This product was delivered to 2500 members to test and review as part of the Black Box Shape Up For Summer NZ 2019 product trial
$10.00 per review
....YUM! Me and my friend had this with a cheese platter and you would know no different that it was any different to normal
A bit too sweet but would recommend to some one that doesnt drink much or like the feeling after having a few drinks
A good introduction just before Xmas as always alike a bit of bubbles around summer and Xmas
A good option for a special occasion
A great alcohol free option for the summer celebrations!
A great alternative wine is you need alcohol free
A great idea if you are driving!
A great option for summer entertaining
A great product when you want to be social but don’t want to drink alcohol. I can think of several occasions I would drink it. When I’ve had sufficient alcohol already but want to be social. When I am going to drive. When I feel like a drink but need to keep a clear head. Allowing a teen to have a glass on a special occasion so as they feel included.
A great taste - nice to be able to have a "classy" drink and not worry about the impact on driving.
a litle too sweet but my yung adult daughter who doesn't drink much alcohol enjoyed this
A little confused by the taste, not quite grape juice not quite wine.
A very good product for my partner who doesn’t drink but can feel like we are still celebrating together for special events
A very nice drink.
A very pleasant tasting Rose` None of the subtle after tastes one can get with similar wines of that type.
A wee bit pricey.
Absolutely loved this - drank the whole bottle on my own! Will definitely be buying it again. Very refreshing.
Actually nice!! Great wine alternative for me.
After trying the bottle I received, I will definitely buy again - have a big birthday in 2 weeks - will stock up for that
Also gave to my niece
Always drink Edenvale when want low/no alcohol but will defo buy Lindauer now instead loved it.
Always think of this as a summer wine - not try it yet, but like the idea of it
Amazing took it to a friends house (who isnt drinking) and we could enjoy it together
Another nice product
As family we enjoyed trying this sparkling wine, will definitely keep it in mind for special occasions
as good as the full alcohol wine
As I am breastfeeding, it is good to know there is a low alcohol content product that tastes good and won't affect my milk!
Bubbles and taste without the alcohol!
Cant find it at any supermarket, it appears to be only available nearer Christmas I was told when trying to purchase
Can't really see the point
Currently they don't sell it at my two local Countdowns
Definitely - I loved it. However I would expect the price to be lower than the normal sparkling wines as no alcohol tax is payable???
delicious and great for teenagers at special occasions
Delicious taste liked the lower alcohol
Did not expect to like this, but I did and will purchase again
Did not like the taste of this
Did not like the taste, very bitter which I wasn’t expecting, wouldn’t buy
Did not like the taste. Maybe it is something to get used to.
Did not like this at all! It both smelt and tasted like vinegar. Was excited to try but very disappointed.
Didn’t know this was available till I hit it in the box. I think it’s awesome
Didn’t like the flour sorry prefer a more sweeter sparkling wine
Didn’t like this at all
Didnt know such thing existed. Such a great concept and I would buy again
Didn't like it at all
Didn't like the taste, on the bitter side
Didn't taste very nice and was so low alcohol that I'd rather have a soda
Didn't think I would like it but was pleasantly surprised, my husband liked it to. o
Difficult to locate - not available in local stores
Doesn’t taste like wine at all, disappointed
Don’t see the point in no alcohol wines,
don't enjoy ths
Don't see the point in low alcohol products but tastes better than I expected
Don't usually purchase low alcohol products, so would not purchase.
Dreadful... no other words to describe it!
Edenvale was a bit nicer!
Enjoyed it very much
Enjoyed it way more than I expected
Enjoyed this wine too. Have recently changed to not drinking alcohol for health reasons so this is a good alternative especially with the silly season approaching
Enjoyed this, ideal for when driving or not feeling like drinking alcohol
Enjoying this wine. Will buy it again. It's still tastes like full alcohol wine.
Excellent for alcoholics- well done lindauer
Excellent for the likes of Christmas breakfast without the full alcohol content
Excellent low alcohol option!
Fabulous find!!! So pleased to know this is out there. Will definitely purchase over the silly season. Yay!!!!
Far to dry for my taste
Found this product a bit strange. If I was not drinking then I’d just stick to water or soft drink. Not sure if I’d go out of my way just to buy this.
Found this very nice
Friend and I really enjoyed this as an alternative to a drink night
Full of flavour, was great to drink in a social setting as I am breastfeeding
gave this to a friend who was turning 60 and her daughter is pregnant and she does not drink alcohol - so was perfect and they loved it - would buy it again for home and gifts
Going to be great for xmas functions!!
Good alternative if you can’t consume alcohol
Good product to have if you don't want to get drunk but indulge in a social drink
Good to have when you are driving - no one needs to know it is alcohol free
good when on a diet & want to drink a little bit
Gorgeous packaging
granma loved it :)
Great alternative if you still want to be part of the party but don’t want the hangover
Great concept just not the brand for me
Great flavour and taste
Great for a non drinking driving day or guests
Great for parties where I am the driver but don't want to drink water all night
Great for people who are not wanting to drink alcohol but still feel they can celebrate with a champagne/bubbly rather then a to sweet grape juice
Great for when you need to drive. Great taste
great idea on a week night - taste without the alcohol content!
Great idea over the festive season when I have functions and am driving
Great option especially coming into Christmas when don't always want to drink alcohol
great option for festive season ahead
Great option for summer and Christmas
Great option for the sober driver. It's nice to be able to hold a drink with such class and feel part of the party but still be able to drive. This a great idea but only slight deterrent is the price. Would love to see it a little cheaper and more in line with other linear sparkling wine. Will buy if on special.
Great product but not for me, Lindauer Fraise is my absolute favorite and this will not sway me to change.
Great product but not something I would buy on a regular basis
Great product! Looking forward to using it in the future.
Great product, used it for a pregnant friend when we were celebrating together
Great product.
Great product. I haven’t found it in store yet but when I do I will be purchasing!
Great summer drink for someone not wanting to drink a high volume of alcohol
great taste
Great taste
Great taste and packaging
great taste very nice
Great taste. Teens enjoyed being allowed to share it
Great taste. Fizz was mild
Great that more low and no alcohol options are being provided
Great to celebrate with elderly parent who struggle to process more then a glass of the normal. Thanks
great to have the low alcohol option
Great to have the option, and it's a nice flavour
Great to see another low alcohol wine available!
Great to see more options for low alcohol
Great wine to have on Christmas day
Had a pregnant friend over for dinner the same day this Black Box arrived! Great timing. She loved it and was so touched that I had got it for her (I hadn't thought of this at all)
Have a newborn, hence why I haven’t been drinking! But can now!
have not tried it yet
Have to think about getting into my car and driving home
Haven’t purchased before as no alcohol wine is usually too sweet and low alcohol wines have too high ABV
Haven't tried low alcohol sparkling wine previously but it's very nice and will be bought over summer!
Having just been diagnosed with breast cancer I have given up alcohol so this was perfect. Have since bought some for a non Drinking friend
Hooked. Great refreshing drink. Cheers.
Hubby and I both enjoyed this. Would buy for celebration esp if not everyone is drinking.
I absolutely loved this! Being a breaatfeeding mum it was so nice to be able to sit down and enjoy a wine and know it was safe
I absolutely loved this. It was my favourite item in the whole box. I will be purchasing this on a regular basis.
I actually tried this. I don't drink but this was a low enough percentage that I was prepared to try. It was ok. I probably would buy the Lindauer grape juice though in preference (no alcohol) as I'd rather that than the 0.5%. That said it was an option I might visit again. I however really really like the Lindauer grape juice (having just tried at an event recently and much prefer the taste of that).
I adored this product. Taste was divine.
I am glad I have discovered this product!! Much enjoyable without the risk!
I am pregnant so shouldn’t drink even 0.5% wine, would prefer 0% if I was going for a product like this
I buy Edenvale because it has 0% alcohol as I am pregnant, if I'm going to buy wine, it's either going to have a high alcohol content or 0
I buy lindauer all the time and didn’t realise they had a low alcohol option. Perfect for when I’m have to drive
I can’t find this anywhere in Blenheim have tried both liquor stores and supermarkets
I could not believe it taste so good thought it was going to have an after taste but was wrong and I'm happy to be wrong in this case
I did not enjoy the taste at all, think it was too sweet possibly
I did not enjoy the taste of this personally, however other members of the family who drink other Lindauer wines enjoyed it
I did not like this wine at all. It just wasn't my taste.
I didn’t know you could purchase lower alcohol sparkling wine. This tasted great... I will purchase again!
I didn’t like it so much, it tasted just like wine if that helps lol! But my mum did like it a lot and said she will be buying it especially for when she has to drive!
I didn’t like the taste. I probably wouldn’t buy it unless I was having a social event
I didn't enjoy this product, I'm not a fan of sparkling wine but it was just to sweet for me, i also didn't see the point of low alcohol wine.
I didn't even know that this product existed, flavour for me was excellent didn't make me feel like I was drinking alcohol but has grear flavour. Now that I do it can be a great addition to celebrations or just a nice dinner with a nice drink in the sun
I didn't love it - I found it a little to vinegary. If it was slightly sweeter I would get it more often, But if I was sober driver I would buy a bottle.
I didnt mind it, but wasnt my favourite
I didnt really like the taste - too fizzy and sweet
I do not drink it as per se, it is too sweet but it makes a good mix with a real drier Lindauer Brut/cuvee, and one can drink more "bubbly" with a reduced alcohol intake
I don’t see the market for this if it was completely alcohol free I may buy if I was pregnant or breast feeding otherwise 9% wines are a better choice
I don't drink often but when I do I kinda don't see the point in low alcohol. It tastes the same but not worth it
I don't get the point of this product. Sparkling grape juice is the same thing, tastes better, and is cheaper.
i don't have sparkling wine much, but great to know a low alcohol option is there.
I don't normally drink low alcohol drinks :-) However, if I was sober driver I would definitely keep it in mind.
I don't normally drink low alcohol wine and Lindauer is not my favorite brand but I would buy this again for a group gathering. My friends and I had a catch up ono a Sunday afternoon we all had to drive home and work the next day. This was a nice change of pace to drink.
I don't really drink so this is a great option for me
I don't really see the point of drinking lower/no alcohol wine, it just tasted like juice. I would either drink wine or drink a non-alcoholic beverage.
I don't see the point in this product. If I want a non-alcoholic beverage then I will just buy one of the many available such as ginger beer or lemon lime and bitters. I did not like the taste of this.
I don't tend to buy low alcohol wine because my friends don't drink it
I don't understand the point of low/no alcohol wines. Would rather have something with alcohol content, otherwise I would just drink sprite or coke.
I drank this with strawberries when i was at a family bbq as i had to drive home but wanted to feel like i was drinking - i really really liked it! Would be great for pregnant women (which my sister in law thought i was when i was drinking it!!)
I drink Champers because it is lower in sugar, while nice this wine has far too many carbs for me.
I enjoyed drinking this and didn’t get the headache I tend to get with wine
I enjoyed this - tasted similar to sparkling wine with alcohol. The only thing that put me off slightly was the last mouthful I had, had a slightly funny aftertaste.
I enjoyed this and will definitely repurchase in the future. I didn't know such an option existed!
I enjoyed this, and am happy to say it was pleasant to drink and I will definitely buy it in the future for summer time outings etc
I enjoyed this, wine doesn't normally agree with me but this is a great option for being social without the memory blanks, hangover and hot knees (weird sulphite allergy!)
I enjoyed. Wouldnt drink it all the time but it's a good option when driving
I feel that it’s not for me. I love my wine but when going for a low alcohol option it would be a 8/9% wine rather than 0.5, I feel I may aswell just have a coke instead
I found it really enjoyable. It still tasted like wine, yet was nice to not have the other effects.
I found it tasted OK, but its a product I would only purchase every now and again especially at that price point for a non-alcoholic beverage
I found this actually made me feel quite ill after 2 glasses.
I found this refreshing, I could imagine this drink would be my go to in summer.I think outdoors, bbq's and xmas.
I found this wine much too fizzy, did not enjoy.
I gave my Lindauer to my friend at work, she loves it.
I had a girls weekend away and it was great to be able to drink this and not feel like I was missing out, as it looked like wine, tastes quite similar and a good time was had by all!
I had never tried the rose before and find I prefer this in future.
I had tried low alcohol still wines and not enjoyed them but enjoyed this and will definitely buy again
I hadn't been drinking wine for a while so found this option with virtually no alcohol a great option.
I hadn't hears of.this product and love it. I donr enjoy alcohol at the moment but enjoy the taste and social.aspect. love that it's an option when you are celebrating but also driving
I have been keeping an eye out for low alcoholic wine but hadn't seen any. Great to have a small glass while pregnant at a celebration and not miss out.
I have purchase Lindauer products many times in the past, will continue to do so, this was a nice product to get , especially coming up to Christmas
I have tried a few lower/no alcohol wines and this one was by far the closest tasting to a 'regular' wine, I would purchase again and intend to get a few bottles for the Christmas period for when I am driving
I haven't had low alcohol sparkling wine before and was really impressed. I was disappointed I couldn't find it at my local new world but will definitely be looking out for it elsewhere asap and over summer
I like a glass - but then it gets too sweet - but knowing its low in alchol certainly helps especially when work committments the next day are 'full on' - I can still have a drink and enjoy it
I like the enlighten Lindauer but this tastes like cooldrink
I like the idea of very low alcohol wine, but I found this was much too sweet to enjoy with dinner, which is when I would mostly have a glass of wine. For this reason I am unlikely to purchase this product for myself, but I may gift it if I know the recipient likes it. I appreciated the chance to try it.
I like the Lindauer brand of sparkling wines and would buy but not a rose as am not a huge fan of rose wines
I love that you can get low abv wine, I am dissapointed at the price, when you can usually get a bottle of lindauer for $12 it seems cruel to pay more for this.
I loved the fizzy crackle and the colour, the taste not so much. I'm not sure what it was but I found it unpleasant almost bitter (?) it left my teeth feeling like I'd been sucking lemons. I really wanted to like it too.
I loved the taste of this wine. I could have a drink or two and not worry about being over the limit to drive home
I loved this and have brought since receiving in my black box
I loved this and will definitely buy again. It was perfect for a celebratory lunch where family members were able to join in with a glass even though they didn’t normally have alcohol
I loved this product and went to buy it but it was not at my local supermarket yet. Hope it is out by Christmas time
I LOVED THIS PRODUCT!!! Have already recommended it to others and looked to buy it in the supermarket but couldn't find It??
I LOVED THIS!!! I felt so posh drinking this and all my friends were keen to try it too! A definite one for Christmas!
i normally dont buy sparkling wine but this was lovely for a change
I often buy lindauer wines but prefer the alcoholic ones
I personally would like to try the Brut as I prefer a non sweeter wine
I prefer still over sparkling, therefore this would not be a product I would repurchase, unless making a punch.
I probably wouldn't try this again as I'm Keto and am not sure on the carb level. However, it it was really low carb as well then I might try it again.
i purchased a second bottle and took to a friend who stopped drinking alcohol over a year ago, she said it was the closest thing she had had to a "real glass of wine" since she quit!
I really don't like sparkling wine and only drink still
I really enjoyed the taste of this product and would recommend it to others
I really enjoyed this wine
I really enjoyed this wine my friend and I both liked the taste it’s just like drinking a bubble from Lindauer but without the high alcohol content a big thumbs up!! I will definitely be stocking up on this at Xmas
i really enjoyed this wine, it was very nice
I really enjoyed this wine. It appeals to me as it still looks like a wine for times when I want to celebrate but can’t have the alcohol
I really enjoyed this. I will definitely buy again. It wasn't too sweet.
I really like it!!
I really like the idea of this lower alcohol product. Will try at a family occasion for everyone to taste.
I really liked it, was great to enjoy a wine without the alcohol/hangover
I really liked this and didn’t feel like I was missing out when I was driving, and no hang over the next day!
I really liked this product, I was skeptical of it thinking it wouldn't taste like wine but I'll definitely buy it again for those occasions where you wantto have a glass of wine but need to drive afterwards or have a clear head. I might even have it on Christmas morning!
I really liked this. I don't normally like lindauer as it's too bitter tasting but this was nice
I saw this on sale at pak n save recently much cheaper then the RRP
I shared at a function with 6 people. The comments all good, x2 said a bit too sweet, Everyone enjoyed and had positive remarks.
I shared it with my best friend and she went and bought a whole case after trying it at my home as she does not drink
I tend to buy sparkling grape juice or apple juice in place of sparkling wine.
I think it’s a wonderful product. I can be having a drink at a party etc and not feel out of place. And not being under the influence too much.
I think this is a great idea for those occasions when you want a wine, but don't want the alcohol, however I think the price is too expensive given it is a low alcohol beverage.
I think this is a great product to allow non drinkers to participate in the social nature of celebration. Great option!
I thought this would be too sweet and unpleasant and I was pleasantly surprised! Can’t wait to try the Brut version now
I took this to my daughter's baby shower so we could enjoy a glass of wine together without the alcohol
I tried it with some friends and we could see it being nice over summer. Useful to have low/no alcohol content as we're still breastfeeding our kids but it still feels like we're drinking and celebrating.
I was able to enjoy a drink with friends in a nice champagne glass without worrying about having to drive so I drank the whole bottle
I was actually pleasantly surprised by the taste, it had a very nice taste to it so that’s why I would recommend it to others who were perhaps looking to cut down on their alcohol consumption. I on the other hand can’t see myself seeking out 0.5% sparkling wine as the alcohol content is too low for me.
I was actually pleasantly surprised by this product. I wouldn't normally buy an alcohol free wine as I've tasted in the past and its been way too sweet. This was actually really nice and made me reconsider buying alcohol free wine in future.
I was happily surprised - tasted like lindauer -nice rose and liked low alcohol!
I was impressed with the taste, and love that it has such a low alcohol level. Great for summer lunches where you don't want to be wiped out for the rest of the day.
I was incredibly impressed by this but I am yet to see it on the shelves. I hope it becomes a common sight in the supermarkets....for a low alcohol drink it's one of the best I've had.
I was not a fan of this. I didn't find it refreshing and felt like something was missing
I was our sober driver at a friends BBQ - was nice to feel like I wasn’t missing out on having bubbles with my friends
I was pleasantly surprised by the taste, not something I would buy but it wasnt as horrendous as I thought it was going to be
i was pleasantly surprised with the taste and enjoyed it
I was so pleasantly surprised by this product. It actually tasted like wine. It was very slightly sweeter than I would normally enjoy but I'm keen to try the brut version now! So great for when you don't feel like alcohols effects for whatever reason but still want to enjoy a drink
I was surprised at how good this tastes
I was surprised I liked this wine! Really loved the colour, lots of bubbles but could of been a wee bit sweeter. Love the low alcohol content! I hate hang overs
I was surprised this tasted do hod. Was yummy.
I was very pleasantly surprised by this wine, it was sweet, tasty, strongly resembled full alcohol wine, made me feel fancy and was overall very satisfying! I will definitely purchase in the future when I'm planning to sober drive or just wanting to limit my alcohol consumption.
I wasnt aware it was low alcohol
I wasn't sure about this one at first but really enjoyed it and was pleasantly surprised
I wasn't that keen on this wine, although I did at least finish the bottle over a few nights. It as too sweet. Tasted a bit like a wine cooler. I like wine, but I'd rather drink sparkling water if I have to drink, than a wine that I don't like the taste of.
I will always try my mother and sister loved it, I wasnt that fond of the taste but I drink drink a lot of wine
I will definitely look around and check whats on offer
I would buy this as an alternative to grape juice but not if its unreasonably expensive
I would have loved to try the brut version. The rose is just too sweet.
I would have preferred this to have no alcohol in it at all. I have friends that don't drink that would not drink this as it still has a little bit of alcohol in it
I would never have thought about trying it before this black box!
i would only buy this if it actually tasted like sparkling wine, it does not.
I would only use this product very infrequently, but having tried it I would choose this one in future when required
I would purchase this for my Mum who is not a massive drinker. I think we drink wine for a reason. Does taking the alcohol content away eliminate this reason?
I wouldnt buy this to drink myself but i would buy it for guests who want/need low alcohol options
I would've loved this when I was pregnant! My girl is 2 months now, but otherwise i think it's great to have as a low option
If I am consuming a wine it is becuase I want a nice wine to drink as a celebration or sbare with friends in a relaxed environment. If I want a non alcoholic drink Ill just buy one I like or drink water, rather than drink something that taste like an almost wine.
If I wanted no alcohol, I'd buy juice or drink water.
I'll be getting a couple of bottles for Christmas celebrations. I wouldn't have bothered trying it if it wasn't in the black box
I'll be honest, I dont enjoy the taste of wine very much so id rather have a juice instead of low alcohol wine
I'm not a fan of the regular Lindaur but I actually quite enjoyed this product
I'm usually sober driver, so it's great to have a sparkling wine and be part of things without the alcohol content.
In regards to the low alcohol products there are better non-alcoholic options and if I want to drink then I will indulge is a smart way rather than buying these kinds of products. There is room for alcohol in a balanced diet and better "healthy" drink options available if that is a concern...
Is something different for me but would drink it occassionally
It goes down a treat if people are calling in and we can offered them that
It great it till tastes like normal Lindauer
It had the weirdest aftertaste
It honestly tasted awful. Sorry.
It lacked mouth feel, it was just not very nice to drink. If it had still tasted like rose it would have been great.
It tasted just like wine. It also had the same affects on my husbands body as alcoholic wine in terms of not agreeing with him
It was a great options, especially as an alternative for driving and also pregnant people.
It was a nice drink and great to know I could enjoy it and still safely drive afterwards
It was a nice refreshing bubbles, I was able to have one on a Work night with out the headache for work the next day.
It was alright but not a fan of Lindauer wines
It was boring, i’d rather have sparkling grape juice
It was delicious, and great to drink on a night in where I wanted sparkling wine, but didn't want the alcohol!
It was enjoyable and my teen could share it without a worry of alcohol.
It was good but I would generally buy no alcohol beer rather than wine
It was great not too sweet and didnt have that sometimes harsh taste of Lindauer Brut
It was great, really great taste, good for zero/low alcohol events and celebrations
It was lovely to enjoy a special sparking wine without worrying about the alcohol
It was nice to have an alcohol free wine but it was not quite sweet enough for me
It was not like a wine at all just tasted like grape juice
It was not quite sweet enough for my liking. I’m not a big fan of alcohol, I took this to a bbq and it was great not having people comment on the lack of alcohol that I was drinking. I mixed with lemonade. Ok taste for what it is. Would consider buying a sweeter version for sure
It was ok
It was ok, was nice to have while others were drinking.
It was really refreshing we used it at my daughters hens night
it was refreshing and delicious, I'd buy it for a family occassion
It was surprisingly good but still a little sweet for me... I prefer dry wine
It was sweet and did nothing for me!
It was too artificial for me. I think I would rather just have an orange juice or water if I was driving
It was very sweet, but didn't notice the lack of alcohol in the taste
It was yum and after back surgery where I have no alcohol tolerance, this allowed me to still feel like I was having a drink without the after effects.
It wasn't to my taste, but parents liked it OK, people who like drier wine would like it fine
It would be a rare occasion that I would buy this type of wine and it will largely depend on the price point because I am quite happy not to drink and having sparkling water instead. The taste was okay though but probably not really my thing, although having now tried it if I was going to buy it I would buy this brand.
It’s disappointing that lower alcohol drinks are not cheaper than normal alcohol content drinjs
It’s not a product for me, but I would recommend it to someone wanting low alcohol.
It's a nice low alcohol wine, I would like it a bit sweeter though personally
It's a really pleasant drink and lively to have bubbles with tasting alcohol.
Its great to get an option other than high alcohol to drink
Its great, thanks, my wife was impressed.
It's hard to comprehend spending the same on no alcohol as alcohol - seems expensive
It's nice that there is another low alcohol option out there.
It's nice to be given an alternative, but it just doesn't taste quite right.
It's not something I would normally buy, but I really like the idea of being able to enjoy a wine when out with friends and not having to worry that I won't be able to drive home. Great flavour too.
It's over priced for a very low alcohol wine. There are nicer ones for less and not as low as 0.5
Its ust not something I would ever buy, I either drink alcohol or dont drink, so have "pretend" wine seems really stupid to me - i feel there are better non alcoholic options than a pretend wine
I've always been a lindauer drinker so I'm pleased there's a low alcohol one
I've had weight loss surgery so alcohol is a no go but thus wine was perfect for me.
Just didn't like the after taste
Labeling is a bit confusing, using the word 'free' implies zero alcohol but it has 0.5% which is low but not zero.
liked the low alcohol in the drink, taste was rather nice, I usually prefer something that's not sweet but this was ok.
Liked the wine, tasted like normal but felt a slight aftertaste. Really great to see a nice wine without Alcohol that didn’t taste really sweet or like grape juice
Lindauer I have a reaction to it because of the manufacturing process
Lindauer is my absolute fav drink. Normall just buy the Brut, but this one was perfect and used it at an event where I had a few pregnant mums and they loved trying it.
Lindauer is my top favourite - FRAISE!!!! I buy it by the case!
Lindauer wines, all of them, are foul tasting. I cannot abide by the taste. Edenvale sparkling cuvee is my favourite alcohol removed wine. Also, 0.5% is still very high and I would not make this my first choice for that reason alone before taste.
Lindaur brand is not a brand I really like due to taste. This one was ok and could be perfect for a hot day
Little bit sweet but my mum loved it
Love being able to buy this at the supermarket!
Love it. Brilliant product for a myriad of reasons. Trusted brand.
Love Lindauer and really liked this. Will defiantly buy this again.
Love Lindauer but pregnant so not drinking even this
Love Lindauer, and great to see they have a low alcohol option.
Love Lindaur but not for low alcohol products
Love lindaur so glad they have introduced this into their range
Love love love this brand. What they produce that cant go wrong.
Love my Lindauer Pinot Gris and have recently been buying the Lindauer 25% reduced alcohol bottles. Love the taste and the fact I can enjoy my favourite tipple without worrying about driving or getting too tipsy! Well done Lindauer! I'm not a big Rose fan however although it wouldn't be my go too drink, it would definitely be a contender if my regular bottle wasn't available.
Love that I can still have a wine when driving
love the fact it is low alcohol and still get to enjoy bubbles
Love the low alcohol but at the same price or more might as well buy a real bottle
Love the low alcohol options to have on hand for those coming over whom are also driving and would like to have a ‘drink’ of sorts
Love the taste and so good when you have to drive.
Love this. Especially on a warm day and a day i dont feel like getting tipsy
Love to feel like I’m drinking wine without the alcohol content
Love, love, love this product. Hoping it's rolled out to restaurants as well
Loved it
LOVED IT but have been unable to find anywhere to buy. HELP
loved it!!!!
Loved it, not too sweet and didn't taste like grape juice. Reminded me of cider
loved it, so delicious
Loved it. It tastes great, and no headache or after effects. And I could drink as much as I wanted! Will be a go to this summer.
Loved it. My sister and I had the bottle after a day where nothing went right but it hit the spot cause we had to use the right glasses and I'm a moscato wine drinker
Loved the flavor, fantastic to have a sparkling option
Loved the taste
Loved the taste of this wine, was great that our 15 year old daughter could enjoy it with us as well. Would def purchase in the future.
Loved this product
Loved this product...esp as i cant drink anymore but missed wine so much and this one actually tastes good unlike others i have tried
LOVED this! Had a friend over (she drove home) and we sat and drunk this - felt like real wine! Would definitely buy this for social occassions when Im not wanting to drink! YUM
Loved this! Was very impressed with the flavour and the look of the wine,you didn't miss out on anything!
Loved this!@#$
Loved this. A great option that I wouldn't usually have considered.
Lovely drink especially for lunch time
Lovely wine, great for pregnant ladies who enjoy the taste but don’t want the alcohol content
Lovely wine, really enjoyed it and have purchased since trying it in th black box
Lovely. Brilliant concept.
Low alchol or organic wines are definitely on trend.
Makes a great change from having sparkling grape juice which is way too sweet
Maybe a little expensive for the fact that is has almost no alcohol content, it is basically just juice. I appreciated that it tasted a lot like sparkling wine. I would purchase again if it was on sale for around $10
Maybe buy it if pregnant
My daughter is now stocking this in her cafe
My daughter loved it and found the she could use it when celebrating and it was great tasting for a low alcohol drink
My friend enjoyed it who can’t drink alcohol
my partner drunk most of it so must be good.
My partner loved this. She can’t have alcohol (medical condition) but it meant when we had a party she could join in and it made her feel included. She also loved the taste
my whole family enjoyed it
Neither of us enjoyed this. The taste was not something we could get into and it left a bitter taste in my mouth unfortunately. Not something for me.
Nice - have cut down on alcohol to 2x units a week. Like it as I now can have a sparkling wine and feel like I join in more when at a party. Its tough in NZ standing with no drink in a social environment.
Nice alternative to sparkling wine. Tended to get a little sour when it had been in the glass for a while.
Nice and refreshing
Nice but not too likely to drink it however i see the benefit!
Nice flavour, easy to drink and tasty. WAY too expensive! Would never buy it at $15.99 a bottle - that's ridiculous!!! Definitely nice and good product for reduced alcohol content but I'd rather drink sparkling water, coke no sugar or something else at less than half the price...
Nice for a low alcohol option, still festive would purchase for special occasions or if driving after hanging out with friends
Nice idea just didn’t like the taste at all
Nice product but have no need to purchase it
nice product, good when driving or for young adults at christmas
nice taste. Partner also liked it and she's not a wine drinker due to the acidity
Nice to have a low alcohol sparkling
Nice when you want a to have a wine but don't want the alcohol content
Nicer than others on the market so will purchase again. Plus like how it looks like a normal product when taking to an event.
No alcohol sparkling is not a product I would currently buy but I like that the option is there for people who are driving, pregnant, breastfeeding etc. I would purchase this for friends as an option if I was the host.
Not a bad drop!
Not a fan of 0% alcohol
Not a fan of bubbles! Dont like the taste
Not a fan of low alcohol drinks. Sorry.
Not a fan of Rose style sparkling wine.
Not a huge wine drinker but this was nice, i would like a little sweeter
Not a product I would drink often but will use as a gift
not a regular purchaser. husband works at a winery
Not bad very drinkable
Not for me
Not for me but can see why this would appeal to some people
Not for me but thanks
Not for me but will recommend to others who do like no alcohol wine
Not for me.
Not my cup of tea,
Not really a wine drinker (more into craft beer), but did find this overly carbonated.
Not something I would buy
Not sweet enough for me.
Not to my taste
Nothing beats feeling like you're part of a group when having a bbq so having this wine helped my wife feel included
NZ's alcohol culture is pretty rubbish. this is a great step forward to improve our attitudes with drinking and celebrations. cheers team.
Ok this arrived at just the right time as I had a byo 21st to attend.Hubby couldnt drive due to recent leg surgery.I hate looking like the party fringe,not drinking.i took my bottle of wine with me,people thought I was alcohol.I was surprised my the taste I actually enjoyed it ALOT,and I remained sober.No hangover the next day.I would buy it again and will buy a couple of bottles for the Christmas festivities. so I had to drive myself
only buy fof christmsd &birthdays
Partner normally gets the Alcohol free sparkling wine. But said she is going to change to this in teh future
Perfect for celebrating without the headache the next day
Perfect for gifting, baby showers or wedding cake tasting when travel is involved.
Perfect for summer. Loved the fact it was low alcohol so I can drive.
Perfect to drink on a hot day without the effects of alcohol
Personally I found like it had a sourness to it which I wasn’t expecting at all. I wasn’t a big fan of the sourness but feel it would be nice on a hot summer day for a refreshing treat
Placebo affect works even when you know it has no alcohol... very strange
Pleasant drink, nice alternate to alcohol or soft drinks
Pleasantly surprised by this, in the past when I have tried low alcohol wine it hasn't been nice. But this tasted like a sparkling rose not a sparkling grape juice.
Pleasantly surprised with this product; I felt it had a bit of a sour taste (in a nice way!) similar to kombucha. I would definitely purchase this; $15.99 may be a little hard to stomach by some customers. Overall, great product!!
Please stop using gelatine in your winemaking!
pleased to have this as an option
Probably not a bad product, but not for me. I don't drink much, and prefer one or two glasses of something I really like than several low alcohol ones.
Quite pleasant taste, I’d definitely buy when the occasion calls for it
Really enjoyed it, I’ll be buying it in the future when I want the experience of bubbles but not the effects
Really enjoyed the taste of this. I always drink rose wine and this is a perfect substitute when I don't want the alcohol content.
Really enjoyed this - great taste and still felt like a nice sparkling wine
Really enjoyed this and feel its a great alternative
Really enjoyed this wine, even better that its low alcohol, sometimes it's about just enjoying a drink rather than getting drunk
Really enjoyed this wine, had a great flavor and no headache
Really enjoyed this!
Really enjoyed, have recommended and will buy at Christmas.
Really good to know another product on the market that I'll purchase again
Really impressed with this, took it to a girls night where we had to drive after and we were all surprisingly impressed
Really is a low alcohol sparkling wine. Should be more available
Really liked it.
Really liked this - have tried others and they are not for me
Really liked this. Great to drink when you’re sober driving!
Really loved this perfect product to celebrate with family and not have to have alcohol
Really nice and great when you have to drive
Really nice and tastes more like wine than lindauers sparkling grape
Really nice drink
Really nice flavour, will buy again
Really nice product, great taste. Particularly appreciated by my wife who is breastfeeding. The term 'Free' in the branding tends to cheapen the product.
Really nice to have an alcoholic alternative that actually tastes like Sparkling wine. So much nicer than having to buy sparkling grape juice
really not a wine drinker sorry
Really quite delicious
Really surprised by the product and would definitely seek it out in the future
Really surprising how nice it was - expected it to not tast so much like my normal wine.
refreshing drink
Refreshing taste
ridiculously over priced, would never purchase at that price - very disappointed as liked the product
Same great bubbly taste but with so much less alcohol
Shared it with a friend who doesnt drink, she would buy it again. When I'm driving I'm happy to drink obvious non alcoholic drinks, I wouldnt spend $20 on non alcoholic. But my friend would!
So good and a great alternative to drinking
Sorry - I didn’t receive this. I ticked the wrong box and couldn’t go back...
Sorry much too sweet and if i am not drinking then i don't buy alcohol at all
Sorry not a product that interests me... especially for $15.99 would honestly rather but $2 soda water.
Sorry this was not a wine I would purchase almost like grape water but I do enjoy other Lindauer wines
Sorry, i did not enjoy this very much
Sparkling wine is for special occasions so I want the proper stuff
still has the taste, so thats good. Nice and refreshing without the alcohol, good for a summer afternoon
Stoked to get this as I am pregnant! Will be my go to for Summer. Not at Countdown yet :(
Super excited that there is a nice wine with no alcohol! I am small and can't drink anything if im sober driver so this is amazing
Surprised to find that it still tasted like an actual wine, and not just a fizzy soft drink. Great flavour and was enjoyed by me, my husband and my 86 year old nan that was visiting from overseas. Nice to feel that you're having an adult drink, but not consuming the usual level of alcohol.
Surprisingly nice, a good option
Surprisingly yum. Tasted like wine, great amount of bubbles and was super easy to drink.
t was nice and enjoyed the celebration of opening sparkling wine, I did find it a little sweet, but when I have to drive I feel I can join in with out having to worry :)
Tasted a bit like kombucha. Could be a little sweeter? But great to have when driving and watching children!
Tasted a bit more like cider than wine
Tasted awful and left horrible taste in my mouth. Don’t see point of drinking wine with no alcohol.
Tasted awful. Like vinegar
Tasted delicious! Was sober driving and this was a great reason to drink it and still feel like I was drinking with everyone :)
Tasted just like wine - it was amazing
Tasted like vinegar, had to throw out the rest of the bottle because it was not drinkable
Tasted nice and will buy again
tasted nice would buy again for celebrations like Christmas,etc
Tasted nice. Felt like having bubbles without the hangover
Tasted yummy but a little sweet for me but was great to be able to join in at a function as was driving.
tastes good, but if I drink, I want the alcohol so why would I select this
Tastes great. Something for me to consider especially when pregnant. My pregnant friend drunk this with me and really enjoyed it!
Thank goodness I did receive this and I have been and bought one of rose and two of brut since .. awesome .. no guilt.
Thank you. I am currently breastfeeding and i drank this at a hens party i went to. I loved it and will be buying it weekly. I have already recommended it.....thank you
Thanks Lindaur! Will definitely buy again (when I see it on supermarket shelves)
the girls loved it
The price is WAY too expensive when you can urchase similar products for half the price
The RRP feels high when you're comparing it in the low / no alcohol market. Wouldn't purchase at 15.99.
the taste was a quite vinagery. not pleasant after the first glass
The taste was sweet and fake. It was a real disappointment for the Lindauer brand!
This has been a lovely treat, especially since I am breastfeeding and not consuming alcohol.
This is a great addition to the fridge for summer - great to enjoy a delicious glass of bubbles at social events without needing to think about how much alcohol I am consuming.
This is a great option for summer bbqs, great to feel as tho you are joining in but can still drive
This is amazing, I dont drink, so being able to have "Bubbles" with the girls is a real treat
This is great! Love lindauer and buy it fortnightly - this is an awesome option and tastes really similar. Great for driving days
This is great. My mum will love it off to buy some more for Christmas day
This is not something I have come across before but its a good idea
This is such an excellent wine replacement!
This just tasted like vinegar to me. I couldn’t even finish a glass
This seemed like it will be a great drink for summer.
This tasted horrible. We could only consume one glass before the vinegar taste over whelmed us. This went down the drain
This tasted really great, actually tasted like wine. I think the price is way too high for a no alcohol product though
This was a great enjoyable drink for me when I was on call for work and couldn’t drink but still wanted to celebrate.
This was a great product. We loved being able to have sparkling wine for breakfast and safely drive the family home. It was so good to drink, would definitely buy again and again
this was a little bit to sweet for my tastes, but my mother enjoyed it and was able to drive home after drinking. this is definitely something we will enjoy taking out to dinner and being happy to drink and then be able to safely drive home.
This was awful sorry. It tasted like vinegar not sparkling wine. I don’t like super-sweet wines, happy for crisp with a little sweetness, but this was astringent, awful.
This was delicious and well received by my visitors
This was delicious! Everyone present at a celebration tried a glass and loved that it tasted nice, still bubbled yet had a low alcohol content. Perfect for drivers!
This was disgusting..definitely would not purchase
This was far too sweet for me
This was great - recommended it to a friend
This was great for the baby shower I went too! Ironically for a little girl too - so the "PINK" theme went down really well....I would buy again for a special occasion.
This was lovely and as I am unable to consume alcohol was perfect for me to celebrate. At first it tasted a bit sweeter than I like but the second sip it was lovely taste.
This was my favorite item in the box. I would normally drink Asti when we go to a bbq or to a friend but always had to take turns driving. With this I can have a sparkling drink and drive. I like the taste but since I'm an Asti drinker I would like it sweeter. The taste does not deter me. Love it.
This was my favourite item to n the box. This was nice and dry like a full strength wine. Have looked everywhere in the past few days for it to buy and cannot find it, but this will now when I do find it be a staple in my house.
This was really nice to have after a couple of glasses of the 'real thing' to reduce the amount of alcohol consumed. I can see it being great on Christmas day!
This was slightly too sweet but would buy it again. Perhaps a dry version could be produced?
This was way better than I was expecting!
This was way to sweet, didn't enjoy it at all
This was way, WAY to sweet. It didn't taste like wine at all.
This was yummy and delicious
This was yummy and such a great to have another alternative to low Alcohol beer when driving or just not wanting a hangover
To me either you drink or dont. If you had to drive why not drink juice or water however I believe it would be great for some people who enjoy the taste of wine
Took this to a friends place - as a breastfeeding mum she was so excited to be able to share a glass of bubbles. Great job!
Very cool concept - the fun of drinking without the alcohol
very enjoyable
very enjoyable.
Very happy with the taste. A brilliant option when I want to indulge but need to drive.
Very nice
very nice product
Very nice. Nice to be able to enjoy with the whole family
Very surprising how much I enjoyed this. I think I almost prefer this over the main one. Will certainly buy this agin
Was a real let down tasted very bitter and a flavour of a cider and a continuing aftertaste that was not pleasant, but we love the other lindauer products and will continue to use them
Was disappointed was so sweet we could not finish it. All four of us found it not to our taste. Looking for a nice low alcohol bubbles still.
Was nice and refreshing to have mid week.
Was nice and would buy if I was driving
Was nice to have a product like this will buy again
was ok, i just dont drink non alc too often
was ok, just ok
Was pleasant
was pleasantly surprised at how palatable this was. I would definitely buy it, probably for Xmas and new Year.
Was pretty good for a low alcohol wine but I usually drink wine for the alcohol
Was quite a nice change to feel like you were having a cheeky wine without getting drunk
Was really looking forward to trying this wine. Did not like it at all. Thought it tasted sour
Was surprised at the taste. I would describe as unsweetened sparkling grape juice rather than wine, but I like it and would purchase
was tasty and enjoyable
Was very pleasantly surprised - great idea and will definately buy
Was very surprised with the product, and would consider purchasing again.
Was Yum
Wasn’t to my tastes but others really enjoyed it. Would try it again
wasnt so much of a fan of this
We don't drink much wine in our house. If we do we wouldn't buy sparkling wine
We drink lots of wine and bubbly wines. This had the feel and taste of real bubbly but a little too sweet.
We loved this, it tasted great, but made us feel safe to drive.
We used it to celebrate a new job.
What a great alternative to have for those occasions - e.g. a mid week catch up or for those who may join us but not want to drink alcohol. I like the concept better than offering someone a glass of Coke or Sprite.
What's the point of drinking wine then?
When going alcohol free for a period - there are not many options that taste good so really good to have this Lindauer brand as an option
While I liked it the taste was more compatible to sparkling grape juice not a sparkling wine
Why? Can't see the point.
Wife loved this product. please send more!
Wife would probably stick to sprite or orange juice if not drinking alcohol wine.
Will be purchasing for christmas
Willing to try more low alcohol wines now I know good flavour
Wine without alcohol/low alcohol is not a product I would buy
Would be great if it was low calories too, as seems a shame to be drinking all the calories and no alcohol
Would buy for gifts and for Xmas breaky
Would consider buying if on special
would just have sparkling water if dont want alcohol
Would love one that isn't so sweet
would love some non rose and non sauv low alcohol bubbly options
Would not purchase as don’t drink alcohol
Would rather drink normal wine or none at all
Would really like an alcohol free wine that still has that dry bitter taste and doesnt taste like grape juice
Would recommend to my daughter. Everyone at work saw this and was impressed
Wouldn't usually buy a low alcohol wine but we are going to buy this for our wedding for those that are driving, so it was good to be introduced to it
Wow, didnt know this product even existed. Love the low alcohol option. I feel like I can still enjoy a drink when driving without being paranoid that I might go over the driving limit. Makes me feel like I can partake in toasts at functions and is a great alternative to the soft drinks I normally consume when out. Great taste.
yay now i can drink and dont feel left out :)
Yum I just don’t buy wine very often
Yum! Will buy this again over the summer months and when sober driver
Yum!! Loved it. Great as I am breastfeeding at the moment, will be buying again for lunches with other breastfeeding mums