Avent Baby Formula Dispenser

Avent Baby Formula Dispenser


This convenient philips avent formula dispenser holds three pre-measured portions of formula. Simply pour the powder from one compartment into your feeding bottle of pre-boiled cooled water and you are ready to go ! Great for out-and-about feeding time.

$10.00 per review

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- 2020-11-08 21:51:36

I found this super handy to have. It’s a good size to carry in a day bag instead of the whole formula tin. Also super handy if need to make up a bottle in the car on a long ride. Then when baby is older and no longer has the formula it’s really good to use for fruits or other little snacks for yourself or the kids 😊


- 2020-05-01 09:37:27

I absolutely loved my formula container id use mine on the daily very handy

Angela Rasmussen

- 2020-04-22 08:14:36

These are amazing for day trips out

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Avent Baby Formula Dispenser
Avent Baby Formula Dispenser

$10.00 per review

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