MouthFRESH Cornstarch Toothbrushes are environmentally friendly oral cleaning brushes made with biodegradable cornstarch handles and packaging as well as charcoal-infused super fine soft bristles.
$10.00 per review
It covers so much more area - feels great when brushing - I do recommend
I received this toothbrush from Black Box in 2019 and have used it ever since I highly recommend.
Loved the packaging and product
I love the shape. I feel these brushes give a better overall brush as they cover more of the tooth surface.
We really enjoy these toothbrushes. They are soft so you don’t have to worry about damaging your enamel. We’ve been using them for about 18months with no cavities so they are just as effective as the plastic ones and they look good too.
I am surprised how much I loved this toothbrush! At first I thought the square shape was odd but it actually provides a much more pleasant feel with brushing your teeth. The soft charcoal bristles are make it a gentle and pleasant experience. I would really recommend this product! Its also fantastic to know that the handle is biodegradable!
21 year old university daughter loved this toothbrush and price depending will buy again
A bit unusual to start with, square head.
A different product to try, interesting
A good easy to use toothbrush, ergonomic handle and arge cleaning surface
a great change happy to do so
A nicer experience than I thought
a refreshing experience
Absolutely loved it, especially the large head and bristles. In fact we have bought 3 more for the family.
Actually my 17 year old granddaughter took this and loves it!
also use electric brush but good for alternating
Although I didnt like it I am sure friends looking for a softer toothbrush would likle it, so I would recommend.
Am going to see what my countdown store has in terms of eco brush as its about how easy it is to get them aswell
Am not sure about this one.
amazing the difference the square head makes :)
Amazing toothbrush.
Anything that is helping the environment gets my tick of approval!
At first I thought the shape was odd until I tried it, wow!! Great for hard to reach places abd awesome clean feeling while soft on gums. Will be getting for my husband too. This is now our toothbrush of choice by far. Thankyou!r
At first sight I thought the head was too big for my mouth but turned out to be quite comfortable to clean with. The only thing I didn’t like was the soft bristle. It seemed too soft. Do they come in med bristles, I think you would get more people buying them if they did
At first we weren't sure if this was a toothbrush for humans or the dogs (fyi)... I used this sample as I really like the idea of Eco toothbrushes for the family ( though did think it interesting that it had plastic packaging!). The first few times of use my teeth felt a superior clean, then the bristles started falling out in my mouth - threw it away.
awesome product. I usually use and electric toothbrush, but if I need to buy a disposable one in the future, I will definitely buy this.
Before using this i would have never thought to buty eco tooth brushes but since i tried this I have changed the whole families, I have not been able to find the square head one but will keep looking, I love the feeling of the soft brushes its like a massage on your teeth yet they feel so clean after.
Being biodegradible is a plus but I'm happy with what I presently use
Best toothbrush experience of my life. Please never stop making these and I would buy them for my kids if they came in child’s size. The square head is so great!
bit too big for me
Brilliant idea
Brilliant to see a 100% biodegradable toothbrush - we'll be buying these for all of our family
Bristles are so soft! Just lovely. Wish you’d tell us how much it costs. Not sure about the charcoal claims, any research statistics to prove it , maybe print on the package to inform me.
Bristles far too soft and square head was too wide for mouth
Bristles started falling out after using this brush for 1 week and bristles too soft
Bristles way too soft
Bristles way too soft for me
Bristles were a lot softer than I was used to, but do like the product
Bristles were far too soft. I really like the eco design but the clean felt very unimpressive.
Bristles were just a bit too soft. I'm not used to it so didn't feel like it was cleaning as good as my regular toothbrush.
Bristles were much too soft for me butter my daughter miss 11 thought they were perfect for her
buying this again would depend on the price
Can I buy these at countdown? If so I will we are becoming more conscious about plastics so if I can I will
Cannot stand wood in my mouth
Charcoal bristles were good (I had always wanted to try) good for the enviroment
Cld clean a bigger area faster
Currently use an electric toothbrush but like the idea of the eco toothbrush
Currently use electric toothbrush so probably will not change
Currently use electric toothbrush superior clean
Decent brush but the square head felt unnatural to me, I prefer the usual head shape.
Definitely a different type of brush but fell easily in love with it
Definitely did not like the square head.
Definitely happy with this tooth brush. The square head was way better than any other brush. If I hadn't received this in my black box I would not have thought to buy this product. But now our whole family is getting one
Depends on the price I still have not seen these at our local pak n save
Did no know there were such products. Will purchase in future because they are biodegradable.
Did not find the brush as good as my electric toothbrush (braun)
Did not like a square head
Did not like the square design. Use an electric toothbrush
did not like the square head
Did not like the square shape found it hard to reach my back teeth was awkward. Love the idea though
Did not like this toothbrush at all. The square head cut my gums and the bristles came out in my mouth.
Did not really feel like you could clean your teeth well with this shape and was way too soft
Didn’t like the feel of it
Didn’t like the shape
Didn’t like the square head
Didn’t really like the square head
Didnt feel very clean after using. Had to brush twice
didn't get the square head?
Didnt know you could get eco toothbrushes!
didn't like it
Didn't like square head design
Didnt like the feel
Didn't like the square head
Didnt like the square head at all ready. Didnt feel it reached all areas the same as a normal shape head.
Didn't like the square head. My dentist recommends a thin head
Didn't like the square shape
Didn't like this - found the head shape odd. Like that it is biodegradable but wouldn't buy it
Didnt really feel that is cleaned as well as other toothbrushes
Different experience but love the concept of environmentally friendly
Different kind of feel but really nice on the teeth
Different. Strange compared to a normal brush but I liked it
Disliked shape of head
disliked the shape of the head, otherwise would purchase
Do not like the feel of the corn starch at all
Doesn’t give same clean as electric tooth brush does
Don’t like the square design. I would buy the product if it was normal shape. It doesn’t feel good in the mouth and it’s too big in the mouth. Makes you want to gag
Dont know much about them but friends use charcoal brushes, was definately a good brush to clean with. Will consider buying another one for sure.
Don't particular like the design as it is difficult to get to the back of my teeth. Also needs to be thoroughly dry toothbrush after each use. Will stick to my electronic toothbrush.
Easy to use and felt like I was getting a great clean , surprising given the shape! I loved it. Comment from male in the house!
Easy weird to use but did the job and better for planet
Electric Tooth Brush
Electric toothbrush is my choice
Enjoyed the soft bristles but unlikely to try again
Enjoyed the square head, would probably have to have for a few months before I could determine if it was better than normal shaped tooth brush
Enjoyed trying this Biodegradeable toothbrush, interesting and hope it takes off
environmentally friendly, different design but effective
excellent product i love the cornstarch handle and that is biodegradeable it is also cheap!!! fantastic will definately buy again
Excellent! Thank you!
Fabulous brush, no more bleeding gums
Fantastic concept
Fantastic Idea
Fantastic product absolutely love that its eco friendly
Far too big, both the handle and head. Please go back to a normal size and design. Hate the square head
Felt a bit awkward in my mouth
Felt nice to use but ineffective to properly clean.
Felt odd in mouth
For me would depend on price if I would buy again or not
Found it too soft, wopuld consider purchase if bristles were firmer.
Found the bristles a bit soft and the toothbrush didn't seem as effective as my normal, harder bristled one.
Found the bristles started coming loose/out after a couple of weeks
Found the square head a little strange
Found the square head slipped a lot more than conventional shapes more when brushing, hitting me in the gums and therefore causing ulcers. other than that, good product
Found the square head too big and uncomfortable in my mouth.
Found this brush cleaned my teeth better.
Good brush but will stick to what I have
good product but will stick to my electric toothbrush
Good supplement to my electric brush
Great choice, great price
great concept but it looks really unappealing!
Great eco option
Great eco product. I'll buy in the future purely in this
great idea
Great idea to hae the bbiodegradeble manufacture and packaging -0 ALL toothbrushes should be like this by law! However, the square head was useless and the bristles waaaay too soft to actually clean
Great idea with the Eco friendly packaging and tooth brush. But im not convinced that its ready to take on the normal toothbrushes in terms of cleaning and trust at this point in time
Great idea!
Great idea, only problem I had was that it was to soft
Great product and love that its biodegradable
Great product concept !
Great product which I was not aware was available in supermarkets! I will buy these for the whole family as I love the eco friendly product and it also cleans teeth well
Great product, love that it's environmentally friendly as well as a great clean!
Great product, price would be restricting from purchase not the product, use electric toothbrush that I feel is more cost effective and works well for me.
Great product, would use for my daughter but my husband and I use rechargeable toothbrushes
Great to try and actually liked it. Will look at getting another one
Great toothbrush for kids, soft fine bristles, can reach the back.
Great toothbrush, liked how my teeth felt after brushing but would prefer a smaller head, felt too big/strange in mouth
Had not even thought about eco tooth brushes thanks.
Hated how large the head was. Do you think I have horse sized teeth
Have an electric toothbrush
Have been wanting to transition to using plastic free toothbrushes
Have brought 2 of these brushes for myself and love the product.
Have wanted to try an eco option would def do again
Haven't heard of any of these before. Will need to investigate further.
Head too large .better if it was same as other head sizes too squate .ventional
head was too large and uncofortable, bristles fell out
Hopefully there is going to be a good price point, compared to the grin and eco store brushes?
household mostly use electronic toothbrush. H
Husband loved the soft bristles and thought it was great for travelling..
I absolutely loved this toothbrush, the square head just makes so much sense and its great because it cleans both top and bottom at the same time and reduces the amount of time needing to make sure you get both rows of teeth. Dont think I can go back to a "normal" shaped toothbrush
I actually own a Norwex toothbrush and love this as it does give a really good clean so I’m happy with that
I am always on the look out for more eco friendly products so was really happy to be able to try this. I thought it was great and will definitely purchase in the future
I am an electric toothbrush lover, although I appreciated trying this toothbrush it did not give as good a clean
I am convinced. Love this toothbrush. I have recently stopped using an electric toothbrush so receiving this has been very timely. I love it. I have also had major dental work done following a “face plant” onto tiles. This brush feels sooooo good. Love it. As I love the use of bamboo now in many products. Beautiful to sleep on and to wear as two examples.
I am open to eco friendly products i just hadn't looked into it before now
I am still wanting more info on the safety of using these materials
I am using charcoal toorhpaste and loved the charcoal bristles of the brush. The "greenies" in our office was very excited about this new toothbrush
I as a personal preference so not like the square head
I checked our local Countdown but they don't sell this. I love it but would really like a medium bristles rather than soft. If I find this anywhere I will definitly buy it.
I couldn’t get my head around the square head on the toothbrush
I currently have an electric toothbrush which I find gives a much better clean.
I definitely would buy this again if the price was right
I did like the toothbrush but it was a little soft bristled for me
I did not even know these existed!
I did not like the square head... prefer the traditional shape
I did not like the straight handle as I prefer a curved head of my usual toothbrush and did not like the square head
I didn’t enjoy this product, although my daughter is interested in trying, so will be buying for her
I didn’t know these tooth brushes existed.
I didn't enjoy the square head. It was also very big.
I didn't find it much different to use than my usual toothbrush but I'd be prepared to buy it because it is biodegradable, dependent on price.
I didn't know you could get biodegradable or recyclable toothbrushes and will actively ensure all my future toothbrushes are
I didn't know you could get eco tooth brushes will purchase going forward
I didn't like the soft bristles, but it would be good for the kids
I didnt like the square design. I found it couldn't get into the very corners of my mouth.
I didn't like the square head
I didn't like the square head - didn't feel it cleaned in the back & bristle too soft. Like strong handle and eco messaging
I didn't like the square head shape much, found it hard to get around the mouth.
I didn't like the square head, didnt feel like it was getting my whole mouth clean
I didn't like the square head, It felt awkward and to big
I didn't like the square head. May just be something I need to get used to. Receiving this definitely made me think about changing my normal toothbrush to an eco one which I will do.
I didn't like the square head. Love the eco element though
I didnt mind this toothbrush however I really like the brand I am currently using called toothbrush so will more than likely continue using that
I didn't receive this tooth brush. I would have loved to try it
I didnt think I would like this product as much as I did. Definatly a keeper
I didn't use it because I couldn't bear to put a black brush in my mouth because it looks dirty
I do prefer my electric toothbrush
I don’t currently buy eco toothbrushes but I’m definitely keen to try some after trying the mouth fresh corn starch handle toothbrush. While I didn’t like the square head, I do like the concept so will try other options.
I don’t know too much about eco toothbrushes but feel terribly guilty buying plastic just because they are cheaper. This is certainly a far superior brush compared to my daughters tooth brushes, but I have a fancy one already from my dentist. Pending price, I will definately buy this toothbrush over non-recyclable ones.
I don't like plastic products but this kind of eco friendly products are basically expensive.hope it get cheaper
I don't like soft bristles which i redirected. I also wish maybe existed in you surveys as price often sways my purchase
I enjoyed this toothbrush
I felt good using this toothbrush knowing that it was good for the environment and my teeth, even the packaging is good
i find in general eco brushes dont last that long
I find my electric toothbrush cleans better than a regular toothbrush. Favourite feature of this toothbrush was the charcoal which it says is antibacterial
I found it really strange but my 10 year old boy loved it
I found the big square head too big and felt uncomfortable in my mouth but I did feel my teeth felt cleaner with this brush
I found the bristles too soft and did not feel my teeth were clean after using
I found the brush to be a little too soft for my liking, but found the square head quite good.
I found the brush very soft on the gums and the toothbrush was easy to use. THe square head worried me at first but love using it now. Depends on the cost to whether I would buy it though
i found the shape of the head a lillte uncomfortable at he back of the mouth and the handle an odd shape to hold but enjoyed the extra soft feel of the bristles. will be looking out for this brand as i liked and been made aware of the eco friendly version
I found the square design of it different and hard to use but love the colour and the concept
I found the square head a bit odd. And it's probably the first time I think a toothbrush is too soft for me. But yay to the environmental friendly toothbrush!
I found the square head difficult to get used to, but if it was shown to clean more effectively then I would persist with it.
I found the square head of this toothbrush two big. It made my gums bleed even though the bristles were soft. Would potentially purchase this product if the head was not so big.
I found the square head off putting. I didn’t feel I got the clean I expected
I found the square head quite strange but liked the soft bristles
I found the square head too big
I found this brush to be too soft for me. I have bought the humble brush from my local chemist before (bamboo) and found it to have slightly firmer bristles.
I found this difficult to get used to. I think that for a toothbrush it did not really have a very attractive appearance.
I found this toothbrush too big all round and wouldn't re-buy this product.
I fully committed to this toothbrush and threw my old existing one away. I have a dental checkup every January and teeth and gum health are important to me. I found the square brush was too big to successfully keep my teeth feeling clean throughout the day. Buying an electric toothbrush has been on my to do list for a while so this trial made me do that. I will keep the Mouthfresh brush at work for those days when I go out to breakfast before work. That has also been on the do list.
I generally buy and use standard toothbrushes but have become more aware of the need for biodegradable options. We have changed our toothbrushes to these
I had been to the hygenist 3 months ago, I went back last week and she noticed a difference, I told her what I was usinig, she said well it is working. Less plaque on my teeth. I love the feel, I will never use another brand of toothbrush ever again.
I had to get used to the square head. I actually still prefer my electric tooth brush.
I hate the feel of the bamboo tooth brush in my mouth so I think this is an awesome alternative.
I have seen them in organic shops too and never thought much of it, but I really like everything about it, it is gentle and though square shape, still reaches everywhere.
I have veneers. Cleaned well. More coverage with square head
I honestly didn't know eco toothbrushes existed, but I will definitely use now as anything that will help the environment I'm all for.
I intensely dislike the feeling of wood on my teeth - popsicle sticks, cheap chopsticks, bamboo toothbrushes, etc. so this was an excellent alternative because I really wanted a biodegradable, eco-responsible toothbrush!
I like a firmer bristle
I like my current type of brush so much hard to change, I like the idea though and would buy for kids
I like my vibrating sonic toothbrush
I like th cornstarch toothbrush but didnt like the soft bristle, I prefer firmer bristle.
I like that it is biodegradable was nice to use
I like that this is a charcoal tooth brush
I like the biodegradable handle, which is likely to influence future purchases. The brush felt gentle on the gums, but not sure about the square head - didn't feel like I was reaching behind my back teeth or tricky corners as well as I should.
I like the idea of an eco toothbrush. This one wasn't great to use but I am open to exploring other designs
I like the idea of being more eco.
I like the idea of my toothbrush being easier on the environment and it gave a great clean too!
I like the idea of the cornstarch handle and the benefits but I did not overly like using it, I thought the bristles were way too soft
I like the idea of this, just disliked the shape
I like the idea that they are an eco toothbrush, however I use an electric toothbrush. I actually found that the packaging for this toothbrush though didn't explain the purpose of the square-head design...I had to assume it was for wider coverage?
I like the idea, but the bristles were too soft to make me feel like I had brushed my teeth. Perhaps harder bristles?
I like the product and the idea, but am taking advice from my dentist at present
I like the shape and handle design but I really needed a medium to hard firmness. I don’t feel like soft brushes do any good!
I like the square head, cleans more of the teeth at the same time tho it felt odd at first ill definitely buy more
I like the thought but not the shape. All the kids thought it was for the dogs
I like where they are going with this idea but if the bristles are not biodegradable too then I dont see the point?? Its not fully biodegradable and the packaging seems a bit like they are tricking you but implying it is. I'm not a fan or the square head either, it's hard to clean the back teeth. Charcoal bristles were good though and cleaned well
I liked it both in feel and ecologically
I liked it, not fussed on the square head, found it awkward
I liked that the toothbrush was eco but found the head very small. I did like that it wasn't as thick as my old bamboo toothbrush though
I liked the bristles but didn't like the square head, would be much better if it was a bit rounder so it wasn't bumping into my gums so easily.
I liked the square design
i liked this brush but the square head made it hard to get my back molars without hitting the back of my mouth. I like the concept and would love to get for my kids but concerned about square design for them
I liked this product and will purchase again
I love it!
I love sustainable products and thank you for giving me the opportunity to try another bamboo toothbrush. I could never buy plastic ones again.
I LOVE the corn starch handle. The square brush however it too big for my teeth and mouth and felt uncomfortable. The bristles were great.
I love the shape of the head, to be honest I did not think I would lol. I would personally prefer a slightly firmer brushhead
I love this is better for the environment
I LOVE this toothbrush and have already looked for it at my local store (and was so disappointed when I couldnt find it!) Look forward to wider distribution
I love this toothbrush, the square head took some getting used to and its softer then i normally use, but im sure my teeth are whiter and i love that its biodegradable
I loved it and haven’t been able to find it to buy it. Best toothbrush ever!
I loved that it was eco friendly, I had not seen these before
I loved the feel of it but didnt feel like it cleaned properly
I loved the softness of this toothbrush and felt that my teeth were still nice and clean
I loved the square brush head. I felt like I got a better clean with less effort. Great product and I like that it’s eco friendly.
I LOVED the suare head brush! Got my gums as well as teeth, def a convert!
I loved this tooth brush! I feels fantastic to use, I liked that the bristles were very soft, I loved that it was biodegradable, and the steady handle was helpful. The square shape was also cool, I will be buying this again!
I loved this toothbrush, went and brought 3 more.
I loved this. Using it everyday and it’s great!!!
I normally don’t buy eco toothbrushes. I was surprised that I liked this. I will certainly buy them in the future for all the family.
I normally purchase the wood handle ones but love this one more
i normaly use an electric toothbrush but my teeth felt very clean after using so have now swapped
I only brought one to try, was too keen on the Eco toothbrush and haven't brought another one since. The black box sample had a square head which I didn't like
I prefer a medium toothbrush
I prefer a more firm toothbrush. This was far too soft.
I prefer my current Colgate toothbrush
I really appreciate that it is Eco friendly. I did not enjoy the shape of the toothbrush head in the beginning, but got use to it.
i really didnt like the square head at all
I really enjoyed the softness of the brush - however, on my first 3x washes - the brush bristles came off, and were stuck in my teeth. Very horrible experience, which would lead to not purchasing again
I really liked the look of the toothbrush and how eco friendly it is, however, the square head was too big and felt uncomfortable when cleaning my teeth.
I really liked the square head on this toothbrush - why aren't they all like that?!
I really liked this toothbrush and will look out for it in the supermarket.
I really liked this! Would buy again. All for biodegradable products
I really liked thos toothbrush. If the price is reasonable then I'll definitely buy it
I really love this brush. Gives such a good clean and is soft
I really love this toothbrush
I saw pleasantly surprised. I thought charcoal would be “hard” and square would be weird. I was WRONG!! Might have a convert here bc I love the environment!!
I saw this toothbrush and thought it looked weird but was pleasantly surprised by it. It actually makes my teeth feel cleaner.
I think the idea is AMAZING - but the square head was ridiculously large and nearly impossibly to use - might be OK for people with really big mouths! - but have seen the smaller ones at the super market and will buy one to try.
I think this is a great cencept
I thought at first it was the wrong shape and too soft but I loved it once I tried it
I tried an eco toothbrush a while ago and it was terrible and expensive so I'll be glad to check this out in countdown
I tried the brush but I use an electric toothbrush which gives the best clean. So I will stick with this.
I use a Norweb toothbrush and am happy with the clean it gives me. This one was ok all the same
I want very fond of this product, definitely different to my usual product
i was a bit skeptical when I first saw this toothbrush but after trying it I really liked the feel of the square brush head. The brush gave a very good clean and i liked the fact it had charcoal infused in the brush. I think it is fantastic that the brush is made of cornstarch. I have since gone out and brought this brush for everyone in my family and we will continue to buy it in the future. Loved this product
I was abit skeptics about these toothbrush. I was pleasantly surprised and liked it. It does take awhile to get used, my mouth feels clean and i would buy again
I was confused by this product I had to read the packaging a few times to check it was for human not animals it was the shape of the head that confuse me and the clinical nature of the packaging are used it with nervousness and it was fine but nothing special
I was excited to try this product, i love that its eco friendly. But the bristles were far too soft! The square head design was a bit bulky.
I was not a fan of the big square head of this toothbrush
I was not a fan of the square head. I also find it a little hard to digest that the packaging and handle are compostable but not the bristles which sort of defets the purpose in my mind
I was quite surprised by this product expected it to taste like charcoal but it didn't. Definitely got into the gaps of my teeth better
I was really reluctant when trying this toothbrush but are in love with it. Was worried that it was too soft but my teeth feel amazing
I was really surprised how effective the design was, the bristles also held their shape really well after a few weeks of use. This will be my regular toothbrush now! It was immediately clearly that it can it eco-packaging, so possibly this could be clearer (or maybe I just missed something).
I was so excited to try this as I’ve been wanting to try econtooth brushes but hadn’t got around to it (I have an electric toothbrush). I wasn’t disappointed!
I was so surprised at how good this toothbrush was. It made cleaning my teeth quicker and best of all the toothbrush didn't fall over on it's side and get toothpaste on the counter!!! So good!
I was surprised at how much i liked this
I will never buy a different tooth brush again absolutely incredible clean and feel loved it
I work in the dental field so I will recommend this product to my patients
I would buy for the kids as good to have Bio handle and packaging
I would buy this again and use it once a day, to reduce my electric toothbrush use.
I would buy this product again...Not every time but definitely if on special
I would have to keep buying the do gooder range for my son however I will be changing my husband and I to the mouthfresh toothbrushes as I found they have lasted longer and cleaned better than the usual ones we get, hope to see this in our local supermarket and in a child range soon
I would like the bristles to be more firm for me Thought head size very good and handle was very comfortable.
I would love to find an eco-friendly toothbrush that I like -- but this isn;t it
I would love to see this as an Oral B type electric toothbrush head!
I’m not really into Econorodicys however with more products on the supermarket shelves it will certainly make me goals more interest going forward
I’m still undecided about the brush head shape...does make it a bit awkward to get in and around my wisdom teeth...but the overall clean I felt was sufficient
Id live aauto version of this
I'd only really purchase this as a spare to have in my toiletry bag for emergencies (like if I forgot to pack my electric toothbrush)
Ihadnt bought an eco toothbrush before and it was a different experience! the square shape was interesting in a good way and i did find i liked it, will see how long they last. will try again
I'm converted! From years of a tradiiitonal medium brush to an eco, square soft brush in one easy try. Love it.
I'm not a fan of charcoal as it has a negative effect on teeth, however the square design would work well for children.
I'm not a fan of the charcoal, just doesn't seem right
Im unsure about this, it was good , but im still undecided
Im use to medium toothbrushes, I received a soft Mouthfresh toothbrush but it was to soft so i went and purchased a medium one and nor i or my partner could tell the difference between the two brushes,
Interesting concept . . . one i will consider in the future. Out of habit I purchase what I have always done without thinking
Interesting product
Interesting product. Took a bit of getting used to. Different head shape and colour were challenging to start with.
interesting to use a different type of toothbrush and liked what it is made or and what it feel like
is great to have available on the market eco toothbrushes to help reduce unwanted waste
Is the handle compostable?
it didn't get to my very back teeth.
It feels a lot kinder on my gums but still effective - would purchase again
It felt so nice! I have an electric toothbrush but this is good too! Love that its ECO
It is by far the ugliest design I have ever seen on a toothbrush
It is strange getting used to a different shape head, I love that it is pink and nice to think of the environment. If priced well I will be purchasing 1 each for the family.
It still feels plastic like to me so I enjoy the Earth feel of the dogooder ones. Didn’t care for the square head.
It took my partner a few brushes to get used to the feeling of the square head. However, he says the bristles were soft and comfortable and he thinks the brush works perfectly fine
It was a bit too soft for my liking
It was a lot nicer than the bamboo handle, they had a horrible feeling in mouth so I prefer your handle style.
It was a size that made it very easy to use.
It was a very innovative Toothpase Dsign and I commend the manufacturer , well done.
it was a weird shape seems like it doesnt give the same coverage
It was great. Different feel but great product
it was okay did the job, wasn't to keen on the square shape didn't feel right in my mouth but that could be just getting use to it maybe as well, if I would buy again would come down to price in the end
It was so soft and I doubted that it would do a good job but it did a great job leaving my teeth shiny and smooth.
It was so super soft and incredible! We currently use electric toothbrushes, but I would buy these to take on holiday etc.
It was something different with the square head and performed well. We are making changes away from plastic in everyway we can so this was a great item to trial
It was surprisingly comfortable to use, and the wide square head brushed both sets of teeth too!
It was the square head design that I did not like. It was to big to brush your teeth. I love the concept just a normal size head
it was very odd to use being such a big brush
It wasn’t anywhere near as bad as I thought it would be. I liked the clean feel after brushing. Not so sure about the head design though
it would be great if there was a product in the future that meant i could use this type of brush with my electric toothbrush
It’s my first eco toothbrush and I’m very impressed. The square head is very unusual but I liked it. I like that is environmental friendly and the handle is very comfortable to use. Tha packaging send the right message, clean design.
its hard to know if i would purchase it because I dont know the price
I've been buying this toothbrush for over a year now. It's not available at my local Gisborne countdown, when I'm out of town I stock up at papamoa pak n save
Just another toothbrush felt it was just an advertising gimmick
Just didn't like the brush at all I found it very awkward to use
Just felt a bit to big for my little mouth
Just found it a bit weird
Just not my thing
Keep up good work by producing more ECO products
kids were sold on the idea!
Kids would not go near it as it looked Wierd
Knowing how good this is on the environment, it was worth thinking about switching to an eco friendly brand.
Like the eco aspect of the toothbrush
Like the fact that is biodegradable
Like the idea of eco but hated the square head on the brush.
Like the toothbrush and biodegradable factor but not bothered about charcoal.
Liked knowing it was eco friendly. I enjoyed the soft bristles but unsure if the square head did in fact clean better than a normal head.
Liked the unique square head
Liked this one. Easy to use.
Liked this product - will probably purchase in the future depending on price
Live thst the whole product can go in to the compost
Lost bristles in my mouth while brushing
Love it I am interested in low waste products and will purchase these over any other product.
Love it the square head give a great clean
Love it, raced out and bought another so we could both have one to use. Will be the only toothbtush for me now
love love love this will have to find where to buy for next time!
Love non plastic idea.
Love that both the handle and packaging are biodegradable. I will purchase this on that feature alone. I have no children at home so no need to buy a child’s one.
Love that this is eco friendly and also charcoal infused
Love that this product is degradable - which is the main reason I would get this again - square head feels a little big but something I would get used to - would def look at purchasing again
love thats its biodergradable
Love the biodegradable packaging and handle, but it is a shame the bristles can't also be biodegradable. Unfortunately they contaminate commercial and household composts as they are too small to filter out.
Love the concept of this brush - the whole thing being biodegradable. Couple concerns - I had read that bristles beyond what are currently provided on toothbrushes don't clean as well, and secondly the shape is still a little weird!
Love the fact the packaging and handle are biodegradable! The brush head however is ineffective, perhaps needs to have firmer bristles.
Love the idea of a toothbrush being bio degradable as it is nice to do your bit for keep the planet clean
Love the idea of getting toothbrush that it is more environmentally friendly
Love the idea of this, works well but will buy in medium because soft wasnt my type
Love the shape, and best of all not contributing to plastic waste. Might be more expensive but if it's good for the environment I'm all for it.
Love the shape, love the concept, loved the better clean but not sure if I had a faulty one or if loose bristles getting caught between your teeth is a by product of the cornstarch handle.
love the square head
Love the square head..bit different.
Love the thought of using eco toothbrushes and am defiantly more inclined to buy these now, especially for my little girl.
Love these eco-friendly tooth brushes. I am normally an electric toothbrush user, but carry a small tooth brush for post-coffee cleans!
Love this would buy more if they had one suitable for dentures
Love this and that it is eco friendly makes it even better.......will buy this to use from now on
loved it teeth gums felt very clean
Loved it, and it was a great introduction to eco toothbrushes (I'd never tried one!) so I'll be buying this exclusively from now on.
Loved that everything was biodegradable! Good to use too
Loved the square head, brush just seemed a bit soft
Loved this
loved this product loved the softness of the bristle, the handle design, thats its eco, the charcoal head, only thing would be the square shape doesnt get to the back of the mouth behind the teeth
Loved this product. Converted me
Loved this toothbrush, I feel as though I am covering more of my teeth and gums faster, I use my electric toothbrush at night and this corn starch handle toothbrush in the morning and it is so much faster for me
loved this. i hate the plastic toothbrushes but had never had a push to buy an alternative
loved trying an eco product, have purchased for other members in the family
Loves the square shape
Made gums bleed
medium brush strength would be good
MMM not a fan of the square head but to be fair after a month or so'd usuage perhaps it might feel a little more familiar in my mouth? The head just seems super large.
Mostly use electric toothbrush, will look at this for when I want a manual one, but are you looking at an electric toothbrush option?
Mr 8 LOVES it!
Mum works for Colgate so I don’t buy toothbrushes or toothpaste
My 13 year old loves this
My daughter claimed this, and likes it alot
My daughter loved the Mouthfresh corn starch handle toothbrudh and I now I am going to go buy me one as well :D
My daughter loves all things environmentally friendly so she grabbed it and likes it. They need to fix spelling mistakes on packaging as it undermines it.
My daughter pinched it, said it was good
My daughter took this brush and loved it!
My daughter tried it out. She has braces and it works beautifully for her.
My daughter tried this out and loved it.
My daughter used it and loved how soft it was. Made her want to brush her teeth. She is also all about eco stuff so worked well
My daughter uses this brush & really likes it.
My daughter who wears braces loved this
My husband likes it. And keen to get another
My husband loved this brush. He raved about it. He loved the grip on the handle and the square head. He said he will never buy anything else in the future. We both love that it is environmentally friendly packaging
My husband loved this tooth brush he loved the softness of the bristles and the fact it was biodegradable
My initial thoughts were that the square head was going to be too large for a comfortable clean, however it was actually quite pleasant
my mrs loved it
My new favourite toothbrush, I appreciate a good clean and this brush delivers. Wasn't so happy with my eco store brush it didn't match up to my regular brush but I persevered with environment in mind. This surpassed my regular plastic toothbrush.
My partner is obsessed with this - loved the bristles and the clean they give
My partner loved it, removed staining from his teeth
My partner used this and loved it
My son loves it, he's 9. it looks funtional, does a great clean, and we all love that it is better for the enviroment
My sons are really hard to get their teeth clean dentist recommended electric toothbrushes with timer so thats what we use. the timer component is important in my household
My teenage daughter tried this product and liked it. She is very ECO aware and this will be a future purchase.
My teenage son claimed this for use so I'd actually like to try one myself.
My teenager claimed it and loves it- cool design soft and biodegradeable
my wife tried this product. She likes the idea of the product.
Never seen any of the brands mentiined above in store at Pak n Save
Never seen this product before but i love it. I use it now but would be nice if the bristles were a little bit harder
nice and soft. I like it.
Nice brush to use
Nice design
Nice product thank you
Nice soft brush but did not like the square head. Would more likely buy it if it was the normal shaped head
Nice to use
No a fan in our house
no children live here. great idea
No way near as clean and as little of an eco footprint as an Oral-B refill for an electric toothbrush. This is just a gimmick!
Not a fan
Not a fan of the square head at all! Made for a very uncomfortable experience
Not a fan of the square shape, but could get used to it. Love the biodegradable idea tho.
Not a fan of this product at all. Don't like the small size head but do like the biodegradable handle.
not a fun of square brush
Not a huge fan of the squad shape however still doc the trick of brushing teeth!
Not a nice experience
Not convinced
Not for me
Not quite sure I'll buy 1
Not something I'd normally use but I really like the concept of biodegradable things and I like how out side of the norm this design is
Not sure about the square head, think it needs to have more bristles. Also, I like a medium firmness, not soft. Like the idea of biodegradle toothbrushes though.
Not sure about the square head.
Not sure why there was charcoal on it? Have never heard of this
Odd shape size.
OMG what a find! I was dubious about this and the square shaped head but wow love it!! It feels great and Im sure my teeth feel better too! Ill be using these from now on!
only likely to buy if i have forgotten my rechargable toothbrush and im away from home - but thought it was a good product for such a purpose
Only thing I did not like was square head
our boy loves it
Our teenage son used this and quite liked it. Would probably purchase again. We like that it is biodegradable
Packaging was so tough I broke our scissors opening it
Personally didn't like the new shape it was off putting but love everything else.
Prefer medium or hard bristles
Prefer the normal head shape over the square
Price dictates
really different but liked it, will buy again
Really different to use not sure about changing to this toothbrush but will keep trying with it for a while longer
Really enjoyed this tooth brush, especially the thin and light bristles
Really good product. Nice and easy to handle. Square head good access to gums etc. Love the fact that it is Biodegradable handle and packaging. Nice and soft for teeth and gums. Excellent...
really happy to have tried this brush, would consider purchasing again
really impressed with this product, just need to find it in supermarkets now
really like the concept of this product
Really like this. Going to buy one for my Mum who is in Retirement Care.
Really liked the square design. Felt it was easier to get the back teeth. Was not a fan of the soft bristles...felt it didn’t clean as well. Would prefer a medium bristle. However the soft is good for kids.
Really liked this toothbrush deff be buying again
Really nice to use and teeth and mouth so nice and fresh
Shame about the spelling error on packaging. Makes it feel like an inferior product.
Shape is strange and I'm not into the Charcoal phase
So much better than bamboo handle. Couldn’t find it at my supermarket. Square head is good but wouldn’t have gone for it before trying it.
Soft is too soft, but loved the product
Sooooo soft felt amazing
Sorry but this was not my cup of tea. I found the brsitles broke off when brushung and I didnt like the texture or clean at all.
Sorry didn't get to use the toothbrush - still to try
Sorry didnt like the square head at all. Did the job however!
Sorry guys, I can’t get my head around the black bristles
Sorry not for me like my Oral B toothbrush
Sorry, I like my eletric brush.
Square brush head fantastic for cleaning just needs to be a firmer
square head is no good
Square head is too big
Square head too wierd sorry 😐
Square head was just too weird
Square head worked well, teeth felt clean, bristles good
Square was weird
still deciding if its good at cleaning teeth need longer to evaluate this product
Surprised how soft the bristles were, did not expect that when looking to the brush, i assumed it would be coarser than i normal toothbrush.
Surprisingly good toothbrush. Loved the soft bristles.
Surprisingly good!
Surprisingly the square head is able to clean all my teeth and does a very good job. The bristles are lovely and soft and keep their shape. The handle feels nice in your hand too. I normally use an electric brush.
Teeth didnt feel as clean and bristles fell out easily
The best part is the biodegradability of the toothbrush and packaging. The square head was new to me, but very comfortable. Would buy again.
The best toothbrush I have ever used. So soft and the square head cleans evenly. Bought a couple more for my partner and daughter.
The brissles were way too soft and don't feel like it cleans that well. Possibly some stiffer bristles
the bristles are too soft and don't clean properly
The bristles may have been just a bit too soft
The bristles on this toothbrush are too soft and don't clean my teeth properly
The bristles were super soft which my 9 yr old loved. She has a few loose teeth so this brush got her confident to brush them.
The bristles were too soft and didnt do a good clean as they were too soft.
The bristles were too soft on my teeth and the use with a square head I felt could not clean teeth properly
The brush head is too small. May be good for kids but not for adults
The brush head was far too wide for my liking
The brush was a bit sort for me. The cornstarch biodegradable handle really appealed to me but I found the head a bit square for reaching back molars. If you bought out an electric toothbrush head I would definitely buy them. Otherwise I prefer an electric toothbrush.
The brush was nice and soft, easy on the gums.
The charcoal was good but the square shape didn't get to the back of the teeth
The colour was a bit off putting to start but after I got over that I thought it was good, if the price is right we’ll awitch
The downside of this brush was the packaging - it could be more eco friendly
The first impression of the toothbrush was like cleaning my mouth with a towel, very soft. I really enjoyed that :)
The first time I used this brush I found it clumsy to use. Now I love it and it definitely gives a superior clean.
the head was awkward and too large
The head was the wrong shape for our tester and he didnt think it actually worked very well. Sorry.
the male adult in the home used this tooth brush, he says it is good to use and would like to keep buying this brand
The older I'm getting the more I regret not looking after my teeth when I was younger. With this toothbrush it feels like another chance to make it better.
The package was extremely hard to get into
The packaging said 100% biodegradable but the window was made of plastic?
The problem with the bamboo handles is that they can form black mould
the shape means i keep knocking my teeth, and i prefer a medium bristled brush. it feels like its not really doing anything?
the shape of this is so awkward and made brushing so hard. It was awful
The shape was great
the square bristle design is too small
The square bristle end is awkward and too big.
The square head brush was extremely uncomfortable while brushing.
The square head design was not easy to move around my mouth without whacking my teeth. A larger head would be okay but this is far too wide. I also found the bristles too soft.
The square head design was useless. It could not get to the back teeth.
The square head felt weird and the pink handle made it look like something made in North Korea
The square head is really inconvenient and the charcoal infusion is pointless.
The square head is weird. Didn't like it. Also, would be good to know if it is actually biodegradable in landfill, or if it needs to be disposed of in a specific way. Otherwise just looks like marketing/green washing.
The square head seemed huge but overall worked surprisingly well, love the fact it has charcoal that stuck out for me
The square head was awkward to use and not comfortable, also the bristles were too soft and didn’t feel like they cleaned between teeth well at all
The square head was not comfortable to use
The square head was not my cup of tea
The square head was the factor in not working as well as an angled head
the square head was weird and felt like I was brushing wrong
the square head would not clean up the back of my teeth. the concept was very good biodegradable has to be good for the planet.
the square shape and black bristles was odd to start with - but once i used it I am a convert
The square shape was interesting and a bit different to use, but once i got used to it i liked the clean feeling of teeth and gums
The toothbrush felt really nice and soft on my teeth but it still cleaned really well and because the head was square it felt like it brushed my gums at the same time as my teeth.
The toothbrush is a very soft brush, it felt like it reached all papers of the teeth.
The toothbrush was useless, and the bristles were coming off the toothbrush during the first use - so I threw it out
There is a spelling mistake on the packaging - that is a bit hard to move past.
Think price point will determine this toothbrush over its competitors
Think the square head was too large, just too bulky to use personally.
This brush is amazing. The bristles are proper soft unlike the plastic counterparts so I don't do as much damage to my gumline. I'm glad i know this product exists.
this brush was great. I love that it is eco friendly
This is a great toothbrush. brissles nice and soft and loved the charcoal infusion
This is an inferior product I found the bristles came out when cleaning my teeth
This is by the far best tooth brush i have ever ever used, wish i had one for my electric toothbrush!
This looked like a cleaning brush not a toothbrush and just didnt feel right.
this made me think about toothbrush choices and that we need to look at this more
This product couldnt live to up the clean my electric toothbrush delivers. I didnt like the square head - it was huge.
This product didn't clean our teeth very well.
This toothbrush was surprisingly successful at leaving my teeth feeling clean, despite the soft bristles. My 5 year old also wanted to use it and the square head made it easier for her to get all her teeth.. which was a winner for me!
This was a bit of a fail for me. The head was bulky and difficult to get around my mouth!
This was a good tooth brush that gave a great clean. However I do prefer my electric tooth brush that I use. But it is a great alternative and would consider buying again.
This was a great toothbrush and 1 I would probably use whilst travelling as I still prefer my electric toothbrush
This was a surpirisgly good tooth brush, i will buy this product in the future
This was a very odd toothbrush to use and I found the head too big. It didn’t clean very well as it didn’t fit in my mouth well. I wouldn’t buy this product
This was different in a good way. I didn't know how I would feel about the square head but was happy with it. We need be thinking more sustainably and products like this are very timely and I believe will become the norm
This was different, not normally something I think about. But I like the motive of where the company is going with this type of product. I'd probably buy another one in 3 month.
This was just a bit too weird. The black colour was off putting and no one else wanted to volunteer to try it.
This was pretty good
This was quite surprising, I really liked using this had to buy one for my partner so he could try too!
This was so different in design, I am still coming to terms with it. Also found it odd that it was packaged in plastic. Perhaps in a cardboard box would be better, if it's going for eco credentials.
This was so popular in my household that we had to go and buy one for everyone :)
This was the best tooth brush I have ever used
this was weird, at first i thought it was a tooth brush for dogs, some better packaging may be usefull.
This was wrong... the square head was uncomfortable
Thought the head was awkward on this, would rather a standard head shape.
Thought the toothbrush worked well but after the very first use, the bristles came out into my mouth, so did not use it again and will not be buying again
Thought this cleaner very well. Cleaned my back teeth better than a normal brush
To soft
To start with I felt the head was a little big but I got used to it, definately think a better clean
Too soft
too square for me, have small mouth and little teeth
Took a bit to get my head around the square head. Ideal to take away with you.
took a bit to get used to but it's ok
took some getting used to the different shape, but i like it now
Totally different product to try, thank you, I didnt know they existed. We use electric toothbrushes and the head size is much better suited to childrens mouths. I love how they are biodegradable and this would be a buy contributing factor if we didnt used electric brushes
Trying to move towards environmentally friendly products so definitely keen
Unusual shape and will take some getting use to. But liked it.
Unusual tooth brush option
Use would depend on price - similar products available online very cheaply from China.
Used by my wife who loved it
Used this for my toddler which worked really well with its small square head
Very different, not sure about it.
Very interesting item
very soft and cleaned just as well
Very unattractive looking
vry soft bristles didnt feel like doing anything
Was a bit of a strange feeling using the square headed toothpaste brush, loved the soft feel bristles on teeth and gums. I used it then my daughter stole it cause she really liked using it as well.
Was better than expected
Was far too soft
was good as a travel toothbrush but not as good as my electric one.
Was nice to have a change of style. Liked it. Would buy it again.
Was not a fan of the shape of the tooth brush but I did like the feel of the bristles.
Was not really a fan of this product...took a bit of getting used to...
Was pleasantly surprised how great the square head cleans
Was quite dubious about the shape of this toothbrush but after using it I love it. It gets right behind the back teeth and I will definitely buy again
Was quite impressed
Was skeptical at first but now have gotten used to the square toothbrush head.
Was supprised at the shape of the tooth brush. works well but I generally use a electric tootchbrush
Was surprisingly impressed. Thought WHAT THE! when I saw it, but an awesome product...
Was too soft and didn't like the square head
Was too soft, had to rebrush my teeth. Was ok for middle of the day brush
Was very excited to try this toothbrush but found the square head too wide to reach my back teeth. Liked the idea of charcoal bristles but found them too soft. Would've liked the handle to be compostible.
Was very soft and easy to use , after trying myself I decided to try for the dogs and my pup loved it! Win win
Was wierd - didn't like it.
Wasn't for me
Way to soft barely felt it was cleaning my teeth
We absolutely loved this toothbrush and went to buy more for the whole family but couldn't find them at our local countdown. Hopefully it will be available soon.
We are big fans of using products that support looking after our planet so would definitely purchase this toothbrush for the whole family
We are currently trying to change our habits, make more effort with reducing plastic waste etc so will look for these next time we are buying toothbrushes
We find the bristles too soft.
We had bought the same toothbrush recently when they appeared on the shelves - like that they are biodegradable
We had not heard of Mouthfresh prior to trying it in Black Box. I was reasonably impressed. I liked the feel of the toothbrush in the mouth and it seemed to give a good clean. Loved the charcoal infused bristles and feel of the handle. Would use to take away for the weekend so would purchase again
We have all been using bamboo toothbrushes for a while now as we are keen on reducing our footprint. So I love what mouthfresh is doing but the bristles were just too fine for me and I couldn’t get a decent clean with the square head.
We have made the switch to biodegradable tooth brushes and it was really great to receive this product in the black box...we all wanted it. My daughter got it and loves it. We will all be buying one for our next toothbrush. Great product
we like that it is biodegradeable
We recently tried the Grin bamboo handle toothbrushes but the bottom of the handles quickly got moldy from sitting in the same pot. We loved this sample and will buy this toothbrush from now on. I also loved the square shape of the brush and felt like it covered more area as I brushed. Question from my 15yr daughter is whether the making of this product is also sustainable? If so, this should be mentioned on the packaging. Overall, the best manual toothbrush I have every tried.
While the toothbrush was great and I really like the corn starch handle I did not like the square head. The square head may be better for bigger teeth.
while trying to open the packet to remove the toothbrush to use, the handle broke just down from the head, some made it impossible to use, not a sturdy robust handle at all!
Whilst nice to use, I found it to soft.
Who dreamt up this horrible square head design? It doesn't get to the back of my mouth and it keeps poking my jaw bone when I try reaching for my wisdom teeth.
Wish it had a bit stronger bristles but loved this product
Wish the packaging was also eco friendly
With the soft bristles and square head i felt as if my teeth were not cleaned
Wonderful product. Partner loved it!
Would be good with medium bristles
Would be great electric toothbrush heads could be biodegradable.
Would be great to have this for electric toothbrushes!!
would buy this brand in the future. good for traveling with
Would definitely use again.
would like to buy but not happy with brush seems too soft and didn't do the job as my regular tooth brush otherwise I would purchase
Would love a medium instead of soft rustle option.
Would need to try a few before deciding if I’d buy ahain
Would not change from electric
Would of loved to try the charcoal toothpaste at the same time. Saw these types of products at the northshore home and garden show.
Would prefer something not as soft in the bristles but like the rest of it
Wow! This was totally new to me but I love it. Loved the softness and the square shape. Will buy again.
Wow, I love this toothbrush. Was a bit sceptical when I saw the square head but it surprising good to use. Love the sturdy handle & biodegradable. Everyones getting one in our house when I can find out where to get it. Wan't in our Countdown.
Yay less plastic
Yes would buy for grandchildren .... I was excited because it was not plastic and ditched my electric toothbrush to give it a go. alas the square head was not comfortable, the bristles so soft that I was hitting my teeth with the handle, but yes to the eco !!