Countdown Beef Mince Premium

Countdown Beef Mince Premium


Premium beef mince typically 95% meat, 5% fat with nothing else added.

$10.00 per review

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Rebecca Anderson

- 2020-06-05 21:25:51

Have had this product 4 times and 2 out of the 4 had upset tummies in the house.

Judith Hanson

- 2020-05-09 15:22:22

Countdown Beef mince Premium is a great quality product because it contains such a small amount of fat - and we all know just how much fat some mince that we have bought at times has, it can make you feel quite sickly. Therefore using this particular one there is no waste and it becomes most economical which is great. I buy this Countdown mince for making meatballs, lasagna and cottage pies, all of which are family favourites- so I cook them all a lot. I thoroughly recommend this premium mince because it is just that - PREMIUM mince. Good one Countdown

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Countdown Beef Mince Premium
Countdown Beef Mince Premium

$10.00 per review

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