Earthwise Laundry Soaker Lavender & Eucalyptus Whitener

Earthwise Laundry Soaker Lavender & Eucalyptus Whitener


Earthwise oxygenated whitener is a highly effective stain remover and deodoriser which acts as a laundry booster in top and front loader washing machines. Will keep your whites white and colours bright. Can be used to pre-soak cloth nappies or heavily soiled garments. It’s grey water and septic tank safe, and contains biodegradable surfactants.

$10.00 per review

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clear filter


- 2022-07-22 19:27:56

DON'T BUY - This is an absolutely horrible product that ruined my bathroom basin which is moulded into a whole unit. This product left yellow streaks that have darkened over time, that their rep tried to remove but couldn't. They tried to say it was iron in the water but I checked this with the water provider and it definitely wasn't to do with the water. As small compensation they sent me a box of their awful products and their laundry powder very quickly went rock hard as did their cream cleanser. For natural products I've found Ecostore products to be far superior and they won't go rock hard or damage your basin.

+ PROS: None
- CONS: Products go rock hard Can probably only use in stainless steel laundry tub; otherwise risk chemical reaction Company avoided responsibility and didn't try to met me half way. To buy a new bathroom unit is expensive
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Earthwise Laundry Soaker Lavender & Eucalyptus Whitener
Earthwise Laundry Soaker Lavender & Eucalyptus Whitener

$10.00 per review

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