Hendersons Streaky Bacon

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- 2023-08-27 06:50:56

99% Fat. The worst bacon I have ever bought. Actually boiled in it’s own fat

+ PROS: None
- CONS: Couldn’t eat it


- 2023-07-18 05:59:29

Same as usual, the only bacon that is not water and chems. The only one that tastes like pork. The fat at the end of the frying is a bonus. I keep it in a jar and use it for cooking. People don't understand. All the other stuff at the supermarket is unedible.

+ PROS: Taste, fat content, chemical free. Free range, ethically produced.
- CONS: Price. Good stuff is expensive


- 2022-12-20 15:53:13

99% fat. Very disappointed

+ PROS: None to speak of
- CONS: Mostly fat, couldn't eat any of it.

Jan Vince

- 2022-12-18 12:31:21

yuck absolute yuck really doubt this is NZ Bacon , full of fat looks more like ham , not a nice flavour

Max Harding

- 2022-09-10 13:09:02

Kerry! Go buy a bone in cross cut pork leg roast from Pak and Save ! Cut out the small circular bone piece . Then cut the pork into about 5 mm thick horizontal slices . Then place in plastic ziplock bag, add 50/50 brown sugar and salt of your choice . Put in fridge for 4 days.Remove bag and paper towel pat dry pork slices. Then place on baking paper or heat proof plastic bbq sheet and place in any small smoker device with Manuka wood chips and a sealed hood . Slow cook low temp until just cooked . Will be best bacon you ever had and no water as the salt removes it . Same as smoking fish and chicken mussels etc yourself . Cheers! Max Harding Global Grandad

Ivan kerr

- 2021-12-16 12:38:22

Just cooked some o Henderson’s 600 g middle bacon,I cut the packet open poured a cup of brown liquid down sink ,dried bacon with paper town and cooked it ,was the worst toughest least tasty bacon I have ever had,why is the package full of fluid .

+ PROS: None

Chris Boyd

- 2021-11-30 15:03:30

I’ve been buying Hendersons bacon for about four years and loved it for it's preservative free creds, but I’ve noticed fatflation has occurred with their bacon in the last few months of 2021. No doubt hard to make a better product and a profit in this environment, but a pack of streaky that was 70-80% fat (no joke) is getting ridiculous. I’ve also noticed that my local New World have moved the brand out of the meat section and next to the other crap bacons in dairy. Shame, I hope it comes back.

+ PROS: Preservative free, not dyed pink, more like pork.
- CONS: Product has definitely become a lot more fat, less bacon in the last few months of 2021.

Helen McLeod

- 2021-11-04 11:47:12

Have loved this brand of bacon for many many years - exceptional taste and processing, but the amount of fat in the fry pan when cooking is a lot, probably 4 - 5 tablespoons worth. Please can this be improved.

+ PROS: Taste, less salt, production values
- CONS: Fat, lots and lots of it!


- 2021-04-08 13:50:16

I have spent hundreds of dollars on this bacon a packet a week so probley over the years unfortunately the quality has dropped so much fat in it now it used to be meat .l have emailed this company to say didn't seem to worried my last packet I cooked 6 pieces the frying pan full of fat so bad and not happy we cant support kiwi pork its from Spain .TO FATTY A SHAME NEVER USED TO BE WHO WANTS TO PAY FOR FAT

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