$10.00 per review
What is in this 'organic chicken mince' exactly?? we thought it would be a treat for our working dogs who eay anything, but they sure did refuse to eat this.
Fantastic product (just one issue…. It’s unavailable everywhere I’ve shopped) It’ll be that old chestnut the covid 🙄
you have to watch countdown, Ive noticed them sell it off when its getting old, only buy it when its fresh and pink, but I don;t give it raw, they did have an issue with the pottles leaking at one stage. I always cook it, my dog loves it.. our countdown doesn;t seem to stock it now..bummer
Absolute garbage. Both dogs won't touch it. Both cats won't touch it. No wonder it is so cheap. It is rubbish. Looks like something that has already been eat then thrown up again.
Yay! I tried this when it was reduced in price at Countdown two days before expiry, I cooked it and added cooked rice and diced carrots, well my dogs LOVED IT ! It was the first time I had bought organic food for them, well they obviously can tell the difference in quality food :) When I buy normal supermarket chicken they get the runs and pass wind. I am sold on this product .. YAY!
my dogs love georges organic chicken mince,only last friday I bought 2 pots at countdown whangarei,and my dog vomited after,so I checked the date and it actually expired on the day I bought it,so I suggest they make sure its off the shelf before expiry date