Inka Coffee Substitute Cereal

Inka Coffee Substitute Cereal


Inka is a rich, flavourful instant grain beverage enjoyed by polish families for generations. Rye, barley, beets, and chicory root are simply roasted, ground and combined to make inka the perfect substitute for coffee and a great tasting drink in its own right. Inka has no chemicals, additives, preservatives or added sugar.

$10.00 per review

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Tim Funnell

- 2024-07-16 19:02:23

My wife enjoyed Inka for sometime now as she is allergic reaction to coffee. This is the third coffee substitute she has tried and now Inka is diappearing off the supermarket shelves. We can't buy it in our local New World supermarket, and untill recently we could get it in Countdown/Woolworths some Kilometers away but looking on there online shopping now it's not on their site. We will have to check when we are over that their way.

+ PROS: good coffee substitute.
- CONS: buying it is becoming a problem

Gundi Coad

- 2022-01-29 18:40:52

I remember growing up in Germany, having it as child. My mother called it children's coffee. we loved it each morning before heading to school and especially during the cold months, having a hot drink we enjoyed, was a treat. Now, living in New Zealand since many years it is my typical bedtime drink as it is free of stimulants, so I can fall asleep fast. My rating is ten out of ten. Thank you for a lovely treat (-:

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Inka Coffee Substitute Cereal
Inka Coffee Substitute Cereal

$10.00 per review

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