Nestlé Milkybar Hot Chocolate

Nestlé Milkybar Hot Chocolate


Indulge yourself in the flavour of a confectionery classic with Milkybar hot chocolate powder, a delicious creamy white hot chocolate inspired by Milkybar. Prepared with the goodness of milk, this hot choc goes down a treat.

Each box of “creamy, white choc deliciousness” comes with 10 sachets. Find at your local New World.

$10.00 per review

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- 2021-03-02 23:40:27

Literally tastes like vanilla rice pudding which isn’t a unique or exciting taste, won’t buy again and annoyed it is made with milk only for how pricey they are, it’s cheeky


- 2021-03-01 07:49:16

I really like this! My two toddlers too as a weekend treat. I like the ease of microwaving 200ml milk for a minute then adding sachet and it’s ready. I don’t drink milk but this is good. Wouldn’t say it’s a lot like milky bar but it tastes so good! We love it!


- 2020-09-16 20:19:58

My son loves Milky bar but won’t touch this drink however his best friend is not a big milky bar fan and loves it.

Adelle Porteous

- 2020-08-05 11:16:08

Really nice white chocolate flavour, very much a milky bar hot chocolate. No sugar needed perfect sweetness on it's own.


- 2020-07-30 11:14:50

Absolutely no white chocolate taste at all. Was basically just adding some white sugar to milk with a little yellow food colouring. Tried it twice and threw the rest of the sachets away as I couldn't bring myself to drink anymore of it.

Norah Maclachlan

- 2020-07-28 08:21:22

Found this too sweet and was disappointed with the taste. I mixed it with avalanche chocolate, to make it easier to finish the box. Made the mistake of using water the first time and it tasted too watery. When I used milk it tasted sickly sweet. Won't be buying again.

Fleur Tomlinson

- 2020-07-20 12:27:55

Very sickly sweet. My kids even found them too sweet and they have very good sweet tooths. We are all lovers of Milky Bar Chocolate and thought we would like this was very disappointed didn't taste like milky bar at all.


- 2020-07-18 23:00:56

If i could give these a zero i would. I was very disappointed. It just tastes like sugar. Will not buy again and would not recommend. I would recommend Jarrah hot chocolates though.


- 2020-07-12 08:00:54

Unfortunately no one in the house enjoyed theses.


- 2020-07-08 21:45:45

I brought these from supermarket. I didn’t like them at all. Didn’t taste like milky bar more like milk powder. Wouldn’t buy again


- 2020-07-07 09:19:01

These are pretty good if you make them the right way (with warm milk not water.. otherwise they are just watery and tasteless


- 2020-07-02 09:08:12

These are delicious

Lana Simmonds

- 2020-06-22 14:37:55

I was pretty impressed with this. I am a massive white hot chocolate fan and love milky bar. The drink was nice and creamy and had good flavour. I would purchase again :)


- 2020-06-14 20:43:08

So I went to 3 supermarkets demanding! The milkybar hot choc. Found and purchased two boxes.. so disappointed. Big fan of the Jarrah white hot choc but haven't found it in a looooong time. Was ridiculously hopeful. This is nothing like. It was almost a fluro yellowy green colour. Not much taste. Won't be buying again ;0(


- 2020-06-13 01:00:34

Definately delicious you must make with milk


- 2020-06-12 12:23:58

Delicious!!!! Don’t make with water though, has to be made with hot milk

Clare Montgomerie

- 2020-06-11 22:50:18

Heaven in a cup


- 2020-06-10 14:04:47

It tastes weird and looks like chicken cup-a-soup! Not a fan 😬

Jodie Bainbridge

- 2020-06-10 07:11:41

Sadly not a winner from me, unfortunately nothing at all like Nestle Milky Bar.

Jody Barker

- 2020-06-09 22:57:00

Had great expectations for this....what a disappointment. It doesn't taste like milky bar and is not pleasant. Will not buy this again.


- 2020-06-09 19:16:49

They are different they are an off white colour and dont taste like white chocolate

Keriana McKee

- 2020-06-09 18:31:33

I love Milky Bar. I do not love Milky Bar Hot Chocolate. It was a bit like drinking a really weak Chai Latte. Not what I was expecting at all. Very disappointed.

Lyne baty

- 2020-06-09 16:20:02

Hmmmm not to my expectation quite tasteless

Heidi Rarua

- 2020-06-09 14:42:34

I had great expectations here, one of my sons LOVES nestle white chocolate in fact and white chocolate so when I got my hands on a box I was so excited. His reaction was Yuck! Really, next time I'll make it with just milk instead of hot water hut it's a bug fat no! Now am stuck with the packet minus one.😕

Kayla Laurence

- 2020-06-09 14:28:08

Yuck! Not that nice. Hubby is now Left drinking it so doesn't go to waste


- 2020-06-08 22:25:08

I love white chocolate and particularly Nestles brand, but when I tried this was quite disappointed, found it a little bland.

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Nestlé Milkybar Hot Chocolate
Nestlé Milkybar Hot Chocolate

$10.00 per review

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