Bird and Barrow Chicken Tenderloin Coconut & Lemongrass Crumb 340g Tenders

Our Bird and Barrow Free Range Chicken Tenderloins 350g & Bird and our Barrow Free Range Chicken Schnitzels 240g are the perfect options for quick and easy meal solutions or snack ideas. They are made from 100% New Zealand Free Range chicken and use quality ingredients that provide delicious flavours. We also have the Satay Chicken Kebabs, Coconut & Lemongrass Kebabs, Manuka Honey Soy Kebabs, Coriander & Cumin Dukkah Crumb Tenders 350g and our 3 Seed Ciabatta Crumb Schnitzel 240g in our ready to eat range. Available in selected New Worlds, Pak n Saves, Four Squares & Super Value /Fresh Choice stores.
Bird and Barrow Chicken Tenderloin Coconut & Lemongrass Crumb 340g Tenders
$10.00 per review