Healtheries Herbal Tea Relax

Healtheries Herbal Tea Relax


Healtheries Relax is a delicious tea that calms you down during the day and unwinds you in the evening. Holy Basil, a well-known herb, will help you tackle those stressful days. Have a cup of relaxing tea! Available in boxes of 20 tea bags.

$10.00 per review

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- 2022-02-01 20:43:38

Until I received the blackbox, I would never have thought to even try this at all. I use this every night now and recommend it and I’m definitely not a big tea drinker but this I’m hooked on.

+ PROS: Beautiful flavour and relaxes me.
- CONS: Absolutely no cons

Allison Maria Groot

- 2021-11-18 14:58:31

this is a great product


- 2021-11-10 10:13:05

Great herbal tea


- 2021-11-09 22:58:08

Great taste! I have a lot of herbal teas from this brand, but this is a flavour I hadn't purchased before. Love it!!


- 2021-11-09 17:07:01

Great tea would definitely purchase


- 2021-11-09 16:03:28

Great cold, no plastic!

+ PROS: Plastic free packaging. Can drink it cold too.
- CONS: None


- 2021-11-09 15:21:27

Loved this tea! Enjoy it cold so refreshing


- 2021-11-09 12:59:39

Amazing and refreshing

+ PROS: I like it hot or cold

Christine Gardner

- 2021-11-08 21:02:18

Love this tea. I have added it to my grocery list

+ PROS: Tastes great

Kylie Adams

- 2021-11-05 00:30:46

I’m a huge fan of this tea. It tastes really good and really helps me to unwind before bed. I will continue to buy this.

+ PROS: Tastes good, cardboard packaging (no plastic).


- 2021-11-01 23:34:37

Wasn't bad, but not really my "cup of tea"


- 2021-11-01 18:33:32

Pleasant tea to end the day with

+ PROS: Taste
- CONS: Not sure if it made me relax ? But nice enough


- 2021-11-01 13:37:44

Pleasant enough, but not my favourite flavour. Nothing against it.

+ PROS: Plastic free Healthy

Lil Revake

- 2021-11-01 09:42:33

Love having a relax tea before bed, great flavour


- 2021-10-31 21:36:25

Great tea flavor and helps you relax

+ PROS: Great taste and no plastic wrapping


- 2021-10-31 13:46:26

Absolutely love this tea, it's so yum. The new packaging is great too.


- 2021-10-30 12:24:46

Great taste, excellent environmentally friendly packaging.

Elizabeth Allen

- 2021-10-29 13:23:09

Ugly colour and doesn't taste particularly good. Their Blackcurrent and Chamomile is much better.

Michelle Williamson

- 2021-10-29 10:56:23

Very satisfying taste. You do feel relaxed after this herbal tea.

+ PROS: NO plastic packaging

Anna Keogh

- 2021-10-28 22:20:23

Love how relaxed I feel after a cup. Great to have just before bed.

+ PROS: Tastes great, smells delicious.
- CONS: None, great tea.

Maggi Brunsden

- 2021-10-28 21:10:40

Good taste. Enjoyable

+ PROS: Good flavor


- 2021-10-28 20:25:21

Tasted quite nice. My children enjoyed it more than me.

+ PROS: No plastic on the packaging!

Leeann McCallum

- 2021-10-28 17:20:35

Not generally a tea drinker, but in the spirit of trying something new I was pleasantly surprised. Loved the flavour, but unsure if it helped me relax at all!

+ PROS: Felt like a healthy alternative than a glass of wine before bed.
- CONS: Can't think of any as difficult to compare to when I'm not a huge tea drinker.


- 2021-10-28 08:18:14

Relaxing tea that tastes great


- 2021-10-27 18:57:03

Good alternative, and taste. Not usually a fan of this brand but will consider their new range of Teas in the future.

+ PROS: Relaxing Tea for me Taste
- CONS: There's better out there but would most likely buy again!


- 2021-10-27 12:35:56

Didn’t love the taste but personally but I’m more of an English breakfast tea person.

+ PROS: Plastic free teabags!


- 2021-10-27 08:47:55

Great taste. Love the lemongrass flavour.


- 2021-10-27 07:52:31

Not really a tea drinker but enjoyed it while drinking it however the after taste wasnt very nice


- 2021-10-26 20:11:32

Not for me, not so flavourful as I like flavour

Gabrielle North

- 2021-10-26 20:06:49

I already liked healtheries peppermint. This was good too, might still prefer peppermint flavour

Veronica Donaldson

- 2021-10-26 19:40:41

Love how they have eliminated the unnecessary plastic cover from the box. A healthier and less fattening option than having a hot chocolate. Nice refreshing taste.

+ PROS: No plastic over the box Feels healthy Tastes nice Hydrating Calming


- 2021-10-26 19:04:18

Surprised that it was liked in our household and is being consumed! Would buy in future


- 2021-10-26 18:47:40

Nice flavour and handy for when you want a hot drink but don’t want to have caffeine.

+ PROS: Easy to make, good caffeine replacement.
- CONS: Wouldn’t say it’s better than other brands in the market, but would happily buy it

Yvonne Carleton

- 2021-10-26 15:30:56

Relaxing tea that tastes great. I hate normal relaxing tea with their chamomlie domination - it seems you have to suffer to relax. Not with this one absolutely delicious.

+ PROS: Great taste
- CONS: Cons: there are none

Tracey Lowe

- 2021-10-26 15:01:00

I really enjoyed this herbal tea. The flavour was mild and not too over powering like some herbal teas. Will definitely repurchase and have had a regular afternoon tea.


- 2021-10-26 14:50:23

So good and relaxing

+ PROS: Easy Yum
- CONS: None


- 2021-10-26 14:20:39

Love this relaxing herbal tea - lovely flavour

+ PROS: Taste

Lisa Avery

- 2021-10-26 14:05:04

I drink a lot of green tea & chamomile tea & enjoyed this tea to de-stress in the later arvo/ early evening -I enjoyed the taste

+ PROS: Not too strong of a taste


- 2021-10-26 08:09:19

Surprised at how much I enjoyed this - some herbal teas can be quite bland. But I have found myself making time to have a cup before bed and enjoying it

Caroline Van Uden

- 2021-10-25 23:09:27

Great taste


- 2021-10-24 17:20:27

I liked the taste at first, but the after taste was not nice


- 2021-10-24 17:18:26

Flavour was great. Ended up having a cold brew thanks to children and it was still tasty


- 2021-10-22 21:06:54

Was tasty and enjoyable. Was nice to have at night after a long day.


- 2021-10-22 17:51:33

I like mint teas and liked the flavour of this.


- 2021-10-22 16:08:42

Really nice flavor. The ingredients are excellent for stress relief. My new favorite tea before bed.

+ PROS: Really actually is relaxing!
- CONS: none.


- 2021-10-22 09:08:53

Not my fave herbal tea. Taste not there for me.

matt fell

- 2021-10-21 22:09:38

Really nice tea and actually relaxes you, great product!

Adalia Bergeron

- 2021-10-21 20:17:28

Very soothing tea. I wasn't expecting much as flavour sounded a bit weird but I really enjoyed drinking it and it was very calming.

+ PROS: Good flavour, calming, nice.
- CONS: None


- 2021-10-21 13:49:29

Surprisingly good for a herbal tea! Im usually one for milky english breakfast and such, but this was a nice change. Consumed it at 2am after a long shift just before bed. The drink was soothing and relaxing and put me in a wonderful state before sleep. Interesting taste which I actually quite like.

+ PROS: Nice aroma Genuinely relaxes the mind/body Smooth on the pallette
- CONS: Nothing obvious


- 2021-10-21 09:28:26

Didn’t like the flavour

+ PROS: None
- CONS: Tasted too… earthy.


- 2021-10-21 06:29:22

Love this tea, so easy to drink and helps me to relax in the evening to have a great sleep.

+ PROS: Very tasty and easy to drink


- 2021-10-20 14:41:53

Not a fan of the flavour combo. I prefer fruit teas and this was certainly different.

Cherie Marshall

- 2021-10-19 22:57:03

I'm not a big fan of herbal tea, however the lemon taste was nice.

+ PROS: Help relieve of stress.


- 2021-10-19 21:41:25

Really enjoy this before bed, especially after putting the kids down to sleep


- 2021-10-19 18:57:57

Awesome! My partner and daughter have one before going to bed at night and find it really good to settle for the night. On the shopping list from now on

+ PROS: Finds it help him if he has one before bed
- CONS: None


- 2021-10-19 13:42:49

Nice flavour

Bethany Webster

- 2021-10-19 10:21:07

Great tasting and lovely aroma.

+ PROS: Love the taste and aroma. My 11yr old son really enjoyed the taste too. Would definitely purchase again.


- 2021-10-19 09:09:30

SOLD -RELAX.... This is now my tea of choice xxxxxxxxxxxx Delicious

+ PROS: Delicious

Kerin Estment

- 2021-10-19 06:21:22

Just had another cup of the holy basil and lemongrass tea and definitely taste licorice ...had a look at the ingredients.... No licorice.... But then I looked up holy basil and it says 'notes of licorice, peppermint and cloves' so can definitely taste the licorice and peperment. Very nice, not to overpowering in flavour.

+ PROS: Not too overpowering which I must admit I was expecting. What a pleasant surprise the taste was with the peppermint and licorice tones
- CONS: If someone didn’t like licorice they may be a bit disappointed considering there is none in the tea

Taylah Richardson

- 2021-10-18 22:39:27

Good flavour, found it quite a calming herbal tea

+ PROS: Good flavour, calming
- CONS: If too much water it loses flavour


- 2021-10-18 20:10:45

Not a fan of herbal tea but for those that like it I feel like this would be a good one!

Paul O'Reilly

- 2021-10-18 17:34:46

Really liked the lemony taste, second try added honey and it was amazing, going to stock this permanently

+ PROS: Nice herby flavor
- CONS: Slightly too herby for my taste


- 2021-10-18 16:36:12

lovely fresh flavour, I like the lemon taste. I will be buying this.

+ PROS: the flavour is nice and it is a relaxing brew
- CONS: none


- 2021-10-18 16:01:17

Absolutely love the taste of Heltheries Relax Tea. The Lemongrass ads a great aroma. I will definitely buy again! Packaging great as well - tea bags are plastic free and box is recyclable.

+ PROS: great taste, great fragrance, great packaging

Emily Burnett

- 2021-10-18 12:18:47

I really really enjoyed this tea. I’m a big fan of many types of herbal tea and I haven’t had something like this before. Loved the full lemongrass flavour and subtle basil.

+ PROS: Flavourful Strong lemon taste Good price
- CONS: Needs the right amount of water, not too much!

Shalon Lesa

- 2021-10-18 11:26:18

I was sick for a few days and received this, definitely opens your taste buds, really enjoyed and felt relaxed.

+ PROS: Herbal good for you.

Lyndee Hurley

- 2021-10-18 10:06:36

my partner suffers from asthma attacks and panic attacks regularly. sometimes is hospitalised for this. he has swtiched from coffee to this since recieving it from blackbox and these attacks have greatly reduced over the last week from multiple daily to 1 or 2 a week!

+ PROS: helps calm and reduce stress levels Yum lemon taste
- CONS: can be bland if watered down too much

Haimona Maruera

- 2021-10-18 09:52:02

Great stuff

Alana Archibald

- 2021-10-18 09:33:03

Tasted okay, would drink again.

+ PROS: Tasted ok

Natalie Sim

- 2021-10-16 19:17:09

I find it has a pungent lemony taste which is not to my liking and the price is not the best either. Might have traces of caffeine as I couldn't sleep that night after having it.

+ PROS: Herbal tea just like any other.
- CONS: Pricey and strong lemony smelling and taste.
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Healtheries Herbal Tea Relax
Healtheries Herbal Tea Relax

$10.00 per review

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