Anthisan Antihistamine Cream

Anthisan Antihistamine Cream


Did you know? An insect bite or sting can produce pain, heat or itching, redness and swelling.

This is because when your skin is attacked it releases chemicals from cells which can:
– stimulate nerve endings – causing pain
– increase blood flow to the damaged area – causing redness; and
– alter the tissue fluid balance to dilute and limit the effects of toxins introduced – causing swelling.

Good news is, there is a product that may help. Anthisan provides relief of insect bites, stings and nettle rash. Anthisan cream works by relieving the pain due to itching and inflammation from insect bites, stings and nettle rash.

If your you’re planning a holiday within new zealand or abroad, or just want to be ready for your next encounter with an insect or nettle, anthisan cream is a small and convenient soothing cream that can be applied directly to the site of the insect bite, insect sting or nettle rash to relieve those irritations.

$10.00 per review

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Annette McCauley

- 2020-04-09 02:42:12

Great product worked well on wasp sting

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Anthisan Antihistamine Cream
Anthisan Antihistamine Cream

$10.00 per review

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