Fantastic Thinner Bites Rice Crackers Black Rice & Sesame

Fantastic Thinner Bites Rice Crackers Black Rice & Sesame


Thinnerbite black rice crackers are 30% thinner than our standard fantastic rice crackers, lighter, cripsy and capture all the goodness of black rice in a tasty cracker. Perfect for entertaining or just enjoying as a tasty snack. Thinner bite black rice are also gluten-free.

$10.00 per review

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- 2024-02-02 09:58:24

I love them but where can I buy them??

+ PROS: Crisp, tasty, look interesting, better than chips for dipping
- CONS: Can never find them in the supermarkets??
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Fantastic Thinner Bites Rice Crackers Black Rice & Sesame
Fantastic Thinner Bites Rice Crackers Black Rice & Sesame

$10.00 per review

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