Butch Dog Rolls White Label

Butch Dog Rolls White Label


This is a premium dog roll that is 100% chicken recipe. The absence of red meat makes this an ideal meal for dogs with digestion problems and especially good for older dogs. Also an excellent choice to offer all dogs a variety in their diet.

$10.00 per review

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A. McDonald

- 2024-06-28 07:37:52

So disappointed. I have used butch dog roll (Black) for many years. I'm now finding it to be consistently turning to mush. Full of water.


- 2023-02-14 16:03:20

I think this is an excellent product & have used it before for a dog now passed some years ago. Now have another doggy & bought this again yesterday. I was surprised to see how very 'watery' it is now, which is putting me off somewhat. Also, I'd like to know how users reseal the roll - I tried Gladwrap & foil to cover, but they just slip off. I'd love Butch to address these two issues please?

+ PROS: Good product Dogs like it Good value
- CONS: Can't reseal the top of roll Product is now very 'watery'
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Butch Dog Rolls White Label
Butch Dog Rolls White Label

$10.00 per review

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