest
I tend to buy by price - I will buy Mutti if it's cheaper than Pams which I currently purchase
I tend to buy the cheapest canned tomatos to use in pasta sauce
I tend to buy what ever are on special but I liked these.
I think the packaging looked to foreign and hence I wouldn’t buy them. I also assumed. Encore trying the product that they might be too sweet ...
I thought it was a great product and it had a lot less ingredients, which means its more pure. Will look for it when I'm shopping, I really enjoyed it.
I thought it was fine
I thought the product was very nice and loved the recipe that came with it
I tried the shakshuka recipe that was included in the Black Box - thank you for including it! I found the Shakshuka quick easy and tasty. The tomoatoes were chopped in a uniform size and what looked like quality tomoates. Will definately purchse these again.
I tried to find this on the shelves but could not. Will definately buy if the supermarket begins stocking the product.
I use a lot of tomatoes and price does factor in to my purchase and low salt, will look out for these the almost 100% tomatoes and low salt appeals.
i use tined tomatoes a lot in making tomato soup in winter and also make hot chilli jam with them and it was lovely the mutti in the soup
I used it for nachos, It gave the beef a great flavour. would buy it again
I used it in a casserole, the casserole was tasty and tomatoe broken down in the dish and gave it a smooth taste..
I used it to make spag bol as I didnt have any pasta sauce and it was alot nicer than our normal flavour
I used my can with the recipe that was given - so good! Definitely be making that again!
I used them in a lasagne, added great flavour so will likely repurchase
I used these in my slow cooker with lamb shanks was so tasty. Will definitely look out for this brand in the future
I used these in nachos. Were nice with lots of tomatoes
I used these tomatoes in a curry/stew type concoction. I found them good actually. I couldn't reliably comment on the taste because tomatoes are such a small part of my recipe. However there are other things which stood out for me. 1) The tin was easy to open - this is one of the most important things for me. 2) thick, with plenty of tomato content. So often tinned tomatoes are more water/juice than tomato pulp. Also great colour, which helps to add a lovely rich colour to the meal. I don't think I have ever recommended tinned tomatoes to any body and its not likely to come up in conversation. If I was, then these would rate. The reality is buying these tomatoes would all come down to price, as a pantry staple such as tinned toms price is top of the list.
I usually buy the cheapest house brand, but would buy this for a special meal where tomatoes are the real hero.
I usually go by price but enjoyed the consistency so if it's not too pricey I will buy in future
I usually go for budget brands and i shouldn't because the thought these were much tastier for some reason!
I was a bit nervous trying this brand of tomatoes but they did the trick in our nachos recipe & tasted fine.
I was delighted to see that this product doesn't contain added sugar and would recommend it to friends and family for that reason
I was impressed at the texture.Next time I'll make a pizza with it
I was not a fan of the texture
I was plesantly surprised. Thank you for the opportunity to try a new brand.
I was really happy with the texture of it. A lot of canned Toms aren't as fine and contain skins
I was really impressed with these tomatoes and will buy again
I was surprised at how much better quality it was.
I was unaware of this brand prior to receiving it in black box.
I will be buying in future really nice and tasty
I will buy these if they are cheaper than my trusted brands
I will change to Mutti if I can find it in the supermarket.
I would buy it if comparable in price to Pams
I would buy it if on special
i would buy itif i can find it
I would buy Mutti again depending on the price
I would buy Mutti if I was making my own pizza sauce or something like that but not for a casserole/bolonese sauce where it is mixed with other flavours.
i would buy this again if the price was right ie cheapest out of the brands ive tried
I would buy this product however my husband can not eat tomatoes
I would definitely purchase it if the price was right
I would love to know what sets this tinned tomatoes apart from other tinned tomatoes, especially the really cheap brands.
I would only buy this specifically for making pasta sauce
I'd buy this again. It had a great texture and wasn't all water!
If I can find it
If I see this brand Ill def buy it, I like to make tomato based pastas so this sample went down a treat!
If our store stocks these Mutti Polpa tomatoes then we will definitely purchase them. We loved the flavour and consistency of these tomatoes.
If price was good I'd buy again
If the price is right, would be happy to buy these again. Had a good consistency.
If they were at Pak n save Palmerston north I'd buy them
If this product is in the supermarket and on special we will buy it. Very yummy and a nice recipe it came with.
If we see them at our local supermarket we would buy them, but so far have not seen them
I'll buy it if it's in Countdown
I'm just used to Watties and trust them.
Im not a huge fan of tinned tomatoes but these were nice on a pizza
I'm not sure of the brand we buy but it is the cheapest brand from Pak n Save. If not shopping at Pak n Save, we get whatever is the cheapest brand on the shelf. My husband tells me he liks the Mutti brand, but to me, I don't taste any difference.
I'm not sure of the price of these tomatoes and this would dicate whether i would buy them over my preferred brand. They had a good taste however and would recommend. Very authentic.
i'm not sure what the price of these are in the shops but they were nicer than the home brand. it would depend on the price difference as to whether i would buy them again
I'm not sure what the price point it but this was a great product, really enjoyed it. Nice, thick, tasty.
In regards to tinned tomatoes, I generally choose the tomatoes that are on special
in terms of canned tomatoes i find what you add to them is what gives flavour and so buying more expensive brands is not necessary
Is perfect for my pasta sauces
Is the can recyclable given the plastic lining? Nothing outstanding about the tomatoes that would make me switch brand.
It had quite a runny consistency
it is a bit pricey, so don't buy often, only on special
It is a nice flavour
It is full of flavour and low carbs
It is tomato and salt, not a lot of water, I'm paying for good tasting tomato sauce and not half a tin of water
It just didn't stand out. Nobody in my house noticed anything different . The label doesn't jump out.
It made a delicious bolognese sauce
It tasted great with the recipe provided
It tastes too sour and i don't enjoy adding sugar to my meals.
It was a fine product but I tend to just buy the cheapest on the shelf
It was a good product. I just needed to try it
It was a lovely chopped tomato we used this in a stew base and was perfectly balanced
It was a nice consistency and tasted pretty good!
It was amazing in my chicken nachos, it was a great flavour and everyone loved them
It was better quality than our usual
It was delicious
It was fairly smooth which saved time. We usually blend them before using
It was fine, but I don't remember every seeing it at my supermarket.
It was fine. But I’d usually go for organic tomatoes if available.
It was good but nothing fancy, will stick to our current favorite brands.
it was good but too specific for my pantry
It was good, however not good enough for me to upgrade from our 89C tomato tins. Didnt have a difference in taste to us.
it was good, made a lasagna with it
it was great - much less acidic
It was great - nice and fine, didn't need to chop up any bits. Will use again.
It was more like anpuree than chopped tomatoes
It was nice but likely to stick with current brand
It was ok
It was ok, nothing outstanding, as we often make pasta sauces. Nice taste.
it was only 69 cents on special in my supermarket today, needless to say there are extra cans now in my cupboard
it was really good and added a real depth of flavour to our pasta dishes
IT was really watery
It was surprisingly delicious
it was tasty thanks
It was very crushed - I expected more chunks
it was very nice actually, kids loved the flavour
It was very nice.will use again
It was very tasty and i will buy again
it will depend on price
It will depend on price
it will depend on price, although I did like these tomatoes as they were nicely diced
It would be a lot easier to answer these questions correctly if you provided pictures of what the product looks like for each brand. I often dont know/dont care what brand I'm buying when I'm driven by price
It would depend on the price at the time of shopping as I generally go for what ever is on special
It’s pretty average, nothing stands out to make me switch from my cheaper tasty brand
It’s so good I had no idea how good this product was it’s way better than chopped toms
It’s yummy!!
Italian canned Tomatoes are very nice
italian goodness!
It's a nice tasty product but for what I use canned tomatoes for I prefer a chunkier sauce
It's canned tomatoes so I just stick with what I know.
Its canned tomatoes, they're all very similar. I guess maybe they weren't as watery as some are. A bit more substance in there.
It's nice to be able to try something new and I loved that we got a recipe card with it too :-)
it's the best.
It's the first time we tried this brand and loved them! Will look for this brand next time I shop. Lovely flavour in my lasagne mince. Yum
Iv always stuck with a brand I knew but I was pleasantly surprised with this product and will definitely purchase again
I've been converted. It was the yummiest version of the meal I've ever made...most be the tomatoes
I've started buying this as my regular canned tomatoes.
Just a nice quality product. Can't go wrong! :)
just buy whats cheap really
Key things I look for with canned tomatoes: a pull-top ring on the lid, low sodium
Like how natural it was without lots of flavours and additives. If they had it at the supermaket i shop at i would buy it
Like that there is no additives
Like the taste & texture in the can.
liked flavour & texture of tomatoes
Liked how crushed the tomatoes were. Will buy if price is same as current brand (pams).
Liked the finely chopped tomatoes which gave dish some texture
Liked the flavour.
Liked the tomatoes but was disappointed with the ring pulled as snapped off and had to use tin opener to get into them
Liked this product
Liked this product, haven't spotted it in my local supermarket yet. Mostly base purchase decision on which of my preferred products are on special or if I have a particular recipe in mind.
Liked this, was handy with the easy open top, will keep an eye out on shelf
look forward to using it more
Looked for this brand in my supermarket and couldn't find it...was interested on pricing as it was tasty
Looked fresh and of high quality. Used them making chili sauce.
Loooove Mutti, been using it for years
Love love love this product but I've not found it on the shelf. I use a mixture of real & can tomatoes in almost my dishes and this product means I need to add real tomatoes.
Love that it was only tomatoes and salt. Not alot of preservatives
Love the % of actual tomatoes in the tin
Love the can design, beautiful taste will buy again
Love the can that it comes in. Seems very authentic
Love the fact that cans are 100% recyclable.really nice tomato flavour . If the tomatoes are organic should be easily visible on the label
Love the flavour
Love the low sugar and salt!
Love the multi range so much flavor
Love the Mutti brand of Passatta and also the tinned tomatoes.
Love the Mutti range used to buy the pasta sauce but it became unavailable at my local pak n save
Love the product it's a regular item in our shopping aswell as the tomato paste
Love the range, especially the cherry tomatoes and tomato paste tube
Love the richness of these. full of flavour and colour.
Love the smoothness of this tomato product - makes a great bolognese
Love the taste and flavour
Love the taste, not too sweet tomotoes and a great size.
Love these tomatoes. Good flavour, colour and texture. Would buy every week but I don't see them at Countdown in Tawa!
Love this brand and their tomatoes! Already use them and recommend to others as their canned cherry tomatoes make the perfect pasta sauce.
love this but prefer Organic tomatoes
Love this, had lots of good flavor
Loved how finely chopped they were compared to other brands
Loved how finely chopped they were, made it easy to hide in meals
Loved it
Loved it with the recipe given
loved it! if i see these and they are a good price in store i will definitely purchase
Loved that is was lower in carbs , but cannot see in in my local store
Loved that it came with a recipe
Loved that it was nearly 100% tomato.
Loved that there were no additives. Have looked for it in our local New World, but still not there. Will purchase it in the future if I see it.
Loved the consistancy of the tomatoes. Sometime they are really chunky but these were just right.
Loved the consistency of the Polpa flavor was good as well
Loved the consistency of the tomatoes. If the price is right I will be looking out for these
loved the fine texture of the Mutti Polpa and that it was just tomato
Loved the fineness for our young children
Loved the flavor
loved the flavour and texture
Loved the flavour of these compared to our usual brand
Loved the flavour of these tomatoes, will buy in future for better flavour in tomato dishes
Loved the flavour. Great for pasta sauce
Loved the flavours of these, no watered down taste , will be using again in things like Pizza sauce which need that rich flavour
Loved the full flavour and thickness of these tomatoes.
Loved the intense flavour of these - much stronger than other brands.
Loved the packaging & the fine constistancy
Loved the product and would purchase if it was in the right price range
loved the recipe that came with this in the black box
Loved the recipe that came with this product!
loved the rich taste and juice
Loved the size of the tomatoes. Tasted real good.
Loved the taste
Loved the taste and pulp content, much less water than other brands
Loved the texture
Loved the texture and flavour
Loved the texture not too much water in the can
Loved these and would like to try their whole tomatoes if they have one
Loved these tasty tomatoes, especially with the recipe provided.
LOVED these tomatoes. Just the right consistency and perfect for what I use them for. Amazing quality and price.
Loved these! Will be buying in future - so much more flavour
Loved these, great taste, go great with pasta.
Loved this as not to watery - will buy in future
Loved this especially with the recipe they provided. We made the dishes twice. The first one with Mutti Poppa was better. So we might look for this product in the future
Loved this product! Used it to thicken a sauce I was making for meatballs and it added an amazing taste to the dish. Will definitely buy these tomatoes in future.
loved this, had a nice deep red, worked perfectly in my chick laska soup
Lovely flavour
lovely flavour - does it come in a bigger size as I usually use two tins
Lovely flavour and great packaging, good to see a tin with no paper around it.
Lovely flavour, often too expensive in store
Lovely fresh, vibrant flavour
Lovely on toast !
Lovely product - got more oomph than most tomatoes - brought several more cans today, including cherry tomatoes.
Lovely rich colour and flavour
Lovely strong flavour on pizza
Lovely taste
Lovely taste and consistency. Was ideal for the slow cooker with lamb shanks.. YUM
Lovely taste and texture, great added to Spaghetti Bolognaise
Lovely texture, no big pieces of skin which I hate
Lovely vibrant colour but a little too sweet. I used them in chilli con carne.
Lovley conetrated taste....fab for a simple pasta
Made a mince dish . Add instead of tomato paste did a great job good flovour. Will buy again if our supermarket has looked other day an could not find
Made a pasta sauce with the tin tomato, nice taste.
Made pasta sauce and the flavour was really good
Might buy these ones if need plain tomatoes
Mine other brand is cheaper so I would stick with that
Mixed in easier than Watties, nice taste
More flavour
Much preferred my usual brands, will try again though as I don’t write things off first time
Mutti pizza sauce is the best there is
Mutti Polpa has a higher calorie content than my usual brand and contains added salt, I prefer a "no added salt" brand
Mutti polpa was ok but I tend to like to use the brands I know and Pams are always a great price
Mutti produces great products, a trusted brand for me
My daughter loved how finely chopped the tomatoes were. No really big Chucky bits. Will definitely buy again.
My daughter raved about the quality of this product. She loves cooking with tomato and thought this brand was very flavoursome and a great consistency. We will be purchasing it again
My father in paticular loves this brand and buys it from the import store. They are really good quality.
My favourite thing about this product is that it has no added sugar or other bad stuff so I will definitely purchase again
My first choice
My go too!
My partner thought these were great and we have already bought some more!
My supermarket doesn't stock this brand
My trusted brand love them
My wife answered this section on my behalf. I did not eat this product due to my low sugar and low carb diet. We only have a New World supermarket where we live.
Need to up the brand game so people start to notice. Tasted nice, not too sour
Never bought before as I usually go for a cheaper option but would get this in future if I’m cooking something tomato based that I’m not adding heaps of extra flavourings to
Never even got to open it
Never heard or seen it before, but if the price is right I would have no problem purchasing over watties
Never really heard of them as a brand - nice tomatoes - tend to go for whats on special first though when purchasing
never seen this brand in my local supermarket only in NOSH - FARRO ??
Nice and easy to use but felt like it’s the same as homebrands
Nice and fine tomatoes
Nice blend would buy dependent on price
Nice but in a product range with large selection and very cheap options I wouldn't buy this as a first option
nice change
Nice consistency
Nice discovery :)
Nice flavour :-)
Nice flavour and consistency
Nice flavour and consistency just the correct salt level. I will look out for this brand in the future.
Nice flavour and consistency, if price was low enough would look to buy.
Nice flavour and texture
Nice flavour but will depend on price
nice flavour in the casserole i made
Nice flavour to them
Nice flavour, not too liquidy
Nice flavour. Easy to use
Nice genuine tomato flavor
Nice product
Nice product - happy to keep using. Price features a lot with canned tomato choices
Nice product - not watery like the budget brands
nice product, full of natural flavour
Nice product, have used Mutti tomato puree and liked it
Nice rich tomato flavour
Nice rich tomato flavour, not too salty. Good semi-thick texture, versatile. Used it in pasta sauce and in a dip.
Nice smooth chopped tomato, great for casseroles
nice taste and not too watery
Nice taste, stayed red out of the can.
Nice tasting however very much the same as other brands
Nice tasting product. Will buy it if I can find it on the shelves in the shop.
Nice texture and flavour
Nice texture, colour and taste
Nice texture, not too watery, tomatoes a good size
Nice to see this as an alternative to usual brands
Nice to try for a change and I would use again.
Nice tomato base, it's difficult to tell with the other seasonings and food thats' mixed in. No complaints, don't know if it stands out as any better than other brands. But it did seem like a good quality and I do like to buy quality
Nice tomato flavour; the recipe was brilliant!
Nice tomato’s just haven’t seen them at our store
Nice tomatoes that are not too watery. I had an issue with opening the tin as the tab was flimsy and came off.
Nice! Great to try a new one, was great!
Nice, but ultimately it's an ingredient in a meal that doesn't define the outcome of the meal. Important, but ultimately the final meal will depend on herbs and spices.
Nice, liked the texture.
nicely chopped
No benefit over other brands
No real opinion, used in spaghetti bologna and honestly couldn’t taste the difference from any other brand of canned tomatoes
Normally stick to my way toes but your consistency was good for stew
Not a tomato fan - only buy as a sauce
Not as watery as other brands so much more flavour added to food
not for me
Not fussy about my brand of canned tomatoes
not my thing sorry
Not quite as good as my usual Watties, not quite as good of a “fresh” taste
Not stocked at my local store so I was unable to restock today
Not sure if it was my tastebuds but it had a slight metallic taste to them and was not enjoyable
not too my taste
Not too watery. Good base ingredient
Nothing outstanding about the flavour. Wld buy if it was on special
Nothing particularly outstanding. Not worth the extra cost.
Often the price determines what I buy but I realise the taste and consistency is important now
OMG I have made the Shakshuka recipe 3 time now....its AMAZING!!!
Only usually by jarred tomatoes
Organic options?
Outstanding taste...quality product
Packaging is plain and unappealing. Doesn't stand out for me
passed the husband test !!
Perhaps have sugar free option
Please stock them in paknsave. I’d love to buy them more often
Prefer to purchase tomatoes in glass not cans
Preferred Watties taste.
Previously I thought that all canned tomatoes were created equal but packaged differently. However this brand definitely added a nice balance of flavour and very tomatoey and not watery.
Price and clean organic ingredients are important to me when using Tomato's in recipes, this just ticked the box and quality was as expected
Price and no additional ingreditents (e.g. just tomatoes) plays a part in my purchasing.
price decides choice
price is a big thing on my budget
Pricing would definitely be a big factor
probably go on specials price more than anmything else
Probably wouldn't buy canned tomatoes as we grow our own and make our own sauces etc
Product said finely chopped but felt was too fine, was more mushy with no evidence that was actually chopped tomatoes. Didn't detract from pasta sauce but didn't add anything either.
Product was ok, but have not seen in this product at Pak n save
Pulpy, flavorsome and a great product!
Purchase usually depends on price.
Purely based on price I would go for a cheaper brand
Quality is so important when you are cooking a meal. It’s such a great product
Quality product
Quite watery.
Rarely buy canned tomatoes, prefer fresh
Really enjoyed easy to open can
really enjoyed it quality product
really enjoyed the bulkness when I opened the can, worked well in my recipe
Really enjoyed the taste of the tomatoes and how far they have gone to ensure that only the best tomatoes are used from seed to fully ripened. I definitely think they made a difference to the flavour of the dish I used them in.
Really enjoyed the taste of these, however for us we would buy again if they also made a flavoured type, we often buy italian, indian, and other flavours to enhance our cooking
Really enjoyed this flavour and will try again when I can find it in a store
Really enjoyed this Mutti Polpa. Its exactly what I usually need for my cooking and I don't have to pre-blend the tomatoes to get this consistency that Mutti Polpa does. Absolutely love it!
Really flavourful and not too watery. Will definitely buy.
Really fresh, vibrant flavours.
Really good taste and texture, nice packaging
Really good. Will buy again
Really great quality, good tomato taste
Really impressed with sauce. Love that it doesn’t have the larger chunks of tomatoes like other brands. Nice and thick sauce.
Really impressed with this product and will recomend to others.
Really like the lower sodium, these were well flavoured
Really liked how natural this product is
really liked it!
Really liked the chunky texture and sweet flavour will be buying these again!
Really liked the colour of the tomatoes, too crushed or processed for my liking though.
Really liked the simplistic real flavour.
Really liked this sauce. Great flavour.
Really lovely product. Substantial..not watery. Sweet 'summer' flavoured tomato
Really nice quality of tomatoes and good flavour
REALLY nice quality. Would buy again.
Really nice taste, flavour
Really nice tomatoes. Depending on the price, I would buy again.
Really nice, used it in a slow cooker recipe and had a good flavour
really nice, went well in black eyed bean African curry
Really rich flavour which added some great flavour to my casserole
Really tasty - full of flavour. Will be purchasing again.
Really tasty, chopped up a lot so i will look for the option of a diced tomatoe.
Really yummy and tasted nicer than the usual brands I buy
Rich flavor.
Rich flavour
Saw these being used on MKR and then used them myself. Very happy with texture and liquid amount.
seems to have a different tase to other tin tomatoes
So flavour full
So fresh and so much colour!
So full of flavour! I have bought the Mutti jar sauce but now will add the canned tomatoes to the list and cut out the rest!
So much more flavour and quality of ingredient.
Sorry I don’t eat any tomato products.
standard canned tomato. Would buy if it was on special.
still think shops own brands are just as good
Strong tomato taste which was all in our favor
Super flavoursome
Surprisingly yum.
Suuuper super fine, looked blended not chopped
Taste sweeter and more flavor than others
Tasted fine in my lasagne =)
tasted good, and the meal was "smooth"!
Tasted great
Tasted great and would recommend to anyone interested in premium tomatoes
Tasted great, loved the taste. Don't think we have it at our local though.
Tasted nice but not nz product
tasted nice, i put it in a curry. i would use it again if i needed it, i didnt think it was amazing enough to search out again
Tastes like true tomato, consistency is perfectly suitable for pasta
Tastes of real tomatoes without additives
Tasty alternative to my favorite watties tin.
Tasty change to the select brand
Tend to buy canned tomatoes on special
Tend to match the tomato to the use - certainly these are great quality
Texture and quantity was perfect for sauces. Will buy again.
The best canned tomatoes
The best I have ever cooked with I'm converted.
The best tasting tinned tomato i have ever come across!
The consistency of the tomatoes was fabulous. We loved our mince tacos that were made using these.
The dish turned out beautifully fragrant and I’ve enjoyed it. Maybe if my husband will change his tune we will start getting this brand.
The family couldn't taste the difference in the food we were cooking compared to previous meals.
the family does not like sour soup, they prefer mushroom soup, broccoli or creamy soup like seafood chowder. and as a chinese family, i dont see any other option we'll use this product
the fine chopping makes them very good for pasta sauces and as an addition to cream-type soups
The fine dice was really great and made for a smoother pasta sauce
The flavor is great. I would buy price depending
the flavour I have with Watties is fine.
The flavour is fantastic and would be good to see it on the shelf in future
The flavour was lovely and it went in the risotto well
The flavour wasnt tangy which was nice
The flavours were fabulous, but I’m not sure I could justify paying so much more for a tin of tomatoes to add to other ingredients, it seems such a waste.
The mutti polpa was very tasty however I will probably continue to purchase shop own brand as it is cheaper and fits with recipes I use it for
The mutti products are good quality and value. The tomatoes have a good flavour and make a great pasta sauce!
The name just isn't appealing. It puts me off, it's just one of those words... like "moist", Mutti doesn't sit well with me and I don't know why?
The origins of the tomatoes was appealing but I don’t think it made a huge difference to taste
The price is the main attraction when buying canned tomatoes
The pricing has to be right - I will not pay a huge amount
The product is really nice - but it's one that I wouldn't have tried without having had a sample prior. The name and can design would have possibly put me off - but not now! :-)
The recipe I used the Mutti tomatoes for was the one supplied with the Black Box. It was certainly delicious and I will be making it again. We use a lot of canned tomatoes - a regular item on our shopping list.
The recipe provided was nice but I didn’t find anything special about the tomatoes themselves
the right texture, worked well for our curry dish
The rip tab broke and I had to get a can opener out to open the can
The sauce is really thick & coats the other ingredients very well
The shakshuka was very good
The size would suit a large family, as it is a lot for most of my recipes and the packaging is canned so cant really store it conveniently.
The taste is great for pasta sauce and makes the sauce nice tasty and thick
The taste of the tomatoes is nice, suits well my stews and pasta souces.
The taste was a bit strong for my liking so will not purchase this.
the taste was amazing
The taste was really awesome, definitely will buy in the future
The texture was smooth, the flavour was awesome. We really enjoyed this dish and will move to using this brand in the future
The tomatoes had a nice rich flavour. The packaging was nice too.
The tomatoes were a good consistency - not to much liquid
The tomatoes were nice, but to me they were no different to the budget/value brands, and at the end of the day, I only put them in casseroles etc, so they arn't the star of a dish, just adding to the overall flavour and consistency.
There did not appear to be any difference in flavour between this and supermarket brand
There is not a lot of difference in them when in a stew or shepherds pie if i had them seperate, i might feel differntly
There was a delicious strong tomatoes taste, added a richness to my pasta sauce that no other canned tomatoes has done before
There wasn't as many tomatoes in the can as I had expected - more liquid vs tomato than I would have liked.
These are our go to canned toms now, 3 for $5 at the local fruit & veg cant go wrong, they are so much thicker and less watery plus lots more flavour!! :)
These are so tasty and a great addition to our pasta dishes, it really made the dish pop with flavour!
These are strides above our usual tomatoes in taste and texture
these had a good flavour. Tried the recipe and it was yum. has gone into the recipe book
these had a great taste and texture, i make a lot of pasta and meat sauces and i think i will definately consider switching to Mutti - depepndant on specials and pricing. it had a lovely taste.
These often come in My Food Bag - love this brand
These seemed good quality. Would buy again based on pricing compared to leading brands.
These tinned tomatoes are so full of flavour! And all tomatoe, we loved them! Cooked in with our lamb shanks, oxtail and red wine! Whoa so good! Lip smacking deliciousness
These tomatoes are fine and I would consider using them in future
These tomatoes are so full of flavour which really changes the depth of a dish! Much better than the cheap stuff
These tomatoes did the job in the recipe we made.
These tomatoes had a really nice, rich flavour.
These tomatoes were the best I've used. The fine dice works very well in sauces.
These tomatos were great we used them in a stew and they were yummy :)
These were a good alternative to the usual canned tomatoes that I buy
These were a good product - if they were cheaper than comparable products I would purchase
These were beautiful tomatoes. Great flavour and texture. Much nicer thn my usual brand!
These were delishous great flavour and no stalks bits highly recommend
These were full of flavour and I really liked them. I haven’t noticed them on the shelves but will look out for them, it would depend on price if we bought them though!
These were good and if I could buy them I would - not sure on price though!
These were good but I usually buy flavoured tomatoes
These were good consistency so would definitely buy again now they've been brought to my attention
These were good. they're a tin of tomatoes added to other dishes so not too much to say about them. I'd purchase again if the price point is right.
These were good. It would depend on price point whether I would purchase or not
These were great in the soup I made and will be looking for them on the shelves from now on.
These were great, I haven't seen how the rate against my normal brand pricewise yet
These were great, so finely chopped, it was almost a paste. Great when you don’t want larger chunks of tomatoes in a recipe
These were great. Nice texture and flavour and not too salty.
These were great. I made the recipe that came with them and I would make it again
these were great. we'd buy in future
These were lovely and tasty. Definitely would use again particularly when I want the tomatoes to shine in a dish, especially pasta. Great texture, taste and vibrant colour. I will definitely purchase.
These were lovely but I couldn't tell any difference between these and what I usually buy so why would I pay more for the same thing?
These were lovely canned tomatoes, some are too sweet
These were nice texture and flavor
these were nice, great consistancy. Used in bolognese
These were ok
These were ok but definitely no different to current brands
These were really finely processed tomatoes, lovely and thick and super flavoursome.
These were really low in carbs (yay!) a great taste too.
These were really nice. I will be looking out for them in store now
These were really rich in flavour, they worked well in a vege soupi made for lunch one weekend.
these were so so good
These were surprisingly good and my partner made the recipe on the card. Want to buy so I hope local supermarket has them
These were very finely diced so perfect for my sauce. Enjoyed the inclusion of the receipe too.
These were very nice tomatoes but when it comes to staple products like tomatoes I find value brands are just as good and often have less additives so are more versatile
These where amazing. Hubby doesn't eat tomatoes yet these where fine enough he didnt notice
these will be nice for a change, liked the texture
They are a good stock staple for any pantry for many types of dishes
They are absolutely delicious
They are all the same and I choose the cheapest.
they tasted fine, cooked as expected but didn't have anything that made them special. I think if it was a brand a parent/grandparent used I'd be more inclined to purchase it myself.
they tasted very similar to other canned tomatoes
They were flavoursome so as mentioned I would purchase if not putting into curries etc,. Wold use if making a salsa or pizza perhaps
They were great! Will definitely buy them if we see them.
They were not too sweet unlike some other brands
They were ok and may look at them in the future
They were really good in my spag bol
They were similar to what we buy. If they were cheaper we would swap
They were so good
They were yum.
They weren't as flavoursome as our usual.
They where nice and better then my usuall brand I suppose but I still find my current cheep ones acceptable sorry.
They worked fine as an alternative to the diced tomatoes I usually buy, but price is a big factor for meal bulking ingredients
thick and chunky with a smooth taste. Good quality chunks with no cores.
This feels like a premium product. I'd buy & use this when the tomatoes were the star of the show. Mutti tomato paste is great, but I didn't know they made these too. Recipe was great
This had great flavour
This is a great product however I would still buy watties if cheaper at the time.
This is a price thing for me. I will only buy the cheapest available.
This is a very nice product. It is not as thick as some but would be great for a pizza.
This is the brand I purchase, it has lower sugar than most
This product added a bit of extra flavour to our meal without overpowering it
This product looked good when emptied into pan but didnt feel it had much flavour & it was a dish I have made many times before. I wouldnt buy again.
This product made my curry have a better consistency too it, normal one used is a bit watery compared too this
This product made such a difference to our normal Sunday night mince meal. Was so nice and smooth with great taste. Definitely noticed it was more premium than our normal cheap supermarket brand.
This product was perfect for our butter chicken recipe.
This was , is amazing , will be my tin of choice NOW! 100%
This was a good tinned tomato option, but probably not so different to any other brand that I'd probably opt for the cheapest deal on the day, unless I wanted a specially flavoured option
This was a great product, my can went into sphagetti bolognese - lovely texture.
This was a yummy product. I made a lasagne with it - delicious. I don't recall seeing this brand but as mentioned above, we tend to buy the cheapest. I'll look out for this in the future.
This was amazing on our bolagnese sauce I will be trying to find where this can be purchased I checked paknsave but it wasn’t there will check at countdown I will swap out other tinned tomato brands for this hoping I find it
This was fine for what it is, would purchase again if price was right
this was great on our pizza bases. I make my sauce from scratch and this was fantastic to have on hand
This was great on pizza, but can’t afford day to day
This was great tasting for our pizza sauce and will definetly buy again
This was my favourite product
This was nice. Depending on price, might purchase
This was perfect in our bolgnese it had great flavour and wasn’t too acidic
This was really nice. We usually add tinned tomatoes to an omelet or chicken dishes and this one had a nice flavour.
This was really yummy! We made the recipe that came with the tomatoes. The tomatoes weren't too watery and the flavour was nice.
This was very tastey. Yum
This wasn;t chunky enough
Thought this can was brilliant, keen to buy, normally only get Watties
Tin tomatoes are staple food in our house
Tin was difficult to open - had to result to a tin opener
To me tinned tomatoes taste the same as they always get mixed into stews/pasta dishes
To runny
tomatoes are tomatoes so buy cheapest cans
tomatoes had a great flavour for curry
totally depends on the price/special of the day.
Used in a mince mix was average. Nothing memorable just canned tomatoes hard to distinguish a flavor
Used in a pasta sauce. Was fresh tasty and great texture. Happily try again if right price and available
Used in lamb shanks. Great strong flavour. Liked the natural ingredients. Would question the term suckles - check Urban Dictionary once googled
Used it in a casserole. Just as good as Watties.
used the recipe came out great
Used this to make spaghetti and meatballs and it was fab, went down a real treat with the kids
Used this with lamb shanks was great.
Usually can buy for $1.30 or even. 80c so whichever
usually just a base so can see any point spending twice as much money for similar product
Very good choice as it's low carbs and we love it
Very good flavour
Very good product. I usually prefer to support NZ manufacturers but often buy Italian canned tomatoes for their good flavour.
Very good, opening mechanism not good
Very impressed
Very impressed & def would buy this again
Very influenced by price when buying canned tomatoes as they are all much the same, didn't notice and standout difference with Mutti brand but would buy if the price is right.
Very nice :)
Very nice balance of tomato to sauce in the can. Felt very fresh!
Very nice canned tomatoes, nice to cook with and use as a pasta sauce. Good taste and versatile.
very nice definitely try to find in the supermarket.
Very nice flavour
Very nice in a chicken parm
very nice product
Very nice product
Very nice tomatoes and made a great lasagne
Very nice, went well in pasta sauce. Don’t feel it was any better than competitors but would be happy to purchase again if the price was right
Very strange. I followed the recipe included and it was the weirdest dish! sounded amazing, but the taste of the tomato pulp was weird - it was the most tasteless tinned tomatoes I've eaten
Very tasty
very tasty tomatoes which were a good consistency.
Very tasty!
very tasty, hubby made up the recipe supplied and what a yummy dish will definitely be making again in future
Very tasty, quite robust. I will buy this brand again
Very tasty.
Was a great product, hopefully I see it in my local new world
Was a great product, nice consistency and flavour
Was a little to acidic
Was a nice flavour tomato.
was a nice texture and flavour for adding other ingreds and boiling down to make a pizza base sauce
Was exactly like it says it is, tasted fine would use again
Was good with pasta
Was good, enjoyed it in our stew, would have no problem purchasing it in the future if I can find it on the shelves
Was great in a breakfast dish, good consistency and great taste
Was kind of hard to open the can...
Was nice and evenly chunky lots of tomatoes and not a lot if juice. We used the enclosed recipe which was interesting
was nice but can't really use tomatoes as can't eat seeds
Was nice, but we'll stick to Watties
was nice. would use again
Was really good for our spaghetti bolognaise.... tasted great!
Was really nice great twadte
Was really nice, we use a lot of tinned tomato. However, we try to stay as BPA as possible
Was really nice, we use canned tomatoes regularly and would definitely buy Mutti again for sure
Was surprised/disappointed that there was less tomato pieces and more juice than generic brands
Was very bland tasting, much like its packaging.
Was very good, not too acidic. However not seen in local store.
Wasn’t my taste
Wasnt a big fan of the taste nor texture
Wasn't a fan of the flavour, found them to be quite watery.
Watties multi-flavoured varieties give alternatives for different meals, Mutti polpa is a good option where specific flavour profile not needed
We always buy Mutti. When doing a cooking class in Italy our nonna used Mutti! Excellent product.
We always buy this brand and variety, so versatile and great flavour
We are a family of Italian decent SL we frequently purchase canned tomatoes normally purchase any brand imported from Italy however I have never seen this brand before they were sweeter than normal and chopped finer
We bought Mutti tomatoes after trying them in the Black Box
We buy canned tomatoes on special - the brand is irrelevant.
we buy what is ever on special at the time really - and will def look out for Mutti again we enjoyed it
We choose a cheaper brand
We cooked Shakshuka (modify recipe without feta) and soup with beans & tomatoes- really yum. Nice taste - more like it is fresh tomatoes rather than canned tomatoes.
We cooked the recipe that came in the box to use the tomatos with. My son is a pescatarian so this was perfect for a family meal
We enjoyed on toast and added to our casserole
We enjoyed this product, it was rich and flavor full
We enjoyed this. Good to try a new brand.
We find Pam’s good value and a good selection of different flavours. Would consider other brands if same value and options for taste.
We flavor canned tomatoes to suit the dish so the regular brand used is fine
We go through a lot of canned/jarred tomatoes, glad we got to try this brand will now hunt for it when I next go to town... It's a great flavour and texture. Perfect!
We grow and preserve our own tomatoes, but do buy tins once we run out. We are very fussy as ours are heirloom. This would be our preferred brand now, as they were thick and full of flavour.
We had our can with meatballs i liked the flavour will buy again
we just buy budget whole peeled as tehy are super cheap and can just mash them if needed. tomatoes are tomatoes!
We just buy the cheapest brand of tinned tomatoes
We like the crushed & sieved tomatoes, and usually purchased the cheapest option.
we liked how the can did not need to use a can opener, and we also like the texture of the tomatoes.
We liked that it was very tomato-y.
We love Mutti brand, two ingredients fabulous, I'd happily buy this product more often if it was on special more.
We love Mutti!! What other products do you have?
We love these and use them due to the low sugar content
We loved the taste of this
We loved this!!!
We normally buy cheap tomatos but you can definitely taste the quality of these. Didnt even know this brand existed so will be looking out for them!
We normally go for the cheapest brand but these were very tasty
We often get bargain box
We prefer the brand we already use
We put this in butter chicken and it gave the dish an amazing flavour!
We really enjoyed the taste and texture of these, and it was great that they came with a recipe card!
We really enjoyed this product and it will become a staple for us. We used the provided recipe as well. Not too sweet and texture was excellent
We really like the taste- very good quality. Really good to know this brand. Now we know which brand we should look for- definitely Mutti.
We receive the Mutti range via the Food Bag and enjoy it then but tend to buy budget brands for cooking with - in a heavy stew or curry you don't really notice the premium brand difference.
We tend to buy the chopped tomatoes that are on special. If Mutti is on special, that is our choice, otherwise, the generic brands.
We tend to buy what's on special with tomatoes as we consume a lot, especially in winter.
We tend to buy whichever tomato’s are on special but i did enjoy this can as a breakfast dish. For future breakfasts I would use this brand
We threw it in with a lasagne mix, couldnt exactly taste the difference to be honest... but, I naturally assume Mutti is a more expensive brand that good ole trusted watties.
We used it in a curry. Was really nice.
we used the recipe that came in the black box and it turned out delicious
We used these in our casserole and they added a great flavour to the mix.
We were surprised at how low acid these seemed to be and the bulk it added to my usual past a sauce, the kid liked it which is great too. Great flavour without being overpowering, almost a fresh flavour we found.
We will usually always go fir the cheapest priced cans, they usually all have a good quality to them, including this brand
Weren’t sweet enough for our liking, did like they were from Italy tho
We've already bought this product & its now our Brand of choice
We've only recently discovered this brand of tomatoes but are very happy with this brand. They are a good genuine product that is competitively priced.
What ever the cheapest tomato can we buy
What’s on special in some cases
whatever is cheapest
when it comes to canned tomatoes, it is the price that determines what I buy.
When opening the can the pull tab split in half leaving a sharp edge which was very offputting.
Whilst nothing wrong with this product I'd probably continue buying my usual
Who stocks these
Will be purchasing again, really nice canned tomatoes
Will buy if the price is competitive
Will buy Mutti if the price is right, ie like the other sale prices
Will buy these if they are a sensible price
Will depend on price but I love the pull back tab! No can opener required
Will keep an eye out for it at the supermarket
With canned tomatoes, I find VERY little difference between brands. Usually, my decision making comes down to ease to open can (pull-ring lids are great) and price.
with indian curries i just purchase cheapest
Worked really well in my Lamb Shank recipe. Thank you.
Would buy again. Very tasty.
would buy at the right price
Would buy if I had a lot of money but isn't worth the jump up from other canned tomatoes.
Would come down to price between patties and multi. Both nice but nothing super special
would definitely use again.
Would depend on price compared to usual brand
Would depend on price comparison when I look in store
Would love to see a san marzano range
Would purchase again depending on price in relation to watties.
Yes good already bought again!
You have proved me wrong about canned foods tasting like metal, these tomatoes were fresh firm and juicy
Yum what a great mix. We used the recipe included. I will definitely purchase.
yummy and thick
Yummy authentic taste