Arnotts Farmbake Cookies Chocolate Chip

Arnotts Farmbake Cookies Chocolate Chip


Traditional farmbake cookies with yummy choc chip pieces. Share them round and enjoy the great farmbake taste.

$10.00 per review

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- 2023-03-18 02:40:08

I just bought a pack and thought "are these half as thick as they used to be"? So I googled and got your review and sure enough,that's exactly what you've said on here,so thank you. I'm sure Arnott's would not advertise this rio off.


- 2022-06-25 16:26:22

Cookies have changed. They are much smaller now than what they use to be. They have reduced it down to half a size than it was before. Not very happy with that so I won't be buying any more. Such a shame as I grew up on these cookies.

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Arnotts Farmbake Cookies Chocolate Chip
Arnotts Farmbake Cookies Chocolate Chip

$10.00 per review

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