Confidere Incontinence Pads Extra Plus

$10.00 per review

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Sal Amanka

- 2022-12-27 17:06:36

Same here. I buy them in bulk - and half have their normal self-adhesive backing (where they adhere to underwear) and half of the packets don’t. What’s going on? You can’t distinguish those without the self-adhesive back from those that just slide around when worn. The packets are identical. I’d give the ‘adhere to underwear’ ones a perfect score - but not these new ‘slide around’ ones. Woollies - why fix something that ain’t broken?

+ PROS: The self-adhesive backing ones are great.
- CONS: The ‘slide around everywhere & fall out of underwear’ are awful. Identical packaging - so impossible to tell what you’ve bought until you open the packaging. Woollies - fix this!


- 2022-01-09 21:26:32

Have been happy enough with this product but have just opened a packet that will not adhere to underwear. They are slipping and sliding around causing great discomfort and uncertainty!

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