$10.00 per review
Love this as a quick and easy way to jazz up a lunchtime salad. Great taste with less mess/fuss.
Nice light taste and very convenient to use in sushi
For someone who does Keto quite a lot I love this chicken with lite mayo flavour because it has minimal carbohydrates and tastes so good!
Great tasting product for an easy snack. Good to have in the cupboard for an easy lunch idea
The thought of chicken in a can seemed weird but was a total surprise. Loved the flavour, texture, and it spreads well. Will purchase again.
Good for sandwiches or rolls etc
Perfect for snacks or lunch on the go. Makes a great addition to a salad or wrap , sandwich etc.
our all time fav snacking go to! easy conviniet and so yummy!
Not a fan of canned meats
I'm not a fan of mixed canned products with mayo, it was the first time trying this, my husband tried it as I don't eat chicken. He enjoyed it and said it would be good to have in the cupboard for a change of sandwich filling.
Loved the chicken and mayo
Convenient protein lunch
It's a bit weird, chicken in a can. Taste was ok, would rather have fresh chicken. was handy to have on hand to chuck in a salad for lunch, but would probably stick with tuna
Did not enjoy,will stick to tuna
This was a popular choice with the family, enjoyed by all. Have already stocked in the pantry next to the tuna, as requested. Thanks
Loved this product, was probably my favourite sample
liked this even though it did not seem right to have chicken in a can. I normally have tinned tuna and found this a great alternative, handy for adding to a salad or cooked rice
Previously I've thought chicken in a can didn't sound very appetising but I eat a bit of tuna and have to admit that I'll get some of the Chop Chop chicken to add to the pantry.
Love the taste, convenience, easy to use. Great for sandwiches, wraps, salads or just straight from the can. Great product.
Chicken in a can, I just couldn't. Though hubby liked it, spread on a sandwich. He will eat anything.
Great added to a salad tasty and convenient!
Enjoyed this way more than the tuna I was eating up until now. Not getting annoyed looks in the lunchroom as the smell is way less offensive. Hope they bring out some of those other flavour options.
tastes really good
Love this sooooo much! Chop chop with some crackers is the best!!! Tasty & delcious :)
Great for a tasty and quick lunch
Nice and creamy and tasty for a chicken sandwich
Just need to get over myself. Tastes good, is convenient, and healthier than most other convenient snacks I have. Like everyone else, for some reason chicken from a can feels weirder than fish from a can?
Love this brand
Great product and idea but can not get my head around eating chicken that has been sitting on a shelf for months
put this in hubbys lunch and he liked it
Not a fan of canned meat. The texture was a bit grainy. Probably wouldn't use it any time.
Tasted better than expected, but not a fan of processed can food , except salmon. Visually unappealing.
Convenice is great but still not the best way to eat chicken compared to other ways. I would use this for Sushi or if I was stuck on the go but otherwise would prefer other forms
My 5 year old will eat this every day if she could. She loves this either on toast, in a sandwich, on crackers or just on its own
Does not really taste like chicken. The only use I could find for this is to go into a sandwich or a sushi roll. But would still consider supplementing with tuna.
I love this product! Great for making your own sushi!
Really disliked the texture, the flayis ok, just weird having chicken in liquid in a can
At around $2 a can it is good value for money. This flavour is perfect for sandwiches and is ready to go.
Ok but not good value for money and my partner actively dislikes the texture