This product was delivered to 5000 members to test and review as part of the Black Box Summer Beach NZ 2019 product trial
$10.00 per review
2 year old enjoyed this thank you
2 year old wouldn't eat it. Looks greenish. Had no desire to try myself.
5 year old enjoyed
8yo loves it, and I must admit that I do like it, love the fact that it has less sugar that some other cereals and for that reason, I would purchase this again
A bit childlike in appearance and didn't look healthy
A bit pricey at countdown, I'm hoping my local paknsave will soon stock this product
a great addition to the kids cerals
A huge hit with the kids- their highlight of the box!
A largely pointless product. Basically rice crispies with food die and some supposed added vitamins to counteract the fact that this is basically about as nutritious as the packet it came in.
aimed at kids but still full of suger. will stick to plain old rice bubbles or weetbix
although a good flavour and the kids did like it, it wasn't something that they raved about or really eat for breakfast, they much prefer wheetbix
Although advertising lower sugar, it still has too high of a sugar content than I would eat in the mornings. I usually eat home made Muesli or porridge and neither of these I put sugar into
As a friend said it looks like fish food the colours in your bowl. I didnt like. I couldn't get others in my house to try either based on the colouring.
Attractive presentation and ‘probiotics’
be good to try to reduce amount of carbohydrates
Big hit with the 4 year old
Big hit with the kids. A little too much sugar for what we would ideally want
Bit too sugary
Both kids didn’t like these. I didn’t either. 0/3 from us sorry
Both my children loved this. Will defintiely be buying this in the future
both my kids like the flavours
Both my son and I loved this and it is great that it is a healthier version
Box felt quite uninspiring to be honest. It’s aimed at kids but felt washed out and pale. Kids had to be persuaded to try it.
cereal was nice but a bit bland i will probably stick to normal brands that we regularly purchase in the future
Children didn't enjoy cereal, said it was too bland, taste funny
Cost to much
Daughter didn't like it. I tried it too & had very little taste
Definitely only a treat. Feels very sugary.
did not enjoy this at all, would never purchase this, even tho I am gluten free
did not really enjoy it
Didnt have much flavour and what it did lost very fast. Would be fun to use in 'Cocoa Pops Old fashioned biscuit for kids though' so may give that a go
didnt like it at all
Didnt think these were any different to other puff products
Disgusting - and the texture should have been slightly crunchy as per puffed rice but instead was chewy and felt stale
Do not like kids' cereals looking unlike real foods, with zany colours, but like the lower sugar content, although tasted far too sweet still, coloured rice bubbles, but sweeter!l
Don't eat breakfast cereal
Don't like childrens puff cereals due to high sugar content
Empty carbs in the fun puffs pack
Everyone really liked the fun puffs, a healthy version, low sugar and tasted great
Flavour was quite lacking, kids didnt like it much
For a factory made cereal, I felt that the taste was not as sweet as feared. I love the crunchy texture and they go well with home made granola to add extra crunch.
Found it too sweet. Even the kids thought it was too sweet. Good having pre and probiotics though.
Found this a bit sweet but not surprised given it is a kids cereal. My daughter also said it was sweet. I am keen to try the other options as I trust the Healtheries brand.
Fun puffs great for the kiddies, it was not overly sweet, the colours of the puffs were pretty cool
Goes really well in bliss balls as well . I did this as a trial and kids devoured them and asked me to make them again
Good flavour, easy to eat
Good product, but the taste needs improvement as it is a tiny bland. I feel the packaging colours needs to be changed as I work in retail and green never sells. Not very attractive and can’t see it on the shelf.
Good taste, kids enjoyed. I would buy depending on price
Good to know there is a healthy, gluten free variety of cereal that I can share with friends and tastes good.
Good to see a different flavour for gluten free customers
grandson liked it when he visited
Great Cereal for this kids
Great cereal, very tasty
Great crunch and fun looking cereal for kids that is good for you
Great for kids.
Great products that we buy regularly esp the Berry. However the BB sample was fun puffs and the kids didn't like the green ones! It was difficult to answer the survey because we love all the range except wouldn't buy the fun puffs. Thanks though.
great stuff, but I haven't seen how expensive it is
Great tasting cereal, not something we would normally eat or buy but was good - thanks
gross - my husband had a bowl after dinner the night we received them, and i thought i was missing out, so I had one too. not a fan, sweet, but with a weird after tast. i would rather a bowl of plain ricies any day!! my kids eat rice bubbles, cornflakes or weetbix normally. we offered them one morning bt both of them turned them away and asked for plain rice bubbles.
Healtheries berry delight is a brand I by regularly
Healthy and kids loved it
I didn’t like it personally but my 3 year old son did
I didn't particularly like this cereal but my kids loved them, so I would buy for them
I didn't try it myself but got Mr 3 year old to try it out - his favourite colour right now is pink so he really enjoyed it - he can be a little bit fussy so I will see if he eats the whole box before deciding to buy more
I don’t eat cereals
I don’t think I was the target of this cereal, but my young son was and he loved it. Has had it every morning.
I don't really eat cereal but it was quite yummy
I enjoyed the flavour and the crunch. I think kids would notice that it isnt as sweet as other cereals but I found it nice
I found them a bit bland, 7yo thought they were ok, will recommend to gluten free nephew!
I found this product too sweet. I usually eat weetbix or Vogels nut and seed cereal
I gave the kids cereal to my neighbours two children. They loved it! The mum said her son would only eat weetbix but loved the fun puffs.
I gave this product to my daughter for my grand daughter to try and she absolutely loved it. Definately will be buying again.
I gave this to a friend whose child is gluten free and they both loved the product and being able to have an option
I got the fun puffs. They tasted ok but weren't very filling.
I got the kids fun puff box. While I like the claims on the box, my son didn’t like the taste. It’s not something I would eat myself.
I had just purchased this cereal a week before and it is great. The kids love it and I eat it too :)
i had my grandchildren staying and they loved this product they want me to buy it again for them they loved colours and were very excited to eat their breakfast
I had the fun puffs and they are not what I am after. I would try other products by Healtheries though. I trust the brand.
I have a gluten free son and this made his week. We will be purchasing regularly ! Thank you !
I just felt it had too much sugar. Prefer something with fruit in it to add sweetness
I like that it has less sugar but I don't think it is nutritional enough for breakfast. My son enjoyed it for a snack and it tasted nice.
I like the brand, but not a fan of this product, kids stated not enough flavour
I like the colours and it felt healthy to eat, not too sugary. The flavour didn't;t last as long as I would have liked though,
I like the fact that it is GF and has less sugar and pre and probiotics.
I like the fact there is some sweetness and you don't need to add sugar but there was a lack of flavour in the fun puffs - less flavour than Sanitarium rice bubbles.
I like the low sugar
I liked how it was healthier than standard cocopops but it had no flavour, my kids didn't like the taste, enjoyed the look though
I liked that it is a more healthy alternative, but I really didn't like the taste
I liked that it wasn't too sweet - it has a nice flavour - doesn't go soggy quickly
I liked that the puffs had the pre/probiotics in them. It feels good to know you're feeding your kids food that is aiding their digestion.
I liked the fact it wasn't too sweet
I liked them. I would like to try the other products in the range. Especially the gluten free ones :)
I love it I have been eating breakfast now thank you 😊
I love that it has the pre-biotic/pro-biotics
I love the fact that the Fun puffs are a 'healthier option' for kids. As these and cereals are still a high sugar option for breakfast, I have used them as a treat if my kids sleep through the night! They both absolutely love the flavour, big fans!
i loved the idea of this "healthy cereal" unfortunately my kids did not like the taste and wouldn't eat it.
I make my own cereal now as it's way lower in sugar and I can add items that I like.
I only buy harraways oats
I only tend to buy Weetbix or Porridge Oats for our breakfasts. My teens didn't particularly like the taste of this cereal and it's not one I would buy for every day consumption.
I quite liked it but daughter who would be the target audience wasn't interested, but she's fussy
I really didn't like this product at all. I prefer hi-fibre cereals but unfortunately got given the fun puffs.
I received the kid's cereal and was sceptical that I'd enjoy it as I'm 37 and am not typically a fan kid's cereals or anything that's unexpectedly coloured. Total convert. Really enjoyed it, and was pleasantly surprised by the low sugar content (I always check the labels of breakfast foods) and that the colouring was all natural. I've tried to buy but wasn't stocked at New World :(
I still wouldn’t buy it for my kid as there is too much sugar in it
I support a person with interlectula disbilities and he really enjoyed this product.
I think I would have had more favourable feedback had I received a different variety. The fun puffs were not very flavoursome and I generally like there to be fruit and additional nutrients in my family's cereal.
I thought it was OK, but kids not fans.
I thought the fun puffs were tasty. However my toddler didnt. She was intrigued with them but just a bit too crunchy for her at this stage. Cant get her past her mushy weetbix. But love the idea of probiotics in the cereal. I regularly give probiotics to my toddler so would be great to have some back up in a food she loves.
I thought there would be more chocolate/strawberry milk taste to the cereal but we still enjoyed it
I thought this was going to really appeal to my daughter as it had all the colours etc - but she found it really bland
I wish we had got one of the other boxes. We buy cereal alot in our house. Just right, Special K, Nutra grain, Hubbards. This is our least favourite out of the boxes.
I would only buy on special due to current price point, kids really liked it but too expensive for how (un)filling it is
I would only purchase if on special. Bit too dare for frequent purchase
I would use this for my kids. Love the health benefits and I would feel fine as a parent giving this to my kids but they weren't a fan of the taste :(
I wouldn't buy cereal for the probiotic etc stuff- my kid liked eating it dry though
I wouldnt eat this ever. I eat porridge every morning.
I’m not a fan of cereal
I’m not a fan of cereals esp sugary ones.
Igave the fun puffs to my brother who has younger children. they were happy with the taste and the fact it had no artificial colourings.
I'm a sultana bran fan, occasionally oatmeal. I'm not that keen on rice puffs, I wouldn't buy them as a preference. However, I can see I would eat these at night time occasionally, as a nibble, when I need a sweet fix. Would I buy them again, probably not but I would recommend them as a healthier sweet treat for children, who this would appeal too with it's unicorn colours. I like it's health rating and that probiotics and probiotics are added, that there are no artificial sweeteners, flavours, colours or preservatives.
I'm sorry, but this didnt really hit the mark for me. Love the fact it has probiotics in it and Healtheries is a trusted brand, however, the flavour is not great and the packaging isn't my cup of tea. Feels less natural and good for you than some other cereal brands.
Initial taste was good, but any 'sweetness' was quickly washed off by milk. Subsequent bites were flavourless
It claimed to be healthy, however the sugar content is still way too high for a child to consume. It isn't bad for an adult, but it markets itself as healthy for kids and I don't believe it is.
It made a nice topper on my daughters oats. I'd liked the versatility of it
It was a bit odd, I didn't like it. 1of my kids like it with his weetbix
It was coloured nothingness
It was delicious and healthy, but I saw the price and would never spend that much on a small box of cereal.
It was great to see a healthier child's breakfast product (according to the packet) but I don't buy breakfast cereal.
It was not filling and did not have enough different ingredients, I prefer muesli for this reason
It was not nice at all. Ended up throwing this out after we all tasted it
It was ok - a little bland for the kids though they did like the colours
It was ok. When I eat "Junky" cereal I prefer the richer chocolate taste of coco pops. This was just a sweet nothingness really.
It was only my toddler that ate it but she seemed to enjoy it!
It was too sweet and not filling enough, I wouldn't give this to my children or eat it myself.
It was very light and fluffy, it wasn't really filling. I liked how its not very sugary... but still kid friendly
it was yummy like cocoa pops but cooler as it had three colours in it
Just a bit bland otherwise great.
Keep to try the Protein one
Kids and hubby didn't like this one bit and said it was odd
Kids demolished the box in 2 sittings, they loved it and it filled them up
kids did not like it
Kids did not like the taste - not sweet enough and had to put on lots of sugar to eat it
Kids didn’t like it much and we felt it didn’t fill them up enough for a day at school.
Kids didn’t really like it, said it was the same as ricies
Kids didnt like the taste of the Fun Puffs at all
Kids hated the flavor
Kids just loved this one!
Kids like it and is lower in sugar which is better for them
Kids liked it, but health wise its no better than most other cereals.
Kids liked these. I didn’t like the colour of them
Kids love it
Kids loved it
Kids LOVED it
Kids loved it - just not my kind of thing
Kids loved it and it's healthy.
Kids loved it as a treat
Kids loved it but they are crazy expensive for a kids cereal
Kids loved it will purchase again but only as a treat
Kids loved it!
Kids loved it! The colourful rice puffs were a hit
Kids loved it!!!
Kids loved it, gone within the week :P
Kids loved it, smashed the whole box already!
Kids loved the fun colours
Kids loved the fun puffs but the box was gone within 3 days so just too expensive.
Kids loved them particularly the packet and multi colours
Kids loved them!
Kids loved this cereal
Kids really didn't like the look or the taste of the cereals,
Kids really enjoyed it. Loved the colours and that it was chocolatey
Kids really liked it
Kids really liked them
Kids really liked this and they are fussy eaters
Kids really loved this, but can't find in supermar
Kids thought it was ok
kids thought it was sweet but not much flavour -
Kids werent fans
Kids wouldn’t eat it - taste was not great
Lack of flavour for kids
liked as an alternative
liked the crunch, way too sweet. I appreciate they are trying to make it healthier for kids with no gluten and prebiotics, but the level of sugar in it almost nullifies the other benefits. The list of ingrediants starts with Rice Sugar, Sugar
Looking forward to trying the rest of the range
Looks far too sweet
Love that this contains pre & probiotics and most importantly natural colouring. Kids love it
Love the health benefits and would have bought for my young kids
love this cereal nice to have a more healthy chocolate alternatives in cereals great for kids too
Loved that it had prebiotics and probiotics in it, and low sugar and salt
Lovely fresh flavours, my grandchildren loved it.
Me and my 6 year old didn't really like it but my 4 year old absolutely LOVED it! And it's a bit expensive
Might be ok for kids but I found it very tasteless
Miss fussy eater aged 5 loved these and went back for more!!
More a kiddie cereal the flavour was weak and we did not enjoy this flavour. However Im excited to try the other flavours!!
More appropriate for children
More designed for younger children
More for little children
My 2 year old loves them
My 3 year old daughter loves these!
My 3 year old grandaughter loves it
My 3 year old loved this product and I was pleased it was a healthier option for him
My 3yr old loves it!
My 5yr old daughter LOVED the fun puffs!! It was good knowing they are a healthy breakfast option
My 6 year old daughter loved this and she's very fussy
My 6 year old loved it... made a nice change to west box
My 7 year old loved them! Wanted to eat them all the time
my almost 2 year old son really didnt like these...I thought he would. I cant say i enjoyed them myself
My child loved eating her cereal ! Said it was yum and has eaten every morning since ! Nice to know it’s a healtheries brand as I’m not too big on buying fun cereal for my kids but knowing it a trusting brand I am willing to do so in the future
My children did not like the taste
My children didn't really like the taste
My children really enjoyed this cereal
My children said it was too sweet
My children weren't overly keen on these. I liked that they has probiotics in them
My daughter did not like this at all
My daughter did not really enjoy this unfortunately.
My daughter didn't really like the taste, started by not really being that interested in trying from the packaging.
My daughter enjoyed it
My daughter grabbed this and loves it. Got it on Friday and the box has gone!!
My daughter likes these but prefers other cereals , I'm guessing because of the sweetness
My daughter loved the crunch, but said the cardboard probably had more taste
My daughter loved the fun puffs, my son wouldnt try (nothing to do with the product! He is fussy!!)
My daughter loves it and asked we buy it again, although I don't usually like buying things with "health claims" on the label.
My daughter really disliked these which is a shame but i am trying with my nephews over Christmas
My daughter really love the taste of these
My daughter this was christmas she asked fornthem every morning covered in yogurt...I'll definitely be buying more
My daughter wasn’t a fan of the green colour in it, the milk turned an unappealing colour with green and pink and brown mixed!
My daughter wasnt a fan, and i didnt like the taste either
My girls were keen to try it, but unfortunately did not love the taste, calling it "weird" so we would not be buying this in the future.
my grand kids eat this as a snack - any chance they get
My grandchildren who are gluten free, preservative free, loved it also
My grandson enjoyed eating this product. I was happy to give it to him as the ingredients were healthier and lower sugar than some other cereals
My grandson loved it and i liked the fa t that is not high in sugar and hes pre and pro biotics.
My grandson loved the colours and taste
My Grandson loved this cereal
My grandson said the taste was unique - he is 9 years old.
My kids absolutely loved this and perfect option for my son who is coeliacs so loved that it was GF so he could join in
My kids did not like the taste of this sweet cereal
My kids did not like this at all
My kids did not like this product. They said that it was bland flavor, and they wouldn't recommend me to purchase again
My kids didn’t like the flavor
my kids didnnt love the taste of this even though I loved the product description
My kids didn't enjoy it either. They turned mushy very quickly too
My kids enjoyed this cereal and it was great to see the addition of pre & probiotics as well as being lower in sugar
My kids have really liked it
My kids loved but I was not fussed
My kids loved it but the sugar content put me off a bit. I was going to purchase it at the supermarket as a great but at $8 a pack i really can't wear that expense
My kids loved it so much, but our local shop didn’t have any in stock
My kids loved it! Is hard to find ‘fun’ gluten free breakfast ideas for them and they often feel like they are missing out on exciting breakfast cereals. They loved the colours, was a big novelty for them and they both loved the taste. I tasted it and it wasn’t too sweet which was great. Will buy again
My kids loved it! It doesn't fill them up at all so we added the fun puffs to oats or weetbix
My kids loved the taste but mostly the fun colours!
My kids LOVED this and have asked me to buy more. Definitely a huge win in my family.
My kids loved this and it had a LOT less sugar than coco pops, so we'll most likely be buying this again.
My kids loved this breakfast cereal! I tried it too and it was yummy. I’m happy knowing that my kids are eating something for breakfast that is on the healthier side of cereals
My kids loved this!!! And it being lower in sugar than other brands we will be buying it again!
My kids LOVED this. Was an awesome GF cereal. My non GF kids couldn't get enough of it either. We will be buying this again for sure! A similar offering (without being GF, so at a cheaper price point) would be very successful (I think)!!
My kids really disliked the fun puffs which is a shame as they are much better for you
My kids really enjoyed and its great to see vegan friendly
My kids really enjoyed the cereal and I was pleased it seem quite natural
My kids really liked it
My kids thought this wasnfun and i liked it was less sugar so they thought they werw getting a treat cereal and it was very healthy
my kids werent a fan of this
My neice and nephew loved the fun puffs. They don't eat a lot of cereal but their Mum was keen to try given that these were healthier than most other kid cereals
My nephew loved them- great with the extra probiotics in them
My preschool daughter did not like the taste which I found a shame as the ingredient list pleased me as a parent
My preschooler isn’t a fan of cereals as he hasn’t got a sweet tooth but he got into the box and ate straight from the packet. Milk or no milk he eats them. And for an extremely fussy eater that is saying something.
My son absolutely loved this cereal
My son absolutely loved this. We only buy Coco Pops as a treat so this was a lovely surprise for him.
My son didn't like that it had different colours, he didn't want the brown ones
My son didn't like the taste, but he liked the colours
My son loved it
My son loved the taste and I loved it was low in sugar!
My son loved this and wanted seconds every day. It tasted too sweet for my liking
My son loved this product, and would eat it every morning given the chance.
My son loves these!
My son really enjoyed this cereal and said it was delicious
My son said it was bland and tasteless
My son tried it, he's never had cereal, not really sure he enjoyed it
My son was not a fan of the cereal so unfortunately we wont be buying this
My toddler (3yrs) tried these but after one spoon simply said “no more”, although he can be a little fussy.
My toddler enjoyed them for breakfast bit the other children not so much
My toddler loved this cereal!!
My twin girls love these "Fun Puffs"
My two year old absolutely loved this cereal which I am surprised about as she is not much of a cereal lover
Myself and my daughter really enjoyed the taste
Neither my husband or I liked it. Too sweet. Not filling.
Neither of my children liked the taste of the fun puffs. I tried them but didn't find them to have that much more flavour when eaten with milk than Rice Bubbles.
nice - although went soggy quite quickly in the milk. Not too sweet, which is great. Son was happy to eat like an after school snack
Nice and light cereal but not filling
Nice and light great way to start the day
Nice but not sure why we received the fun puffs - we don’t have young children
Nice but very sweet
Nice ceral but a bit sweet and aimed at familys so not for me
Nice for a treat but don’t usually eat breakfast cereal.
Nice novelty for kids with the colours, tasted just like normal rice bubbles
Nice product, would recommend for others, just not for me.
No flavour,
No one in our household rated the fun puffs unfortunately
No one in the household liked these, including kids.
No one is our household was a fan of this cereal
No recommendation on the packaging of suitability of childs age, Will keep to my Harraways Rolled Oats.Offerred tog randdaughter but no recommendation of age group suitability. ge
None of the kids liked the taste
Not a big fan of this cereal
Not a cereal eater
Not a fan of cereals that are odd colours
Not keen on this product too much colour
Not keen on this variant
Not really to my liking but my teenager enjoyed them
Not very tasty
Nothing different in taste, an expensive version
Our house not a huge fan, son sticks to his normal and I lile more musli type cereal
Our kids loved this cereal, as parents we were thrilled to find a healthier alternative to give the kids that they enjoyed.
Out of 5e four choices this is the only one I wouldn’t have picked
Perfect option for the kids
Pleasantly surprised by the taste, so were the kids.
Pleasantly surprised, not too sweet.
Points for trying but none of my kids even finished a bowl and they rarely get fun this so would normally consider it a treat and want more
Prefer more natural cereals.
Prefer our regular cereal. The colour of the puffs didn't seem right. Tasty enough.
Pretty colours to entice kids but no flavour.
Price dependent
Really dislike the fake looking colours, kids said it was really sweet and didn't finish
Son and husband tried fun puffs...they say it tastes like nothing! after eating it they said it felt like they haven't eaten anything.
Sorry we didn’t like the taste or texture
Still too sweet for breakfast for children. Weetbix is their usual cereal
Still very sweet
Sugar content too high
Surprisingly nice with 40% less sugar. Carbs are still a little high.
taste like rice bubbles and had a similar kids in the household
Taste was very bland, not great to look at either
Tasted average. Good crunch. kids loved it
Tasted dreadful and very high sugar
tasted quite bland.
Tasteless and not healthy
The 7 year old in the house absolutely loved it, thought it was like having coco pops so this is a much healther option
The cereal I had didn't have much of a taste
The fun puffs weren't to my kids liking and I'd prefer to give them something with more wholegrain
The kids absolutely loved the cereal which is fantastic as they have been fussy lately and I’ve been trying to get them into different cereals
The kids ate them once but didn't want to go back to them which was surprising. Overall I thought they were a great idea ans hope other kids like them.
The kids did not enjoy it sorry
The kids didn’t like the flavour
The kids didn't really like these
The kids enjoyed the cereal but have not asked to asked it again
The kids liked it for novelty purposes, but I noticed their emotions on those mornings went up and down for leaping around to then being super sensitive/sad. We ended up mixing 1/4 box into our muesli mix.
The kids liked it! And ther health benefits keep me happy. There are too many cereals out there that are full of sugar etc. I would buy this if the price is right but cereals are quite expensive
The kids loved it and were upset when they had to go bk to ricies!
The kids loved it. Went to buy it the next week but unfortunately our local New World doesn’t stock it.
The kids loved the cereal, but both adults thought it was only ok & not that tasty
The kids LOVED this cereal, including my very fussy daughter who kept having it for breakfast when she doesn't usually have breakfast! I will be buying it again for sure.
The kids loved this!
The kids thought it was dry and didnt like it.
The kids were quite excited to try this, but neither of them finished it. They don't eat a lot of cereal or have much milk, so it was a bit of a novelty. I don't think they enjoyed to flavour after a while.
The puffs went too soft immediately once milk was added. The kids didnt like the texture.
The taste was a bit bland compared to conventional cereals. But I don't eat breakfast usually, although the kids liked it (I didn't tell them gluten free)
The taste was great, the packaging was cool, but I was really disappointed with the amount of sugar it still had in it even if it was claiming it was 40 percent less sugar. I would expect that a brand called healtheries would be healthier. I wouldn't buy cereal with more that 5 percent sugar per 100g.
The taste was OK, just a bit bland. Colours would be cool for younger kids.
The variety we received was very bland in flavour. Would not purchase this.
The way the fun puffs looked made me think theyre targeted just for kids, so they ate them and loved them.
The whole family loved it
These were great for my kids, we got the puffs
These were not a favorite for the kids but in saying that they still enjoyed it. I tried it and it was pretty good but I just prefer other varieties with fruit in them
These were OK but I make my own cereal
They are too sweet but visiting grandkids loved them
This cereal still has too much sugar in it! Just put all the good stuff in with NO added sugar! Kids won’t care that it’s not sweet if they are eating pink puffs! My son hated it but daughter thought it was good because it was pink.
This is the first cereal my toddler will eat! I think the colours help with that as he’s pretty fussy. I’m happy with ingredients so will definitely purchase in future as great to add to our breakfast choices!
This was a hit with my 8 year old, but a bit too pricey
This was far too sweet for our family. The claim it has 40% less sugar than other children’s cereals didn’t help me understand how sweet it would be as the baseline is not clear. I.e, what are ‘children cereals’?
This was great for baking, I used it instead of normal rice bubbles
this was not a filling cereal
This would be great in smaller individual packs that could be taken camping, etc.
Toddler liked it and he doesn't usually eat cereal
Too much sugar per serve
Too much sugar.
Too sweet!
Unfortunately my son didn’t enjoy this flavour and it’s not a flavour we’d buy for ourselves as adults. I may give the other flavours a try?
Very high in sugar. Not nice taste
Very misleading, it's advertised to children as healthy and the amount of sugar is ridiculous.
Very nice product, but I don't eat breakfast cereal.
Very popular with my teenager - we had to buy it again!
Very sweet, no discernible flavour
Was great that it was gluten free
Was incredibly sweet even though claims less sugar, was not an appealing taste. My kids didn't like it either.
Was sent Kids puffs. Looked on packaging to see if suitable for 14 month old but could see no age recommendation. I like a more solid type cereal. Make my own rolled oat mix for porrige.
Was very good
Way too sweet, even if it has less sugar in it the taste is still too sweet, no need to give kids sickly sweet cereals.
We didn’t really like the taste of the ‘Fun Puffs’ but would give the other flavours a try.
We don’t eat breakfast cereals
We don’t really eat breakfast cereal in our house. My toddler will only eat porridge and I make homemade muesli for my husband and I. The taste of this cereal was nice and if my toddler ate cereal I would absolutely buy this for him as the health ratings were reading appealing. I am going to try do some baking with the fun puffs and try get him to eat them that way.
We don't buy gimmicky cereal for our kids
We don't usually buy cereal, but my partner ate these and really enjoyed them. They're probably more of a treat in our house though, not something I would buy regularly.
We had the fun puffs, there was no taste. Was really just coloured rice puffs in a small box. Kind of boing, thought they might have some strawberry or lime flavour?
We had the kids one, my son loved it, he ate it by itself with milk, with yoghurt and as a sprinkled on his usual weetbix
We like our current cereals
We received the fun puffs which I wouldn’t Usually eat, & the kids sadly did not like them
We try to eat healthily so cocopuffs etc are out of bounds... its great that the kids can have a "treat" breakfast without ruining their teeth and gut!
We're not a big cereal household but my 2 year old daughter loved them so I will definately be buying some soon
When looking at the back of the pack I still felt this was quite a sugar laden cereal that I wouldn't want to feed my children on a regular basis
Will try one of the other Healtheries variants
Yum! And good for the kids!
“Ordinary”. Had some really hard bits ; hazard for older teeth!
a bit bland and not very filling
A bit more fruit in the mix would have got 5 stars, but still delicious
A bit sceptical to try it being a gluten free product but found it had lots of taste, lots of berries. I would definately try this again it was very tasty
a bit tasteless unfortunately - and it had raisins - eeew
A great gluten free option
A lot of these cereals are a bit cardboardy tasting but this one was pretty good, plenty of fruit and nicely tasting.
A nice balance of cereals. Will buy some next time at Supermarket
Absolutely delicious
Absolutely delicious and healthy!
Absolutely loved it. The flavour was amazing. There was a good variety of every ingredient.
absolutely loved the flavour and texture, cant even tell it was GF! paired it with yoghurt.
Absolutely loved this cereal, great taste and so light this product didn’t last long :D
Adult female and pre-schooler didn't like this product and felt it went too soggy. Adult male did enjoy this product.
Am going to try fun puffs for mr 5 and protein for me next!
Amazing taste, a little bit bigger pack would be great
As a packaged cereal this had a good natural taste. I do usually create my own cereal but this would be a good option when away from home or to keep as a standby.
As Allergic to berries I gave it to my adult children to eat and they seemed to enjoy it
Awesome to have a GF cereal that has some chew to it, the texture was a pleasant surprise. Good flavours as well. Will consider buying when on special / as a treat as it’s outside my price bracket for breakfasts
Awful taste and texture. Bland.
Better than expected
Bit cardboard like
bland and no texture
box was small
Cereal stuck together and lightest flakes stayed at top, was only left with hard crunchy seeds at end.
Clumped together in container. Didn’t have much taste
Daughters loved it
Delicious and light. Great flavour and not too much sugar or fat content. Enjoyed it with greek yogart
Delicious and nutty, this also made me feel full after eating it and went well with some fresh fruit and yoghurt
Delicious at any time of day
Delicious cereal but price is a big factor when buying cereals as they get consumed so quickly.
Delicious cereal, full of flavour
Despite being sceptical of the flavour after reading all of the added nutrients/benefits, I was pleasantly surprised by the wonderful flavour! Bravo for trying to improve the content without loosing great taste. Great way to start the day!
Did not like the flavour
Didn;t like this particular cereal but like other healtharies products
Didn’t like the taste, and SO high in sugar and carbohydrates
Didn’t lol taste of texture
Didn’t really enjoy the taste ,and far too much sugar outweighs other health benefits
Didnt enjoy this. Wasnt my sort of cereal
Didn't have much substance
Didn't like the cornflakes and rice in it. Prefer granola style.
Didn't like the taste at first ,but I really liked it by the time I finished the box, definitely buy again
Do not like coconut or seeds/nuts so was not the cereal for me, note due to their size all the seeds dropped to the bottom of the bag so got lots at the end of the box
dont consume much cereal however found this quite pleasent
Dont like raisins and sultanas and thought other than that it tasted a bit boring like cornflakes
Dont really eat cereal other than porridge
Dried berries were very tasty
Dried strawberry were amazing slightly tangy
Due to the presence of sweetened cranberries, mother could not have them, due to a stevia allergy, and no indication as to WHAT it was sweetened with
Enjoyed the lightness of the cereal.
Enjoyed this cereal :)
Even though we don’t eat cereal, we did enjoy this one and if we were to buy cereal in the future we would buy this again
Fairly light and fluffy - lots of rice bubbless
Fake taste - too much sugar, not enough health.
Fantastic that this yummy cereal is gluten free and 25 %less sugar, makes me feel good eating it.
Felt like you had swept up the crumbs of other cereals and combined them in a box.
For a Gluten Free product, this was very tasty. It was light and enjoyable and I will purchase this in the future.
for gluten free it was really nice
For kids it would be great as it just has a bit extra than the plain rice puffs. Really nice flavour and texture
for someone who doesn't eat breakfast i found this quite enjoyable.
Found it a bit light on texture and flavour, like it didn’t have a lot of substance. Did like the addition of sunflower seeds though.
Found it a bit sweet for my taste and often still felt hungry after. Tended to mix with All Bran.
Found it a little to sweet
Found it too sweet and stuck together info a big chunk after opening
Found it very dry
Found that the sugar content was far too high, it can be lowered substantially and it would make it a much better product for lower sugar ratings
Found the taste to be incredibly bland an unappealing. Not the greatest start to the day
Good but quite light
Good flavor and crunch. Still a but high in suger for us to eat regularly though
Good for a gluten free version.
Good for breakfast but also dry as a snack
Good taste for gluten free people
Great being gluten free
Great berry taste
great change from Hubbards
Great flavour, was surprised to really enjoy this
Great flavour. Excellent that it is gluten free.
Great for people with coeliacs to have yummy options. I will stick to my delicious non GF cereal
Great healthy breakfast
Great healthy start to the day for the kids
Great it is gluten free - this is not a requirement in my household so I'm not prepared to pay extra for it. Was nice but I can't justify $8.89 for 300g box (full price at Countdown). But I would buy again if on special. Taste and texture was lovely. Like that it is lower in sugar although still more then a teaspoon per serve?
Great taste and good for my menopause
Great taste and light.
Great taste and texture for a GF cereal, usually rather boring and bland. Will definitely buy this priduct
Great taste love that it has biotics that is really big thing for me
Great taste that all the family liked
Great tasting cereal, and with my partner Gluten free will buy again
Great tasting gluten free product.
Great to be able to recommend this to my gluten free sister
Great to have a gluten free range that my daughter will eat
great with fresh fruit and yogurt for breakfast
Had a salty, savoury flavour - not nice
Had it several different ways, really enjoyed it
Had pepitas and sunflower seeds in, one person in household has allergy to them, so not a good choice for us
having probiotics is the best selling point for me
Healthy food is good but it also needs to be tasty..
Healthy option, great that is full of flavor but without all the sugar.
Hmmm, not so great. No real substance, serving size wasn’t enough to fill you up. Tasted just like others I’ve tried so nothing new here
Husband who eats cereal every breakfast thought it had no taste. My girls (4 and 5) liked it and enjoyed picking out the different fruit.
I (mum of the house) loved it. Kids not so keen. More for me😂
I absolutely loved this cereal & will be purchasing it from now on
I am a price sensitive buyer but I do like the probiotics and gluten free features of this product so it depends on the level of any premium for this product. When Zi next buy cereal I will check the price.
I am not a fan of most cereals and this one didn't change my feelings
I am not a fan of this type of cereal, which I consider to be over priced by most companies selling it. I generally stick to weetbix. Boring I know.
I am not very good at eating breakfast.
I did enjoy it but it felt like it was just a mixture of cereals that I already had in my cupboard
I did not enjoy the texture of this cereal
I did not enjoy this at all. The carb content was too high and I did not enjoy eating it.
I did really like this product but my family only eats basic cerals for breakfast to keep the cost down
I didn’t enjoy the flavour as much and it didn’t keep me as full for as long as other cereals
I didn’t really enjoy the flavours ,seemed bland and still too high in sugars for me
I didn't like the berry flavour but would try the brand in another flavour as I liked the texture and ingredients
I didnt like the taste, seemed bland to me
I didn't like this at all, the best way to describe it was it tasted like dirt, sorry.
I didn't live the flavour I received to try, but I am keen to try out a couple of the other ones from Healhries in the black box book
I don’t buy or eat breakfast cereals but did try it and found it way too sweet for my taste. I shared the sample with my grandsons who absolutely loved it
I don’t eat cereal often and my husband (who is the main eater of these products) prefers our current brand
I don't actually eat breakfast nowadays as I do the 16 hour fasting thing, but I sometimes crave cereal so I have it for lunch. This cereal was delicious, with yoghurt and was good for me too
I don't believe that they are that healthy with the sugar contents.
I don't eat breakfast cereals
i dont normally have cereal
I don't usually eat cereal (I'm a toast girl) - however tasted nice,
I enjoyed the cereal but not enough to change my normal breakfast.
I felt like the cereal was mainly rice bubble and hardly any other component. I don't mind rice bubble but it was overkill. I am always concerned about the sugar content in rice bubble
I found it too sweet. I also don't like fruit in cereal. Prefer just cereal...
I found it went really soggy really quick and it became rather hard to eat, my kids were the same. Tasted ok, but ended up with a bowl of mush.
I found this cereal didn’t keep me full for long at all. I had to have a snack to keep me going which I never need with my normal breakfast. I also found the taste somewhat fake.
I found this cereal quite bland.
i found this quite pleasant. i liked the flavours and variety if cerials and nuts included. it was also pleasantly light to it eat
I gave it to my grandson who is coeliac and must have GF food. He said it was excellent.
I guess it’s in the name, light - I’d prefer more of a heavier cereal but I guess then it wouldn’t meet their claims. Hubby wasn’t a fan either same reason
I had this cereal as an accompaniment to my weetibix to give it a bit of crunch. Great flavour and I liked the low in sugar.
I hated I was excited as I eat berry muesli lots but it had no taste! I know it's meant to be healthier but it also didn't keep me full as long as my other brands
I havent been able to locate this cereal at my local pak n save.
I like breakfast cereal but have got out of the habbit of eating/buying it as we now have fruit smoothies for breakfast but I did enjoy the cereal and will finish it up.
I liked that it contained less sugar and had extra probiotics which arent often found in cereal.
I liked the combination of different ingredients on the cereal- kept it interesting
I liked the fact it had less sugar than standard, but the taste was not that exciting that I would care to buy again as I’m not big on cereal anyway
I liked the healthy aspect, packaging but found it not very filling.
i liked the lightness of it and especially the freeze dried berries
I liked this cereal but it wouldn’t be one that i’d get again, but am keen to try other ones in this brand
I looked for it in store but out of our budget unfortunately.
I love this but wasn’t sure about the cornflakes in there. They made it feel less healthy.
I loved all of the berries in it. Nice and light. Dont think I could have it every-day as I dont need low gluten and like my wheat-based cereals and making homemade muesli. But this one was a real treat. My daughter liked it too. I like that it wasnt too sweet, I liked the tartness of it and would buy again!
I loved that it was gluten free, which meant that both my daughter and I could enjoy it. No longer have to buy separate cereals.
I LOVED THIS!!!!! I don't usually try other cereals, because it is expensive if you don't like them. Thanks for sending me this! :)
i make my own
I make my own cereal but would buy this for a gluten free guest/ visitor
I no longer eat breakfast cereals but my daughter ate it
I prefer granola or muesli style breakfast cereals
I prefer my current brand as the sugar content is even lower
I prefer to make my own muesli so that I can control the sugar and crunch
I reallu enjoyed the flavour of this cereal but found it had alot of textures. Maybe too many textures for one cereal.
I really didn't like the ingredient list. It was long, and I felt that it wasn't healthy. I also don't particularly like gluten free products. I like whole grains that are minimally processed and unrefined.
I really enjoy the berry flavour
I really enjoyed the cereal, I don't normally eat it my kids do but I was pleasantly surprised and ate it all that week!
I really liked that it has prebiotics and was mainly rice based. Great to see a heathier cereal option on the shelves, woud buy again.
I really liked that the cereal had prebiotics and probiotics. The flavour was nice. 1 kid instantly liked it, but the other took a little while to warm up to it
I really liked this cereal. I noticed an improvement in my gut health from having a bowl of this every morning. Will be buying more for sure and making this my daily breakfast.
I see there's a kids fun puffs, might try those next.
I thought it was a bit too light on taste and in texture. My partner liked it though but not enough to changed from the cereal he usually eats.
I thought it was okay, but my daughter didn't like it at all. My husband thought it was too sweet.
I thought that this cereal tasted a bit too sweet, and seemed overly processed for a 'health food' brand. It says that it has 25% less sugar than other berry cereals, and while I understand that some of its sugar content comes from the fruit, it still contains a lot of added sugar, and at 15% sugar, it's too high for me (I love sweet food, but for treats/snacks, not main meals!). However, it's probably a good option for Celiacs.
I thought this tasted pretty similar to other cereals, but my son really liked it so I'd probably buy it again for him
I was so hungry within an hour of eating this cereal! My 2year old loved it!
I was surprised how sweet this was (when eating without milk) but it lost flavour when milk was put on it.
I wasn't a fan of the corn flakes and rice bubble combination
I would have enjoyed more berry fruit within the cereal for a stronger berry flavour. I consumed this cereal with added berries.
I would like to taste the Protein one also :)
I would the texture a bit werid and the berries mixed with Raisins
I’m hoping the other flavors we better this just wasn’t nice
I’m not a fan of this it was very dry from the rice crispies. However I gave half the box to my gluten free friend who text me back that she absolutely loves it
Iam not a breakfast person
Im a weetbix girl sorry
I'm not a big cereal eater
Im not a big fan of any breakfast cereal
I'm not a fan of berry flavouring
Im not a fan of fruit in my cereal but im interested to try the protein one
I'm not a huge cereal eater but I really liked this one! I would definitely buy again
I'm not much of a healthy cereal person and I LOVED this. I had 2 bowls and then my husband tasted it and he finished the box off that evening. So we had to go and buy more! :)
I'm not normally a cereal eater, however I really enjoyed this and will continue to eat this cereal from now on
Im.not interested in this type of product at the moment
It contained rice which makes me ill
It did not keep me full for long
It had a good flavour but not really different to other cereals
It has a lovely flavour - not too sweet and being gluten free is great for my visiting daughter.
It is a delicious and great healthy option but unfortunately when I looked for it on my supermarket shelves I found it was priced a bit out of my budget. Great product though.
it taste like all the others
It tasted great
It was a bit bland - just like rice bubbles with a bit of fruit. Would be better if it had a higher fruit content.
It was a nice taste but quite light. I'd need to eat a lot of it to feel full.
It was a pleasant cereal but not my most favourite
It was delicious, although the seeds were a bit weird. I expect it would be more expensive than what i usually spend on cereal.
It was eaten by my teenage son before i got a taste
it was far too sweet for our family
It was good, and gluten free is nice, but would have to be a sharp price point
It was great, my father especially loved trying this and loved the berry flavours
It was lovely to try but I still like my sultana bran best
It was nice to see a gluten free option
It was not stocked at Island Bay NW so I specifically went to Newtown Countdown(not my usual store & further away) to buy this cereal! It’s soooo good and healthy which is most important. I love how light it is too. Yum
It was ok .. my son can't eat berries
It was ok but nothing amazing
It was OK just not outstanding and not very interesting taste
It was ok, have other brands that we like more
It was ok. Bit overly sweet for my liking.
It was ok. I wanted to like it and it was ok but not enough to buy again.
It was ok. Kids said no.
It was ok. Nothing special unfortunately. I probably wouldn't buy this as go for more granola type natural products
It was okay but not amazing
It was quite bland and not much in the bag
It was really bland and yukky, didn’t finish the brown and gave the rest of it away to a friend
It was so tasteless the kids hated it. We added freesh strawberries and blueberries to make it edible. Really needs some dried fruit or something in it to give it taste
It was very bland, I was hoping for the sweetness of the berries.
It was very delicious!
it was very nice, didn't last long, the whole house hold liked it
It was way to sweet, all the natural tastes of the ingredients was lost in the sweetness. It did not feel like a breakfast cereal but a pudding. I would not let the children eat this and we fed it to the birds!
It was yum and not heavy feeling after it. Even the teenager liked it
It was yummy
it wasnt as flavourful as i was expecting
Its hard to find a GF cereal my son will eat, and he really liked this one. thanks
Just didnt like it
just ok.
Just wasn't a fan of this. I prefer my cereal crunchier
Kids ate it a couple of times and went back to their usual cereal
Kids don’t eat it
kids liked them whcih was great, will be test to see if they keep eating
Kids love it too!
Kids loved it and I love how low in sugar it is
Kids loved it and they have asked for it again, not something I would usually have purchased so it was really nice to have a change and one we will keep up
Kids loved that this left their milk tasting like a strawberry milkshake!
Kids thought it looked pretty but taste was not enough for them
Kids weren’t that keen but I loved it. Have already bought more
Lacked flavour and substance
Lacked flavour or me. Too light also.
Left a funny half taste in your mouth. Was not very filling. Felt hungrier sooner after consuming it.
like the taste - just find cereals expensive in NZ
Liked that it had no sunflower seeds. My husband is allergic and so many cereals have these in
Liked that this product was lower in sugar
Liked the crunch but way too sweet
Liked the seeds in it, I don't usually go for cornflake based cereals so liked it more than I thought I would
Liked the way the flavour went through the flakes.
listed A lot of benefits but wasn’t big on taste also I looked found this cereal to be extremely expensive
Love it so much.
Love love loved this cereal!!!!
love taste and texture
Love that its gluten free and has both pre and probiotics!!
Love the flavour and the health benefits
Love what it's all about, just a little too sweet for our family
Love, love loved it. Very tasty.
Loved and so did the other ladies at my work who also tried it with me
Loved it and will buy again for sure
Loved it but don't need gluten free and too expensive to buy
loved it with yoghurt
Loved it, but feel it was a bit sweet for a breakfast cereal for me.
Loved it, was just right
Loved it. Loved the fact that it was GF. No added sugar was a bonus too.
loved it.great with a bit of fruit for brekky
Loved the breakfast cereal.
Loved the cereal and was a hit with our little girl. Love that it has reduced sugar in it too
Loved the flavour
Loved the flavour and the dried berries. The different textures in the cereal were really nice too.
Loved the taste & was good with yoghurt as I dont drink milk
Loved the taste and my 2 year old loved it as well, she loved the dried berries in it
Loved the variety of "bits" in this cereal and have already repurchased.
loved this flavour!
Lovely cereal. Light but full of flavour and fills me up
lovely flavour and texture. Would rather it was lighter in sugar however.
Lovely fresh berry flavour
lovely light and tasty cereal
Lovely! Not to heavy but not to light
Make a lot of our own cereal but nice to have this for a change with the other cereals we also buy occasionally
Make my own meusli
Miss 5 is our expert .... she refused to eat it after 2 mouthfuls
More fruit pieces would be great
More protein would be great!
Mum loved it when she came to stay, loved the chunks of throughout, not sure of the seeds in it though
My 10 year old daughter in particular loved this cereal and would like me to purchase it again.
My 16 year old son, who is a fussy eater, loved this. We will definitely be buying again.
My 4 year old loved that the milk turned pink!!!!
My 8 year old loved this and was keen to take it in her lunchbox as a snack not just have as a breakfast
My daughter did not like the taste. I appreciated that it was gluten-free
My husband and I enjoyed it but it wasn't anything special to justify the extra cost compared to our usual cereal
my husband has stolen this box - he loved it
My husband liked this, but he is a Special K freak haha
My husband loves muesli and doesn't like eating cereal as much so we generally don;t buy cereal we haven't tried before as it could go to waste. He really enjoyed this and said we should try the full range.
My kids didn't like this one at all and I found it quite tasteless. I wonder if we had the kids one if it would have made a difference. Pictures on the package looked great which drew in the kids in me but unfortunately the flavour was a let down.
My Miss 12's eyes lit up when she saw this. She adores museli and once she tasted this, she went out of her way to find it on the shelf of our local supermarkets, (she found it first in Countdown), so that we could buy more, she says it is amazing, mama loves the fact that it is so healthy and a really easy way to get 'good food' into her girls!
My opinion on this is purely based on the fact that I am type 1 diabetic and try to stick to as little sugar/long lasting carbohydrate at my breakfast meal.
My partner really enjoyed this cereal
My partner scoffed most of the box before I could get to it
My son is the cereal eater in our house, he found it bland with a lot of textures not necessarily crunchy but very grainy. I tried it and can understand where he was coming from. A great product but not for us unfortunately
My son loved this cereal with yoghurt
My step-daughter loved this cereal. It is one of the few things I have been able to get her to eat for breakfast!
Never considered Healtheries as an option, I think I might have been confusing this brand with the weighwatchers for some reason. Nevertheless the sample we have received was delicious,especially I was impressed with the hole dried raspberries. Kids finished the pack on the day we received, and usually we are not big fans of a breakfast cereals.
nice and crunchy and very tasty
Nice and light
Nice and light very tasty
Nice and light, nice crunchy texture, pleasing and not too heavy that it Bogs you down after eating
Nice as a snack, not consistent enough to my taste for breakfast
Nice berry flavour and cereal was light and tasty
Nice but I don’t eat much cereal, just the kids do and they weren’t a fan
Nice but we usually stick to our usual or homemade
Nice cereal, will try the other varieties - I like mixing it with real fruit and yogurt. Like that it is gluten free, high fiber, and natural
Nice flavor. Daughter loved them.
Nice sweet cereal, and full of yummy bits.
Nice taste, easy to eat
Nice tasty cereal which had surprising flavour. Sugar was still a little high at 6.2g per serving even with saying 25% less sugar
Nice to eat
Nice to try and surprisingly tasty.
nice variety of flavour and textures
Nice. Looking forward to trying the higher protein one when I need more cereal
No flavour
No-one in family really like taste-tarted up cornflakes
Nor a regular meusli eater, would be more likely to use it as a baking ingredient
Not a big purchaser of cereals but enjoyed this one
Not a fan
Not a fan in our house
Not a fan of berry flavour.
Not a fan of cereals my daughter occasionally asks for some she doesn’t this one
Not a fan sorry
Not a fan!
Not a fan, tastes to fake
Not a flavour I like . Tasted like sweet berry flavoured cornflakes
Not a huge cereal family will get whatever is on special
Not a very filing breakfast. Did not like the texture or the rice bubbles.
Not my style, but husband enjoyed as a muesli - sprinkled on yoghurt/porridge
Not nice , to sweet for breakfast
Not overly thrilled by this cereal I much prefer a heavier cereal with more oats
not particularly inspiring cereal - seems to be 80% rice bubbles
Not really a fruit/ muesli person but my friend loves it
Not to my taste
Nothing special just rice bubbles and corn flakes with a few extras. Just seemed like a box of leftover cereals crammed together.
Nothing wrong with it just tastes like all the other cereals out there. Nothing that made me want to go back for more but it was Definately edible
Odd taste
OK taste, certainly not worth a huge premium.Breakfast cereals are already significantly overpriced
Once package was open the cereal stick together in the package.
One of our kids liked it but one didn’t enjoy it so 50/50 here
One of the grains didn't match the other flavours not sure which grain it was tho.
One of those cases where trying a product has converted me.
One of us prefers low carbs and does not like polyunsaturated fats. Make something with coconut oil instead of vegatable and seed oils. Put nuts in it and less grain.
one out of five of our family enjoyed the cereal, i didn't like the different textures or flavour
Perfect for me as Gluten free! And great taste which is sometimes a bit hit and miss with Gluten free products. This was geat!
perhaps too much rice - it went soggy
Prefer to make my own cereal
Pretty good, could have more fruit.
product stuck together once opened but falvour was nice. Not very filling compared with our preferred type of cereal. Toddler enjoyed the bits of dehydrated strawberries
Product was ok, there is such a lot of competition on the shelves. I like a cluster style muesli so for me this felt abit airy and flat. The packaging was lovely and certainly gave it a feeing if being healthy an light.
Put some fresh fruit on mine and enjoyed the lightness of the cereal. My daughter likes it also. Doesn't leave you bloated
Really crispy and a great flavour. Will keep an eye out and happily buy it again. A lighter feeling alternative to my usual muesli
Really crispy and delicious, better than other flaked cereals with a similar style, would consider mixing up my usual muesli to add this occasionally
Really delicous cereal, less sugar than our normal muesli, and i love that it is gluten free so everyone in the house can eat the same cereal
Really didn't enjoy it. Strange taste.
Really enjoyed this cereal
Really enjoyed this cereal, felt light and not a lot of sugar
really enjoyed this product nice and light but a good breakfast
Really like the product, would buy again
Really liked this cereal. I have cereal every morning and this was particularly tasty. I liked the seeds in it.
Really nice cereal, great range but could use a few more flavours
Really nice taste i love it with yogurt for breakfast
Really surprised that gluten free could taste so good
Really tasty, wouldn’t have even known it was gluten free by the taste.
Really wasn’t a fan of this cereal
Really yummy product. Nice and light abs will keep buying regularly
So yummy
So yummy!
Son loved it, probably more a treat breakfast with the amount of sugar in it
Sorry didn't really like this. A bit nothing really. Will stick to hubbards granola.
sorry I didnt like the taste although my husband ate the whole box and he did like it
sorry we dont eat ceral
Still full of sugar
Still has quite a bit of sugar in it. Would be great to cut it down further
Such a delicious cereal for being gluten free, will definitely purchase this again
Such a lovely yummy flavour very good as well that is glutenfree
Sugar in cereal is my main deal. The less sugar with a good taste wins for me.
Surprising delicious
Surprisingly nice tasting
Surprisingly tasty. Concerns too "healthy" tasting but was good.!!
Taste good and definitely sold me with the healthy benefits displayed on the box
Taste good, very filling
Tasted sweetvwith out the damaga
tasted too artificial, my daughter didn't like it at all
tastes great
Tastes like fat etc fawne sugars
Tasty and added as an additional product to oats or weetbix. Decent amount in bags.
Tasty and good texture, but I prefer natural Muesli as more filling
Tasty and great with summer fruits available at the moment. I have it every day so went through the packet quite quick so larger packet size might be good.
Tasty healthy cereal
Tasty, light and flavoursome. Went well with the yoghurt.
texture and flavour wasnt great
That is my son-in-law and granddaughter's rating. I do not eat cereal so I gave it to them
The berries were nice just an average cereal
The Berry De-Light was the nicest cereal I have ever eaten
The berry flavour didn't come through would recommend to GF people to try
THE best GF cereal I have tasted, wasn't cardboardy or tasteless, have already bought again
The box was really small - it doesn't feel like value for money and there are cheaper brands with similar flavours. I don't need gluten-free so would get another brand.
The box was too small, only lasted a week. A bit too sugary
The cereal had a lovely taste. Not a fan of the texture as there were very different textures happening at one. The cereal got soggy very quickly also. It's not my cup of tea.
The cereal wasn't bad exactly, it just felt quite light and not too filling. It was also quite sweet.
The cure price of this cereal puts it out of our budget
The dried fruit was okay apart from the strawberry which tasted just sour, making me wonder if it was ripe when picked and processed. The taste was okay but shortly after eating I felt hungry again - not what I expect from a muesli. Overall a very "meh" product, wouldn't buy again as we have no need for gluten free.
The flavour and texture wasnt that nice, and the cereal wasnt very sustaining. I was quickly hungry not long after eating.
The flavour tasted a little fake but I like the different ingredients in the cereal.
The flavour was quite nice but I didn’t like the texture. I prefer crunchier cereals like granola
The ingredients looked unnatural in colour
The kids enjoyed it
The kids enjoyed it’s not something I buy often but will continue too if the kids keep eatting
The kids really enjoyed this one
The main cereal eater in the house wasn't a fan of this cereal.
The only reason I have put down, Needs Improving - Is due to mine not having many Berries in the cereal its self. Just a few more and it would be perfect. Love seeing it having seeds in it also
The package size was too small and not filling enough for breakfast. I was left unsatisfied.
The preschooler liked it too!
The taste was average. There was no crunch. I wish it had more berries. Super under whelming. Even my GF mother thought so
The taste was good, the cerial lacked something filling. I often add other fillers to cereals to bulk them out as a box that size will last 5 days. If you sold a bigger box the price would then be off putting. Bigger box (50% increase) add toasted oats and something cheap to add volume and 20% price increase.
the taste was nice but was disappointed that it was made with corn flakes and rice puffs i think for a ceral that is promoting alot of health benefit it would be more benefical to use a different more healthy base such as oats i would not purchase this again
The whole family loved the cereal. Will buy again for sure. Would love it in a bigger box.
The wife ate it and she wasn't impressed. Very bland almost cardboard texture
This breakfast cereal was an absolute hit in our house - ranging from the Grandad to the toddler
This cereal doesn’t leave you feeling heavy or bloated.
This cereal has such a sweet taste, despite claiming to have less sugar. It's very sickly
This cereal is so addictive, a crowd favorite
This cereal was a disappointment. The taste was artifical berry and the colour left when you added milk turned to pink so looked artificial too. There was no guts to this ceral. It seemed to lack fibre, fruit and real taste.
This cereal was delicious, and our whanau do not eat a lot of nutty, seedy, fruity type cereals as they tend to be very drying but this was a crowd pleaser!
This cereal was horible
This cereal was nice but a bit pricy - ok for me having a standard portion but my teenage some would demolish it too quickly.
This cereal was ok but not enjoyable enough to change
This cereal was okay... A bit of personal taste here though as I'm more of a Porridge or homemade muesli person. I didn't feel that this cereal on it's own would keep me going all morning.
This cereal was surprisingly tasty. I wasn't expecting it to be! Would love to buy it dependent on price.
This had a great taste and was really light
This had an awesome taste
this is not a product that we normally use i make our own muesli but this would be great occasionally as a treat
This is not the usual kind of cereal I would choose for myself but it was pleasant enough - especially when served with yogurt. I look forward to buying some of the kids variant too.
This is so good!
This one had a delicious underlying strawberry flavour I really enjoyed
This was a great cereal as it was Gluten Free
This was delicious. Lots of texture, great flavours and didn’t taste too sweet
This was so yum!
This was tasteless
This was tasty and not too sweet like most cereals of this type. Surprisingly good.
This was well enjoyed by the family. I will definatley be re purchasing and trying out the different variations
This was yum. I didn't like the little crunchy things (packet gone). Otherwise it was ok, nothing to rave about though.
Thought this was terribly bland, would rather have plain oats
To me, it's another processed cereal with various health claims / fortifications, much like the others on the market.
Too high in sugar and low in fibre for me. Like the probiotic claim. Taste was too sweet.
too high in sugar and my house isn;t a fan of cereal in general
Too light and airy for my liking
Too light. Didn’t feel like it had any/much substance
Too many rice bubbles. I prefer a more hearty muesli and didn't like this at all. Bit boring
too much going on and the seeds are not ideal at breakfast
Too much like puffed rice
Too much sugar
Too much SUGAR!
too sweet and I didn't like the cornflakes in it. Liked the dried berries
Too sweet and no substance IMO
Too sweet and not enough real texture and fibre for me.
Unfortunately I found it too sweet and tasteless
Unfortunately the kids weren’t too keen on this product
Very bland :(
Very delicious paired with Greek yoghurt and fresh strawberries
Very fake berry taste, basically just cornflakes and rice bubbles with weirdly artificial tasting mix ins.
Very light to eat = not stodgy. Filled you up.
Very more-ish, so I would have to ration myself.
Very nice and good to know it’s healthy
Very nice and light enjoyed this product
Very nice and my son would love it everyday, but too expensive for a growing boy.
Very nice flavor and good crunch
Very nice!
Very nice, my partner raves about it. He is usually diehard Hubbard’s
Very small box that didn't go far. Not too fussed with gluten free products but this one was surprisingly tasty.
Very sweet. I found the rice bubbles unpleasant
Very tasty and light and my 11 year old loves it.
Very tasty but I try to limit sugar - prefer toast. Very tasty tho!
Very yummy family emptied the box in a few days. Just the right flavour, texture and less sugar.
Was a bit hard on the teeth
Was a bit sweeter than I expected.
Was bland
Was good but don't like berries
Was nice, but I try not to eat cereal
Was okay, bu didn't set the world on fire, if on special would repurchase
Was quite bland in taste. However strawberries were yum !
Wasn’t a fan of the taste and it coloured the milk a lot which was a bit strange
Wasn't a fan of the taste or the texture. Went soggy quickly.
WAY too much sugar, and looked very artificial.
Way too sugary and fake tasting for our family, sorry!
We already had the fun puffs at home so we were excited to get to try a new one. Same great quality and taste!
We always have toasted muesli but i can see that some people would really like it
We did find it to be very high in sugar when we read the nutritional information
We don’t eat cereal very often, more the kids & they weren’t to fussed on it unfortunately.
We don't really eat cereal at all - but this was yummy
We eat a lot of cereal in our house so good to try something new. Everyone liked it.
We found that it was great for a hungry teen as it was reasonably priced and healthy
We make our own muesli
We received gluten free cereal. We are not a gluten free house so thought it tasted a little different.
We use Harroways Rolled Oats for porridge - dont normally eat breakfast cereals
We usually only purchase weetbix as they are more cost effective for my family and everyone eats them. I would buy healtheries for a treat.
We weren't a fan - taste was weird
Weird colours and not filling
We're a bit divided in our household on this one
What was inside the box did not look like the photo on the packaging - really misleading. Less dried berries, and the taste was very bland. Really unimpressed with this cereal, would not buy it.
Whether I purchase this in the future would depend on the price
While we all enjoyed trying this cereal I found the taste to be very sweet for my palate. Idid enjoy but would not buy on a regular basis. Taste was nice but I used unsweetened fruit with my cereal. One advantage I did not need much so a box goes a long way for me. Other family members enjoyed the product also.
Whilst it was nice, still FAR too much sugar for a breakfast product, because of this, would not purchase
Whilst this cereal tastes good, I can’t justify spending that much. Especially with three teenagers who believe one serving should fill a bowl completely before adding milk!
Wife has consumed this saying it is the nicest breakfast cereal she has tried, full of flavour and gives her energy.
Wife really likes it
Would prefer more fruit in it
YEah, it's a solid cereal
Yum and nice to a gluten free product
yum love the flax seeds that were left with the milk at the end of a bowl. have already purchased another box.
Yum yum yum!! We loved this!!
Yummo and kids loved it too!
Yummy cereal - whole family loved it. Nice taste and plenty of texture. Good packaging, informative, clear. Feels healthier than our usual cereals :) Will definitely look for in NW.
Yummy for gluten free, I am definitley going to try the kids one even though I didn't receive it to try
Yummy with yoghurt for breakfast
Yummy yummy yummy...forgotten how good cereal is, havent bought any for years but will after this trial....yum
Yummy, I liked all the grains and fruits and the fact that its gluten free. It's nice and light too. Perfect
A bit bland tasting for my liking
A good tasting cereal with some healthy and interesting ingredients. Love that it contains pre & probiotics. Would be really great option for people who are gluten free, have recommended to a few GF friends.
A great healthy option to have and love the different options
a reasonably good flavour, however it didn't seem particularly filling. i felt that the serving size was too small and to have a larger serving size would make it quite calorific. not sure how you solve that problem, but in my breakfast I am looking for something low in calories that is filling and will keep me going until early lunch ideally
A tasteless cereal. Pale and unappealing in apperance. Went soggy very quickly .
A very nice cereal that all the family enjoyed, which was great as one of our teenagers usually does not eat cereal!
adult and child did not like the blandness of this
always like to try different cereals - not fussed on brand
Awful. Spat it out
Beautiful flavour, my kids loved it, I think they enjoyed how sweet it was.
Bit too much Sunflower seed flavour but otherwise tasty
Bland taste
Bland taste yet great nutritional quality
children found this cereal very bland and flavourless - I just added berries to mine to give it more flavour
Cost is a factor in not purchasing this item.
Crunchy and filling
Delicious especially being gluten free!
Delicious gluten free cereal but still feel there is too much sugar
Delicious, I love a new cereal
Delightful flavour and we appreciate the chance to try it :o)
Did not enjoy this cereal but I used it up in baking.
Did not like the taste
Didn’t find it very filling as it is filled with puffed grains
Didn’t like the taste
Didn’t like the taste, just tasted of chickpeas
Didn’t like this cereal
Didn't feel very wholesome - I like more natural state cereal and tend to make my own granola.
Didn't like it at all. Also packaging looked very old fashioned.
Didn't like the sample product at all, but still like other cerals made by Healtheries.
Didn't like the taste
Didn't like the taste or texture of this cereal
didnt like the taste, lacked ingredients like eating air
Didnt look that nice but was surprisingly tasty
didn't really enjoy it, but will suggest it to a gluten free friend of mine
Didn't sustain me , found it a little tasteless.
Disappointed by the sugar content
Disappointed with the what was in the cereal. Seemed to be mostly rice puffs with some bits. Not the same as what is shown on the box.
disappointing taste and didn't keep me full
Dislike the protein flavor a little. My husband thinks it's alright.
don't need to pay more for gluten free
Easy to eat. nice & light. but I did like adding strawberries to add flavor.
Enjoy breakfast everyday. Stick to basically same cereal variety each week
Even tho it was gluten free, i felt it was too full of ricebubbles and not enough other stuff it claimed to have.That is why i would not buy it. It would be cheaper to have ricebubbles and add a bit of my own things.
Fairly tasty but currently expect it to be out of my price range
Family didn't like it. Too soggy.
Flavour was very flat. very unremarkable. nice pop of sunflower seeds occasionally.
For a sugary processed food this was the least dislikeable
Found it a bit bland
Found it tasteless
Found it tasteless and bland, might as well have been rice bubbles, really needed a flavour boost
Gave it to gluten free work mate who like it
Good amount of sweetness
Good filling breakfast
Good flavour, good variety
Good product but I buy Weight Watchers cereal
Good taste with a great crunch
Got stuck around my teeth!!
Great cereal that kept me full for a good length of time. Something I would eat before a big day at work
Great crunch
Great flavor and texture. Liked how it didn't go soggy in milk. Slightly sweet for my taste but that just personal preference. Will defiantly by again
Great flavour and good nutritional info
Great gluten free option for my daughter
Great taset - I sprinkled it on yoghurt and berries for some crunch. I wouldn't pay a premium for gluten free though, but dI'd like it wasn't too sweet.
Great taste
Great to have a gluten free option as it feels lighter to eat in the mornings. Enjoyable cereal for work day mornings.
Great to see a cereal with minimal sugar, I would consider adding this to our weetbix and cornflakes options
Great with greek yoghurt
Gross. Like kids ricies gone wrong. the nuts feel weird with the soggy grains.
Health benefits great. Not too sweet. But it also tasted gross.
Healthy tasting but needs added fruit yoghurt for sweetening
Hubby and I thought this was delicious, even out 8 year old enjoyed her bowl with some added fruit and yoghurt
Husband enjoyed it as a crumble on top of apples as well as a breakfast cereal
I ABSOLUTELY LOVED this Protein cereal and have bought it once since I finished the one in the Black Box. But I did find the price of $7.00 really expensive. I would like to use it all the time but probably won't cos it's really expensive. But it was AMAZING!!!
i am going to try the berry one as thats more up my alley, im sure that will get 5 stars :)
I am going to try the berry one now!
I am not a huge cereal person but I was a massive fan of this one. To me it tasted like it was just a seed and nut mixture advertised as a cereal
I am not so keen on so much puffed rice in my cereal
I barly eat breakfast as find it makes me feel to heavy but loved this
I buy only weet biz, sorry to say, I make all my own grain free granola
I did not enjoy this -the peanuts absolutely overpowered any other flavours and it was like eating peanut butter -disappointing :(
I didn’t like the flavour or texture
I didn’t like this one but we do have their gluten free one a lot. My husband is gf I’m not but I still enjoy it
I didn’t try it as I don’t like cereal but my husband quite liked it
I didn't like texture or taste
I didn't like the texture of this
i dont eat breakfast in the morning i only have a cup of coffee im afraid
I don't eat breakfast, but sometimes I might add this to something like a greek yoghurt for lunch or a snack
I dont normally eat cereals. Very pleasantly surprised with this cereaL - Had great flavours and was easy to eat. Wasn't hard and chewy in my mouth like others I had tried.
I don't pay too much for cerial.
I enjoy trying different flavours when it comes to cereals. Price is a bit of a motivator as well as sugar content. I feel good about eating the healtheries brand.
I expected it to be better in the sugar ranges but this packet has as much sugars most others
I felt that there was a lot of rice puffs in this cereal.
I found it quite tasteless
I found it to be very sweet.
I found it very sweet and not filling. Also, not much in a box
I found that there wasn't enough substance to it. Lots of rice bubbles and not much else. Was hungry again very quickly. I have purchased the other ones in the catorgories (high fibre & Berries) so hope they are better.
I found the cereal realy nice and crunchy and liked the different textures but I did find it very bland tasting
I got really sick for 3 days after eating this. I think I must have a food intolerance to something in it. Nausea was terrible! My husband ate and was fine.
I have always struggled with cereals like this, I love the idea of eating super healthy cereals, but I still can't quite come round to them.
I just felt a bit blah for me. And although it was 'protein' the main ingredient was rice puffs which is a high GI carb. I did appreciate that it was lower in sugars than most cereals but the flavour was good enough to entice me.
I just love the idea of having a cereal that tastes as good as this that is also pretty healthy with grains, probiotics and no added sugar. Love that it had a 4 star health rating
I like a bit more grunt in my cereal
I like more ‘gourmet’ cereals with no additives/ only whole ingredients eg nuts. Seeds and fruits
I like more fruit in my cereal
I like there are different versions. I've not eaten much cereal lately due to being on a self-imposed diet. I always fear it has hidden fatness.
I liked how it was light, not too heavy in your tummy after!
I liked the crispness and variety of ingredients, it didn't skimp on anything
I liked the packaging and claims but the flavour was flat... I found it very tasteless. .. I could taste peanuts but overall it felt like filler. There are a lot of good things about this cereal but taste want one of them. Unfotunarely taste is a big factor to me eating cereal
I liked this product had high protein but the taste wasnt my favourite. I wasnt really sure what it tasted like, if anything.
I loved getting this product as we are watching our protein imput so this arrived at the perfect time
I loved it, nobody else ate it, but I think teenage son would've liked it.
I loved my protein one and now also want to get the kids, the fun puffs
I loved that it was gluten free and had extra protein as it is perfect for my gym breakfast. Loved the crunch but the taste was a bit plain. I would like to try the berry one. Overall I would buy it again but would mix in more nuts and seeds with it.
I loved this and have been trying to find it! I'm not home so I'm hoping my local has it
I loved this cereal and it will become a staple part of my pantry.
I make my own muesli. lovely change
I make my own museli and the kids prefer cereal without nuts and seeds for example weetbix, sultana bran, nutrigrain. This cereal was edible for me but I do prefer my homemade museli.
I only eat oats and weetbix, other cereals are too high in sugar.
I prefer a fruity flavour, but that’s just personal taste
I really don't like peanuts so I think my view on this is a bit skewed!
I really enjoyed the flavour and texture. I like that it is healthy. It did not upset my tummy like most do. It was nice for a change and kept me full
I really enjoyed the flavour but my eleven year old said too many almonds. He did ask to try kids one as liked a healthy option.
I really enjoyed the taste. But the packet size is prohibitive in a 4 person family
I really enjoyed this cereal but probably wouldn’t buy it again as my kids don’t eat this kind of cereal, and I don’t eat cereal at all
I really liked it but the kids didn’t. Wouldn’t buy it fir that reason. Rather buy something we all like
I really liked that it was gluten free
I really liked that this cereal had crunch to it!! This was delicious and had lots of nuts and you could really taste the flavour.
I really wasn't a fan of this at all,too many rice bubbles. I love cereals but I didn't even finish the packet
I sampled this and gave to my niece as she is coeliac
I thought i wouldn't like this, but it was so good, so much flavour
I thought it had a great taste for a gluten free product a lot better than years ago
I thought it would be yuk as i dont drink mike and can be dry - but i was surpised and it tasted very nice dry
I thought this was very tasty, I don't usually eat this type
I was excited to try a gluten free cereal and the packaging looked great but the cereal inside didn't quite measure up to the picture on the box which made it look as though it contained lots of nuts.
I was pleasantly surprised with this cereal. I didn't expect it to be tasty, but was impressed and have finished it all. Would buy again
I was surprised about the taste and I didn't feel really full.
I was surprised by what the cereal looks like. Tastes great and really enjoying it
I was surprised that the tag line included the word ‘real’ when describing the seeds and nuts as they are ingredients I would be least likely to associate with fakes or substitutions. It tasted healthy
I will be trying some other healthy cereal to give me a more varied diet
I would be tempted to buy this in future, it's just that we don't really eat breakfast cereals in general. But the taste and texture of this was lovely.
I would prefer sliced almonds. I found the whole almonds too hard to eat in a cereal
I’m not hugely into cereal but it was certainly tasty and the health features described piqued my interest.
If I ate cereal I would buy this brand
I'm just not a fan of cereal in general and the kids like the more basic stuff
I'm not a big fan of nits and it had a very nutty flavour
Initial perception was this looked anaemic and would not taste great nor be filling but was pleasantly surprised on both counts
It had a cardboard aftertaste. The packaging is marketed at trend driven consumers. Fibre content per serving not high enough
It had great benefits but it was just a little light for us, we prefer toasted museli style products (something a bit heavier in texture)
It is light and tasty, I'm enjoying having it for breakfast
It is what is says on the pack, no disappoints.
It seemed almost dusty-dry. I prefer cluster museli with more nuts. I usually make toasted museli myself
It seems like small packaging. Doesn’t cover a person for a week
It tasted horrible with the peanuts in it
It tasted nice but you could make up the cereal your self much cheaper as it was really just riceies and a few seeds
It tasted terrible - i will not be buying this again
It tasted very disappointing - it was bland and almost tasted stale, to the point that I checked the packaging to see if it had a hole in it.
It was a little tastless. Needs more fruit.
It was a really bland cereal
It was actually really great in rice bubble cake, bur my children didn't enjoy it as a cereal. I enjoy the change of texture, as milk softens, but the rices component melts very very quickly
It was basically rice bubbles with a few bits thrown in. My 5 year old hated it and it was flavourless and I assume very pricey
It was better than I though it would be.
it was bland. didn't think it had much nuts and seeds in it like claimed. the nuts were peanuts, i was hoping for something like almonds at least
It was fine, but nothing too exciting.
It was fine, but we have cereals we like to eat already so would probably stick with those
It was nice and great that it is Gluten-free as we have a GF child in our house so he could eat it. However the sugar/fat content was quite high which would probably put me off buying it for my children. They did love finding the little round crunchy pieces in there though!
It was nice, but a bit on the sugary side
It was nice, but it had too much sugar in it, for my taste and diet
It was nice. It not wow compared to what we like. We got the protein though & we’re probably more ‘berry’ family.
It was quite bland and had too many rice puffs in it.
It was quite tasteless
It was really delicious, the whole family enjoyed it but when I went to the shop to buy it I was shocked by the price so I wasn't able to get it.
It was really nice. Loved the crunch and flavour but expensive for the amount you get. Especially with a family.
It was so good it has converted me to breakfast cereal
it was so yummy will be buying this in the future
it was too much rice bubbles and not much elese
It was very bland and needed something else - maybe some dried fruit. I wouldnt eat it as a cereal alone, perhaps use it in some baking.
It was very good flavour for being healthy. The texture was weird at first with the different levels of crunch but I got used to it and it was great. Great that with the extra protein it filled me up so I didn’t need as big of a breakfast as usual
It’s quite tasteless and bulked up with too many rice crisps
It's a bit bland
Its interesting in that a half full box has been left in the cupbord and the kids who would normally polish this sort of thing off are taking there time
Its ok but not outstanding. Its main selling point is being Gluten free
It's okay as far as cereals go, but I'm not a big cereal eater.
I've been looking for a good cereal. This one has a low amount of sugar which is beneficial
Lacked flavour and didn't have fruit. Also didn't fill me up as much as muesli (used recommended serving size)
Lacking flavour
like high protein aspect
Liked the nutty flavour, didn't like so much puffed rice. Grains would be nicer I think
Little taste and not overly filling
Love that it's high protein
Loved all the flavours, didn’t need to add a thing!
Loved it and nice and light. I went to purchase from new world and could not find it in the breakfast cereal section? Would definitely buy this ongoing
Loved it was oat free. Hard to find in this type of cereal
Loved it. Great taste and felt good after eating.
Loved that it was gluten free
Loved that it was gluten free but still tasty
Loved the flavour and texture
Loved the health benefits in this ceral, great with yoghurt. Felt like I was eating something right and felt guilt free when eating it. Packaging was ok but not eye grabbing - colours and writing on box could be a little more attention grabing
Loved the variety in the cereal itself
Loved this! Re purchased once we ran out. Very expensive but it is a specialist product. Loved the crunch and seeds ratio! Nice and light but filling.
Miserable amount in pack,boring,nothing special.
Miss 12 who is gluten free really enjoyed this - will become a regular in my fortnightly shop
My 11 yr old son loved this cereal, so i will continue to get it for both of us!
My children ate this for their breakfast. Although it promotes being a protein cereal which is advantageous for our daughter who is on a diet, they did not enjoy the taste or the makeup of the cereal saying it seemed to be just puffed rice and not a lot else - will not be buying.
My children loved these
My daughter didnt like all the nuts
My daughter eats gluten free cereal and she said this one is delicious
My daughter loved it. Only lasted 2 days. Bought 2 more boxes since.
My husband is the cereal eater in our house and he really did not like this
My husband jus started using this a month before it arrived as he is gluten and dairy free, he really likes it
My husband particularly liked this. I have looked at buying more but found it quite a bit more expensive than comparable products
My kids and I enjoyed this cereal. Loved the different textures in there and it tasted good.
My teenage son is concerned about protein in his diet so this was a plus for me.
Nice and light - being gluten free is also a good advantage
Nice and light, tastes good.
Nice and light.
Nice and light. healthier option
Nice blend with lots of nuts, not too sweet. Tasted healthy
Nice but not much to it.
Nice flavour
Nice taste
Nice to try something different that I would t have bought
no flavour
No one was a fan of this in our household
No real flavour quite bland
Not a fan of healthy breakfast cereals and found this was like eating cardboard
Not a fan of puffs but gave it a good texture
Not a fan of the flavour
not a fan sorry
Not a very pleasant taste, was almost loike eating cardboard and some of it went very spggy as soon as you put liquid with it which made it's texture not very pleasant.
Not big cereal eaters in our house currently.. was ok to eat but just not currently on trend in our house!!
Not my sort of thing
Not my type of cereal
Not my type of cereal did not really like taste or all the seeds I it
Not really fussed, just my tastebuds I think
Not too heavy
Not very filling considering it was a protein cereal, taste too bland, odd texture between the puffy bits and the firmer protein parts and solid/crunchy nuts
Not very tasty at all
On its own I found it quite plain. After adding more nuts, seeds & fruits to it with yoghurt I enjoyed it.
one mouthfull, threw out the whole packet, was like eating saw dust with no flavour
Our 16 year old loved it
Our family doesn't like peanuts. A nice cereal ruined in our minds.
Perfect for trying to make better choices before Xmas. Loved it with yoghurt
Personally the flavour just wasn't for me, and I'm not a big cereal person anyway.
Picture on the front looked like it had apple slices - these were actually almonds I presume. Bland flavour
Preferred the taste of my normal breakfast cereal and don't require a gluten free product
Quite a strong flavour but the puffs in it made it a bit cardboard ish - kids didnt like it at all
Quite disappointed, the product is mostly puffed rice and didn't look anything like the image on the box.
Quite tasty
Really didnt like the taste and textures of this cereal. It was almost tasteless
Really enjoyed the cereal, however for the price it would hardly last me a week of breakfasts
Really enjoyed this tasty crunchy cereal
Really impressed. Much tastier and more satisfying than I had expected from a puffed rice based cereal
Really liked the crunch/texture of the protein cereal
Really nice flavour everyone in the family liked it we will buy again
Really nice keen to try the other flavours now
Really tasty, although the pack was quite small.
Really was quite tasteless. There was ricebubbles but little else. Very short on actual flavour. Wouldnt buy this again.
Really yummy and kept me full all morning
So far, the best tasting GF cereal - yum!
Sorry, we really did not like the taste or combination of this. Although we gave it to my Dad who loved the combination and he started buying it!
surprisingly good taste
Taste was fine. Not really a cereal eater. I intermittent fast so don’t eat breakfast as a rule. Tasted fine however like a lot of breakfast cereals I don’t believe the nutrition value is worth it. I would rather eat eggs
Tasted bland. I will try the children’s version as my kids love cereal
Tasted like a mix of sawdust & cardboard , contents of box looked nothing like picture on box , was all rices and little else , awful stuff , after one try I threw the rest out
tasted strange
Tasted super bland, something about the healtheries brand, everything ive tried from them tastes plasticy and bland?
Tasteless and boring
Tastes like scroggin with no chocolate or fruit. Dry and bland
Tasty cereal will definitely by again
Teenage son liked that it had extra protein
The adults in the house liked it more than the teenagers.
The amount of cereal in the bag was less than we thought there would be
the cereal was amazing the high protien was amazing at keeping me full through to the next meal time
The cereal was bland. My kids did not like it. I am not a fan of cereal myself.
The flavour was not great. I didn't find this at all apetising. It did however fill me up.
The flavour was very bland and the texture was also pretty plain. It felt like I may as well have eaten the cardboard box?
The kids liked it, but I didnt think it had much substance and considering how much it retails for, not worth it.
The product consisted of mainly what look liked rice bubbles and had very little fruit, nobody in my house was a fan of this product
The Protein one was almost all rice bubbles, was not nice at all. I can't imagine it had much protein.
the taste was very bland. I make homemade museli for health and packaging reasons.
They make a good cereal that you don't feel guilty about eating that provides you with a good source of fibre.
This cereal flavour gets better and better. I think it has its own orignal flavours and I look the nuts and crunch. It takes a while to chew which is also good. I love that it is low sugar
This cereal surprised me, it was tasty and left me feeling full
This cereal was tasty and crunchy..everything natural. It kept me going a lot longer than the other cereals. Will definately buy again.
This cereal was tasty and we loved the high in protein factor. A bit less sugar would be good though
This had a yummy flavour and I have a lot of gluten free house guests over the summer. I will make sure we have plenty of this cereal as I think they will like it too.
This is high in fat for the serving size so I would not be purchasing it in the future.
This is really nice. I felt it something a bit different to my usual
This isn't substantial enough for my taste
This tasted much better than I expected
This was a bit bland and plain looking. If I am purchasing a cereal I either want it to be one type or a muesli type with lots of textures and flavours. The colour of this was very insipid and not very exciting. It tasted ok when eaten with fruit and yogurt but I wouldn't eat it with just milk as not enough flavour.
This was a bland cereal, didn't like it
This was a nice cereal, I personally prefer more berry based cereal but would definitely recommend to someone that was looking for the things the box claims
This was a really nice cereal with a real cereal taste and not too sugary, I'd buy it again even though I'm not big on pre-packeaged cereals
This was delicious! Brought more straight away!
This was great it was gf, however something in it didn’t agree with my stomach-tasted great rho
This was great. Will be good for gluten free friends too.
This was like fancy ricebubbles - more like kids cereal but they don't like the extra stuff in it
This was really delicious. My daughter and I had it with yogurt.
This was really yummy. Lots of flavour and teamed up with fruit and yoghurt it made a really good breakfast. Very filling
This was terrible - may have been high in protein, but way too sugary!!!
This was yummy. I really enjoyed the boost it gave me on nightshift
To many nuts
To nutty tasted great but very gritty
Tolo sweet for me
Too high in carbs for me
Too much ricies for the protein pack
Too nutty for my taste buds but teenage son liked it as a change
Too sweet - too much sweetener. It tastes like desert. Delicious but not something for breakfast
Took a long time to eat and mouth got sore with all the chewing
Typically only buy oats and weetbix.
Usually only buy oats, but loved this cereal and may buy it as a treat now and then.
Very expensive and lacks flavour
Very flavourless
Very healthy and lovely crunchy taste - love the real nuts & seeds!
Very sweet tasting
Very tasteless
Very unimaginative for a cereal, even a GF one. 90% rice bubbles with a few almonds and a single pumpkin seed thrown in. Tasted fine but wouldn't go out of my way to buy it.
Was a bit of an unusual flavour, a bit bland
Was a nice cereal, I likes the pumpkin seeds in it. I was a little unsure of the amount of “rice bubbles” though as I felt like I was eating a kids breakfast
was crunchy which was good but not really pleasant tasting
Was delicious, I loved it and my preschooler keeps asking for more, but unfortunately when I saw a price of $7 at the supermarket, it's more than we're able to pay on regular basis
Was good, tastier than some ive had.
Was just like rice bubbles with a couple other things
Was liked by all in our family
Was looking forward to this but was disappointed to find it was mostly puffed rice and there was nothing to it. Definitely wouldn't buy this.
Was ok, but a bit bland for my liking. Happy to finish this box but probably won't be buying anymore
Was quite light and not much in there to fill you up and sustain you
Was really filling
Was tasty and I like high protein as it fills you up longer. I can’t eat slot of cereal but I could eat more of this than usual as higher protein helps me digest carbs better so allowed more of this than usual cereals
Was very nice not one I had tried before would consider purchasing again if on special
Wasn’t great on teeth, spent ages getting annoying bits out even after brushing twice
Wasn't loved by all in the family but I didn't mind it,
Way too sweet good way to keep the obesity crisis going
we always have the same breakfast. this was nice, but not nice enough to become part of our breakfast!!
We are loyal Hubbards eaters and this product was only warmly received by our family
We did not enjoy this cereal. The textures didn't go together it tasted like rice bubbles and nuts put together
we didnt like the variety we received, but would likely try the kids one if i saw it on the store shelf
We don't eat cereal as we are a low carb family.
we don't eat much cereal
We felt it was a very bland cereal. To us it was rice bubbles with some seeds added. Not very filling or sustaining.
We found it “0k”.
We found it quite tasteless
We found this cereal very bland. We will try the other flavours to see if we can find one we like as i like the heath benefits.
We have our coeliac nephew staying with us. Wonderful to be able to offer him a cereal that he can eat. Thank you.
We haven’t brought any cereals of late as we had been given some and don’t often eat. We often shop for what is on the healthier side with less sugar and based on cost. I understand this cereal has a number of health benefit but found it was mostly puffs. I didn’t really notice the difference of similar cereals. Purchasing in the future would come down to cost but found I needed to add to it
We received the protein cereal. Would prefer a bit more flavour with some dried fruit. I would choose the berry flavoured one if I was buying it.
We thoroughly enjoyed this product !! Had with fruit didn't need too as it's very yummy even without
We were disappointed there was a much higher ratio of puffed rice to other ingredients than the picture on the box indicated.
Wee bit plain
When I looked at the cereal, it looked like it was mostly rice bubbles, I was pleasantly surprised when I tried it that the taste was so much more.
While we enjoyed this product we felt it was a little too light and not satisfying. We did enjoy the fact it wasn't sweet, which is why we generally choose sanitarium products.
Will see what the price is
Will try the berry flavour
Would definitely buy if available at my local store
Yum but not at all like the picture on the front. Heaps of rice bubbles and not much of anything else.
Yummo and my daughter likes it too
a bit bland / like rice bubbles for kids - didn't fill me up
A bit high in sugar to eat regularly but very nice product
A bit light on the fruit but pleasant enough
A nice breakfast cereal
Actually pretty yummy. I'm starting to learn more about prebiotics and probiotics
After tasting, I gave the box to my gluten-intolerant daughter, who absolutely loves it, and is going to purchase it in the future!
alot of textures going on in each mouthfull. some a bit bland
As not a big eater of museli type cereal I wouldn't be keen to purchase
Be better to have a bit more fruit in there
Better flavour than some high fibre cereals
Boring. Just like rice bubbles and cornflakes added with dried fruit.
Brilliant crunch!
Cereal isn’t the most appealing to look at, it looks bland in colour. I’m pleased it tasted far better than it looked
Cereal was ok, bought the fun puffs for the children they loved it.
could do with some more fruit
Cover photograph misleading - shows lots of fruit but there is hardly any. Claims to be high fibre but reminded me of cornflakes and rice bubbles I ate as a child. Too light and not sustaining enough - I’ll stick to my home made muesli thanks!
Delicious and light - so healthy
delicious keen to try the berry version.
Delicious! The first time my children have agreed to eat something other than toast for breakfast. We all loved it. Have already repurchased
Did not like at all, no flavour
Didn’t enjoy flavour. A bit bland and fruit had an artificial flavour
Didn’t like the texture. Felt like cheap feral in my mouth
Didn't enjoy this one.
Didnt fill me up
Didn't find the cereal too exciting, was okay in taste but prefer other cereals
Didnt like the flavour
Didnt like the texture, and it was too sweet
Didn't love this one so much sorry. It was the texture that I didn't love, prefer non rice cereals.
Doesn't really taste any different to other cereals.
Don't buy cereals very often. I make homemade muesli sometimes.
Enjoyed by the whole family it was very tasty
Enjoyed this as did my daughter but we have our firm favourites in our house - might buy now and then but not regularly
Everyone in the house liked it!
Fantastic real fruit taste
Far too many rice bubbles and no flavour
First tried it on its own with milk. Didn’t think there was much flavour. Added fresh fruit the next day and was much better.
Flavour was rather bland.
Found it very bland
Found too many ricepuffs make it tasteless, but I am interested in trying one of the other products. Always get their herbal teas.
Good flavour and crunch. Kids enjoyed picking all the little bits
good mix, like that it's gluten free & has pre & pro biotics but high in sugar & smaller packs than other brands
Good taste and texture, will definitely buy again.
Good taste with the right amount of fruit, not too sweet
Good to see healthier options for kids
great taste
Great taste and good texture
Great taste for something with such good health ratings
Great tasting cereal
Great tasting for a high fibre cereal
Great that it was Gluten Free. Good mix of textures and flavours. A nice light breakfast
Happy with current product
Having previously been gluten free, I was pleasantly surprised at how good the texture of this cereal was - light and crunchy with a lot of bite to it. It didn't get soggy too fast in my bowl, which is a pet hate with many cereals. It was sweet but not overpoweringly so, and the beery bits were delicious. We only tend to buy nicer cereals when they're on special - we stick mainly to oatmeal and ricies with added fruit.
Higher sugar content that my current favourite - Jordan’s
husband rated it as tasting like any other hi fibre cereal. would eat if I bought it but did not rave about it. backed the fibre content
I actually enjoyed having this in my pantry, though I wouldn't necessary buy again as I'm a toast eater for breakfast. My children were not interested in it. Would recommend to my gluten free friends.
I bought the fun puffs and my gluten intolerant 7 year old loves them
I did not like this at all. It was dry, flavourless and I was hungry afterwards.
I didn’t like the textures
I didn't feel the texture was right for a high fibre cereal. It was very sweet and had little fruit in it. I usually like a muesli type cereal so it would not be my first choice for purchasing.
I didn't know that Healtheries has breakfast ceral products until trying this one -- I like it but think the sugar content is a bit high. Will check out the other products in this collection.
I didn't like the cereal and neither did the children. I thought it was too sweet, I am more a savoury person than sweet. The kids liked the first few mouthfulls but then didn't eat the rest. I liked the packaging and thought it looked lovely but just didn't meet my flavour expectations,
I don't eat cereal... I had this as a snack after dinner. It was kinda bland though. I wished there were more berries.
I don't eat or buy cereal, but our guests enjoyed it
I don't like rice bubbles which were a main ingredient
I don't normally eat cereal for breakfast but after trying this I think I will eat cereal for breakfast
I enjoyed it, it's quite light and easy to digest and kept me going for a while- the picture suggestion on the front with yoghurt was great!
I enjoyed this but make my own
I feel like this one is made up of a lot of 'kid-type' of sunstance- rice bubbles and flakes. It's not really a museli as I am used to. Maybe toasted would be better
I felt that while it said it was low in sugar there were a lot of sugar ingredients on the ingredients list, which put me off
I find them dry and small flakes of everything
I found it very bland and stodgy to eat. Did t enjoy this product.
I found it very light and too processed for my liking
I gave this to a family that has small chidlren, they all told me they loved it, and Mim has brought it again.
I generally buy whatever looks good or different at the time with an eye for value to. I change cereal every week. I was excited about the benefits of this cereal (hi fibre, no gluten) but wasn't that keen after eating it. It was like a fancy rice bubbles and cornflake mix. Not for me; in fact I only ate it two mornings and the rest is sitting in the cupboard. The berries were the only exciting thing in it.
I have been having Vogels Cafe Style Nuts & Seeds Light Muesli. I wasn’t too fussed about the look of the Healtheries cereal when I poured it out, it looked pretty bland and not luxurious like the Vogel’s. But when I ate it, I did enjoy it and I like the act that it contains both pre & probiotics. Depending on the price point I might alternate between the two brands now for a bit of a change. I wouldn’t be prepared to pay the same as I do for the Vogels as I feel that has more substance with the nuts, seeds etc
I like fruit in my cereal
I liked it and would eat it but was a little watery consistency
I liked the taste of this cereal. The only reason I wouldn't buy it is because I have porridge every morning.
I liked the texture of this cereal, but it was so so bland!! Even with the freeze dried fruit. I ended up eating with yoghurt for some flavour and all i could taste was the yoghurt.
I love this cereal. It is so tasty.
I loved everything about this cereal... Except the price. My husband would eat the whole packet in two servings. It’s too expensive.
I loved the freeze dried fruit because it didn't go soggy and taint the whole cereal with fruit flavour
I make my own cereal
I personally am not a cereal fan but enjoyed this one! the lovely large chunks of raspberries were delightful
I personally did not enjoy the cereal it was not my taste
I prefer muesli, I didn’t like the rice bubbles in this
I prefer slightly heavy cereals like muesli
I prefer to make my own Granola
I really enjoyed it, a nice change from my home-made muesli
I really enjoyed this cereal and will purchase again - very tasty
I really love there are better gluten free options out there now and if I was going away on holiday this would be the perfect cerial to take along. For an every day cerial it is a little too much like rice bubbles and cornflakes mixed together with a smattering of seeds and a tiny bit of fruit. I can't justify the cost for the over all experience.
I tried the high fibre one. Wasn't a fan as it had no flavour, so I purchased the berry one and LOVE it!
I usually buy the Vogels Berry Light
i was pleasantly surprised with the flavour really enjoyed was also quite filling
I was quite surprised that for a gluten free cereal it was very tasty kids even liked it just lacked dried fruit
I was very skeptical when I first poured the cereal in the bowl - looked more like a kiddies puffed wheat.Deceptively sweet and yet still healthy.
I’m not a cereal person so When trying it for the first time I thought it looked a bit blah nz but was surprised at how much I enjoyed it. Unfortunately my youngest children 8 & 3 did not enjoy it.
I'd be interested in trying out the low sugar one as an option for my kids
I'd had 'gluten free cereal before (not Healtheries) and I didn't find it very satisfying to eat. So it was with a bit of reluctance that I tried this one. I was pleasantly surprised, ---- I did like it. We have a friend with celiac disease who stays with us from time to time. I will be introducing it to him if he hasn't already tried it. I also see it is suitable to vegetarians, -----
I'm not a fan of raisins so had to pick those out. Also disappointed at the high levels of sugar
I'm not a huge fan of fancy breakfast cereals, I prefer the fruit and museli types. This product tasted fine but just didn't appeal to me as something I would buy again.
Interesting and different cereal. Liked the idea it had pre and probiotics and the real fruit was tasty too.
it didn't have much of a flavour
It felt like it was just ricies and cornflakes mixed together - nice and crunchy though.
It had a nice balance of ingredients.
It has a teasonable flavour with the fruit but tastes a bit cheap with so much of it rice bubble & cornflake like. Needs something flakey thats a bit more substantial. Overall a good product if it delivers on its promises though therefore i would buy it.
It is nice for a change tho I prefer porridge as it has better satiety factor for me
It looked bland so I was surprised that it was very tasty - good trusted brand
It not only tastes good but we love that it is both gluten free and high in fibre. It makes for a easy and quick breakfast.
It was a bit fluffy lacklustre
It was a nice change from Granola, great for gluten free
It was a nice gluten free cereal, I would definitely recommend to others who were gluten free
It was a tasty cereal and the whole family enjoyed eating it.
It was a wee bit dry and there wasn't a lot in the packet, so I don't think it would be good value as a purchase.
It was nice and light and very tasty
It was nice, but we don't eat breakfast often, so purchase very little cereals
It was nice. However I would love to see less sugar in the cereals I buy.
It was ok but I felt like something was missing.
It was ok but i prefer musili so it was a little to light for my liking
It was ok but I prefer my regular cereal, Special K.
It was ok but when yoghurt was added it went very soft and mushy where as I would prefer it to stay crunchy
It was ok... I thought the taste was a bit flat and cardboardy
It was pleasant but not enough to make me switch from my current cereals.
It was quite flavourless. Needed more berries and less puffed rice.
It was quite tasteless and very few berries in each serving
It was really good
It’s a little dry and unexciting
It’s just ok
Its always good to have cereal options in the Cupboard
Its nice but there are cheaper ones on the shelf
Just had another bowl of it, it is yummy and I wll certainly buy it again
just like rice bubbles and cornflakes
Kept me full for longer than I expected. Very sweet taste and quite artificial tasting, which I didn't like. A bit disappointed with how little fruit was in the cereal.
Kids surprised us and really enjoyed this cereal.
Kids weren't a fan but was great for adults and love that it was high fibre and tasty
Lacked flavour for me and not enough fruit.
Lacking taste
Like the less sugar and flavour very nice
liked it but it was a little bland
Liked the dried fruit buts.
liked this product - we all did
Love it! great breakfast start to my day
Love that it's gluten free
Love the taste and how it is very healthy
Love this, will Defo be getting more
Loved the taste but way too high carbs for my liking in a cereal
Loved the taste, texture and crunch. Filling breakfast cereal too.
Loved this ate within a week it was so good. Great flavour and good crunch
loved this product, have already bought another packet
Loved this product. Have since purchased all the different flavours with the exception of Fun puffs. Love the fact that they are gluten free. Are now a regular weekly item in my shopping
My 11 yr old is the only cereal eater, he really didn’t like it and refused to finish the box.
My 7yr old loved it, had 2 bowls and still wanted more as she loved the taste
My 8 year old didnt like this very much she said it was quite sweet. I am very interested to read the packaging on the fun puffs and purchase for the kids to see what they think of that one instead. I quite liked it however i have others I prefer
My children weren’t keen on it as cereal; but enjoyed it when baked in bars/apple crumble topping
My daughter and husband were keen for me to buy this again. I couldn't find it in Pak n save and when we eventually found it in countdown it was $8.89!! As much as the family loved it there is no way I'd ever pay over $8 for cereal!!
My daughter has coeliac disease so pleased it is gluten free
My daughter loved it as did I with a dollop of honey greek yoghurt!
My daughter loved this as much as I did, great when it can be used for the whole family and I don't have to buy two separate cereals
My daughter very health conscious and changes cereal frequently. Keen to try berry de-lite
My favourite product yet, my children ate cereal for the first time ever with this! No more toast for breakfast I’m so happy. Have already repurchased
My kids loved this cereal, they said it was nice and sweet.
My kids loved this cereal, which is great as they are so fussy. They liked the sweetness.
My son greatly enjoyed the cereal
My son loves his wheetbix and I usually have toast rather than cereal
My son loves this. He always tries to make healthy choices and he loved the fruit bits in this. A big win for him.
My two teenagers demolished this fast!
needed more fruit
Nice and light and good to know the benefits
Nice and light cereal. Good flavour.
Nice cereal with a good nutrition profile but we stick to oats in the morning and this cereal wouldn’t convince us to change from that. For those of our friends and family who eat cereal we have told them it’s nice.
Nice favours but not enough fruit
Nice flavour, good to see it’s made in NZ
Nice flavour. Liked the nutritional elements
Nice not to heavy or sweet. The kids enjoyed it too
nice product
Nice tasting cereal but as cereals in NZ are well over priced it would depend on the price, whether or not I purchase it in the future
Nice tasting cereal. Probiotics added bonus as I normally take separate probiotics. I love cereal with added nutrition
No need for gluten free, tasted a little bland but with milk and black Doris plums was quite tasty. Would purchase if had a need to go gluten free.
No one in my house particularly enjoyed it unfortunately
No taste, was very boring compared to our normal brand cereal
Not a fan of processed rice puffs/flakes, also too sweet, prefer unsweetened
Not a fan, gave it to a friend to try
Not a great tasting cereal.
Not enough flavour. Tasted too much like rice bubbles.
Not enough fruit
Not enough fruit in it
Not enough fruit in the pack as a whole
Not enough fruit in this product for us. Nice and light, but a little bit too much like rice bubbles rather than a serious granola. Didn't keep me full I'm afraid.
Not enough fruit, no substance, hungry immediately after, only added to dessert for crunch.
Not great texture and a little too sweet for my liking on its own. I have since mixed it in with other cereal and oats and it is better.
Not tooooo bad. Would maybe suggest to someone who ate gluten free
Not usually a cereal eater
Ok taste, was a bit boring
our family really did not like the taste, it was very bland and cardboard like
Our whole family tried this, I thought the taste was good but it was too crunchy, my husband thought it was not sweet enough, my daughter thought it was ok
Packet size seemed small and wouldn't last long but tasted nice
Prefer muesli
Quite sugary tasting for our family and also quite a small package so didnt last long. Nice to have a change from our usual but wouldnt purchase again due to the sugary taste
Really delicious for a healthier breakfast. Always like to switch up my cereal and will definitely add this to my list to choose from
Really didn’t enjoy the Taste and was hangry quicker than after other cereal
Really didn’t want to try this as the packaging was not appealing at all. It looked old and like it was for old people.
Really disappointed that healtheries got rid of the old range of cereals. The apricot rice porridge was the only cereal our coeliac son would eat and you got rid of it.
Really liked it and felt it was quite healthy.
Really nice and a change from my usual Hubbards cereal. Extra good with natural yogurt and in-season blueberries. Yum!
Really nice for something different. Wouldn't have picked it off the shelf but really enjoyed it.
Really nice mixed with my cornflakes
Really tasty
Really yummy- seemed to have quite a high sugar content though which concerned me.
So delish!!!! Will be buying again
So wonderful to find a gluten free cereal
Sorry - our teens did not like the taste compared to their usual muselis
Sorry but this was just a mix of cornflakes and rice bubbles and not very interesting
Sorry not a cereal person
Still disappointed at the amount of added sugar for a “healthy” cereal
Still felt like it had a lot of added sugar despite the claims
Still high in sugar which means it is only an occasional buy
Still very high in sugar and this would stop me buying it as a regular
Still way too much sugar!
Surprisingly nicer than I thought
Taste good, but much higher sugar & sodium than the usual Vogels brand I buy.
Taste was fine. But not something I would buy
Taste was not great
Tasted a bit like cardboard
tasted like cardboard, not filling or satisfying at all
Tasted like cardboard. I still ate it, but it was bland and boring
Tasted like sweetened cardboard
Tasteless and non-descript, a bit like kids rice bubbles, no enough fruit
Tastes like cardboard with raspberries.
Tasty cereal
the box probably would not attract me in the store aisle
The cereal was delicious.... only negative was it was a little heavy on rice puffs/corn flakes and would have liked more of the other ingredients
The dried fruit made this a little too sweet for my taste, otherwise a good product
The first spoonful had an undertone of cardboard. It got better after that. I liked the raspberries. Not a fan of raisins,
The flavour was better than expected. I expected it to taste like rice bubbles after looking at it, but it was nicer than that.
The packaging is awful
The pre-biotics and pro-biotics are a great idea. Love that it is NZ made. Disappointing to eat though. Too sweet and no substance
The seeds and fruit are nice as is the overall flavour but looking at it, it's really just ricies and cornflakes.
The sugar content is far too high, I wouldn’t buy this nor feed it to any of my family members
The taste was fine but it didn't fill me up as much as my homemade muesli.
there is not much product volume in the box
There was no flavour - I could only taste milk. It was awful.
There wasn’t much substance to it. It said “with real fruit” but there was 4 berries in the entire packet... not enough to satisfy this claim
This cereal is a great fiber intake to kick of your day
This cereal really filled me up for the day ahead.
This cereal was far too sweet to have for breakfast. It might be a sometimes treat during the holidays but is not healthy to eat every day.
This cereal was very light and seemed very healthy
This cereal was very nice. I might buy the Kids Puff one for the kids to try.
This flavour was pretty bland. For muesli's I'm not driven by brand. Its a balance between price and nutritional value but has a nice natural flavour
This is a child’s cereal and the children did enjoy it and I did taste it and thought the flavour was nice
This product is fine but I eat fairly healthy already and prefer granola type cereals if I am going to eat them. I normally just have rolled oats or eggs.
This product tasted delicious, especially when served with natural yoghurt and blueberries.
This was a delicious tasting Cereal, I'd most likely only purchase it if it was on Special however as it was a bit pricey ...thanks for the trial !
This was a light and refreshing breakfast cereal
This was a light cereal with a good mix of all sorts. Initially I wasn't sure that it would sustain me as long as my usual muesli, so I increased the amount I ate. I bought another pack and added it to my muesli. Now I have a really scrumptious cereal. For me I needed a bit more oomph than the Hi Fibre pack.
This was a really nice cereal and i also gave a sample of it to my mother who is GF and struggles to find an option that she likes and she will now be buying this :)
This was as good as any other cereal but it was too sweet for my taste
This was delicious, but usually make my own cereals.
This was delicious. I would love to try the high protein one next
This was LOVED by all of us, particularly our GF 11 year old!
This was nice and made for a tasty light breakfast
This was really good. Tasty, light and very easy to keep eating, with or without fruit and yogurt.
This was very plain, and after the first fews uses it all stuck together.
Thought it was a bit sweet and don't really liked the "puffed wheat" texture but liked the strawberries
To light and fluffy for me. I prefer a more heavy muesli
To much sugar content for me
To start the packaging is pretty uninspiring. The flavour was ok, but the fruit content was reduced to dust. because it was gluten free, I offered it to my mother who said it tasted better than some of the other gluten free products on the market. Wouldn't buy again.
Too high in sugar for my household sorry
Too many rice bubbles
Too much going on, didn’t enjoy the flavours or all of the different textures. . Not for me
Too much of added sugar
too much sugar and carbs
Too much sugar but liked the freeze dried raspberries
Very filling and tasty but not my taste
Very high in carbohydrates. Not appealing to look at when you pour it in the bowl - anaemic in colour. Bland taste, the only flavour was when you get a chunk of fruit - because the fruit is all stuck together in a big lump.
Very light and tasty breakfast cereal
very much enjoyed by husband and son who eat this type of cereal, not dry and nice mix/balance of everything
Very Tasty cereal plenty of crunch, seeds good amount of sweetness, loved the mix of rice puffs to flake ratio and the dried fruit was yummy, even my boys got into this cereal and they are fussy as with their choice, this may become the new family favorite
Very tasty cereal. However, I felt it was too "light" to feel full/satisfied.
Was a bit unexciting in comparison to other similar cereals
was just a bit too light for my taste it looked a bit over processed but tasted nice
was nice to try a new cereral
was nice to try but enjoy my usual cereal more
Was really delicious! Loved that it was gluten free, didn’t get that bloated feeling I sometimes get. The kids loved it too!
Was suprised how sweet and subtle the cereal was, really enjoyed it.
Was tasty and filling. I don’t usually eat cereal but would have this if it was on special I may purchase again.
Was tasty but a lot of puffed rice, would not spend more than what I do on other cereals just for health benefit claims
Was too sweet and insubstantial for my liking.
was very bland
Wasn't a fan of the flavour
wasn't that impressed with this one, seemed to be a lot of rice puffs.
We all loved this and husband even went to buy himself another box to have at work. We like to get as much goodness as possible in a product and being gluten free was a bonus.
We already have this for breakfast, it’s a great cereal
We bought new cereal yesterday, but Pak'n'Save didn't stock Healtheries, so we went with a competitor
We dont eat a lot of cereal but this was nice
We don't eat a lot of cereal. Just weetbix for the kids really. Was okay, but won't reach for it unfortunately. Was good to try though.
We finished our Healtheries Cereal and immediately purchased it again from the New World Store. We could not source it in Countdown or Pak'nSave. We went online to get a Healtheries voucher before buying. Unfortunately, we found the price too high for a weekly shop.
We found it very bland
we really enjoyed the cereal but over our price range
We usually eat weetbix or porridge hence why 3 year choose not to try this. Husband and I really enjoyed the flavour and thought we could occasionally purchase this for something different to try.
whilst I like the cereal well enough it simply is too expensive to fit into a tight budget
Yum yum
Yum! Had a great combo of flavours and textures. Was filling but didn't weigh me down
Yum. More fruit please
yummy ceral not really a breakfast eater but this made me want to eat in the morning
Yummy taste but I need to eat a lot to feel full.
Yummy! Even the kids love it! We often lack fibre in our modern diet so this is great!