Kiwi Crush Frozen Fruit Drink Kiwifruit Concentrate Singles

Kiwi Crush Frozen Fruit Drink Kiwifruit Concentrate Singles


The original kiwi crush, with 83% kiwifruit pulp, classic harnesses the unique and refreshing taste of new zealand
green kiwifruit. The addition of pineapple and spirulina provides a well rounded healthy juice for starting your day

$10.00 per review

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- 2023-12-19 15:07:24

Hard to eat out of a wide plastic tube. It's wider than a normal mouth width so hard to eat. It tastes fine. Paid well over $6. That's OK as long as you can easily eat it without wastage but that's impossible especially at the end when you try get the last melted bits out of the wide tube.

+ PROS: Refreshing on a hot day
- CONS: I doubt it has as many benefits as a real kiwifruit.
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Kiwi Crush Frozen Fruit Drink Kiwifruit Concentrate Singles
Kiwi Crush Frozen Fruit Drink Kiwifruit Concentrate Singles

$10.00 per review

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