Hummingbird 50:50 Fair Trade Organic Fresh Coffee Beans 180g

Hummingbird 50:50 Fair Trade Organic Fresh Coffee Beans 180g


Full flavour, gentle kick.
Enjoying a great cup of coffee is one of our favourite moments of the day, morning, or night.
The Hummingbird 50:50 coffee blend is crafted with half of Hummingbird’s bestselling, full-flavour Oomph! coffee blend and half of Hummingbird decaf. Hummingbird 50:50 delivers medium-bodied sweetness and soft acidity, with mild malt and chocolate flavours. It is made from the same fair trade, sustainably sourced organic beans where Hummingbird roast each origin, then blend to deliver the perfect coffee you can enjoy any time of the day.

$10.00 per review

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clear filter


- 2023-02-11 07:33:49

I find de cafe too powdery and it gets through the filter easily leaving a thick layer of coffee sludge at bottom of cup. I have tried using non decaf as an added filter in the past ( and during the day when decafe not needed) and had good effect. This 50:50 mix doesn’t have the same issues and you get the strong coffee taste without the shakes!

Tina Hanson

- 2022-11-15 21:11:51

taste like normal coffee


- 2022-11-15 17:02:15

Nice tasting coffee!

Cherry Buxton

- 2022-11-15 11:51:07

Tasted very nice. May well buy again.

Erin Goffin

- 2022-11-15 09:00:18

Great taste Would buy again I don't normally drink decaf, but would buy this again

+ PROS: Great taste,nice strong flavour Wouldn't know it was half decaf
- CONS: None


- 2022-11-14 22:47:17

Great for night shifts. A little lift without keeping you awake for hours.

+ PROS: Good flavour, good price


- 2022-11-14 22:00:27

Tasted the same as caffeinated coffee


- 2022-11-14 18:49:04

Great taste, full of flavour with that rich aroma you expect from a full strength coffee bean.

+ PROS: Great taste Less caffeine Fresh and with a great aroma
- CONS: None


- 2022-11-14 13:52:42

Don’t really drink decaf, but flavour was good…nice for less caffeine in the arvo.


- 2022-11-14 13:45:43

Lovely smooth taste, nice balance of less caffeine.

+ PROS: Less caffeine
- CONS: Not quite strong enough tasting

Andrew Gunn

- 2022-11-13 09:05:41

Not really a decaf kind of drinker but must say we were pleasantly surprised by this coffee. Full flavour, great aroma.


- 2022-11-11 20:32:34

Nice taste but not quite strong enough.


- 2022-11-11 16:38:08

Good taste, doesn’t lose the good coffee flavour. Nice to have ratios.


- 2022-11-09 11:27:03

Nice with nice aroma. Decaf was good lunchtime coffee. Not strong just the way we like it.

Dot bach

- 2022-11-08 19:30:31

I liked the taste of this coffee and I often have visitors who are fussy coffee drinkers and they liked the taste!

+ PROS: Organic. Smooth blend. Good medium range coffee- not everyone likes it too strong!
- CONS: None!


- 2022-11-08 13:47:09

I was already drinking decaf so this made a nice change without being overwhelming.

+ PROS: smooth taste
- CONS: You just can't buy it anywhere in Auckland!

Gina Oliver

- 2022-11-07 17:46:32

Nice coffee but not quite strong enough for me!!!


- 2022-11-07 16:33:19

We love this brand. I made a delicious double shot soy latte this morning and enjoyed it.

+ PROS: Smooth taste, easy to drink.

Fiona Yates

- 2022-11-06 20:24:34

This was ok but I like full strength coffee.


- 2022-11-06 15:22:49

Nice aroma and great flavour, low caffeine so good for afternoon

+ PROS: Nice aroma Great flavour Low caffeine
- CONS: Getting up there for cost


- 2022-11-06 09:25:05

Nice option of decaf Made good creama Nice colour and flavour Handy going away bag

+ PROS: Nice full flavour and body Nice creama Pleasant option before bed
- CONS: Pricey

Margaret Tautau

- 2022-11-05 13:41:15

Nice and smooth with less caffeine buzz. Great any time of day and night.

+ PROS: Great taste
- CONS: Price


- 2022-11-05 08:15:13

Great taste 👌

Marianne Harris

- 2022-11-05 05:21:45

Great tasting coffee

+ PROS: Less caffeine great tast
- CONS: Small bag for the cost


- 2022-11-03 19:43:59

Really enjoyed this coffee. So much so that we bought some more.

+ PROS: Nice taste and aroma, half caff.
- CONS: Bags too small


- 2022-11-03 14:05:23

Tastes like coffee. I do not understand the blend of decaf and regular. Seems completely pointless


- 2022-11-03 13:51:04

Great coffee

+ PROS: Cost Taste


- 2022-11-02 15:45:53

Great taste, you'd have no idea it was less caffeine


- 2022-11-02 14:51:05

Good taste! Wouldn’t know it had less caffeine in it


- 2022-11-02 14:34:50

A delicious rich taste, and nice aroma

Jill Rosnell

- 2022-11-02 14:22:43

Did not try because I don't use beans and had no way of grinding them

- CONS: I use ground coffee

Rosie Whaitiri

- 2022-11-02 09:59:48

Enjoyed the flavor, i love a good coffee.

Diane Ward

- 2022-10-31 09:16:30

Hummingbird is the brand we usually buy. Great to have another option. The 50:50 blend still offered an excellent cup of coffee with amazing flavour.

+ PROS: If you need to reduce caffeine this is it Full flavour Great price
- CONS: None

Lorraine Wilkie

- 2022-10-30 17:29:33

My husband likes a 50/50 blend to offset the caffeine, so great to see one on the shelf

+ PROS: 50/50
- CONS: none


- 2022-10-30 15:53:55

Great flavour without the shakes! Normally have 3 coffees in morning and was wanting to cut down, but this allowed me to carry on having 3!


- 2022-10-30 14:29:24

Good coffee and some buzz - but not too much. Flavour is good and you can have a few more cups a day if you are caffeine sensitive.

+ PROS: Great flavour and not too much buzz.
- CONS: None.


- 2022-10-30 11:45:58

These were amazing. I was worried about the 50:50 but the flavor was great. I have been buying since. worth every penny

+ PROS: Great flavor a little less caffeine is probably good for me
- CONS: The price, but i still buy it

Karen Davies

- 2022-10-30 11:11:37

Tastes great, nice alternative to having full strength coffee without compromising on flavour - I can have a coffee in the afternoon now ... win win

Karen Langvad-Forster

- 2022-10-30 08:46:53

What a fabulous product! I did not realise you can get 50:50. Love it.

+ PROS: 50:50, Great flavour. Neat to have beans so its fresh and delicious when brewed straight after grinding the beans.
- CONS: Nil

N herewini

- 2022-10-30 08:21:09

This is a nice weekend blend

+ PROS: Tastes good,full texture
- CONS: None for me its about timing, i need a full caffine hit during the week but this has now become my kickback weekend blend


- 2022-10-30 07:49:02

Tastes great, nice alternative to having full strength coffee without compromising on flavour

+ PROS: taste lower caffeine

R McClenaghan

- 2022-10-29 20:55:03

Big nutty flavour & overall good taste

+ PROS: Easy to grind and retains its full flavour of the nuttiness
- CONS: very little


- 2022-10-29 17:42:11

Tastes great! Are you sure this is 50% decaf?

+ PROS: Great taste and 50% decaf
- CONS: 50% decaf


- 2022-10-28 19:58:21

Great flavour! And huge bonus of 50% less caffeine. Win win 🥇


- 2022-10-28 17:09:32

Great coffee taste and 50% decaf. Makes an excellent coffee for morning drink on my way to work.

+ PROS: 50% decaf taste

Janice Watt

- 2022-10-28 16:36:14

Loved the flavour

+ PROS: Great price and flavour
- CONS: Missed thevreal coffee hit which decaf doesnt provide


- 2022-10-28 07:55:30

Yum, and I can enjoy a coffee when I get home from work.

+ PROS: 50% decaf
- CONS: Great price


- 2022-10-27 22:43:29

Such a great idea! I love an evening coffee but hate that it keeps me up all night. So this is a perfect blend

+ PROS: Great flavour and a good price


- 2022-10-27 21:24:14

The coffee tasted fine, but I need the oomph of normal coffee in the morning.

Adele Lings

- 2022-10-27 20:19:24

Great coffee. Love the flavor.

Haidee Awhimate

- 2022-10-27 20:14:55

Nice flavour

+ PROS: Yum
- CONS: 50% decaf 😵‍💫


- 2022-10-27 15:24:17

Great coffee taste (and 50% decaf which I couldn't tell). Makes an excellent coffee.

+ PROS: Great coffee taste. 50% decaf.

Janette Haakma

- 2022-10-27 11:32:26

Prefer full body coffee


- 2022-10-27 09:26:10

Tastes great, smells great, coffee is life

+ PROS: Taste
- CONS: 50% decaf 🤣

Valda Maree Swarbrick

- 2022-10-26 21:04:15

very tasty!! wouldnt know it is 50% decaf! ausome usual hummingbird flavour.

+ PROS: 50% decaf! amazing hummingbird full flavour plungers well
- CONS: 50% decaf!

Cath Loibl

- 2022-10-26 17:46:40

Smells nice, not too bad a flavour,

+ PROS: Can sit and draw out all flavour
- CONS: Had to purchase a plunger to try, too messy for me.


- 2022-10-26 16:46:26

Haven't tried them as I don't grind my own beans

Nicole Sole

- 2022-10-26 12:44:16

I am not a decaf drinker but I love this coffee, very aromatic. Nice to know it tastes as good as brought coffee without as much caffeine.

Wendy Hammond

- 2022-10-26 09:55:40

Like the aroma taste not so much a bit flowery would not buy decaf

+ PROS: Good pack size
- CONS: Decaf

Christine Taylor

- 2022-10-26 08:16:20

great flavour and taste

+ PROS: taste and flavour, fresh as you can grind it yourself
- CONS: decaf, needs a coffee grinder to use it

Simon Ellingham

- 2022-10-25 20:55:22

Amazing fresh beans, groynd into equally amazing brew..

+ PROS: Aroma, flavour, taste

Wendy Holyoake

- 2022-10-25 18:34:45

Great flavour, decaf

+ PROS: Decaf

Louise Golding

- 2022-10-25 18:23:11

Great to be able to have a couple of cups before I start my day.

+ PROS: Great taste, full of body for a decaf
- CONS: None


- 2022-10-25 17:16:17

This is such a great idea. I love that I was able to have two stovetop coffees in the morning instead of one.

+ PROS: Great taste Good way to cut back on caffeine but still have a bit of a kick

Anthea Moses

- 2022-10-25 16:34:34

Tasted good. Nice yo knownyour getting some caffeine.

Lynda Sears

- 2022-10-25 15:37:38

Lovely taste and aroma. Shared with a friend who only drinks coffee and he really liked it and didn't notice it was decaf so that was a bonus.

+ PROS: Good taste and aroma.

Maria Burr

- 2022-10-25 15:05:33

Great start to my day. Wonderful taste and aroma

+ PROS: good all round coffee

Demelza Parlane

- 2022-10-25 14:49:45

I enjoyed the flavour, something different.

Margaret Whittaker

- 2022-10-25 11:42:38

I loved the coffee. Ground the beans to make a plunger coffee. The flavour is full,no bitterness. Freshness has a lot to do with it.

+ PROS: Excellent flavour!
- CONS: Always need to consider the use date as it influences the coffee flavour


- 2022-10-25 10:16:42

Great taste not bitter at all when grinding the smell was amazing

+ PROS: easy to use
- CONS: Tasty great coffee


- 2022-10-25 10:10:19

Very enjoyable, nice flavour


- 2022-10-25 10:09:21

Very tasty


- 2022-10-25 09:51:33

Lovely cup of coffee

+ PROS: Whilst it's not for me I'm totally on board with the market for low caffein coffee rather than caffein free. Price point seems OK.
- CONS: Personally I'm not in the market for reduced strength coffee.


- 2022-10-25 09:31:32

Not too bad, good flavour but I prefer full strength

+ PROS: Good flavour
- CONS: Needs a bit more kick!


- 2022-10-25 07:09:49

Not strong enough flavour

+ PROS: Liked the idea of decaf and grind your own beans too (for a change). Nice aroma. Sturdy packaging.
- CONS: Unfortunately not enough oooomph for me at all.

Nikki Trowbridge

- 2022-10-24 22:19:29

Very strongly flavoured - didn’t need much for a kick!

+ PROS: I like that it had less caffeine
- CONS: Still kept me awake at night, too strong for me - had to add more water and sugar!


- 2022-10-24 20:46:12

Really enjoyed the aroma of this coffee. Wasn't a huge fan of the taste

+ PROS: Nice aroma Decaf

Kelly Roberts

- 2022-10-24 19:23:27

Pretty good for a semi decaf coffee, tasted good, no bad after taste

+ PROS: Tastes good
- CONS: None

Emma Dockerty

- 2022-10-24 19:22:55

Did not enjoy

- CONS: Not strong enough

JD Smith

- 2022-10-24 15:41:13

Great flavor! I like that I could use this in the afternoon as a pre workout and not be stimulated all night long. Great option.

+ PROS: Flavor! Great taste! Afternoon coffee without the buzz of full strength.
- CONS: Not enough caffeine for me personally for a morning coffee.


- 2022-10-24 15:06:55

I enjoyed this coffee

+ PROS: Definitely a fan of lower caffeine Great tasting coffee Love that its organic
- CONS: perhaps a little bit stronger

Shirley Cooper

- 2022-10-24 13:58:40

I dont have a coffee machine so I took this around to my friend to make us one. We both enjoyed it.

+ PROS: Great low caffeine option
- CONS: I need to purchase a coffee machine haha

Clive Start

- 2022-10-24 13:49:43

Ground the beans the made a plunger up. Was easy enough to do but not the most tasty coffee

- CONS: Not tasty enough

Rolf Stucki

- 2022-10-24 13:41:43

Sorry, I don't use beans. Plunger would have been for me....

Sarah Payne

- 2022-10-24 13:19:08

Has a pleasant enough taste and I like the idea of less caffeine but this was not strong enough for my taste. I also prefer to buy my beans fresher from my local roaster rather than the supermarket where they could have been sitting for months with the flavour deteriorating

+ PROS: Lower caffeine
- CONS: Not strong enough


- 2022-10-24 00:28:02

High Hummingbird quality. Great taste and flavour.

+ PROS: Organic.

Mike Shore

- 2022-10-23 18:17:40

Unfortunately unable to try them as have no way to grind the beans

Fiona Ralph

- 2022-10-23 15:19:44

from when the bag was opened to the grinding to the plunger. Absolutely wonderful taste, smell and nice to have a real coffee without the zing to keep me awake. Definitely made a show piece and talking point when I had friends over. Will be buying again, as price is very compatible

+ PROS: Good size package. Convenient to close. Easy to dispense beans. Great smell when opening the bag. Great talking point too for the fact that is is decaf. Good price. Bag nearly finished after two weeks.

Georgia Hudson

- 2022-10-23 11:35:03

I would've preferred these in the plunger form as I don't have anything to grind the beans in so I wasn't actually able to try them. I'm not a decaf fan either. Was also disappointed that when I smelt the beans, they didn't really have that nice strong smell to them

- CONS: No strong fragrance, 50/50 decaffeinated

Stacey Rogers

- 2022-10-23 09:23:38

Different but I like it

+ PROS: Great tasting coffee

Rachel Benseman

- 2022-10-22 23:05:23

Love the decaf aspect of the coffee and was great excuse to get coffee machine out again. Great coffee

+ PROS: Great tasting coffee
- CONS: machine clean up, lol


- 2022-10-22 20:45:36

Love this product. Love coffee and been trying to reduce caffeine intake so its a win for me

+ PROS: Organic Great taste for less caffeine
- CONS: N/a

Rachael Cresswell

- 2022-10-22 19:38:31

Was a nice coffee, love the smell.

+ PROS: Good for someone who likes decaf
- CONS: Prefer my coffee to be stronger

Elaine hubbard

- 2022-10-22 16:49:59

Taste and smell amazing

+ PROS: Tasted so good
- CONS: None


- 2022-10-22 14:32:16

Hummingbird coffee is always lovely and this was no exception

- CONS: Don't really see the point in half decaf coffee, so I wouldn't buy this particular product over any others in their range


- 2022-10-22 10:35:08

Lovely taste. Smells fresh and yummy

+ PROS: Love grinding beans before making a coffee.. The smell alone is divine.

Deborah Rule

- 2022-10-21 13:24:48

Lovely morning and evening coffee.


- 2022-10-21 12:36:49

Love a decaf coffee, tasty and rich in flavour

David Linkhorn

- 2022-10-21 12:05:51

What a treat! Just finished a workshop, ground the fresh beans! Oh the smell of that was so divine! And now drinking the hot brow liquid is so satisfying! A bold flavour, smooth and rich with the full flavour of Coffee at its best! Thank-you Black Box

+ PROS: Flavour is intense even though 50% decaf
- CONS: Had to grind the beans. Not such a problem as the smell was divine

Steve Griffiths

- 2022-10-21 12:01:52

very nice i will buy it for sure

+ PROS: very good
- CONS: none

Sharon Watson

- 2022-10-21 11:15:17

Beautiful coffee beans. So fresh

Liz keehan

- 2022-10-20 21:06:36

Taste so nice and smooth


- 2022-10-20 20:48:27

We are already fans of the Hummingbird coffee beans- good reliable flavour and fair price The 50:50 beans worked well as a black or milky coffee, and it’s perfect for when I’m craving an afternoon coffee. Will buy again

+ PROS: Good flavour and price Perfect got the afternoon
- CONS: None

Deanna stewart

- 2022-10-20 19:14:50

Really enjoyed these coffee beans, couldn’t really tell it was 50/50. Also great that it’s organic coffee

+ PROS: Maybe good coffee to drink later in the afternoon.

Sue Senior

- 2022-10-20 19:13:03

Good flavour and I had just run out of coffee beans!

+ PROS: Good flavour and aroma
- CONS: None


- 2022-10-20 18:31:25

Love this brand, normally going for another flavour. 50/50 comes a close 2nd!

+ PROS: Refreshingly palatable! Good morning wake up!
- CONS: None


- 2022-10-20 17:57:29

Really enjoyed this, couldn't tell it was 50.50, nice and smooth


- 2022-10-20 16:08:49

Enough zing for someone who does not usually drink caffeinated drinks

+ PROS: Have not enjoyed Hummingbird brand decafe previously, but this was palatable.

Lynlee bird

- 2022-10-20 13:25:19

The lesser coffee taste was good for my sensitive stomach


- 2022-10-20 12:01:37

Very nice if you want another coffee but are a bit sensitive to caffeine

+ PROS: Tastes just like regular strength coffee
- CONS: Had to leave to sit for longer to infuse than regular coffee

Michelle Lee Stewart

- 2022-10-20 10:27:13

these are very luxurious and delicious i will definitely be purchasing these

+ PROS: great flavor
- CONS: less caffine

Tania Anderson

- 2022-10-20 10:14:59

Perfect surprise! Ive just bought an expresso maker!

+ PROS: Tastes amazing
- CONS: You will need a coffee grinder


- 2022-10-20 10:00:24

Hummingbird have great coffee. This one is great to have in the afternoon & not have the full caffeine effect to keep me awake at bed time.

+ PROS: Great to have in the afternoon
- CONS: None

Sharon Watson

- 2022-10-20 08:51:50

Nice coffee

Brooke Williamson

- 2022-10-19 19:48:09

Was a good substitute for coffee without the ping I usually get.

+ PROS: Good flavour Easy to grind Cheap to buy
- CONS: I like my coffee so this one was unusual but a good substitute for my afternoon coffee
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Hummingbird 50:50 Fair Trade Organic Fresh Coffee Beans 180g
Hummingbird 50:50 Fair Trade Organic Fresh Coffee Beans 180g

$10.00 per review

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